pumpi76's Blog

To Doctors & Occupations that are Well Paid: How About This: Part2...

Remember this???


Well if lets say there is: 10 Million doctors in the USA, if all of them were to donate: $250 a month [or $3,000 a year] it will be: $60 Billion dollars every year...With the $60 Billion dollars a year you can build whatever is it that you like in the USA or in another country...You will feel like you just climbed Mount Everest....It could be in a foreign country it could be in the USA or Canada, you know it could be in: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Kansas, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Alabama, ect, ect....

You know what you could do with the: $60 Billion each year...POSTPONE THEM...Place them in the bank for: 3 years and after the 3 years you can do the project...Those 3 years earning interests will give you: $9 Billion dollars each year in interests....But after 2 years it will be: $18 Billion dollars each year coming to you...You will get those $18 Billion dollars each year...With it you can hire: 3.6 Million people each getting: $500 dollars a month in a country/state/province or you can hire: 1.8 Million people each getting: $1,000 dollars a month in whichever country/state/province....And after the 3 years the $60 Billion dollars per year will be used to build whatever is it that you decide to build in whatever country/state/province...

Computer ingeneers can do this, any profession that makes: $80,000 a year and above can do it...

Entry #1,761

There Needs to be a Global Food Powerball/Pick2: But: & Some Thoughts..

that cost; 25 cents the ticket where you win a plate of food...Remember when i say that there is like, 1 Billion people who go hungry everyday...However i see a problem with it...It might make more people get fat [in the millions or hundreds of millions]...I also heard that the global fish supply is shrinking...So it will cause the global marine food supply to dwindle....

So you know, dont know how you are going to fix but i lay down the idea...


Some Thoughts...


i am just shoffeling ideas here:
you say there is the whole country of woman for you who you can choose to marry find the one for you...Here it is: why many marriages fail...
half of the population is either democrat or republican that means your entire country is cut in half, not many marriages are not of opposite political views....
you might like them blond, so thats 25% of the woman population for you....remember that 50% of the population is male the other is female, so thats: 12.5% of the population for you...you might like them a particular height, so thats: 6%....you might not like her with kids, so thats now: 3%....
if you like her of a particular religious view so thats 1.5%, you might like her of a particular economic status or beauty so now thats: .75%....you might like her of a particular body type, fat, skinny medium so is: .35%....That she will find you attractive, it takes 2 to fall inlove with so is: 0.17%...i can go on and on and on...lets suffice to say that she will be the right for you: 0.08%, that she will not be taken/occupied: lol...that the marriage will last...lol...i can go on and on and on....AND OOOONN....

Well something else to add to that [and let me add that a woman is a man most precious thing besides family]...The number 1 cause of death in the world is: Car Accidents or heart attack and is VERY HIGH IN THE Hundreds of millions yet if you divide: 7 billion by 100 million it will be: 70: Divide it into: 200 Million and is 35...If you are born a minority you will struggle all your life and depend which minority you are born on...You got to be careful you are not born like a midget otherwise you will really be though for you...The Cold is terrible, 80% of salaries outside the USA make like less than: $600 a month, the air you breath is poluted no matter where you go in the world, i think most jobs in the world you only get: 14 days of vacation out of 365...50% of the global population is fat so it means is hard for you to get a job and worse to get a well paying job...If you get a vacation you can not visit 20%-25% of the globe because is in conflict/there is conflict and the ones you can 20%-25% of the cities got gethoes so you got to look out you dont get shot and 50% supposedly of every country is rural area and 37% of that 50% is not developed or looks like wilderness...If you are woman if you are not a brain surgeon in carefullness by the time you are: 15 you can have your first child and by the age of 22 your 5th child...You supposed to retired at age: 67 or 65 yet after many people dont pass age: 57-60...If you didnt eat well when you was young PRAY not 100% literally but like 66% litterally....If you dont spend everyday EVVVEEERY SINGLE DAY WITH YOUR KID BE ON HIM/HER he might turn out to be a criminal....There is like: 1,000 ways to die....Is like 50% of ALL marriages dont last eight years, so if you had a kid with someone you didnt want to spend your entire life, is another child support, 2 kids and you can pay like a mortgage with those 2 child supports, Is like 36% of people dont last: 8-10 years with a company, 49%-50% of your paycheck goes paying for a house that will not be 100% yours, i will say like: 50% of all marriages in the 30 years of marriage 1 spouse will cheat on the other 1 or twice, there is something on the discovery channel that says, you spend: 2 years of your life taking a shower, 6 months in the toilent, 3 months brushing your teeth, 15 years driving, 20 years sleeping, 6 years  watching tv, list goes on and on add them all up what do you got, the number 3 i think cause of death globally is: high blood pressure, like 50 Million people have it, 7 billion divided by: 100 million of heart attack and/or car accident plus the 50 million of high blood pressure is 150 million so 7 billion divided by 150 Million is: 46,  Cancer has like 600 diseases that you will not suffer one of them, Count the number of homeless, sick, disabled, ect in the world and is like 50 million so divide: 7 billion by 200 million and is like: 35, if you are born to a regular person you will never be millionaire, own a mercedes benz, or own a mansion, if health care didnt exist your life expectancy would probably be 40 years of age, if pharmaceuticals companies didnt exist your life expectancy probably would be: 25-30 years of age, ect, ect: i can go on and on ANNND OOON.....WHAT AM I TRYING TO SAY: IS LIKE SOMEONE WANTS YOU: DEAD FROM THE TIME YOU ARE BORN...

