Texas Lottery suspends sales of Monopoly Millionaires' Club game

Dec 11, 2014, 4:08 pm (58 comments)

Monopoly Millionaires' Club

Low sales to blame

The Texas Lottery announced today that it will suspend sales of the multi-state Monopoly Millionaires' Club game following the drawing on Friday, Dec. 12.

Texas is one of 23 states participating in the game that was launched on Oct. 19.

Sales for the game have not met the lottery industry's projections and have continued to decline nationally since its introduction.  After careful review, the Texas Lottery has decided to suspend sales of the game because of the prize liability risk created by the unexpected low sales of the game.

"This is a difficult business decision that is based on numerous discussions regarding the health and viability of this game, both here in Texas and nationally," said Gary Grief, executive director of the Texas Lottery.  "Unfortunately, players have not embraced the game as anticipated, and our options to change the game while it is being sold are limited in scope and challenging to implement. I believe it's critical for the Texas Lottery to take a step back, reduce our liability risk, participate in the ongoing national discussions regarding the game's future, and carefully monitor what the next steps are."

Monopoly Millionaires' Club players in Texas will be able to claim prizes for 180 days following the draw date.

Lottery Post Staff


TnTicketlosers's avatarTnTicketlosers

Cant say that I dont blame Texas...wished I lived in a state that you could win a buck.Not here ,EVER.

majestic1070's avatarmajestic1070

This is one of those games you have 3 chances to win. I think they should at least make $100,000 to $500,000

LottoMetro's avatarLottoMetro

As soon as the first draw sales came in I knew this game was in trouble. You all have heard me discuss how they originally projected sales 4-5 times higher than what they have been. And the market research that SGI/G-Tech pushed to the lotteries was highly suspect. Even if all the states were participating, the sales would still only be around half of what was projected.

The irony of this is that Gary was one of the leading trumpeters for this game. He basically pushed it through Texas no questions asked and he pushed other states to join also. Now he looks a little foolish. At all the conferences, everyone was boasting how this would be a game-changer, yada-yada, and they worked so hard and so long. But the problem is their short-sightedness underestimated players. They thought they could dress up a bad bet as "many chances" to win but we are smarter than that. They should've just kept it simple, not too ambitious, and not screwing the player over. I think desperation may have played a part in this as well.

Now that Texas has pulled out, MUSL is trying to figure out how to fix the game. When one big house leaves, the others soon follow.


Not surprised, this game is worthless. I think I have played it about 4 times so far and won nothing at all, in fact no one I know has won a single dime on it. You keep doing that at $5 a pop and eventually people will stop playing which seems to be the case here. You can dangle all sorts of million dollar prizes out there, but if you don't give people their money or some of their money back once in awhile, you are done.

GiveFive's avatarGiveFive

Quote: Originally posted by LottoMetro on Dec 11, 2014

As soon as the first draw sales came in I knew this game was in trouble. You all have heard me discuss how they originally projected sales 4-5 times higher than what they have been. And the market research that SGI/G-Tech pushed to the lotteries was highly suspect. Even if all the states were participating, the sales would still only be around half of what was projected.

The irony of this is that Gary was one of the leading trumpeters for this game. He basically pushed it through Texas no questions asked and he pushed other states to join also. Now he looks a little foolish. At all the conferences, everyone was boasting how this would be a game-changer, yada-yada, and they worked so hard and so long. But the problem is their short-sightedness underestimated players. They thought they could dress up a bad bet as "many chances" to win but we are smarter than that. They should've just kept it simple, not too ambitious, and not screwing the player over. I think desperation may have played a part in this as well.

Now that Texas has pulled out, MUSL is trying to figure out how to fix the game. When one big house leaves, the others soon follow.

I would think that the other states set to join in 2015 just slammed on the brakes!

I did my own very unscientific research by simply asking anyone I knew (who played the lottery) if they knew how the game worked.  Nobody had a clue about anything!  Nobody understood the fact that it's a raffle triggered by some one winning the jackpot. Absolutely nobody understood the concept that the potential number of Millionaires Club winners of a million dollars keeps increasing even though the jackpot had reached it's max of 25 million dollars.

