Oklahoma couple surprises clerk with portion of lottery winnings

Mar 29, 2019, 8:45 am (46 comments)

Oklahoma Lottery

Includes video report

OKLAHOMA CITY — What would you do if you hit it big with the lottery?

Many people often dream about paying off debt, going on vacation or helping others if they suddenly struck it rich.

Now, an Oklahoma couple is putting their money where their mouths are.

Officials with the Oklahoma Lottery say that a couple recently won a $50,000 Powerball drawing when they purchased a misprinted ticket that someone else didn't want.

Earlier this week, the couple surprised the clerk that sold them the ticket with a portion of their winnings.

VIDEO: Watch the moment

Lottery Post Staff


reddog's avatarreddog

That was real nice of the couple. MY wife and I always try to tip the clerks who sell us winning scratch offs or whatever as long as the store's policy allows it.


Really enjoy feel good stories like these.  So nice of them to give some of the money to the clerk.

Funny thing person who refused the ticket will never know, hidden Karma there. (Maybe individual was hateful?), we'll never know.

music*'s avatarmusic*

This lucky and blessed couple only won $50K. This is an example of generosity that I may follow. They did not have to win millions to be generous. Thank You!😃

Raven62's avatarRaven62

Truly a christian couple with christian values that people should follow.

sweetie7398's avatarsweetie7398

That was niceSun Smiley

Artist77's avatarArtist77

Quote: Originally posted by Raven62 on Mar 29, 2019

Truly a christian couple with christian values that people should follow.

I agree!

vjohnson8's avatarvjohnson8

I always tip the clerk,when I win on the daily 3amd 4 for sure 👍


Judging by his mannerisms and how well groomed he is, he looks like he's the owner and not just a clerk. Dude is probably a multi-millionaire and owns 4 stores. LOL. At least he can gas up his million dollar 45 foot Prevost now. 


Quote: Originally posted by Raven62 on Mar 29, 2019

Truly a christian couple with christian values that people should follow.

I don't know about that, if they were good Christians according to a lot of good Christians, they wouldn't be playing the lottery. I've played the lottery all over this country and in other countries and Oklahoma and Texas were the two places where the Christians, especially the Christian clerks are very against the lottery and visibly indignant when you play, sometimes even making comments; in fact Texas doesn't even have any drawings on Sunday. There are many churches that are against the lottery and claim they wouldn't take any donations from lottery winnings, although I am skeptical about that. Also nowhere in the 32 second video did they say they were Christians, the only thing we know about them is that they are Caucasian. Last time I checked people of all races and religions and even no religion have very good and generous people and also very bad and selfish people, has nothing to do with being a Christian, I mean look at Catholic priests, doesn't get any more top of the food chain Christian than that and we all know what they have done. 

maximumfun's avatarmaximumfun

Lovely story.  Nice gesture.  :)

music*'s avatarmusic*

Quote: Originally posted by VenomV12 on Mar 30, 2019

I don't know about that, if they were good Christians according to a lot of good Christians, they wouldn't be playing the lottery. I've played the lottery all over this country and in other countries and Oklahoma and Texas were the two places where the Christians, especially the Christian clerks are very against the lottery and visibly indignant when you play, sometimes even making comments; in fact Texas doesn't even have any drawings on Sunday. There are many churches that are against the lottery and claim they wouldn't take any donations from lottery winnings, although I am skeptical about that. Also nowhere in the 32 second video did they say they were Christians, the only thing we know about them is that they are Caucasian. Last time I checked people of all races and religions and even no religion have very good and generous people and also very bad and selfish people, has nothing to do with being a Christian, I mean look at Catholic priests, doesn't get any more top of the food chain Christian than that and we all know what they have done. 

About Catholic Priests. It has been said that if the Catholic Church ever totally failed it would be because of the Priests. But God loves his Church. Do not deny the Power of God. 

 Here in America there are many denominations of Christianity. We do have disagreements. 

 There is that person in the New Testament who stopped and saved a stranger who was beaten and robbed while the Priest, Rabbi, and others walked by and ignored the poor person. The Good Samaritan. 

 We agree to disagree peacefully. 

 Be well.

TheMeatman2005's avatarTheMeatman2005

Quote: Originally posted by Bleudog101 on Mar 29, 2019

Really enjoy feel good stories like these.  So nice of them to give some of the money to the clerk.

Funny thing person who refused the ticket will never know, hidden Karma there. (Maybe individual was hateful?), we'll never know.

I Agree!

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

The video was very short and didn't say how much they gave.

I suppose that whatever it was, it was a nice gesture. Congrats on the win.

Just imagine if the ticket was purchased with Powerplay.

Artist77's avatarArtist77

Quote: Originally posted by VenomV12 on Mar 30, 2019

Judging by his mannerisms and how well groomed he is, he looks like he's the owner and not just a clerk. Dude is probably a multi-millionaire and owns 4 stores. LOL. At least he can gas up his million dollar 45 foot Prevost now. 

Are you for real? Being well groomed and taking pride in your appearance does not make you a millionaire. It has been my experience that the wealthier someone is, the more likely they are to dress more casual.

reddog's avatarreddog

Quote: Originally posted by Artist77 on Mar 30, 2019

Are you for real? Being well groomed and taking pride in your appearance does not make you a millionaire. It has been my experience that the wealthier someone is, the more likely they are to dress more casual.


