pumpi76's Blog

Sorry but is the Truth: Are You Sure you want to Travel: Are You SURE Satan is not Real..

I want you to draw a Global Map of the World...In it:

Stain the ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST because you can turn on the TELEVISION without not hearing SOMETHING from that Region sto stain it in black...

In China is Communist so you cant travel and is 37% Rural and Mountainous...Mongolia is underdeveloped...Japan there is too is too many nuclear reactors in Japan and the country is so tiny that is going to one of these days ERASE all of Japan...there are like 4 countries in Asia that are communist so you cant travel into them...In other 3 Asian countries there have been big conflicts in recent years or is plagued by AIDS [myanmar, Cambodia, Bhutan or Bangladesh]....India 33% of India is Mountainous and most of the year it RAINS TOO MUCH And big poverty too....In Sri Lanka not long ago there was conflict...

Central Asia is underdeveloped and very Dusty, MOUNTAINOUS and Underdeveloped...Australia 43% of it is a big desert meaning almost half of it...

Russia 43% of half of it is Extreme Cold, Mountainous some and covered by Northern Vegetation and underdeveloped...And the goverment just threw in the thrash $600 Billion dollars say it was going to ITS CURRENCY, cant believe people see their reflections in currency...

40% of Europe or Eastern Europe is not ALL THAT [Eastern Europe] and there was not long ago conflict...The Scandinavian Penninsula is too cold and infront of it the sea is one of the roughest...The Artic and Antartic, FORGET IT...

Canada is TOO COLD, underdeveloped full of Northern Vegetation [again $600 Billion dollars thrown in the Trash by Russia]...

Half of the USA is too cold...

The Carribean is too tiny and Battered by Hurricanes and Surrounded by nothing but Water...

In Mexico stain it with black....In Colombia Stain it with black...Not long ago Venezuela & Colombia almost got into war and it can happen anywhere it doesnt matter...Stain el Salvador, too much violence...

Bolivia they got a big problem with some bug that gives them heart attacks later in life, is huge overthere...

33% of Brasil is Jungle Vegetation and very underdeveloped rurally...

36% of Chile is very mountanous and not long ago there was an earthquake...

most of northern Africa is a huge desert the size of Canada or the USA, Sahara Desert and is very dusty in Northern Africa and many times UNDERDEVELOPED...The other half of Africa the southern part is Very dense in vegetation and super underdeveloped and there is lots of conflicts there...

My question is, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO TRAVEL AND ARE YOU SURE Satan doesnt exist and are you SURE he is not HUGE like GODZILLA or the size of our Sun...I ¨REPEAT¨ are you SUURREEE Satan FINDS YOU OR HUMANS ATTRACTIVE...

50% of the Global Population is Obese...You want me to go on...




I said before and i will say it again:



Entry #1,791

This is Embarrasing but is Worth Mentioning: Enough Petroleum to Reach the Other Edge of the Galaxy

                                                                                            Guys this is embarrasing but every idea is precious...What i am about to say gives enough Petroleum to reach the other edge of the galaxy or the closes galaxy but you will need to make some stops and expand the ship...

Want to know what´s the answer??? Animal Stool/Solid waste & Cloning...

The Human body has 60 trillion cells a cat must have like 10 Trillion cells...If 10 trillion cells get cloned it means it will be 10 trillion cats and if those 10 trillion cats get cloned is another 10 trillion cats...Remember is 10 trillion cells in 1 cat so 10 trillion cats should have: 10 trillion x 10 Trillion = A HUGE NUMBER [remember cats get pregnant every 3 months so is: [10 trillion x 10 Trillion 4 times in 1 year]....Now if that huge number of cats each gave out a solid waste 3-6 times a day [it will be a huge reserve of petroleum/fuel PER day], all you will need is a bacteria to transform solid waste into energy or biodiesel [like genetically ingeneering the bacteria]...Genetically modifying a bacteria, uhmmm!! Do you now see, among the many reasons why i said that Chemistry is and should be the number 1 class in the world from now on...