Most comments I heard were negative.  People were less than thrilled about the cost, and nobody I asked wanted any part of being on a TV game show!

Why doesn't MUSL just come out with some kind of national raffle?  Don't they know about the success some states like Pennsylvania and Connecticut are having with their twice annual raffles for a million dollars?  THAT's what the players really like and want!  G5

LottoMetro's avatarLottoMetro

Quote: Originally posted by GiveFive on Dec 11, 2014

I would think that the other states set to join in 2015 just slammed on the brakes!

I did my own very unscientific research by simply asking anyone I knew (who played the lottery) if they knew how the game worked.  Nobody had a clue about anything!  Nobody understood the fact that it's a raffle triggered by some one winning the jackpot. Absolutely nobody understood the concept that the potential number of Millionaires Club winners of a million dollars keeps increasing even though the jackpot had reached it's max of 25 million dollars.

Most comments I heard were negative.  People were less than thrilled about the cost, and nobody I asked wanted any part of being on a TV game show!

Why doesn't MUSL just come out with some kind of national raffle?  Don't they know about the success some states like Pennsylvania and Connecticut are having with their twice annual raffles for a million dollars?  THAT's what the players really like and want!  G5

I would not be surprised if eventually they converted it to a plain raffle. That is the simplest and easiest concept to understand, and we don't have any national raffles. It probably wouldn't make some of the vendors happy, since they really benefit from the TV show and everything associated with that. I suppose it would be possible to still host the show and second-chance opportunities and simply make the game "one big drawing," say once a year. Like the McDonald's sweepstakes.

I think they just have way too much going on for a new game...in addition to the high cost dissuading players, you have people who do not understand the difference between the webcode and MMC number, or that the numbers are only useful if the jackpot gets hit (which would be rare if ever). Like you said, most players and even clerks have no clue how the game works. I was puzzled why they didn't start educating players in the months before launch, but instead started doing so with only a few weeks to the first drawing. It's almost like they just expected it to magically work without any preemptive effort.

Btw, now that one of the larger states has dropped out (8.5% of total sales), the prizes will increase even slower! This will probably strain the game more severely.

RJOh's avatarRJOh

I'm only surprised it happened so soon.


GiveFive's avatarGiveFive

Quote: Originally posted by LottoMetro on Dec 11, 2014

I would not be surprised if eventually they converted it to a plain raffle. That is the simplest and easiest concept to understand, and we don't have any national raffles. It probably wouldn't make some of the vendors happy, since they really benefit from the TV show and everything associated with that. I suppose it would be possible to still host the show and second-chance opportunities and simply make the game "one big drawing," say once a year. Like the McDonald's sweepstakes.

I think they just have way too much going on for a new game...in addition to the high cost dissuading players, you have people who do not understand the difference between the webcode and MMC number, or that the numbers are only useful if the jackpot gets hit (which would be rare if ever). Like you said, most players and even clerks have no clue how the game works. I was puzzled why they didn't start educating players in the months before launch, but instead started doing so with only a few weeks to the first drawing. It's almost like they just expected it to magically work without any preemptive effort.

Btw, now that one of the larger states has dropped out (8.5% of total sales), the prizes will increase even slower! This will probably strain the game more severely.

While I don't think the lottery playing public is stupid, many players just don't want to spend a lot of time and effort on understanding and playing any given game. 

IMHO, that's why QP's are the choice of the vast majority of players.  QP's are fast and easy. People buy whatever it is they want at the convenience store and tell the clerk "Gimme a quick pick for tonite's lotto" and they're out the door and on their way. 

This MMC game is way too complicated. 

People understand raffles.  When I tell players about Connecticut's SuperDraw (I live in The State of New York) they always say "I wonder why New York doesn't have that?"  I've had relatives who live in Florida call me and ask if I was going to drive over to Connecticut and get some SuperDraw tickets, and if I was, would I pick up a few tickets for them and mail them to them.

Why do people react like they do to raffles?  Because they understand the odds are low (in terms of lottery odds they're low) and they know somebody has to win the top prize.  They LIKE that! 

