Lottery Post moves to total encryption

Jun 26, 2015, 9:42 am (39 comments)

Lottery Post Site News

All 2 million+ pages of website now secured by SSL encryption

By Todd Northrop

As of June 26, 2015, Lottery Post is serving all of its pages over SSL encryption.

Previously, security-critical portions of the website, such as the Log In page and the password change page, were protected by SSL encryption, but the remainder of the site was transmitted over normal, non-encrypted HTTP communications.

To make the transition to all-SSL connections, the website is currently redirecting all non-SSL connections to the SSL-protected version of the site.  The result is a lot more privacy for users.

SSL connections are the encrypted communications abilities built into web browsers like Internet Explorer and Google Chrome that allow activities like banking transactions to remain secure.  A web user knows their connection is secured by examining the URL (web address) of the website and seeing it begin with "https://".

SSL works in three steps: First, it validates the identity of a website; then, it creates an encrypted connection; finally, it makes sure that the data was sent without an issue.

Lottery Post goes one step further to demonstrate security to its visitors and members by employing an "Extended Validation" (EV) security certificate, which appears as a green color in the web address display of the web browser.  An illustration of the appearance of the EV certificate in Google Chrome can be found below.

An EV certificate clearly shows to web visitors that they are visiting the actual page they are trying to reach, and it has not been "hijacked" by a hacker or malware.  Lottery Post's EV certificate shows the company name "Speednet Group LLC" — the company that owns and operates the website.

Lottery Post also employs the use of HTTP Strict Transport Security, which is supported in modern web browsers.  This technique sends a signal to the web browser, indicating that the website is completely encrypted, and that all future communications with the website should be always directed through an encrypted (SSL) channel.  It is a method to prevent hackers from employing a so-called "man-in-the-middle" attack to steal sensitive information passed between the web browser and the Lottery Post website.

Moving Lottery Post to complete encryption was far more difficult than most websites, not only because of the sheer volume of web pages (more than 2 million), but also because of the nature of the content posted by users on the forums and blogs.

Lottery Post members are free to post images on the forums and blogs, and most of those images are hosted on non-secure image hosting services, such as imgur, Photobucket, and other such services.  If a secure web page included non-secure images, the web browser would issue warnings to the user and perhaps refuse to display the page at all.

The developer of Lottery Post invented a technique to continue to allow users to publish whatever non-secure images they wish, but when the forum page displays the image, it is automatically re-hosted at a secure Lottery Post service, and transmitted over the same encrypted communications that the rest of the page is transmitted.

In doing so, Lottery Post has dedicated a tremendous allocation of effort and data storage to ensure 100% security to its members and visitors.

When users connect to any website over SSL a network snoop can see that the person is communicating with the website, but the content of their communication with the site is entirely private.  That means that even though network operators can see that users are connecting to Lottery Post, they can't see what username they're logged in under or which posts they're submitting to the site.

Major websites have switched over to default encryption in recent weeks, including Wikipedia, Reddit, and all federal websites, driven largely by security concerns.  SSL also prevents attackers from injecting malware into an otherwise legitimate data stream, an increasing concern in the wake of the Snowden leaks.

Why this matters: Knowing how expansive online government surveillance is, HTTPS is a critical tool for retaining privacy. It can't stop your ISP from knowing which sites you visit, but it can stop anyone from passively reading your traffic.  Privacy isn't the only reason to add HTTPS, however, as HTTPS can help defend against malicious attacks such as session hijacking.

News story photo(Click to display full-size in gallery)

Lottery Post Staff


MzDuffleBaglady's avatarMzDuffleBaglady

I have AVG secure search, and it has the same security.Party



Thank you!

ThatScaryChick's avatarThatScaryChick

Thank you, Todd for all the hard work you do to provide us with a safe and informative site! Smile

CutlassBob's avatarCutlassBob

Excellent update. Thanks to the LP admin...

lothob's avatarlothob

Thanks for remembering our need for privacy Todd and kudos for continuing to innovate this great site!

uprrman's avataruprrman

Quote: Originally posted by lothob on Jun 26, 2015

Thanks for remembering our need for privacy Todd and kudos for continuing to innovate this great site!

I Agree! thanks todd

Technut's avatarTechnut

Thanx Todd

JADELottery's avatarJADELottery


Now we don't have to keep typing the https on certain network connections.

plumsage's avatarplumsage

Good work Todd to you and your staff!