Entry #1,760

To Doctors & Occupations that are Well Paid: How About This...

Remember this????


I am not telling you where to spend your money but something you could do is: You see: CHINA & INDIA AND THE USA...CAN NOT HAVE NUCLEAR PLANTS....They are the 3 most populated Countries in the world, they are highly populated...Specially China & India...A Nuclear Disaster in those 2 countries, it will be, VERY TRAGIC...Nuclear Plants is something should be kept in the MOUNTAINS AWAY FROM EVERYONE...So something you could do is take the: $12 Billion dollars and build WIND PLANTS AND SEA WIND PLANTS to replace the Nuclear Plants in THOSE 2 or 3 COUNTRIES...

Entry #1,759

I Interrupt the Blogs to mention this IMPORTANT anouncement: Global Thirst...

People of the world, i put an ice cream in my refrigerator EVERYDAY and it MELTS EVERY DAY because of the HEAT actually i should call it, THIRST there is for a BLOND CHICKS AND STUDS CAUCASIAN CHICKS WHO LOOKS BEAUTIFUL...No matter where i go i feel it...No matter which channel i turn it on i feel it and see it, i BET i turn all the channels of the world and i will feel it and see it...I dont see tv i see favor coming off the tv screen not litterally but symbolically...No matter WHERE i go in my country or PLANET i will see it...There is more heat thirst that i just describe than there is heat coming from the SUN...ALSO, The sun only shines, 12 HOURS A DAY...

I dont know what you are going to do about it, I AM JUST LETTING YOU KNOW...I should had been skinny by know from all that thirst heat...Dont forget this planet is half animal half human...

I am willing to BET even though i dont think i am right, but i am willing to BET: $5 that there is not a SINGLE Blond person in the Human Slavery traffiquing bussiness...Talking yellowish hair...

Entry #1,758

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

You know bigfoot right, why nobody has it on film...Why not create a cap or hat with a solar camera, like the cameras of a phone...Start filming every step you make and wear the cap/hat everytime you go to the wilderness/camping...this way you could film a UFO if you see it...

It should not rain in other planets for the sun is too distant...Is the sun that causes Rain, our proximity to the Sun...

Thought i mention this site/link:




YOU KNOW IVE SEEN THIS A LOT IN MOVIES...THE FATHER IS A HUGE RICH GUY SUPER WEALTHY with probably: $300 Million or even $20 Millions or more got like 8 bussinesses companies like 8 hotels for example, yet the guy has money and he still is working managing his bussiness spends all day in the bussiness, spends so much in the bussiness that his daughter/son grows up to be a low class of society...Dude, take some money and hire policemen and hire someone to manage the job for you tell him not to take too much risk and have the policemen/military guarding his every move who they work for you, the guy that manages your money slips he is put in jail or shot by the policemen can have different layers of check up...That way you are free all year long every year...Or if you cant be at home hire a bootcamp instructor give him power to punish your kid and have him be like a tutor so he be on your kids all the time if you have to be on the bussiness all the time....IS THAT OR YOU LOSE YOUR KID...But what happens these rich people are so darn caught up in SEX AND MONEY IS ACTUALLY SEX BECAUSE THEY WANT THE MONEY TO GET A CHICK THEY CANT HAVE...Sick and tired of these darn mentally challenged planet...