The top prize winner of the 2013 Summer SuperDraw raffle got stuck in a traffic jam on an interstate highway in Connecticut, so he pulled off into a rest area to gas up and stretch his legs. He had never even heard of SuperDraw because he did not live in Connecticut.  But he read that sign in the gas station advertising it.  He said he "loved the odds" so he bought a ticket.  You do know the rest of the story, don't you?  Best dam traffic jam he was ever in!

DoctorEw220's avatarDoctorEw220

I had a feeling this game wouldn't work out.  People are driven to pay because of huge jackpots. There have been statistics that prove that.  $1 million isn't what it used to be when jackpots are regularly $100 million or more.

ThatScaryChick's avatarThatScaryChick

We have a $5.00 game here (Bingo) and I don't like it. I don't have this game in my state at the moment, but I don't see myself playing it if we get in in 2015. With 5 bucks I can get 5 Hot Lotto Tickets or 10 Wild Card plays.

I might buy a Monopoly ticket out of curiosity like I did with the Bingo, but I am one of those people that does not care for lottery games with such a high price tag.


Every once in a while, when someone wins a 100 million plus jackpot for PB or MM, someone who most likely doesn't play the lotto, will comment how sickening it is for one person to win so much money and that they would rather have 100 people win 1 million each but what they don't understand is it's the huge jackpot that get most people to play the lottery in the first place.

Gleno's avatarGleno

Why am I not surprised?  The promoters of this game have really stretched their limit with the $5.00 wager. Could they have sold it for $2.00 at most and had a better response? Your guess is as good as mine.

 Bang Head

maringoman's avatarmaringoman

Quote: Originally posted by RJOh on Dec 11, 2014

I'm only surprised it happened so soon.


The game might end before I play my first ticket if the big states start pulling out. Many critics weren't too crazy about the cost of a ticket and the fact that it uses computerized drawings. MA Lottery never showed interest of joining this game. 

joshuacloak's avatarjoshuacloak

I have been holding back and not wanting to misjudge it and the players to much, now that this has happened,  screw it am giving the nitwit  players that wanted this game a piece of my mind (not you guys on here ofc) and my honest truth of what's wrong with this game DNA!


This game DNA was created for all short sighted people who only play once the jackpot is 200+ million or so, and  these players often say something like " why can't there be like 300 plus  one million dollar winners vs just 1 big winner? I want such a game! blah blah blah -nitwits

The people who came up with this game, the lotteries said it was MADE for these nitwit  players. They got all this large feedback, wanting national game that created hundreds of millionaires, the issue is same one effecting govt, the majority wanting it are nitwits.

Lottery god bless them for even trying, tried to give the majority of nitwits what they wanted, going if this is what they want, we give it to them!

What they failed to understand, is the  players who wanted this in large part ARE NOT the players who build a game up to 300+ million in prizes!

The dependable players who raise sales and play often are ones looking for large jackpot's!  Not capped small jackpots with better amount of lower prices. 

Sadly only must hardcore was left to support this game!    you have to really like spending money on lottery for hell of it and love monopoly to want to buy into this game and keep playing ever draw at these low prizes at this price.

I felt bad seeing low sales numbers, knowing nitwits are not playing, only must hardcore happy spenders  who always play no matter what people jumping in at limited number at that.   sense all the "I want 300+  different one million dollars winners" nitwits are not playing this game not going anywhere.

They don't play often if at all,  so fact they hand created  a lottery game for these people  is mind blowing to me. 

They are worthless players to depend on. and low sales and now pullout of one large state conform my thinking this is failed game and we deserve better.

$5,530,940 was sales for first ever draw for this new game, and was in fact also it's highest sales ever draw.

then next 2 draws was 4 million range, then last 4 draws was in 3 million range!

Soon it be next draws only 2 million range at this rate............ the game is dead.

People play to win a large amount of money.  If they see jackpot gone up, they keep playing, and more and more players jump on and current players slowly buy more ever draw. sooner or later where a giant snowball that worth 200+ million in jackpot prize pool.

Lottery needs to give us a national 5 dollar jackpot game where largest amount of money goes  for 1 big prize, it needs to GO TO JACKPOT. not 2nd place prize pool.