Thank you so much Todd for this.

mjwinsmith's avatarmjwinsmith

Thanks Todd.

mysteque's avatarmysteque

Thank you Todd!!

Original Bey's avatarOriginal Bey

Todd it truly speaks to your character and passion for what you do that without suggestion or complaint you continually seek out ways to make the best lottery site globally even better! Hopefully Lady Luck will honor you with a lifetime achievement award (aka Big Win) very soon. Kudos! Cheers

Todd's avatarTodd

Thanks for the nice comments!  It is indeed a big step for LP, but also it was a real challenge (see the news story).

With over 2 million pages converted, there may well be a few straggling "rough spots" where something doesn't work perfectly.  If you notice something like that — where something was working before and now suddenly there is an error or doesn't work properly — please send me a quick note to let me know.  Thanks!


Wow Todd- last week you gave us Lotteryplaces, this week you give us this.l think it was Sir Isaac Newton who said " if l have seen further,  it's because I stood on the Shoulders of Giants"..Thanks for all you do, l salute you.

Be well.

maximumfun's avatarmaximumfun

Thanks Todd.  Looks like its about time for me to pony up and support this site.  :)

music*'s avatarmusic*

Smile Thank You Todd, staff, and all Lottery Post members who have helped create a wonderful website. God bless !!

Toney725's avatarToney725

You Da MAN!  Fantastic work!  Thumbs Up

itpmguru's avataritpmguru

Quote: Originally posted by Toney725 on Jun 26, 2015

You Da MAN!  Fantastic work!  Thumbs Up

Agreed!  As an IT guy, I understand the importance of this for our and LP's security going forward.  Memberships (at any level) are WELL WORTH the money when they invest in "transparent (to the use) upgrades like this!

Thanks for all you and the LP crew do Todd!  Thumbs Up


Thanks Todd for everything.

mikeintexas's avatarmikeintexas

"Why this matters: Knowing how expansive online government surveillance is...."

But...but...but...we can trust the govt., right?  I mean...they're supposed to have our best interests at heart, right?   Why would they spy on us?  You don't have anything to fear if you're not a criminal or terrorist, right?

Sorry, I can't continue... I've reached my sarcasm quota for today. (and for ellipses, too.)

Great job and thank you for really having our best interests at heart.

Gleno's avatarGleno

Mr. Northrop,


Awesome work. Hats off to you.

Hiding Behind Computer

Cieli Diverde

PatriotThank you Todd for looking out for all of us. Thumbs Up Much appreciated!

ekimber3's avatarekimber3

Thanks toddBig Smile

dr65's avatardr65

Why wasn't it done sooner?

The government reference sounds like someone is thinking of Big Brother. I don't think they

care actually about Lottery Post or its members.

There have been security issues in the past with mention of a security certificate could not

be verified. Is this part of what you fixed? Just asking cause I really don't know what category

that falls into but to see the word security makes you wonder when you're visiting a site about

the safety of being there.

I never worried about posting - I have log-in info and post under a username. It didn"t bother

me to sign in but now you're saying before the fix, it should have?

The only thing I second thought was paying through the site but was always reassured with

secure system wording.

I don't need defensive sarcasm. It's just general concerns I thought about after reading the article.

Everyone is thanking you and thank you from me too. It just might be I don't understand what there

is to be thankful about. A site is a lot of work I'm sure but users usually take for granted it's secure and

It"s as given that we should be protected whenever we visit. A site with lots of visitors and users must 

stay on its toes.

Artist77's avatarArtist77

Great Job Todd! I did not want scammers to intercept my multiple LP identities and find out I am secretly Ridge.

Faithworks's avatarFaithworks

Thank you! For the hard work you and your staff do to ensure our safe enjoyment of this site, you will always have my full support!

diggindeeep's avatardiggindeeep

Thanks to you all...for all you do, this Bud's for you!

emilyg's avataremilyg

Thank you.

lejardin's avatarlejardin

Quote: Originally posted by Artist77 on Jun 26, 2015

Great Job Todd! I did not want scammers to intercept my multiple LP identities and find out I am secretly Ridge.

Hahahahahahaha, that's funny.  Altho I sometimes wish it was true, as I miss Rdgrnr.  Sure wish we knew how he is.

Let me add my thank you to Todd as well.  Can never have too much security these days.

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