THAT IDEA of paying a CEO $100 Million or $300 Million dollars per year to manage your company specially if the company is not that big take: $10 Million dollars instead and hire the FBI if it comes to that so they check up, with the let´s say: $400 Million in 2 years that you are going to give him, take those: $400 Million place it in the bank at: 5% and with the, $20 Million a year create a: Free Pick3 giveaway or Pick2/Poker ATM give away [better than advertising] for people to see what you are doing and come and buy in your store/hotels...Not saying i am an expert bussiness man...Also some companies pay their CEOs $200 Million a year...Thats: $2 Billion dollars in 10 years placed in the bank it will be: $100 Million dollars PER YEAR for the: Free Pick3 giveaway or Pick2/Poker ATM...

there need to have an application that charges: 5 cents a year and limits how much you can use myspace and facebook and your cell phone because they can get very addictive...

If you want someone to write you a: $25 Million dollars check find a way to be able to read very fast, superfast and retain what you read or short cut the reading process...I am not going to write you the check but i am sure someone should...

To Countries in Latin America you want to make: $300 Million to $4.3 billion dollars a year per country...I heard it in the news already in many parts of the world there is and there will be a short supply of: WATER...LATIN AMERICA IF YOU CAN SELL YOUR WATER TO OTHER COUNTRIES/Regions if you have exceeded/overran water...China for example is getting short of water so i heard on the news, India might be next [has too many people], the Middle East, HALF OF AFRICA....

Entry #1,757

Some Regional Lottos that need to Occur...

Dude we owe this to dogs, if it wasnt for dogs we will not be HERE on this PLANET...
There needs to be a Regional Va Cash5 whose revenue is going to help feed all the dogs in the world...I think a regional will take care of all the dogs in the world...But the difference of this Va Cash5 is that you only win: $15,000 dollars and not: $25,000....In Russia, India, China, & the USA this will raise: $3.4 Billion dollars EACH YEAR besides the revenue the lottery makes by obtaining the: $10,000 difference...

There also needs to be a Regional/Continental Va Cash5 whose revenue is going to help take care all the foster kids of the world...But the difference of this Va Cash5 is that you only win: $15,000 dollars and not: $25,000....In Russia, India, China, & the USA this will raise: $3.4 Billion dollars EACH YEAR besides the revenue the lottery makes by obtaining the: $10,000 difference...

There also needs to be a Tri-State/Province Lotto or if someone willing to donate to create a GIANT CRYOGENICS LAB that will collect all the blood of every individual in the World/Globe now and forever and put it in cryogenics for the future just if in case is needed..Because by not doing this you are saying that the whole world is not important...Is for future reference of cloning or if needed...Example, they could be a war that wipes out every person on Earth with blue eyes or red hair, ect, ect...Also there could be 1 creature on Earth whose blood can resist the AIDS virus or any disease or you dont know and you will never know...People´s blood is like Plants or trees or ancient conniferous trees you NEVER KNOW WHAT SOME OF THEM COULD BE HIDING...REMEMBER THERE WERE 2 PEOPLE WHO SURVIVED AIDS ASK YOURSELF HOW IT CAME ABOUT...Animal bloods too...Someone or an animal could have in its blood the last, REMNANTS OF YOU DONT KNOW WHO OR WHAT....

Entry #1,756

To Doctors & Occupations that are Well Paid...

Remember this???


Well ifLets say there is: 10 Million doctors in the USA, if all of them were to donate: $50 a month it will be: $12 Billion dollars every year...With the $12 Billion you can build a 3 skyscrapers of: $4 Billion each in the USA or in another country...Or you can build: 3 Huge Medical Hospital Complexes around the world or in the USA, like the one they got in Texas then you will feel like you just played Golf, you will feel good about it...You could even help build 3 rail systems around the world...Just: $600 a month which to a doctor will be like: $75 dollars [you spend that in perfumes]...You will feel like you just climbed Mount Everest....Or a top of the line luxurious Building Complexes....It could be in a foreign country it could be in the USA or Canada, you know it could be in: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Kansas, Utah, Arizona, Nebraska, Oklahoma, New Mexico, ect, ect....

You know what you could do with the: $12 Billion each year...POSTPONE THEM...Place them in the bank for: 3 years and after the 3 years you can do the project...Those 3 years earning interests will give you: $1.8 Billion dollars....Money that you can donate to the rural side of the country you are building on or to the Theleton of that country or the native tribal people of that country or divide it into: 3 countries each receiving: $600 Million dollars...However you want to do it...So each year there will be: $1.8 Billion dollars donated to the rural side of the country you are building on or to the Theleton of that country or the native tribal people of that country or divide it into: 3 countries ....
Something else you can do is: Those $600 Million dollars chump change from the interests each year: you can place them in the bank or somewhere that will give you intersts and with the: $30 Million dollars from interests: hire people give people jobs, making them earn: $1,000 a month...Each: $30 Million dollars from the $600 Million will hire: $3,000 people each getting paid: $1,000 a month...Will had liked it for it to be more people but what can you do...