But remember the 10 trillion x 10 Trillion cats x 4 times a year, well that number will grow exponentially and so will the fuel every 3 months...YES I SAID: EXPONENTIALLY from its previous number...


There is another way to reach to the other Edge of the Universe or to the Closest Galaxy...This way is more elegant...It requires that all human beigns on Earth in the ship, RUN, that each one of them RAN...How, REMEMBER ISRAEL has a technology where cars ride ontop of the road and the road has resistance technology/APPLIED PRESSURE that converts weight to energy...You can apply the same technology to threadmills and make every human and this way create energy...Every human will run every hour of everyday FOREVER...If you could clone humans and also make them have babies every 3 months you will had create a Huge reserve of Energy, a Sea of Petroleum PER DAY... IT TOO THE FUEL WILL HAD GROW EXPONENTIALLY....But the Petroleum Reserves of Energy/People of this plan will had been: 480 times bigger than the cats one assuming cats lifespan is 20 years old...owe this idea thanks to the country of Japan...



you know nuclear plants, you cant not have them in very small/TINY countries...You are going to wipe out the entire population of those countries...Only countries like, Canada, Russia, China, USA and maybe India & Brazil if they want to have them, should have them, and remember in the country side...I am not in favor of nuclear energy but if they want to have them...

Entry #1,790

The Lotto Needs to be Replaced: The Movie the Minority Report: ...

This case needs to go to the Supreme Court is very Controversial...Here is the thing...You already heard me tell you that if you crack the lotto you might be able to see or predict when someone will die in Anticipation just like the Movie the minority report...

Tell me what happens if you could see when someone will die in anticipation...Well what happens, is that a good portion of deaths is done as crime/homicide, so is like the same if you could tell when someone lies...It will make you the world, MOST WANTED/HATED MAN very likely resulting in your Death...

So there you go like a pig, creating systems for the lottery, not knowing that whenever you crack the lottery there will be a bounty on your head literally...So you get kidnapped or kill/murdered and all you wanted is to win some money and is funny because the lottery is the only thing there is to get money or start saving wait 30 years ´till you retire that´s if you dont get cancer before hand...

That´s why i think the state lottery needs to change to : paradoxes game, metastatic, crossword puzzles, memory game, board games, anagrams, ect...

why because it endangers people´s life...Have you noticed that i dont post systems anymore i blog but i dont post on the lottery anymore, i quit the lottery i posted a system the other day just for the sake of it but ive quit the lottery...Not to mention that people will make billions out of your systems in other countries...


Also, if you believe in what the Bible says, it says that Death is an entity that follows different rules, and i mean who knows if when you are going to die was your time to die [you know the book of Life] and if you was to upset Death it might be like upsetting Godzilla it might come with a bigger force like in the movie: Final Destination...How do you know that by upsetting the order of Death you are not upsetting the laws of the universe or the laws of life/nature or upsetting the laws of the spiritual world...Stephen Hawking himself has said that the universe is like a giant computer, what if Death or Nature come at you stronger than before....How you know that by upsetting the laws of the spiritual world it doesnt account for apartitions of unexplained phenomena in our world like mysterious bright lights, or UFOs or time travel which has occured to some people...

You want me to tell you something???? 2 days ago i saw a shadow figure [like ghosts] with a hood robe on all in black all over his body, not from the corner of my eyes but with both of my eyes it appeared infront of me, saw it only for 1 second....i was going to sit down in bed and watch the TV and before i opened the door i saw it...then when i went inside and turned on the TV there was a guy with a hood dress/robe on on the tv movie, some kind of movie...

You know what i did sunday like 1 hour before going to bed, i lifted weights with my left side only dont know if this contributed...

Entry #1,789

An Advice To The USA, Europe & Russia...

