
ForumsResults 191 - 200 of 1025 for politics. (0.08 seconds)

Texas House reconsiders vote to abolish lottery commission
Nice, obvious corruption. The only way someone would be set to vote one way and then come back after a few hours and change their votes is if palms were greased. Don't get me wrong, I am glad this idiotic vote was changed, but it shows what is wrong with politics today.
Apr 23, 2013, 7:20 pm - VenomV12 - Lottery News

Judge won't give bakery workers partial lottery prize
If I was a sleazy lawyer I would encourage the envious employees to sue the winners even for flimsy reasons. Then I would arrange with the lawyer who represents the winners to fight back hard thus earning himself 33% cut of the prize money. I would lose the case but I would secretly meet up with the lawyer that won the case and confirm a wire transfer to an account in Cayman islands is complete. Then I could join politics. But I am not so I won't so I can't
Mar 2, 2013, 1:07 am - maringoman - Lottery News

Pa. Gov. expects protracted legal fight on privatization
Kane iis not the evil one here. The evil one turned his back on the child molestation cases while he was in office and had the power to put Sandusky in prison. That was a hard job to do while sitting on the board of Penn State. It's NOT politics between these two it is safe guarding the citizens of Pa from a low life crook!
Feb 21, 2013, 11:52 am - JezzVim - Lottery News

new to lottery
Fighting about God and politics and things like that is pointless. Few people change their positions and insults just make them hold much tighter to their positions. Damgod explained why he chose the handle that he uses. I think that should have been the end of this thread. We should all meet for a beer summit at Hooters no less
Feb 17, 2013, 11:38 am - maringoman - Lottery Discussion Forum

NC lottery bill won't ban welfare recipient sales
They may be his cronies but his district that sent him to the State Capital may think otherwise. No one has a safe seat in politics. Get enough people pissed off and you history.
Jan 31, 2013, 3:29 pm - noise-gate - Lottery News

New York: 1/1 - 1/31/2013
The REAL players know its NO BOLOGNA! Keep on keeping on,I also hate NY,more the politics than lottery,but hey Im all about getting them one way or another after all you cant keep up with the TAXES unless your connected or LUCKY or dead. Once again WTG and thanks for posting:)
Jan 7, 2013, 7:35 pm - trap574 - Pick 4 Forum

Political campaigning via PMs from New members!
As I was taught in the don't discuss politics or religon in mixed company.......A policy which I think would play good here....but hey I thought this was a LOTTERY based site....Gee I hate for us to stray away from that topic....
Nov 3, 2012, 8:36 pm - billionaire2bee - Lottery Discussion Forum

California man wins half of $61M Mega Millions jackpot
Absurd for the lottery official to state they rarely have jackpot winners.... I'd have to see stats to believe the ratio of winning tickets to tickets sold is the same for cali as other places. I accept politics and business play a role in the lottery.
Oct 20, 2012, 4:38 am - phibeta1914 - Lottery News

The Future of Online Lottery Sales?
Aside from the politics surrounding this, I personally hate going to the stores to make my purchases. If the clerks are not getting my numbers wrong, than I am probably being stared down by people who snub their noses at lottery players. Not to mention the winter is upon us and I hate having to go out in the cold if I don't have to. By the way I thought the republican party was the party of less government? Sure doesn't seem that way here.
Sep 2, 2012, 10:23 am - chrissy16 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Where can I download drawings?
I get your point, but in all seriousness, it's difficult to talk politics on this site -- or most other places on the Internet -- because too many people insist upon bringing partisanship into every conversation. When participants stick to the issues, though, that tends to result in fruitful, informative discussions.
Jul 7, 2012, 3:39 pm - mediabrat - Lottery Discussion Forum