Computer ingeneers can do this, any profession that makes: $80,000 a year and above can do it...
They can take: $100 Million dollars per year or $20 Million dollars per year out of the $600 Million dollars and create a: Free Lotto; like a free Pick3 ATM or a Free WVa Cash25 or Free Cards games [is like a free Pick3 ATM but is card games] or Free Slots games and advertise that way....

Entry #1,755

To Doctors & Occupations that are in short Supply globally...

I call this the sacrifice for the profession...Doctors in the USA make: $100,000 a year...Lets say there is: 10 Million doctors in the USA, if all of them were to donate: $50 a month it will be: $12 Billion dollars every year...Enough to be able to hire:120,000 doctors each getting paid: $50,000 a year...Those 120,000 doctors could travel overseas where they are needed or in the: USA country side where they are commonly needed...This way you will be a double doctor or a top doctor as a doctor with a PHD....

It could be done with a lot of professions that get paid a lot or who are willing to contribute the: $600 a year...

You know what i was thinking: If those 10 Million doctors each contribute the: $600 a year it will be: $12 Billion dollars and that will hire: $80,000 brain surgeons and heart surgeons each getting paid: $150,000 a year....Those Surgeons could work abroad...and remember the cost of living in other countries is lower than the USA so: $150,000 a year will be more like: $200,000 a year or $225,000 a year....

Entry #1,754

The Global Illegal Drugs Global Powerball: Just Trying to Help...

To the Global Illegal Drugs Bussiness...You dont have to accept this is optional...I am just trying to help, IS ONLY A PLAN...Countries and people of the world this require the cooperation of the whole world to participate...It supposes to take care of:

Illegal Cocaine Bussiness..

Global Hackers Community...

maybe global theft community...

Global Heroine Bussiness....

Global Opium Bussiness....

Global Animal Cruelty, animal tusk, animal furs bussissness...

Global Human slavery Bussiness...

Global Sex Slavery Bussiness..

Global Corruption Bussiness...

ect, ect, ect...



The USA Powerball gets to: $1.2 Billion dollars for it gets to: $300 Million every 6 months...

The USA has 300 Million people...There is: Latin America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia except for India & China They all have twice the population of the USA...Then there is: India & China...Then there is Russia...

If a continent has 2 times the population of the USA it should have twice the: $1.2 Billion dollars that Powerball generates...

India has 4 times the population of the USA so it should have 4 times the: $1.2 Billion dollars that Powerball generates...Same is with China....Multiply everything...It comes out to: $183 Billion dollars every year...At: $2 the ticket it will be: $365 Billion dollars per year....From 1 Single Powerball, Remember the USA has 2...$365 Billion dollars a year: Is enough to cover everyone...

You might say well there will not be no jackpot, YES THERE WILL BE, they will just be getting the: 50 cents out of every dollar that the government normally keeps...you will get the jackpot side...

Also, if you let the jackpot not raise to: $300 Million dollars but instead let it reach to: $100 Million dollars let that be the Maximum prize then you will save: $246 Billion dollars per year extra...If you let the maximum prize be: $200 Million dollars then you save: $123 Billion dollars per year extra....

AGAIN: You dont have to accept this is optional...

Entry #1,753

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

If you had 5 barbershops in each province in the world except for: RUSSIA, INDIA, CHINA & USA and you was to charge: 50 cents per haircut with 5 barbers in each barbershop you will make: $822 Million dollars each year...

You do more for your kid and the world by teaching him/her that when he/she gets a job that he/she demand that he/she have insurance against layoffs, if in case he/she gets layoff than you do teaching him/her to know where to put the punctioation marks when writing...
You do more for your kid and for the world by demanding that he/she always use mouthwash, get a medical exam each year or every 6 months and visit a dentist each year than by telling him not to drink...
You do more for your kid and for the world by demanding that he/she DONT EVER SPEED than you do by telling him/her not to drink...I think, not sure that even drunk drivers have to speed to get into an accident...
to wives out there, you do more for your husband by demanding that he always eat fruits all the time than you do by demanding that he wear or not wear cologne...
to husbands, you do more for your wife by buying her a threadmill or static bike [and of course demand that she use it] or by paying her breast exam each year or every 6 months if you can than you do by buying her her first choice in diamond rings instead of her second or third choice...
i dont like mustachs but is worth mentioning...To wives out there...You do more for your husband by demanding that he eat products/foods or pills that are good for his prostate and get his prostate exam each year or every 6 months than you do by demanding that he not wear a mustachs or gotique...
lets say you are a woman doctor and there is these 2 guys they have the same things you like them both not an inch more you could even say they are identicals THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is that one is a doctor the other is a computer ingeneer and both make the same amount of money, but the doctor likes to speed the computer ingeneer doesnt...Choose the computer ingeneer...Because one day you might be with your kids in the car or your kids might be in the car he will speed, something tragic happens...You do more for the planet by choosing the ingeneer...
lets say you are a woman doctor and there is these 2 guys they have the same things you like them both not an inch more you could even say they are identicals THE ONLY DIFFERENCE is that one is a doctor the other is a computer ingeneer and both make the same amount of money, but the doctor doesnt like to donate even if is: $10 a year computer ingeneer does...Choose the computer ingeneer...You do more for the planet by choosing the ingeneer...

