
ForumsResults 61 - 70 of 199 for theft. (0.01 seconds)

Seriously, do you REALLY wanna go public?!
i agree. I don't live in a lottery state so it probably wouldn't be that hard to keep it a secret. To begin with I would tell no one, except my husband. I would just pay off my house and quit my job. I work from home so no one would really know that I quit unless they outright asked. Never would I buy an escalade or something flashy; expensive cars make you a target for theft. If that didn't work and people did find out out I would move to another state, buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood t
Feb 18, 2009, 9:28 am - GamerMom - Lottery Discussion Forum

Read This Tennessee Players Not Winners
This is a story for all Tennessee players,,,,First the only reason I started playing the pick 3 in Tennessee was hopeing to make a little extra cash because I was a victim of Idenity Theft,lost everything I had to creditors and was homeless for a few days...So when my friend took me in I started studing this state lottery,,,even lost more than winning I decided this is just not worth it.Do you think for a minute how much a lottery cares about you ? They dont just give them more money,thats what
Jan 26, 2009, 11:46 am - cher19622 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Went public too soon?
I think that reason alone is enough reason to hide, at least until you claim it. You never know what someone else would do. It's a sick world. Imagine showing the ticket to a group of people and someone snatches it and tries to run off with it. Even if you've signed it or run after them, they might end up tearing it up and throwing it into the air because they don't want you to have it. No more ticket to claim your prize. You certainly aren't going to get that money by suing the person who took
Feb 26, 2008, 10:40 am - Guru101 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Happy Birthday Pumpi76
Thanks you everyone...I turn 28...I didn't put my real age because i was afraid someone will use my information for evil or identity theft...Thanks... THANKS EVERYBODY...THANK YOU VERY MUCH...
May 14, 2007, 12:44 pm - pumpi76 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Store Managers playing sscratch offs
So many people have claimed that a store knows which scratch-off tickets are winners and which are not, but the clerks I ask say that's not true. I have absolutely no idea. However, if you believe this woman is committing an act of fraud or theft, then by all means report her. You can probably do this anonymously, although you will need some kind of proof, which is important any time you file an accusation. If you feel strongly that she is cheating, there might be an investigation into the matte
Jul 25, 2006, 8:47 pm - justxploring - Lottery Discussion Forum

Im done with Powerball...
Read other threads. There is a concensus, stupid people are going to do stupid things. In Arabia, they chop your hands off for theft. People keep stealing. Nothing will stop it. Don't worry about it. Do what you feel is best and let the rest do what they think is best. Remember, you don't know a thing about them, until you have walked in their shoes; then all you really know is that they have stinky feet.
Oct 23, 2005, 4:27 pm - Chewie - Lottery Discussion Forum

Can Lotto be cheated?
yeah, like your cars theft proof or somethin. and if those balls were as ironclad as they claim, they would not remain in the air toooooooooooooooooo long i suspect.for, they would be too heavy. has someone handed you the balls and asked you to weigh them and place them into the machine?and , in texas it doesnt make any difference, because, the balls that are picked disappear before coming out and rollig to the left of the tv screen. why would they disappear?when, with all this hard plastic eve
Nov 29, 2004, 6:42 am - enterceptorr - Lottery Discussion Forum

Does God Hate Gambling...Part 2
Must be a bitter controlling old heartless shrew to have taken such an action against her child. Also it goes to show that just because someone is a mother it doesn't automatically mean that they have their offspring's best interest at heart (what heart???). The mother's actions were clearly an act of dictatorial control in not allowing Lisa to live her life by the circumstances she just created. Theft in its ugliest, most egregious form!!! Honor ones father and mother ..... the door swings b
Jul 8, 2004, 10:45 am - konane - Lottery Discussion Forum

What are your thoughts on Gift Tax?
all tax's are wrong the fact anyone thinks its okay to take my money and give it someone else, is nonething but Theft and the belief theft is Okay i hate with a passion any person on earth who's for any Tax , however small or large or who it effects if people want a big govt, they can work and earn millions and donate their hard earned money them selfs govt should only be funded by willing charity setup, if we all control how much money they get, they Now work For the
Aug 18, 2010, 6:47 pm - joshuacloak - Lottery Discussion Forum

800 million dollars
I know many people don't like the fact that they have to pay a good chunk of money to financial experts . After all nothing says the financial adviser you hire is very good at what they do. There excellent advisers with a good track record, and there are advisers that out and out stink at what they do. All of the above said, there are some things in life where going it alone or doing it by yourself is a bad idea. If your identity is stolen you're far better off with a company such as LifeLoc
Apr 16, 2023, 12:19 pm - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum