
ForumsResults 2491 - 2493 of 2493 for entertainment. (3.32 seconds)

Win Pick 3's State Predictions vs WINS
LIST FOR: 2023-09-04 All plays are based on a .50 bet *per draw* in all states and payouts are reflected based on a .50 bets All boxed plays For entertainment purposes some discrepancies may occur. Arizona: D: NA || N: 436 301, 330, 260, 182, 527, 547, 111, 058, 324, 401, 511, 210, 343, 009, 065, 273, 883, 275, 383, 787, 899, 278, 257, 115, 225, 156, 388 (27) Total Won: 0 Arkansas: D: 658 || N: 746 003, 876, 052, 407, 069, 001, 762, 277, 335, 322, 059, 328,
Sep 5, 2023, 1:01 am - winpick3 - Pick 3 Forum

Texas: 3/1 - 3/31/2018
Daily 4 since Monday Morning This weeks daily 4 Last weeks Pick 3 0246 917 mirror: 462x 2611 211x 0333 588 mirror 033x possible straight hit 9108 453 mirror 908x 9231 132x Notice how 1 hit comes from last weeks' pick 3 and the next possible 2 from the mirror of one of last weeks pick 3 So lets keep and eye on the grid and if you see a last weeks pick 3 in it or its it. Draw Number Type E/O H/L B/M/T A Sum ATrax
Mar 27, 2018, 11:47 am - SATX2018 - Pick 3 Forum

Gap Strategy - Review, Part 6
Gap Strategy - Review, Part 6 As previously stated, Gap Strategy is a system whereby the variations in several interrelated data streams are used to generate numbers to play. It is not a Prediction System, per se. The user brings together some or all of the data streams and, following prescribed procedures, makes his or her 'best guesses' on what numbers to play. The numbers to choose from come from what I call a NUMBER GENERATOR ARRAY having 10 or more components, or data stre
Dec 5, 2008, 11:25 am - bobby623 - Lottery Systems Forum