to wives you do more for your husband and kids and the planet by ALWAYS making EACH MEAL half the plate be green vegetables half rice half meat than by demanding your husband work out every day instead of 3 or 4 times a week....

to moms you do more for your kids and the planet by instilling in your kids that when they grow up that their MEALS each one that half the plate be green vegetables half rice half meat than by reading your kids a bed time story, or kissing them on the forehead good night, or teaching them dinner etique....

To Christian people, i think you do more for God by talking to others about God than you do by fasting...Your fasting should be going and talking to others about God...

You know, those cows that get their blood drained by UFO ALIENS and get 2 or 3 dots in the cows well did you know that reses which is the spanish word for cows or bovine in spanish, well reses backwards is: seres which means: beigns with an s as in creature beigns...

i think people learn english FASTER [or any language] by reading picture dictionary than by taking regular English courses/classes [grammar not included].....A picture is worth, a thousand words...

want to hear something that is: SOMBERING/GLOOMY, that i just heard on TV...50% of ALL MARRIAGES IN THE USA END UP IN DIVORCE MAYBE IN LESS THAN 8 YEARS...This might also tell you that there is a huge THIRST FOR BEAUTIFUL/SUPERHUMAN PEOPLE IN THE USA...JUST HAVE THIS IN MIND...


YOU know something you can do with illegal immigrants or the homeless...they could be guardians of kids that get bullied all the time...

YOU know something you can do with illegal immigrants or the homeless....It will really help the USA youth...they could quiz kids/teens, like in school subjects, it will be something similar to a baby sitter but different just for quizzing...

Entry #1,752

Some Global or Continental Lottos...

There needs to be a Global Brain Scan Pick4....Brain scans are: VERY EXPENSIVE...They cost: $10,000 or more: THE PRICE OF A CAR....

There needs to be a Global Roads Construction Powerball/MegaMillions...Is a big problem globally...



Well there is a Cancer pill that costs: $93,000...I hope is: $93,000 for the package or a whole year supply...I dont think insurance can cover it...

Anyways how about a Global/Continental Decades of Dollars where the: $100,000 a year that you win goes to pay the: $93,000 Cancer pill...Is only for medicine stuff that are super expensive that insurance will not cover it...If AIDS medicine is that expensive you can use it for that too...

This made me think something, what if you create a: Regional/Continental/Global Medical Insurance Pick4 ONLY for people who can not afford it...There are probably dozens of millions of people world wide that do not have insurance BECAUSE THEY CAN NOT AFFORD IT [probably like: 50 Million people AT LEAST]...Is only for people who, CANT NOT AFFORD IT...Winning: $5,000 on pick4 will cover you for: 10 years...


Entry #1,751

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

Global/Continental Powerball/Va Cash5 for Any women who want to get Breast REduction....

90% of women look beautiful but is that breast their breast are too big...

There Needs to be a Global Pick3 towards: Global Rural Development....

Like: 365,000 People die each year Globally due to preventable everyday accidents:

Not car Accidents i am talking accidents of any kind, misfortunes....1 example, a boy went and rescue his brother caught in the ice and both drown...Stuff like that...If you want someone to write you a: $20 million dollar check find a way to prevent it or solve it..Because i think: 365,000 people each handing out: $25 all of them all at once because you save their lives is: $10 Million dollars...Times the other: 365,000 the next year it will be close to: $20 Million dollars...

There Needs to be a Global Pick3 towards: Global Helping the Female Gender Development [of any kind]....

THIS IS JUST FOR FUN: HOW TO CHEAT TO GET TO MOUNT EVEREST: Get a galaxy plane fly above mount everest jump of the plane now you see those parachute you can guide or you retrofit a glider to go in the direction you like, jump of the plane and land right on the tip...When on the tip of the mount Everest you take out your camera start filming...NOBODY WILL KNOW...