Now don't get me wrong in great world I love the idea of a raffle game, but I want a pure raffle game and this it is not it by a long shot.

I just hope this failed game makes it clear, capped games, share the wealth with hundreds of winners don't make a good selling game compared to high sales of a large jackpot game.

The whole reason i play is for fun of "what if", and 1 million dollars is not dream entertainment.

I want the entertainment of thinking " what if" about 100+ million  etc. And form what I read on here, lots of pb/mm players are the same.

Small capped jackpot's are not entertainment.. It's sad they depend on a game show to create entertainment for the players. The game jackpot should be the entertainment. 

I hope all states give up on this game as it is, and i hope one day we can get a national game with insane odds that can grow to 1 billion dollars or more.

Everyone will say it's crazy and ask why we need a billion dollar jackpot, why can't we have more winners , and for 1 billion jackpot, why can't we just create 1000 millionaires vs this insane jackpot "no one needs that much money"  blah blah blah.

It's not about "needs" nitwits players, it's about entertainment and guest what, high jackpot's are the entertainment.  and the sales of a billion dollar jackpot will support it self if made. unlike this failed game given to very people who Don't want a billion dollar jackpot.

Give players entertainment, give them billion dollar jackpot game!


 Im not surprised watch the ominoes begin to fall. I posted at the beginnig its too expensive, too complicated, and I thought it would f fail. Still think so... they need a game with not just one or

 Two big prizes but more chances  To win l ike 500g, 250, 100g,50g ect ect. Smaller prizes and more of them. Oh well

Just my thoughts. Thats dominoes by the way.


Just wow!  Sharing the same sentiments as others here, I figured the Monopoly Millionaire Club game, in its current incarnation, was doomed ... but never expected a large state, such as Texas, to pull out so soon. Very surprising...

However, to digress a bit, Texas is likely extra gun-shy after the near disaster they had with All or Nothing about a year or so ago when a default number combination on the playslips nearly came up - if it had, the prize liability could have been upwards of $100,000,000! Texas suspended the game within days of the near miss. Later restarted sales with new playslips without default number selection options (ie. all even, all odd, etc) along with capped total payout liability.

There's a lack of transparency of the Monopoly Millionaire Club game. To date, the details of the Vegas game show still haven't publicly released. Makes one wonder what else hasn't been thought through; what is MUSL hiding... Many distrust the use of a computerized randomizer; game feels rigged, and a ripoff.

The raffle part could be great, but the "top prize" part needs to go. Every drawing should have raffle winners. Sure, it may only be a few millionaire winners per draw, but that's far better than the current game, which most often has none.

And the Vegas tv game show needs to go away, pronto! It adds little value, and turns some off - many players don't want to travel, especially when there's no guarantee of winning much, if anything, extra beyond the trip and $500 spending money, which is very little; trip is "cheap" and not overly enticing at all.

Also, another aspect to consider is the large jackpot games, Mega Millions and Powerball, already generate numerous millionaires. Many dozens every year. Savvy lottery players, while loving to win the jackpot, understand that 2nd place prize for those games is very good too, and far more likely to occur; 34 times more likely in Powerball, and 14 times more likely in Mega Millions. When running the numbers, Powerball may be the better value than MMC for players also focused on winning a million with adjusted odds ($5 = 2.5 plays of PB) of roughly 1 in 2,000,000 verses 1 in 4,000,000, or even far worse, for MMC.

Wondering when the next shoe will drop. It wouldn't surprise me if the Vegas tv game show was canceled / abbreviated with the participants being given cash in lieu of travel, or the game show simplified and shortened just to get it done with. It's not that Vegas tv show costs much, but rather many lotteries / MUSL, along with Hasbro, may not want that publicity of a failed MMC game; preferring to quietly kill it and move on.

LottoMetro's avatarLottoMetro

Quote: Originally posted by joshuacloak on Dec 11, 2014

I have been holding back and not wanting to misjudge it and the players to much, now that this has happened,  screw it am giving the nitwit  players that wanted this game a piece of my mind (not you guys on here ofc) and my honest truth of what's wrong with this game DNA!