HiFi's avatarHiFi

Not trying to be funny, but that looks like a stack of 1 dollar bills.

cottoneyedjoe's avatarcottoneyedjoe

Quote: Originally posted by VenomV12 on Mar 30, 2019

I don't know about that, if they were good Christians according to a lot of good Christians, they wouldn't be playing the lottery. I've played the lottery all over this country and in other countries and Oklahoma and Texas were the two places where the Christians, especially the Christian clerks are very against the lottery and visibly indignant when you play, sometimes even making comments; in fact Texas doesn't even have any drawings on Sunday. There are many churches that are against the lottery and claim they wouldn't take any donations from lottery winnings, although I am skeptical about that. Also nowhere in the 32 second video did they say they were Christians, the only thing we know about them is that they are Caucasian. Last time I checked people of all races and religions and even no religion have very good and generous people and also very bad and selfish people, has nothing to do with being a Christian, I mean look at Catholic priests, doesn't get any more top of the food chain Christian than that and we all know what they have done. 

You make some good points. 

This being a gambling forum, if we were to place wagers as to what religion they identified with, I'd play it safe and bet Christian, given what I know of Oklahoma's demographics.

wizeguy's avatarwizeguy

Hi cottoneyedjoe

Welcome to Lottery Post! Dance

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss

I'll call this a 'feel good' story although in a thread about tipping clerks most people responding to it were very opposed to doing it.

It's also really ironic that after the frenzy of the $750 million (actually $758+M) jackpot this story about $50,000 winners is now the lead story in the Lottery news.


Quote: Originally posted by VenomV12 on Mar 30, 2019

I don't know about that, if they were good Christians according to a lot of good Christians, they wouldn't be playing the lottery. I've played the lottery all over this country and in other countries and Oklahoma and Texas were the two places where the Christians, especially the Christian clerks are very against the lottery and visibly indignant when you play, sometimes even making comments; in fact Texas doesn't even have any drawings on Sunday. There are many churches that are against the lottery and claim they wouldn't take any donations from lottery winnings, although I am skeptical about that. Also nowhere in the 32 second video did they say they were Christians, the only thing we know about them is that they are Caucasian. Last time I checked people of all races and religions and even no religion have very good and generous people and also very bad and selfish people, has nothing to do with being a Christian, I mean look at Catholic priests, doesn't get any more top of the food chain Christian than that and we all know what they have done. 

l don't know about that either. According to some in the forum, only Christians do " good deeds"- well, just look at the Crusades, the Spanish acquisitions, however, l digress. The Sikh religion stresses that a " table of food" be set aside for the hungry, in other words, if you knock on the door of any Sikh home & say you hungry- you will leave fed. I seriously doubt such actions can be expected in any Christian home, although you MAY get a meal. This is not Christian bashing, just facts. The other thing l find surprising is " Why call a camera crew to witness your act of kindness?" To draw attention to yourself? Fascinating...There are verses in scripture where after Jesus healed a person, he " commanded them not to tell anyone." Food for thought, for good Christians.

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss


In a church I went to there was a woman who always talked about how big a role hospitality played in Biblical times. 

So one day I asked he if maybe it wasn't just hospitality but as long as people were feeding guests who were sitting across the table from them they knew no one was out back stealing any livestock


There's an actual law on the books in Ireland that if a leprechaun shows up at your door you have to feed it.


KY Floyd's avatarKY Floyd

"Spanish acquisitions"

You mean places like Florida and Cuba?


Quote: Originally posted by KY Floyd on Mar 31, 2019

"Spanish acquisitions"

You mean places like Florida and Cuba?

Spanish Inquisition. Singular. That's what one gets for thinking fast & not doing spellcheck. If you looking for an apology,  it's not going to happen.


Quote: Originally posted by HiFi on Mar 30, 2019

Not trying to be funny, but that looks like a stack of 1 dollar bills.

Green laugh


Quote: Originally posted by Coin Toss on Mar 31, 2019


In a church I went to there was a woman who always talked about how big a role hospitality played in Biblical times. 

So one day I asked he if maybe it wasn't just hospitality but as long as people were feeding guests who were sitting across the table from them they knew no one was out back stealing any livestock


There's an actual law on the books in Ireland that if a leprechaun shows up at your door you have to feed it.


Kinda reminded me of the account where Jesus fed the crowd with 5 loaves & 2 fishes. It says that when the crowd heard Jesus was on a boat heading across the water they hightailed and when they got to the other side  they asked" when did you get here?" He's response was, you showed up not because you interested in what l have to say, but because you were fed.LOL

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss

Here you go noise-gate

Whose end  is destruction, whose God  is their belly, and  whose glory  isin their shame, who mind earthly things.

Philippians 3:19


rcbbuckeye's avatarrcbbuckeye

Quote: Originally posted by HiFi on Mar 30, 2019

Not trying to be funny, but that looks like a stack of 1 dollar bills.

The bill that is showing is a $20. Could be $1 underneath. But it's a $20 on top.

Artist77's avatarArtist77

Let's not forget the Husseins and Mohammeds buying their lottery tickets and booze in direct violation of the quran. Jester Laugh Those people would run you over for their booze and tickets.


While I agree giving the clerk a piece of the pie is a Christian thing to do, but nowhere in the article or video does it mention the winner's religion if any. So why did turn into a religious debate?


Quote: Originally posted by Coin Toss on Mar 31, 2019

Here you go noise-gate

Whose end  is destruction, whose God  is their belly, and  whose glory  isin their shame, who mind earthly things.

Philippians 3:19


Exactly CT. All l am saying is, when it comes to any religion, is that there are good and bad people within its ranks. Get this, in 1937 the Chancellor of Germany challenged his people to love their neighbors, to care for the poor and sick, and to take a stand against violence- know who said those words? Adolf Hitler, and look how he turned out. There was even infighting amongst Christ's own disciples for prominence. Take Peter: I am ready to die with you Lord, yet denies Jesus 3 times. Looking for perfection in people or in any religion is Folly.

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