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Make IE6 able to use secure pages - Enabling TLS support on IE6
First of all, if you're still using Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) at this point, you are using a very old and unsecured Web browser. You really need to either upgrade to a modern version of Internet Explorer, or else you should be using a different brand of browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox . That being said, if you're still using IE6 and you try using a secure Web page at Lottery Post (or USA Mega ), you may find that it doesn't work. An example of a secure page is the Log In page, whic
Nov 3, 2014, 6:01 pm - Todd - Help

Microsoft utility that fixes Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) problems
At the time I am writing this article, Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) is the most common browser used by people visiting Lottery Post. So it also tends to be the browser that people write to Lottery Post asking for help with. Most problems encountered using IE8 are caused by conflicting or poorly-written add-ons and/or toolbars. Some people install a multitude of add-ons and toolbars, and so when one of them causes a problem, it can be very hard to diagnose. An example of a problem is if you
Sep 14, 2011, 10:07 pm - Todd - Help

How to turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer (IE)
If you have Internet Explorer (IE) 8 or higher installed and you're still getting warning messages about having and old version of IE installed, then it is very likely that you have IE compatibility mode turned on. IE compatibility mode was first created by Microsoft because when IE8 was first released, many Web sites that were written for IE7 did not work correctly in the new browser. Microsoft continued to support compatibility mode in later versions of IE, in order to always have a fall-b
Feb 26, 2011, 8:50 am - Todd - Help

What is the Clipboard?
In many places around Lottery Post you'll see instructions or features that copy something to the Clipboard . This help topic describes what the Clipboard is. The Clipboard is not something you actually see on the computer it is something you use . The Clipboard is an area in your computer's memory (inside your computer) set aside to temporarily hold data/content/information so you can transfer it from one place or program to another. You never see the Clipboard, which is one of the
Oct 11, 2010, 7:14 pm - Todd - Help

What is a Web browser?
To many, the answer to this question seems obvious. But a surprising number of people especially non-technical folks do not really know what a Web browser is. This video should put that question to rest. If you don't really know what a Web browser is, please watch the brief video.
Jan 26, 2010, 12:39 pm - Todd - Help

Private Messages: Moving messages into folders
Platinum members at Lottery Post have the ability to store vast numbers of private messages. In order to organize those messages and make them easier to find, Platinum members can create up to 50 storage folders in the private message system. (See a comparison of features available at each membership level: ) Before you can move messages into private message folders, you first have to create the folders. (See the following Help topic for instructio
Oct 29, 2009, 10:59 am - Todd - Help

Private Messages: Creating folders to organize messages
Platinum members at Lottery Post have the ability to store vast numbers of private messages. In order to organize those messages and make them easier to find, Platinum members can create up to 50 storage folders in the private message system. (See a comparison of features available at each membership level: ) A private message folder works just like a folder or directory on your computer's hard disk, except instead of storing files, it stores priva
Oct 29, 2009, 10:32 am - Todd - Help

Windows 98 and Window ME: Getting the best possible experience
Windows 98 and Window ME are such old operating systems that Microsoft stopped all support and security patches for them years ago. Nevertheless, there are still a good number of computers out there using one of those operating systems, usually because the computer is many years old, and because it still functions, its owner continues to use it. If you are the user of Windows 98 or Window ME, you have no doubt seen one of the Upgrade your browser banners at the top of the page as you brows
Jun 23, 2009, 1:53 pm - Todd - Help

Getting the link to a Post or Topic
Oftentimes, people want to be able to refer back to a Topic or individual Post on the forums for reasons such as: To send a link to someone in a private message or e-mail. To post a link in the forums that refers to an earlier post of your own, or to refer to some else's post(s). To save in a bookmark collection of your favorite topics. The word link means the Web Address of a particular piece of content. The Web Address (link) appears in your Web browser's Address Line at the top of th
Jul 20, 2008, 11:28 pm - Todd - Help

Understanding Log In / Log Off
Lottery Post uses several advanced security measures to ensure that your private information and access to your Lottery Post account remains confidential and secure. Like most membership-type web sites, Lottery Post requires the use of a Username and Password to identify yourself to the system, and gain access to your account. When you are logged in, that means the system recognizes you, and your Web browser will continue to provide access to your membership account, and all the features
Aug 5, 2007, 10:52 am - Todd - Help

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