
ForumsResults 111 - 120 of 172 for jackpots. (0.07 seconds)

Amnightus asks, How many Mathematicians Play the Lottery
That must be this one. It's interesting how so many articles on this like to talk about how huge the odds are that someone would win 4 jackpots. The total odds they quote are those you get when you multiply the 4 individual odds together. I don't think she was predicting those hits in advance. It's also noteworthy that 3 of 4 of her wins were Scratchers... It's doubtf
Apr 13, 2011, 12:25 am - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

Amnightus asks, How many Mathematicians Play the Lottery
amnightus You first, I know that doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, have all won jackpots in the past so I would say that within the population of members here at LP that the results would be very much the same as they would be within the general population. Any statistician worthy of their trade should be able to calculate this without much error. RL
Apr 10, 2011, 4:38 pm - RL-RANDOMLOGIC - Mathematics Forum

HELP! Macro to eliminate 5 match numbers
According to my Classic Lotto statistics four numbers from the previous drawing have never been drawn so you could safely say it's highly unlikely any combination using four of those numbers will be drawn in the next drawing. Three numbers only repeated 10 times out of the 573 drawings I tested so a 1.7% chance is unlikely too. Four numbers from the previous two drawings are at a 1.9% chance too. Six numbers from the previous 4 drawings have only hit twice and five numbers were drawn 16 or 2.8%.
Nov 1, 2010, 6:56 pm - Stack47 - Mathematics Forum

Statistical Analysis of Lottery Results
How could one person hit 2 Lottery Jackpots... IN THE SAME DAY? !! Listen in here to find out... --Jimmy4164
Oct 10, 2010, 1:39 am - jimmy4164 - Mathematics Forum

I cracked Pick6...But to do it i first need the answer to these 2 questions..
Not to mention that you will have won Powerball/MegaMIllions 3 times so you can write a book not tell exactly how you did it, you tell them: well i can't tell you exactly how i did it but i can show you another way to crack Powerball and you show them this link: actually you don't show them the link, you copy everything that is on the link with the comments and you place it in your book: and you should get i'll say 10 millions fro
Jul 25, 2009, 12:13 am - pumpi76 - Mathematics Forum

Quick Picks can't match the power of Self Picks
I see a lot of comments about QP numbers that people aren't happy with, but if you acknowledge that each combination has the same chance of winning, why is that a problem? Look at the winning combination for the last MM jackpot. All 5 regular balls were even and 2 of them were from the low 40's. Based on the comments I see I'm guessing that most of the people here would have been unhappy to see those numbers on their QP's, but we know there are 4 other people out there who are very happy to
Sep 11, 2007, 12:39 am - KY Floyd - Mathematics Forum

Mega Millions Just The Jackpot
To your point about variance, yes, JTJ is obviously going to be higher than a regular ticket. Both are going to be a huge variance, regardless. So, if variance is the concern, don't play the games to begin with. You will get a few bucks back by playing a regular ticket and hitting the minor prizes, but as percentage of $ spent, it's still very low. The return is basically predicated on hitting the jackpot, which the average person more than likely would not hit in a thousand lifetimes. Ther
Jul 17, 2023, 8:17 pm - Orange71 - Mathematics Forum

Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test for Lotteries
IMHO, in general government-run lotteries (in the western world at least) are not going to be exploitable in terms of statistical frequency attack. A lot of time, energy and money(!) is obviously put into trying. Eventually, if you look at enough lotteries, you'll find improbable outcomes and what appears to be non-randomness . Highly likely, that doesn't mean there is a flaw. Just if you sample enough, you get unusual patterns. (It's inevitable.) The people who have successfully exploited lotte
Mar 1, 2023, 2:46 pm - Orange71 - Mathematics Forum

Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Test for Lotteries
I also implemented 3rd order Bayesean optimal estimation, despite the limited data set. I also implemented a blend between 1st and 2nd order statistics. I also tried joint Bayesean optimal estimation of intra-draw pairs and inter-draw pairs, which you could view as a subset of full 3rd order statistics. I have developed a program that picks in a way to maximize 3W, 4W, and 5W hits since that's what pays. My analysis shows that there exists a tiny bit of information in past draw data
Feb 7, 2023, 2:58 pm - Wavepack - Mathematics Forum

Markov Chains - anyone tested the method?
again no offence mate.. u took it da hard way and started to call names as vent.. i had no intent 2 bruise ur bloated ego.. u aint got no clue what markov chains r.. u simply recycled ur lexi program with od even low high and those static settings as u sez in other threads.. aint markovs by any stretch.. u got those jackposts cos u did curve fitting.. when u check ur outputs in future draws u aint gonna get no jackpots...none any tyme soon.... markov is not a strong predictive tool but wor
Jun 4, 2018, 10:29 am - flottor - Mathematics Forum