£148 million Euro Millions lottery winner sells £6.5 million mansion

Aug 13, 2021, 5:05 pm (23 comments)

After the Big Win

Winner moves out of lavish estate after "all the bad luck" it brought

By Kate Northrop

CAMBRIDGESHIRE, United Kingdom — A lottery winner who won £148 million (US$232.5 million) in a Euro Millions drawing in August 2012 sold the mansion he bought with his lottery winnings at a loss.

Not only did Adrian Bayford make headlines in 2012 for claiming the massive jackpot, which was Britain's second-largest Euro Millions win at the time, but now he is making another appearance in the news for selling the home he was dumped in on four separate occasions.

After collecting the prize at the time of his win, Bayford purchased a country mansion in Cambridgeshire built between 1815 and 1825 with his then-wife Gillian. She spent some of the money on her own fleet of luxury Audis, but she took home more than just a bunch of high-end cars from the dealership. Within just a year, she left her husband to date an Audi salesman.

The couple, who shared two children together, blamed the end of their nine-year marriage on the stresses caused by the influx of sudden wealth. When they went public with their win, they insisted they would not let their newfound fortune change them. They eventually managed to reach an agreement to split the lottery winnings, one of the biggest ever won in Britain.

Bayford moved on and dated Marta Jarosz, 37, a Polish sausage factory worker. He then got engaged to Sam Burbidge, 33, a stable girl, after which he began a relationship with waitress Lisa Kemp, 41.

One by one, each woman dumped him after moving in with him in his sprawling country estate.

The unlucky lottery winner placed the blame on the 189-acre property for his misfortune and unhappiness.

"He just wanted rid," one of Bayford's friends told The Sun. "He blames the house for all the bad luck he's had in love. You can see why. He's had a tough run."

The home, which is now marked as "sold" online, had a cinema, billiards room, gym, and pool installed by Bayford. The property also features a stable, but photos show them in a currently dilapidated state overrun by weeds. It was put on the market in 2018.

"He says the move from his old, happy life brought all the bad luck he's had," the friend explained. "Since Gillian left, he's just wanted someone to share his millions with, but it's not worked out."

The house sold for £6.5 million (US$9 million), but to break even while taking into account inflation and improvements, he would have had to sell it for £7,239,896 (US$10.04 million), according to financial experts.

Since selling the mansion, Bayford has moved into a £2.5 million (US$3.47 million) home near Blairgowrie in Perthshire to be closer to his kids and ex-wife Gillian, who has since remarried  and had another child.

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Lottery Post Staff


TheMeatman2005's avatarTheMeatman2005

The story doesn't go too much in depth of what caused his unlucky streak in his love life. Maybe they asked him for money and he said no so they went goodbye.

If someone is happy in a relationship, the money may not change them. But if it wasn't good before the win, it won't get better because of it.

I wish them well.

cottoneyedjoe's avatarcottoneyedjoe

"Bayford moved on and dated Marta Jarosz, 37, a Polish sausage factory worker. He then got engaged to Sam Burbidge, 33, a stable girl, after which he began a relationship with waitress Lisa Kemp, 41."

I'm betting the next lucky lass will be a real estate agent.


Since it was 4 different women, perhaps the problem is not the women.  I think the women would have tried very hard to get along with him in light of the money involved.  That kinda leaves him as the problem.  But, hey, why not blame the house?

Mata Garbo

So this guy had 148 million dollars. He spent 6.5 on the mansion, leaving 141.5 million. I realize he had to give part of it to his ex-wife, but that still leaves him with an awful lot of money. How on earth did he end up broke.? It does not seem like he was crazy like Michael "the lotto lout" or careless like David Lee Edwards. I doubt that the 3 girlfriends ripped him off. What could lead this guy to blow that many millions?  I am shocked.