This game DNA was created for all short sighted people who only play once the jackpot is 200+ million or so, and  these players often say something like " why can't there be like 300 plus  one million dollar winners vs just 1 big winner? I want such a game! blah blah blah -nitwits

The people who came up with this game, the lotteries said it was MADE for these nitwit  players. They got all this large feedback, wanting national game that created hundreds of millionaires, the issue is same one effecting govt, the majority wanting it are nitwits.

Lottery god bless them for even trying, tried to give the majority of nitwits what they wanted, going if this is what they want, we give it to them!

What they failed to understand, is the  players who wanted this in large part ARE NOT the players who build a game up to 300+ million in prizes!

The dependable players who raise sales and play often are ones looking for large jackpot's!  Not capped small jackpots with better amount of lower prices. 

Sadly only must hardcore was left to support this game!    you have to really like spending money on lottery for hell of it and love monopoly to want to buy into this game and keep playing ever draw at these low prizes at this price.

I felt bad seeing low sales numbers, knowing nitwits are not playing, only must hardcore happy spenders  who always play no matter what people jumping in at limited number at that.   sense all the "I want 300+  different one million dollars winners" nitwits are not playing this game not going anywhere.

They don't play often if at all,  so fact they hand created  a lottery game for these people  is mind blowing to me. 

They are worthless players to depend on. and low sales and now pullout of one large state conform my thinking this is failed game and we deserve better.

$5,530,940 was sales for first ever draw for this new game, and was in fact also it's highest sales ever draw.

then next 2 draws was 4 million range, then last 4 draws was in 3 million range!

Soon it be next draws only 2 million range at this rate............ the game is dead.

People play to win a large amount of money.  If they see jackpot gone up, they keep playing, and more and more players jump on and current players slowly buy more ever draw. sooner or later where a giant snowball that worth 200+ million in jackpot prize pool.

Lottery needs to give us a national 5 dollar jackpot game where largest amount of money goes  for 1 big prize, it needs to GO TO JACKPOT. not 2nd place prize pool.

Now don't get me wrong in great world I love the idea of a raffle game, but I want a pure raffle game and this it is not it by a long shot.

I just hope this failed game makes it clear, capped games, share the wealth with hundreds of winners don't make a good selling game compared to high sales of a large jackpot game.

The whole reason i play is for fun of "what if", and 1 million dollars is not dream entertainment.

I want the entertainment of thinking " what if" about 100+ million  etc. And form what I read on here, lots of pb/mm players are the same.

Small capped jackpot's are not entertainment.. It's sad they depend on a game show to create entertainment for the players. The game jackpot should be the entertainment. 

I hope all states give up on this game as it is, and i hope one day we can get a national game with insane odds that can grow to 1 billion dollars or more.

Everyone will say it's crazy and ask why we need a billion dollar jackpot, why can't we have more winners , and for 1 billion jackpot, why can't we just create 1000 millionaires vs this insane jackpot "no one needs that much money"  blah blah blah.

It's not about "needs" nitwits players, it's about entertainment and guest what, high jackpot's are the entertainment.  and the sales of a billion dollar jackpot will support it self if made. unlike this failed game given to very people who Don't want a billion dollar jackpot.

Give players entertainment, give them billion dollar jackpot game!

I just hope this failed game makes it clear, capped games, share the wealth with hundreds of winners don't make a good selling game compared to high sales of a large jackpot game.

I was disappointed when they dropped the cap on MMC from $50 million, because they were scared it would affect PB/MM.

Needless to say, capped games are here to stay. They are already talking about "jackpot management" to intentionally prevent a billion dollar jackpot. As I've said in the past, the higher jackpots lead to higher jackpot fatigue which leads to lower lottery sales as more and more people sit out for bigger jackpots. They will not introduce a billion dollar $5 draw game anytime soon. You can pretty much guarantee that. I predict that the first time MM/PB gets close to a billion they are going to squash it like a bug. They might let it hit once but after that they know they are in trouble. What's after a billion? $2 billion?

But you're spot-on about players not really wanting what they say they want, or those that are most vocal about what they want make up the minority.


For 5 bucks a ticket what do they think was going to happen?


Quote: Originally posted by earthdragon72 on Dec 11, 2014

For 5 bucks a ticket what do they think was going to happen?