You can make the WHOLE WORLD rich, make money overflow of every citizen on the planet evil or the DEVIL will continue to reap havoc, you can make every chick on earth be a celestial beauty the DEVIL will continue to reap havoc, you can round every criminal in prisons and dont let them out forever, including you could whip them everyday of their lives, the DEVIL will continue to reap havoc....You can bring PEACE TO THE WORLD forever, THE DEVIL will continue to reap havoc...The Devil is not 1 person or an organization or a country [i think is a force]...The Devil/Satan is as BIG as sex, BIGGER THAN THE USA MILITARY OR NATO, BIGGER THAN BULLETS, BIGGER THAN THE FOREX, AS BIG AS THE SUN PROBABLY, ECT....Satan doesnt find HUMANS I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARRRREE OR Which country you AAARRRE Satan does not find you ATTRACCCTIVVVE, never have, NNNEEEVVER WIILLLL....All i got to do is look at animals and see that they are not aesthetically cute, they are like from a horror movie, so if animals are like that, there must be a force or spiritual force that is like from a horror movie...More money and movies have been done about WAREWHOLES AND VAMPIRES and anesthesia and the 7 dwarfs than the Devil/Satan yet they dont exists YYYYEEEETTT you see SATAN´S WORK EEEEVVVERRRY DAY and has been done so since the begining of mankind is even older than vampire or Anesthesia......Again the fairytale world you THINK YOU LIVE ON...You can make that there is more Robots/Androids than humans on EAARRTHH, SATTTTANNN WILL CONTINNUEE REAP HAVOC...Analyze people blood i dont know...Because otherwise you are treating the disease/sympton NOT THE CAUSE/ROOT...

The Bible says what???THAT IN THE BIGGINING THERE WAS DARKNESS AND A VOID, GOD IS A GOD OF LIGHT NOT DARKNESS...So if in the biggining there was DARKNESS IT MEANS EVIL IS A FORCE OR SOMETHING VERY OLD...EXPLAIN TO ME what does the Bible mean when is says that in the begining there was: DARKNESS AND A VOID...Let me translate it...The Bible says that IN THE BEGINING: There were: TINIEBLAS Y UN GRAN VACIO, yet the Bible also says that: SATAN IS THE ¨PRINCE¨ DE LAS TINIEBLAS...However Las Tinieblas existed since the begining is what Genesis says...

Nobody gets up and say: today i am going to shoot someone, kill someone, rob someone, scam someone, stuff like that dont occur to anyone...NOBODY NOT EVEN ANIMALS...Evil is like magic because is something from like another UNIVERSE...Animals kill when they are hungry is is alway a smaller animal...When animals fight other animals of their size is not to the death and after animals kill their meal they dont go hunting for the next pray...Only humans do that crap...Reminds me that Only humans have sex for pleasure animals dont...It must be something in the blood or a force...There is a lot of CRAP that animals dont do that humans do which is like witnessing a REAL UNICORN WITH WINGS...I sometimes think is a different HEART BEAT or blood pressure, or type of blood or extra testosterone, or the blood doesnt coagulate that fast, or too much electricity in the brain, i dont know.....thing is puzzling is like try to find where this planet came from...Is not just why someone kills or scam is, SIN WHY PEOPLE SIN...Why people lie, cheat, and the innumerable number of sins people do...Is not just that is WHY KIDS BEHAVE BAD WHY THEY CANT SIT STILL...Which makes me think is something in the blood or the body....

Want to hear a joke that is true...Cant stand this...There are people who win: $100 Million dollars and they day they are going to collect they will fight over: $10 dollars extra...That is NOT HUMAN, that is not from the animal kingdom, that´s something else animals dont do that humans do...I have WITNESS THAT OVER AND OVER, TIME AND TIME AGAIN....An animal after he/she ate and fulls his stomach dont fight over 2 centimeter piece of bone/meat...Only humans do that...

you know something else monkeys dont do that humans do....Monkeys when they are not doing anything, they stand still, they relax and stand still yet kids dont 24/7 in fact most if not all animals normally stand still.....I sometimes wonder if during the evolutionary process in one of the missing link, there was intervention by aliens, if they came and inject humans-animals something...