TypeGreen laughAgree with stupid

TheMeatman2005's avatarTheMeatman2005

Quote: Originally posted by Mata Garbo on Aug 13, 2021

So this guy had 148 million dollars. He spent 6.5 on the mansion, leaving 141.5 million. I realize he had to give part of it to his ex-wife, but that still leaves him with an awful lot of money. How on earth did he end up broke.? It does not seem like he was crazy like Michael "the lotto lout" or careless like David Lee Edwards. I doubt that the 3 girlfriends ripped him off. What could lead this guy to blow that many millions?  I am shocked.

TypeGreen laughAgree with stupid

First off, they won £148 million (US$232.5 million) NOT $148 million

Second...He didn't spend 6.5 mil on the house. That is what it sold for.

Third... I don't know what article you read, but nowhere in this article does it say "He went broke"


* He is what folks would call a " Multi millionaire loser."

joshuacloak's avatarjoshuacloak

Mata Garbo

Quote: Originally posted by TheMeatman2005 on Aug 13, 2021

First off, they won £148 million (US$232.5 million) NOT $148 million

Second...He didn't spend 6.5 mil on the house. That is what it sold for.

Third... I don't know what article you read, but nowhere in this article does it say "He went broke"

Open your eyes. They don't have to SAY he's broke. Look at what he sold the mansion for, he did not even break EVEN. A person with millions in the bank does not settle for less on any property, they are trying to get as much as possible. The only seller who settles for less is someone who is either stupid or desperate for money. I realize the article never said he went broke. I came to that conclusion myself. It's pretty obvious. By the way......whether it's pounds or dollars .....148 million is still 148 million. If you are in London it's 148 million pounds. This guy was not in America so for you to equate it to American money is irrelevant.

No No


Now you should have known them young chics was going to take that money and run... You big dummy... In fred sandford's voice.... And your ex-wife is a you know what...


Started off wrong splitting that money half way down the line with your ex-wife..  it wasn't her ticket was it? And dates the Audi salesman OMG wasn't that salesman lucky

Perfecttiming2's avatarPerfecttiming2

I am amazed by how people blame money for their troubles when a lot of the time, the real culprit can be found by looking in the mirror.

Money only magnifies what is already there good or bad.

Seems like he keeps picking the same type of woman over and over again and getting the same results. 
Moving to another house will not solve his problems as long as he is in it, as nothing will change until he does.

It starts from within...

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Quote: Originally posted by Perfecttiming2 on Aug 14, 2021

I am amazed by how people blame money for their troubles when a lot of the time, the real culprit can be found by looking in the mirror.

Money only magnifies what is already there good or bad.

Seems like he keeps picking the same type of woman over and over again and getting the same results. 
Moving to another house will not solve his problems as long as he is in it, as nothing will change until he does.

It starts from within...

I couldn't have put it better myself 😏

a few and many would no doubt scoff at my after winning the lottery choices...


but I figure on living the simplest life I can and dammed with what the others think I should've bought with the money

sully16's avatarsully16

The sausage stuffer and stable girl both walked and he thinks it's the house? Thud

TheMeatman2005's avatarTheMeatman2005

Quote: Originally posted by Perfecttiming2 on Aug 14, 2021

I am amazed by how people blame money for their troubles when a lot of the time, the real culprit can be found by looking in the mirror.

Money only magnifies what is already there good or bad.

Seems like he keeps picking the same type of woman over and over again and getting the same results. 
Moving to another house will not solve his problems as long as he is in it, as nothing will change until he does.

It starts from within...

I Agree!


From the sounds of things sounds like Wife #1 had the most common sense marrying an Audi salesman.


His taste is women thereafter might be questionable, but as others have said, like the old Michael Jackson song says 'I'm starting with the man in the mirror.'


Sure mansions look nice, but the upkeep/utilities could be expensive.   My old saying is you can only be in one room @ a time...now if it were me (LOL) there definitely would be two bowling lanes!

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Quote: Originally posted by Bleudog101 on Aug 14, 2021

From the sounds of things sounds like Wife #1 had the most common sense marrying an Audi salesman.