Lottery players are spending $5, $10, $20, $30 and $50 on Instant Scratch Off Games?


Personally I like the game....and THRIFTY you are correct, people are spending 5, 10, 20 , 30 and 50 on scratch offs.  I believe it takes some time to get things going.... we are hearing from all the die hards that dont like it...who knows why....its no big deal ...if you dont have the 5 bucks dont play it,  its simple as that.


Quote: Originally posted by joshuacloak on Dec 11, 2014

I have been holding back and not wanting to misjudge it and the players to much, now that this has happened,  screw it am giving the nitwit  players that wanted this game a piece of my mind (not you guys on here ofc) and my honest truth of what's wrong with this game DNA!


This game DNA was created for all short sighted people who only play once the jackpot is 200+ million or so, and  these players often say something like " why can't there be like 300 plus  one million dollar winners vs just 1 big winner? I want such a game! blah blah blah -nitwits

The people who came up with this game, the lotteries said it was MADE for these nitwit  players. They got all this large feedback, wanting national game that created hundreds of millionaires, the issue is same one effecting govt, the majority wanting it are nitwits.

Lottery god bless them for even trying, tried to give the majority of nitwits what they wanted, going if this is what they want, we give it to them!

What they failed to understand, is the  players who wanted this in large part ARE NOT the players who build a game up to 300+ million in prizes!

The dependable players who raise sales and play often are ones looking for large jackpot's!  Not capped small jackpots with better amount of lower prices. 

Sadly only must hardcore was left to support this game!    you have to really like spending money on lottery for hell of it and love monopoly to want to buy into this game and keep playing ever draw at these low prizes at this price.

I felt bad seeing low sales numbers, knowing nitwits are not playing, only must hardcore happy spenders  who always play no matter what people jumping in at limited number at that.   sense all the "I want 300+  different one million dollars winners" nitwits are not playing this game not going anywhere.

They don't play often if at all,  so fact they hand created  a lottery game for these people  is mind blowing to me. 

They are worthless players to depend on. and low sales and now pullout of one large state conform my thinking this is failed game and we deserve better.

$5,530,940 was sales for first ever draw for this new game, and was in fact also it's highest sales ever draw.

then next 2 draws was 4 million range, then last 4 draws was in 3 million range!

Soon it be next draws only 2 million range at this rate............ the game is dead.

People play to win a large amount of money.  If they see jackpot gone up, they keep playing, and more and more players jump on and current players slowly buy more ever draw. sooner or later where a giant snowball that worth 200+ million in jackpot prize pool.

Lottery needs to give us a national 5 dollar jackpot game where largest amount of money goes  for 1 big prize, it needs to GO TO JACKPOT. not 2nd place prize pool.

Now don't get me wrong in great world I love the idea of a raffle game, but I want a pure raffle game and this it is not it by a long shot.

I just hope this failed game makes it clear, capped games, share the wealth with hundreds of winners don't make a good selling game compared to high sales of a large jackpot game.

The whole reason i play is for fun of "what if", and 1 million dollars is not dream entertainment.

I want the entertainment of thinking " what if" about 100+ million  etc. And form what I read on here, lots of pb/mm players are the same.

Small capped jackpot's are not entertainment.. It's sad they depend on a game show to create entertainment for the players. The game jackpot should be the entertainment. 

I hope all states give up on this game as it is, and i hope one day we can get a national game with insane odds that can grow to 1 billion dollars or more.

Everyone will say it's crazy and ask why we need a billion dollar jackpot, why can't we have more winners , and for 1 billion jackpot, why can't we just create 1000 millionaires vs this insane jackpot "no one needs that much money"  blah blah blah.

It's not about "needs" nitwits players, it's about entertainment and guest what, high jackpot's are the entertainment.  and the sales of a billion dollar jackpot will support it self if made. unlike this failed game given to very people who Don't want a billion dollar jackpot.

Give players entertainment, give them billion dollar jackpot game!



The concept behind this game was not bad.  I am personally attracted to a game that offers greater odds at a $1M prize vs astronomical odds at a $100M+ PB or MM prize (that you'll never ever win).

This game tries to be too much.  If it is modified it may be able to make a comeback.