You know something else that humans have that animals dont have??? Humans solid waste is more toxic than animals and it has a stronger odor than animals, which makes me think that is something internal like in the blood or the body...

Did you know that women taste buds is different than mens´, yeah their taste buds is more particular/ choosy, very picky than mens so dont tell me it cant be something in the blood/internal...Their eyesight is very particular, also than mens´ they eyesight pays more attention to small details than mens´...So i repeat so dont tell me it cant be something in the blood/internal....

Did you know men eat more/get more hungrier than women, why because they weigh more and i think is also because they burn more calories...So i repeat so dont tell me it cant be something in the blood/internal....

Entry #1,788

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

Why not drop 10 drops of ginger in pineapple juice, apple juices, orange juices, coconut juices and charge: 2 pennies extra from the original price for the juices...People will buy them and it will be better for humans...

You know what it will be cool??? is if you can train a computer listen to an array of sounds and experiment with different musical beats and distinguish or extract very good beats and tell you which beats are those so artists can make good songs...

How aboud a Regional Expensive Jewelry Pick4...The $5,000 you win goes to buy/redeemable in jewelry or expensive watches or expensive sunglasses or expensive underwear or a hat/cap, or expensive shoes, expensive suits, except clothes...Dont want to make it global because there is more important things for it...And if a person has some of them already he/she can get backpacks or cameras, alarm clocks, lamps, ties, soxes, traveling bags, laptops, dumbells, expensive colognes/perfumes, expensive paintings, Expensive China sets, expensive furniture, expensive stereo sets, expensive curtains, expensive pets, home gyms, expensive motorcycle, lawwn mower tractors, expensive cell phone, hunting garments, jacussi, years of massages sessions, years of sessions in expensive hair salons, expensive facial products, ect....But it should cost: 25 cents the ticket....

i never heard of people selling fish already prepared in cans in groceries stores, except for tuna & Sardine but how about other types of fish...Maybe kept refrigerated....

Dont know if this will work but is worth a try...What if when you went to a grocery store they told you..If you buy product A22 along with product D98 along with product H50 along with product W39 if you bought that particular combination of products it will cost you: $1 dollar or $2 dollars cheaper than if you bought them seperatedly on different occassions...Also, what if the grocery store sent you via cell phone the price of the products that are low in price for that particular week....

How teens could bring better grades or work during school and still bring better grades....Teens for example get 3 months free for vacation...Well during those 3 months they go to school take 1 or 2 classes only for 3 hours, from: 6am to 9am or from 9pm to 12 midnight private busses pick them up and drop them off...Those 1 or 2 classes they will give them the upcoming years but they will forfeit it because they already are taking it in vacations.....Well 3 months is 90 days so 90 days x 3 hours = 270 days hours...When school time comes they get off, 2 hours before because they took the last 2 classes of the day schedule already....So they get off 2 hours before everyone giving them more time to study and get better grades or giving them extra time to work...Those 2 hours they could work plus an extra 1 hour meaning working 3 hours everyday part time plus they have less classes meaning less homework....

There are people who spend: 4-5 hours driving EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THEIR LIVES...Why dont they sell CDs that you can pop in your car radio and listen to it all day while driving, as if you was listening to the radio, CDs that might have a class course or something that you might need/want to learn, like a foreign language, medical dictionary, teaching English, ect, ect...Inclusive it could be books that you could listen on your CD radio...Also why dont they have a radio stations where all they do is read books all day...Read short books or short stories....

what if your watch was also a radio....Never heard of one...

This can be a fitness plan...Some Expensive gyms ask you for: $100 a month...This plan costs: $150 per month...If you are a busy person and you drive: 4 hours everyday or more, get yourself anyone someone who is willing to work part time for: $150 a month...What do you do?? You pay him/her to motivate you and drive your car while you lift weights IN THE CAR....That´s 4 hours a day that you are missing...