His taste is women thereafter might be questionable, but as others have said, like the old Michael Jackson song says 'I'm starting with the man in the mirror.'


Sure mansions look nice, but the upkeep/utilities could be expensive.   My old saying is you can only be in one room @ a time...now if it were me (LOL) there definitely would be two bowling lanes!

👽I often tease with Lejardin about her dreams of returning to California or Hawaii and her formerly questionable choices of homes after winning the lottery

personally, I'd be forced to just sit a spell till I got a chance to visit the spread my Coffin-wood friends have

its not a big place (only 3 acres and assumed modest sized house) and from Dusty's various descriptions,it sounds nearly idea for my thoughts and future game plans

I still believe in buying only a smidge more then you realistically need and go from thar 


He should be able to make a relationship work. You stay on one end of the house, I stay on the other.


Quote: Originally posted by MsBee18 on Aug 14, 2021

He should be able to make a relationship work. You stay on one end of the house, I stay on the other.

* It can work up to a point.

  • Take Phil Collins for instance: he allowed his ex wife & her husband to live with him at his mansion until he decided enough was enough & pulled the trigger on their occupancy.
  •  Ain't life grand?

Quote: Originally posted by noise-gate on Aug 15, 2021

* It can work up to a point.

  • Take Phil Collins for instance: he allowed his ex wife & her husband to live with him at his mansion until he decided enough was enough & pulled the trigger on their occupancy.
  •  Ain't life grand?

* Hmm, so some are upset with Phil's actions regarding getting the ex wife & her hubby off he's property.

* Perhaps those two were taking advantage of Phil's generosity. Suddenly our resident trolls recognize their own behavior & are now going to quit listening to Phil's music.. pity! Big Smile


The first mistake he made was going public! UK National Lottery winners have the right to remain anonymous, the vast majority choose to do so. Would the Polish sausage factory worker, or the stable girl, have touched him with a barge pole if hadn't won the lottery?

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Quote: Originally posted by dannyct on Aug 15, 2021

The first mistake he made was going public! UK National Lottery winners have the right to remain anonymous, the vast majority choose to do so. Would the Polish sausage factory worker, or the stable girl, have touched him with a barge pole if hadn't won the lottery?

Type : some folks just have to be 


Quote: Originally posted by Bleudog101 on Aug 14, 2021

From the sounds of things sounds like Wife #1 had the most common sense marrying an Audi salesman.


His taste is women thereafter might be questionable, but as others have said, like the old Michael Jackson song says 'I'm starting with the man in the mirror.'


Sure mansions look nice, but the upkeep/utilities could be expensive.   My old saying is you can only be in one room @ a time...now if it were me (LOL) there definitely would be two bowling lanes!

       Have a feeling she knew the Audi salesman before the lottery hit. It wasn't like she just happened to be enamored with Audi's after they won but I think she was dallying with the guy beforehand and the commissions he must have made on those vehicles was a plan to divert some cash his way. Of course she ended up with half anyway so she is real winner here. As far as the mansion thing goes no one needs one of those. The biggest mistake you can make. It is like when regular people put in a swimming pool and after the 2nd year no one uses it. Same with your own bowling alley, tennis courts, stables. There is no time for all that stuff.


Quote: Originally posted by billybucks on Aug 16, 2021

       Have a feeling she knew the Audi salesman before the lottery hit. It wasn't like she just happened to be enamored with Audi's after they won but I think she was dallying with the guy beforehand and the commissions he must have made on those vehicles was a plan to divert some cash his way. Of course she ended up with half anyway so she is real winner here. As far as the mansion thing goes no one needs one of those. The biggest mistake you can make. It is like when regular people put in a swimming pool and after the 2nd year no one uses it. Same with your own bowling alley, tennis courts, stables. There is no time for all that stuff.

*  Perhaps that particular salesman gave her the attention she yearned for. You know the gazing longingly into her eyes, listening to her every word, nodding the head while she got off what was on her chest.

* Women pick up on things, they can be picky..Cool

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