  1. They need to ditch the Las Vegas show and use those funds to pay more million dollar prizes.
  2. Start and cap the top prize at $5M (fixed payout, no annuity) and make it much easier to win (1 in 30M vs 1 in 72M).
  3. Use the money saved from the show and lower top prize to begin the starting number of millionaires at 16 or 18.
  4. If nobody hits the top prize, the rollovers should increase the number of millionaires by 4-6 per draw (no funds need to be saved to pay a greater top prize).
  5. When the game rolls over 3-4 times, you will have the possibility of 30+ millionaires in a draw and that should drive ticket sales.

This game will never compete with the people who like the high jackpots in PB and MM.  The people who will be drawn to this game will enjoy the better odds at $1M and be willing to forgo the highly unrealistic odds of winning the PB or MM.

As a plus, they really should increase the 5 out of 5 prize to at least $250,000 and make the drawings done like PB and MM and ditch the computer.

I like the concept behind having better odds at winning $1M, I just think this game should be simplified and marketed better.  Keep it more like a raffle.

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

let texas leave! leaves more for us who will graciously take 1 million or a chance at a game show spot! they pulled the trigger too soon , i can only hope that come friday i win and with it have 18 other millionaires smiling!! as a previous poster said , play at will or don't. its a known fact that any startup business does so in the red.... it takes time to turn it around.

savagegoose's avatarsavagegoose

i think they  designed it to fail with the $5 fee,  $2 would have  flown with ththe punters, and they could possibly pushed it to $3. i think a $2 game would prob have brought more actual sales as well


Quote: Originally posted by GiveFive on Dec 11, 2014

While I don't think the lottery playing public is stupid, many players just don't want to spend a lot of time and effort on understanding and playing any given game. 

IMHO, that's why QP's are the choice of the vast majority of players.  QP's are fast and easy. People buy whatever it is they want at the convenience store and tell the clerk "Gimme a quick pick for tonite's lotto" and they're out the door and on their way. 

This MMC game is way too complicated. 

People understand raffles.  When I tell players about Connecticut's SuperDraw (I live in The State of New York) they always say "I wonder why New York doesn't have that?"  I've had relatives who live in Florida call me and ask if I was going to drive over to Connecticut and get some SuperDraw tickets, and if I was, would I pick up a few tickets for them and mail them to them.

Why do people react like they do to raffles?  Because they understand the odds are low (in terms of lottery odds they're low) and they know somebody has to win the top prize.  They LIKE that! 

The top prize winner of the 2013 Summer SuperDraw raffle got stuck in a traffic jam on an interstate highway in Connecticut, so he pulled off into a rest area to gas up and stretch his legs. He had never even heard of SuperDraw because he did not live in Connecticut.  But he read that sign in the gas station advertising it.  He said he "loved the odds" so he bought a ticket.  You do know the rest of the story, don't you?  Best dam traffic jam he was ever in!

Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. If you have seen any of my past replies I have been saying a raffle is the way to go.

Like you have said it gives you a top winner EVERY TIME as well as the lower tiered prizes. "People" on this forum

have said something to the effect that  the people who put this Monopoly games together have worked 4-5 years studying it and 

know what they are doing....


I said the game will be lucky to make a year. I think that is an understatement.

When most states own pick 6 lotto's are lagging I couldn't see how this concept of 

a game that many had no idea how to play could succeed. It's not a total failure yet but it soon will be.

A lot of people, from my perspective, always say "I don't need to win the 400 million dollar 

jackpot. I'd be happy with a million"...I feel today's lottery player isn't necessarily looking 

for life changing wins. I feel/hear people want enough to make their current life comfortable.

It's ok to have smaller jackpots. As long as the game is "easier" (better odds) to win and 

to actually see people winning.

Taurus$'s avatarTaurus$

Quote: Originally posted by gatorsrok on Dec 11, 2014

The concept behind this game was not bad.  I am personally attracted to a game that offers greater odds at a $1M prize vs astronomical odds at a $100M+ PB or MM prize (that you'll never ever win).

This game tries to be too much.  If it is modified it may be able to make a comeback.