Something to think about...Imagine if all the cars in the world on their rooftop carry a flat square wide bottle/container the size of the rooftop and everytime it rains they collect clean water that otherwise will fall on the road...Imagine the quantity of water that all the cars in the world will collect...Several Lakes for sure...

You know something else that can go on the rooftops of cars?? Solar panels that collect/store sunlight/energy and charge household batteries...Or used the energy for something else...It could be enough energy to charge huge human size batteries that can later be transported in ships that need energy or use at a particular facility that needs energy....Those houseld batteries are very dear/expensive anyways....For example those human size energy batteries could be transported to the Artics or Antartic or Alaska for example...

Also something i didnt say before worth mentioning...You know how scientists say that bacteria are more advanced than us because they only live a couple of hours and they have been reproducing and dying from the begining when the planet formed...Well is that´s true, then small animals whose life span is of a couple of days or a couple of months, their blood/DNA should be stronger than OURS because they die quicker than us and thus go through genetic/DNA variations and adaptability faster than us...A good example is rats...Rats had Bubonic plague but the Bubonic Plague bacteria didnt do anything to them because their blood is stronger than US HUMAN, however, the Bubonic Plague almost wiped out ALL OF EUROPE....
The shorter the lifespan of the animal the stronger their Blood/DNA...Hypothetically speaking...

Entry #1,787

Want to See Someone Look Like This...

Want to see someone look from this:

to this:

Want to see someone look from this:

to this:

or this???


It requires kidnapping someone and keeping them in an underground vault cage/den...On the floor of this huge bunker-vault there is 2 metal structures that got the shape of a lowercase n hooked to that n there is chains coming out attached to the hands of these obese women/men, they extend only so much into the obese hand...on the ground there is 2 Dumbells and a curl bar weights...The obese persons job is to lift weights WHEN you tell them to and how much you tell them to...IF THE PERSON DOESNT COMPLY/PERFORM TO THE STANDARDS, THEY GET WHIP/LASH WITH A LASH/WHIP MINUTE BY MINUTE...They cant escape and nobody can hear them...After they look the desired way, you release them...They will not know where they were...You feed them what you want to feed them, healthy food of course...Owe this idea to the movie the: the 300...

remember this:

This can be a fitness plan...Some Expensive gyms ask you for: $100 a month...This plan costs: $150 per month...If you are a busy person and you drive: 4 hours everyday or more, get yourself anyone someone who is willing to work part time for: $150 a month...What do you do?? You pay him/her to motivate you and drive your car while you lift weights IN THE CAR....That´s 4 hours a day that you are missing...You can even play the music while in the car...

Entry #1,786

If you want someone to write You a $250 Million dollar check & Middle East...

Someone should write you that check...Becareful they write you a: $450 Million dollar check...

Invent a medicine/pill that will make your arms or whole body numb so that you can lift all the WEIGHTS IN THE WORLD THAT YOU WANT for as long as you want without feeling pain...It will be one of the greatest invention of all times...You will go in history as one of the Great Men of History/Science...

Nice way to cheat ROFL




Middle East, DID YOU KNOW, that you lose like AT LEAST: $12 Billion dollars PER year PER COUNTRY in Tourism and people wanting to move to your country and Bussiness investment in EACH of your country because of the way MUSLIMS DRESS NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGION OR HABITS/COSTUMS BUT BECAUSE OF THE WAY MUSLIMS DRESS, THEY DONT DRESS LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE...Sorry to say this but you are sort of: EXCOMMUNICATED FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD BECAUSE OF THAT...CANT BELIEVE, NO ONE IN THE WORLD, NO COUNTRY TOLD YOU...

Entry #1,785

Electrician Proffessions in Japan: How about this: Part3...And Some Thoughts..

Remember this???


Japan Salaries is one of the highest in the World...

