CHICOPEE, Mass. — Police are again warning people about multiple fake social media accounts created by scammers pretending to be the city's Powerball winner.
"Don't fall for this scam. Don't give personal information," Michael Wilk, Chicopee Police public information officer, posted on the department's social media accounts.
In a brief search Wilk said he found more than 30 fake Instagram accounts as well as a handful of Twitter accounts and Facebook accounts. Nearly all of the accounts are using some version of the name of city resident Mavis Wanczyk, who won the record $758 million Powerball pot last week and took home $336.3 million after taxes.
The fake accounts are being used by scammers trying to take advantage of people and get their personal information. None are tied to Wanczyk, Wilk said.
"We are well aware of many fake accounts being created on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram stating they are Mavis Wanczyk and that following and answering private messages will result in you getting money," Wilk posted on the Police Department Facebook page.
"Please, do not fall for a scam. Don't fall for the 'like and share and I'll give you cash' post. (These) are bait accounts. You will be lured in, and then when told you have 'won' you will have to give up your personal info., bank info., etc., and you will end up losing money, not gaining," Wilk said in an additional post.
Some of the fake Instagram accounts have names such as maviswanczyk7m, official.maviswanczyk and one is maviswanczyk.758mil with a comment underneath saying "Giving Away Money."
Some of the accounts are targeting college students by pledging help with books and tuition, Wilk said.
There are other scams tied to the lottery winner as well. On Tuesday Wilk said someone contacted him with a sob story that was clearly fake and asked him to contact Wanczyk requesting money for them. Wilk said he refused and hung up.
I never even answer my phone if I don't know who is on the caller ID...but of course they can change the number to any number they want to now so you have to be careful even then but if I do answer & don't know them before they can say the "cheerful" hello I hang up!
On one of my email accounts I am getting spammers using my own email address to send me messages. I wouldn't block it for a little while but then I blocked it to see if it would keep me from receiving mail & it didn't so that helps a little to block all of the spammers....I have another account now and so far none have gotten to me on that one.
stuff like this never ceases to amaze me
as for spammers in one's email
I can say its been a a good while,
since I had gotten an email from a some lady with cancer,some bank executive and etc etc
I still get drug related scams though
I think they'll arrest this jackpot winner who was a scam person!
What a shocker!!! Really. I guess people believe everything they hear and see. If people actually do send money just like that ALS challenge thing then they're dumber than they think they are.
I am so glad I am NOT on facebook anymore. These scammers have nothing better to do. Posting on different pages unreal.
That didn't take long.
Just another reason for anonymity.
Huh!!! What do you mean arrest? Although I know where you're going with this. There are different things about this lottery winner and the way she came out about it.
The sole winner took home only $336 million out of a $750 million jackpot?
Come on. . . .
Could this have been improved if she'd contacted financial advisors/lawyers???
I use Gmail exclusively, where I have dozens accounts created over the span of about 20 years. Unfortunately, my main email account does get considerable spam, but creating filters has helped. On another gmail account, I get none, I mean 0 (zero) spammails. I think this has to do with having given out my main account to even some "friends".
Sometimes, that can't be helped.
I rely on Gmail's filter component, which I can customize in any number of ways.
Because even some "friends" really don't care, even if you've known them 30 years.
It's sad.
Probably. And, she still owes around $70,000,000 in Federal taxes if she doesn't get some financial advice now, or at least before the end of the year.
been using my original hotmail acct for a goood bit b4 google was born
I've learned one can't have enough filters or be carefull enough
specially these days
The $758 million jackpot was based on an annuity, but the winner took the cash value. By law State and Federal taxes are deducted from the cash value and there is nothing an army of financial advisers/lawyers can do to prevent that.
Thank you for being the voice of reason and validity!
On another note a famous sweepstakes was set
To announce its winner today..Wasn't me :(
No PCH this time...
There is little difference between these crooks & the Jamaican scammers. The Jamaicans tell you, you won, and now need to send them money first, in order for them to " release" your winnings.
These characters are asking you for your SS # etc, in order for them to break into your saving & bank accounts.
Too much info. Dozens of accts. Nobody needs to know.