There needs to be a Global Prayer Pick3 where the: $500 that people win they dont win it right away, instead is a monthly Salary and the winners job is to: PRAY, PRAY EVERYDAY...PART TIME OR FULL TIME, BUT THEY MUST PRAY FOR THE WELLFARE OF EVERYTHING...

This made me think...You could create a Global Pick3 where the: $500 that people win, is not handed down to them right away but instead is a monthly salary for them to work in whatever the planet needs, growing trees whatever...

There also, needs to be a Global Pick2 or Global Tx 2 Steps towards the development of the study of Rocks and minerals and the science that studies Rocks and Minerals and geology...

There also needs to be a Global/Continental Pick3 where the:$500 that people win, is not handed down to them right away but instead is a monthly salary for TEENAGERS AND KIDS to work in whatever the planet needs, growing trees whatever...But each: $500 win is divided into: $167 dollars per month for each teen/kid...Out of the: $167; $17 is subtracted as tax leaving it in: $150 per month...The $17 per win as tax will generate: $20 Billion dollars per year in revenue in: CHINA, INDIA, USA not counting Russia...In the rest of the world it will generate: $12 Billion dollars per year in revenue....

Entry #1,750

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

The Perfect Man DOESNT EXIST...He can exist but the way things are he cant exist....There are many things that need cut out for him to exist...I am going to list some...Big words must not exist, he must be thought what to eat, to eat healthy from a very young age, there must be, Kids bootcamps all over the USA, the etique thing he must not be taught that, he must work at most 3 times a week for 4 hours each day...He must be thought patience, there must be a way to read a: 400 page book simplify it in: 20 pages...Must always have private teachers with him even when he is not using them and must be quiz every day of his life until his death, there must be a Pick4/0-5 instead of a pick3, he must be giving the operation not to have kidz or his wife but preferrably him [he could end up having 60 kids and then it will ruin it]....He must be thought that whenever he does a job he must do the best at any given time, he must be spanked, he must be thought to lift weights from the time he is six years old, when he is a child he must not have ANY friends [well one of every race but he will only see them once a week and for 3 hours only, when he is a child he must go to school from: 7am to 8pm everyday of his childhood and teenhood including weekends, he must not have, he must exercise his back from childhood, he must practice memory card game everyday of his life and must be given pills for the memory not for the brain, must be thought to always be in a good mood, must be thought never to get mad but instead when he gets mad to hit the books or the gym from a small age, must never be shown tv, if he does it must be educational or informative, must be thought from a young age that TIME IS MONEY, EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY IS MONEY, must be given a watch from the time is a toddler and must be taught how to use it, must be thought the Bible but be NOT TO RELIGIOUS NOT TO TAKE IT OVERBOARD, must be thought from a child to think stuff 3 times before acting, ect, ect...Guys i said the perfect man not the most intelligent/bright person...

Some people say it doesnt matter why mention this, well i was thinking what if God approaches or does miracles or blesses more to the creature that gets to be like Him/It/Her/It-Her-Him or blesses the world more....Remember Job...

A Message to the latino population particular the ones that dont speak very good English...This is a hypothesis....You might feel discriminated by the entire population or by caucasians, one possibility might be that everyone on earth has, GOALS, Everyone in the world is goal oriented, and by you not speaking proper english nobody will want to befriend you because they feel they will be carry bagagge in this goal oriented society....The first thing they are going to think is, i am not a teacher or i dont work in daycare and it might be that they will say, i would have work in the daycare BUT I GOT GOALS TO REACH...Same thing happens with women, women who are divorce with 7 kids no men wants to approach them because they are goal oriented and dont work in the daycare....Is not that you look different because you dont....you might say well look at black people how they are discriminated and they speak good english...Well i think they DO LOOK DIFFERENT...I tell you because it doesnt make sense...

You might say well why there isnt too many interecial marriages between latinos and white...First of all you got to understand that a woman can get: any man she likes while a man can not...Think about it this why, why will i quit making: $400,000 dollars a year or put down 5,000 jobs that pay me: $400,000 a year for one or 2 jobs that pay me: $300,000 a year....Some people will do it but a lot/plenty will not...Is NOT THAT YOU ARE UGLY OR SOMETHING...The same is with the caucasian men...is not that he hates you...

You know people who like to go around the world in a small boat or if you ever wanted to travel the world in a small boat just for fun you could pay those huge cruisers a small fee [$5,000 maybe], tie your boat to the back of their ship and cruise the world, let the cruiser tug/haul your small boat...You can even use your small boat to transport something whatever it might be, or you could rent 1 room of the cruiser to transport something you might need...