Well lets say there is: 5 Million electricians in Japan [electricians in Japan should make like: i dont know but a LOT] if all of them were to donate: $50 a month [or $600 a year] it will be: $6 Billion dollars every year...With the $6 Billion dollars they can build whatever is it that they like in Japan or in another country...You will feel like you just climbed Mount Everest....It could be in a foreign country it could be in the Japan or Abroad.....

You know what you could do with the: $6 Billion dollars each year abroad???...Create a National/Regional Professional Men/Women Rowing or Volleyball League around the world you will be able to hire like: 500,000 people getting paid: $1,000 a month for each player...Something else you could do instead of the player getting paid: $1,000 a month, their house mortgage of: $350 a month gets paid...And they work part time the home salary, the rest they work a regular job...However they will be a Semi-Professional Men/Women Softball/Cricket or Hockey League around the world...This way you will hire: 1.7 Million people around the world...

IT COULD BE IN JAPAN OR IT COULD BE ABROAD IN ANY COUNTRY [example: France, Germany, England, Greece, Moldova, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Australia, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Nigeria, South Africa, Lybia, Morrocco, Turkey, Bangladesh, Italy, Norway, Sweeden, Finland, Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Romania, Phillippines, Mongolia, South Korea, Cambodia, Niger, Burma, Ukraine, Tanzania, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Irak, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Chile, Zimbabwe, Tunisia, Check Republic, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Montenegro, Singapore, Egypt, Chad, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Usbekistan, Kazakastan, Turmenistan, Kyrgistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Hungary, Macedonia, Latvia, Spain, Algeria, Mauritania, Angola, Madagascar, Rep of Congo, Sudan, Zambia, Botswana, Mali, Namibia, ect, ect]...Dude you got the, WHOLE WORLD to choose from...For example the: 546,000 people they get: $20 taken out of their paychecks every month as: TAX and it will be: $131 Million dollars PER YEAR donated to a charity or charity research like cerebral palsy or malaria or for whatever charity......

Any profession in Japan can do it with any sport or anything they like...People need to invent more sports...I call this, social programs....



Well i was thinking that if they could find the RNA of bacteria and see how it repairs itself, maybe they can change it to disrupt the bacteria and this way find drugs to disrupt the bacteria and kill it....i think the news was the RNA building blocks...


i was seeing on TV that the majority of time life spend on Earth or during the time organisms were forming the majority of that time spent it was done by UNICELLULAR organism and this made me think, if there is life in another planets in the UNIVERSE, they will not be humans because, there is a big possibility they EVOLVED from MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS which will create a different output....It explain why mankind is so Selfish by nature and have war like qualities inside of us...BEcause since there were so many unicellular organisms everyone was fighting each other to survive...It wasnt like a big mass of a living organism/big mass of living tissue where every organism shared what they had...In the unicellular environment it was each one fend for themselves and each organism is the enemy...

Also when organisms are clumped together in multicelullar they are stronger DNA/gene wise makes them evolved much faster than unicellular organisms because they unite their DNA, while unicellular organism are not because they dont unite their DNA...So if there is life in the universe and they evolved from multicellular organims their blood/DNA which be much stronger and millions or hundreds of millions of years more evolved than ours...

Entry #1,784

Shoe Repairmen Proffessions in Italy, Argentina, Sweden, South Korea: How about this..Part6

Shoe Repairmen Proffessions in Italy, Argentina, Sweden, South Korea, Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, Poland, Peru, Colombia, Ukraine, Romania, Morrocco, Egypt, Algeria, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Angola, Lybia, Mauritania, Something You Can Do….

road/highway bridges

Remember this???