  1. They need to ditch the Las Vegas show and use those funds to pay more million dollar prizes.
  2. Start and cap the top prize at $5M (fixed payout, no annuity) and make it much easier to win (1 in 30M vs 1 in 72M).
  3. Use the money saved from the show and lower top prize to begin the starting number of millionaires at 16 or 18.
  4. If nobody hits the top prize, the rollovers should increase the number of millionaires by 4-6 per draw (no funds need to be saved to pay a greater top prize).
  5. When the game rolls over 3-4 times, you will have the possibility of 30+ millionaires in a draw and that should drive ticket sales.

This game will never compete with the people who like the high jackpots in PB and MM.  The people who will be drawn to this game will enjoy the better odds at $1M and be willing to forgo the highly unrealistic odds of winning the PB or MM.

As a plus, they really should increase the 5 out of 5 prize to at least $250,000 and make the drawings done like PB and MM and ditch the computer.

I like the concept behind having better odds at winning $1M, I just think this game should be simplified and marketed better.  Keep it more like a raffle.

Gatorsrok, i have to agree with you that the concept behind this game was not really all that bad and i liked playing it too. Wasn't too hard for me to grasp, but not a lot of people out here have that kind of patience for a game like this. Some tweaking here and ditching there and the game could be a lot more successful. I actually thought maybe this game might give me a shot at something big. Better than the ridiculous MM/PB, which is kinda like robbery.  Sure people play for that 2nd tier prize but not many really hit that prize. Even that is hard to reach. So i hope in the near future if this game does fall they will learn from this and come out with something better.

SammyJoe10's avatarSammyJoe10

Quote: Originally posted by gatorsrok on Dec 11, 2014

The concept behind this game was not bad.  I am personally attracted to a game that offers greater odds at a $1M prize vs astronomical odds at a $100M+ PB or MM prize (that you'll never ever win).

This game tries to be too much.  If it is modified it may be able to make a comeback.

  1. They need to ditch the Las Vegas show and use those funds to pay more million dollar prizes.
  2. Start and cap the top prize at $5M (fixed payout, no annuity) and make it much easier to win (1 in 30M vs 1 in 72M).
  3. Use the money saved from the show and lower top prize to begin the starting number of millionaires at 16 or 18.
  4. If nobody hits the top prize, the rollovers should increase the number of millionaires by 4-6 per draw (no funds need to be saved to pay a greater top prize).
  5. When the game rolls over 3-4 times, you will have the possibility of 30+ millionaires in a draw and that should drive ticket sales.

This game will never compete with the people who like the high jackpots in PB and MM.  The people who will be drawn to this game will enjoy the better odds at $1M and be willing to forgo the highly unrealistic odds of winning the PB or MM.

As a plus, they really should increase the 5 out of 5 prize to at least $250,000 and make the drawings done like PB and MM and ditch the computer.

I like the concept behind having better odds at winning $1M, I just think this game should be simplified and marketed better.  Keep it more like a raffle.

I agree........

Taurus$'s avatarTaurus$

Like a few of you posters on here i understood from some insight by lottometro and others that MMC is basically operating in the red and to see it in trouble with Texas bowing out already is a suprise. Just didn't expect it to happen this soon.

Taurus$'s avatarTaurus$

Quote: Originally posted by chris-chase on Dec 11, 2014

Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. If you have seen any of my past replies I have been saying a raffle is the way to go.

Like you have said it gives you a top winner EVERY TIME as well as the lower tiered prizes. "People" on this forum

have said something to the effect that  the people who put this Monopoly games together have worked 4-5 years studying it and 

know what they are doing....


I said the game will be lucky to make a year. I think that is an understatement.

When most states own pick 6 lotto's are lagging I couldn't see how this concept of 

a game that many had no idea how to play could succeed. It's not a total failure yet but it soon will be.

A lot of people, from my perspective, always say "I don't need to win the 400 million dollar 

jackpot. I'd be happy with a million"...I feel today's lottery player isn't necessarily looking 

for life changing wins. I feel/hear people want enough to make their current life comfortable.

It's ok to have smaller jackpots. As long as the game is "easier" (better odds) to win and 

to actually see people winning.

I Agree!

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