What if you create something like a clothes-pin that goes on your nose and sustains your glasses without needing frames for your glasses...or a cap sustaining your eyeglasses cheaper than buying glasses frames...Also you know what you can use clothes hangers for the ones that got a plastic wrap on it, you can use them to make cheap glasses frames...You are saving yourself: $300...

You know what you can do with old decomission military submarines....Use them as tour submarines...If you can put some glass in them or add a camera that feeds to the submarine through a tv screen, you know retrofit it, it will be wonderful...People will pay to have a tour....If you was to get: 100 people in 1 submarine and charge them: $500 a day each for a 6 hour tour in 1 year you will make: 36.5 Million dollars per year per submarine....

This is a message to the Entire WORLD...There are people who send their kids to learn karate, or will buy a cell phone that is more expensive because the cell phone is better for the environment...Guess what do stuff for the environment but tiny details like which light bulb you use i mean it helps but guess what you want to help the world, you help the world by teaching your kids to love other people of other races to learn to love other people of other races and with disabilities or impediments by doing that you help the planet more than buying a particular laptop who is greener or teaching your kids karate...Because tiny changes like that dont help the world...Recycling or planting trees yeah but minute details like that dont...You contribute more for the welfare of the planet by teaching your kids to love other kids of other races/ethnicities or avoid getting rage than you do donating old soaps or shampoo to a charity....Want to hear another one, You contribute more for the welfare of the planet by teaching your kids to love other kids of other races/ethnicities or avoid getting rage or dont hit women than you do helping lost whales in the beach get back to sea or help new born turtles get back to sea...By all means help but i am just telling you where you help most...Just so you know...You do more for the planet by picking up all the thrash in your state/country [not you alone] than you do running for local mayor of a county or running for governor....

You do more for the planet and your kid by teaching your kid and you NEVER IN HIS LIFE TO DRINK SODA OR CIGARETTES OR FAST FOOD than by making him go to a private school or the college of his choice instead of a 3rd or 4th choice....
You do more for your kid and the planet by instilling in your kid to ALWAYS WEAR SEAT BELT than you do by teaching your kid to always say thank you or please or even be polite...You do more for your daughter and the world by teaching your daughter to always wear seat belt and get a car with airbags than by telling her not to wear high heels or lipstick or paint her nails or do the wrong hairdo...
You do more for your kid/teenager and the planet by teaching him/her to always as long as he/she is a teenager to wear condom when having sex than by making your kid get a A in Math & Social Studies [just those 2 classes]....

One of the most Majestic things in the World:



Entry #1,749

How Many Global Mega Millions & Some Thoughts...

I Counted it and the Globe can have: AT LEAST 40 MegaMillions Lotto the ones of: $1 playing 2 times a week, now the ones for: $2, $3, $4, $5 ects is a different story...This is something to think about...

If you can win the: 5/5 + 0 tier every drawing 3 times the ones that pay: $250,000 you will accumulate globally: $960 Million dollars every year...Rememeber thats winning the 5/5+ 0 only 1 time per drawing...
Now if you was to win the Jackpot of those 40 jackpots but only accumulate: $2 Million dollars and give the rest to someone so they claim the jackpot, you will accumulate: $10 Billion dollars every year...Now if those MegaMillions had an option where you can play for: 25 cents and you win: 1/4th [25%] the jackpot you will accumulate: $2.5 Billion dollars EVERY YEAR...

Some Thoughts...

There Needs to be a Global Pick3 towards: Global Rural Development....

Entry #1,748

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

Why not you know the computer mouse why not have 1 glove-pouch that goes in 1 of your fingers the index finger and you move it around and you just press...If it hasnt been invented already....

There needs to be a global/Continental/Regional news channel that is INFORMATIVE AND EDUCATIONAL ONLY not showing what made news today...100% of all the news in the world show news that are what made headlines...INFORMATIVE...

You know if all the USA was to collect, used books and magazines nobody wants and form a National Library, you know books that cost: $1 or 50 cents it will be like: 60 miles long by 20 miles wide or more books since: 1920 and up...Now do the same with a Global library and it will be...lol...oh boy!...Do that with every show of every minute of ever TV of every province and country in the world from 1930 and it will be: very huge too...

They should have a place that sells the World Cups on DVD all of them, all the time, same is with the NBA Finals the NFL, Rugby, Beisball finals on DVD...Blockbuster should have them, or RentFlix dont know why they dont....Women´s sport Finals too...And the different Continental and REgional final competitions....

Remember the movie: Terminator3, remember that big truck the woman robot is driving chasing the guy, well i thought of something if they dont have it already...You know everytime there is a: 8th story building fire or 16th story building fire why not use a crane truck with a firefighter hoze on it pointing directly at the room/floor with a camera and mechanically from the bottom from the remote controls someone waters/spreads water on the fire...It helps...Why not use, used 10 wheeler tips trucks, the crane could even have a tiny elevator box/bin out of metal that could elevate a firefighter....This is for fires on tall buildings....

You know a good story for a TV series or TV movie...There is this plane with passengers passing through a country where there is civil war, the captain of the plane assures the crew there will not feel a thing since they are: 40,000 feets above ground...But then something goes wrong and the plane crashes, most survive and find themselves in the civil war and passengers find themselves in an ordeal to survive...

You know a good use of Immigrants in the USA or you yourself how you can make a living , anyone can...Writing stories or short stories and stocking them up, writing stories for TV series...Just use your imagination...You know a good short story that could go on TV series...The lottery, what if Pick4 drawing numbers were coordinates, then there is a group that follows those coordinates and when they are there, strange stuff occurs or supernatural stuffs occur....

You know something you can do i call it a program for people who want to become teachers or anything...Lets use the example of people wanting to become teachers...They are in college, you got money and they are asking for a loan you give them the loan and for them to repay you they must volunteer 1 year their first year teaching at a school after the first year they will get paid but not in that school that school is ONLY for teachers who are volunteering their first year to pay off the college loan...You in turn create a school out of this teachers charge people like: $4 a month to take classes at that school and make money off of it or get back your money with interests...This system will help educate the world...

I feel that there should be a Global Pick2 to let people have 2 days off a week from work but dont know if people will approve it...That idea of having 1 day off a week from work is detrimental...Because you dont get to see your kids, your friends your family ect...Plus it stiffles economic growth because since people have 1 day off that´s the day they go shopping or whereever thus not contributing to stimulating the economy....

Had this idea...Why not have this option...In some countries you retire at age 62 or 65 how about this...Is just an exchange...you retire at age: 62 for example but you work every day 6 days a week...What if you make a deal where you will work: 5 days a week all your life but when you retire you still work 3 days a week or 4 days a week...You work 3 days a week and 1 day part time making up/compensating for the 2 days off you had all your life...But here is the catch, when you retire and continue working you work the 2 days you had off plus an extra 5 hours free a week to the company...and you really retire: 4 years later after the time you were really supposed to retire...
you could also make it backwards where is someone works 5 hours a day 5 times a week or 4 times a week they could put in the extra hours and work: 8 hours a day 6 times a week and retire 6 years early or 12 years early...But it will be detrimental...

Guys, maybe people who are mean is in their blood, something inside the blood fluids that causes some people to be bad...I say this because i know 2 people, 2 women who dont have high blood pressure who i have known all my live and who i see everyday who ive felt like asking them, WAS YOUR PREVIOUS JOB WAS A SERIAL KILLER??? OR JASON...I feel these 2 women their heart somehow doesnt beat normally...Their names should be: RUTHLESS OR BARBARIC...And when i was a child i knew someone like that too, a woman too....And if made me think, if those are the women type: IMAGINE THE MALE VERSION....Many times i felt like getting a beisball bat and let them have it and while at it demand to know what they have in their hearts...What´s worse is that both person are short like me...Actually now that i remember, make that 4 people, 4 women who i know...Want to know something, not saying there are not worse men out there but to me i never MET a male that are like these 4 women particularly these 2 women...You know what 3 of these women have in common??? THEIR VOICE, IT SOUNDS MALEISH SOMETHING, LIKE A MIXTURE OF FEMALE AND MALE....Sorry to say this but had they been males they will had been shot/killed a long time ago...So it has to be something in their blood...And i am not the only one who has said it/agrees with me...Guess what?? All 4 are educated did some years in college, go to church every now and then, dont got no problem with the law, good driving record...The word is not concerning the word is: ALARMING...You know what all 4 of these women have in common??? their arms are 3 times mines, they dont lift weights they are not bodybuilders...Anybody who knows them will tell you...Those women their heart DO NOT BEAT like EVERYONE ELSES...I think marrying those women can give you cancer in the long run...All 4 women, NEVER, EVER, in my life i heard them say: THANK YOU...EVER...

And this is just so you know...There are males out there who have the face of RUTHLESS, BARBARIC SERIAL KILLERS OR KILLERS...PEOPLE NOTICE IT TOO....YOU CAN TELL BECAUSE NOBODY GETS CLOSE TO THOSE GUYS...THEY MIGHT NOT BE BUT THEY GOT THE FACE...And there are guys out there who are so fit or work out SO MUCH that you say: YOU MUST BE TRYING TO KILL SOMEONE...

Entry #1,747