Well lets say there is: 5 Million shoe repairmen in 1 country if all of them were to donate: $1 and 60 cents a month [or $19 a year] it will be: $96 Million dollars every year....Remember the SETI Institute Array and all the countries i mentioned...Well not all those countries are going to set SETI Arrays in their country [Remember is: $96 Million dollars a year PER country]...Well something 1 or 2 of those countries can do iswith the $96 Million dollars PER YEAR PER COUNTRY they can build bridges road/highway bridges in different countries that dont have that many....With the $96 Million dollars you will be able to build: 1,280 Bridges if they cost: $75,000 PER year and donate them and use them for your OWN COUNTRIES ALSO....There is like AT LEAST: 500,000 DEATHS PER year due to lack of roads/highway bridges...

Entry #1,783

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

This is only if Ethanol works and is clean because i heard some comments that ethanol cleanliness is been question...Why not have: HALF ETHANOL-HALF GASOLINE CARS...OR HALF ETHANOL-HALF GASOLINE TRUCKS...Never heard of a car like that...OR HALF BIODIESEL-HALF GASOLINE CARS/TRUCKS....OR HALF BIODIESEL-HALF GASOLINE-HALF ETHANOL CARS/TRUCKS....

You know you go to a store and you only find: blue and black jeans...What happens to: green jeans or red jeans, or brown jeans, or orange jeans or white jeans, or yellow jeans...

You know something high payroll Hollywood actors can do...Get 10 actors, each pitch in: $5 Million dollars will be: $50 Million dollars and make a $50 Million dollar movie...The Movie makes: $100 Million in revenue and they all profit..Could be a tv show...Dont have to be: $5 Million it could be half of that: $2.5 Million dollars....

ALL OF STEPHEN KING BOOKS should be made into Hollywood movies is great stuff compared to somethings ive seen in some hollywood movies....

You could use a Pick4 RNG or Pick3 RNG as forwards & backwards steps you must do in Perchis & Monopoly...You can even use them in playing cards games...For example: 3281 will mean: 3 steps forward, 2 backwards, 8 forwards and 1 backwards....Also why not mix all the board games in existence and create strains games....

Something else...All cars got trunks...But if you ask for your car to be smaller and not have trunk, SHOULDNT IT COST CHEAPER/less...Also ALL cars in the world got 2 back seats but if you ask your car not to have trunk or backseat ask for the car to be smaller, SHOULDNT IT COST CHEAPER/LESS...

Entry #1,782

Shoe Repairmen Proffessions in Italy, Argentina, Sweden, South Korea: How about this..Part5

Shoe Repairmen Proffessions in Italy, Argentina, Sweden, South Korea, Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, Poland, Peru, Colombia, Ukraine, Romania, Morrocco, Egypt, Algeria, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Angola, Lybia, Mauritania, Something You Can Do….

Free Giant Kids Casino of Board Games...Kids Sport Competition that pays money to kids for winning...

Remember this???


Well lets say there is: 5 Million shoe repairmen in 1 country if all of them were to donate: $1 and 60 cents a month [or $19 a year] it will be: $96 Million dollars every year....Remember the SETI Institute Array and all the countries i mentioned...Well not all those countries are going to set SETI Arrays in their country [Remember is: $96 Million dollars a year PER country]...Well something 1 or 2 or 3 or even a couple of those countries can do is with the $96 Million dollars PER YEAR PER COUNTRY they can Create a Free Giant Kids Casino of Board Games and place them in other countries.....1 country example i think it can create: 4 Free Giant Kids Casino of Board Games in another country/countries....With Swimming Pools and Recreational water parks/theme parks...You can use: a sort of Gamesville.com for kids, like 1 country can use Gamesville and another board games...or 1 of the 4 free kids casinos is gamesville.com....Or it could be: Kids Sport Competition that pays money to kids for winning...

Entry #1,781

Shoe Repairmen Proffessions in Italy, Argentina, Sweden, South Korea: How about this..Part3

Shoe Repairmen Proffessions in Italy, Argentina, Sweden, South Korea, Canada, Finland, Norway, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Singapore, Poland, Peru, Colombia, Ukraine, Romania, Morrocco, Egypt, Algeria, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Angola, Lybia, Mauritania, Something You Can Do….

Remember this???


Well lets say there is: 5 Million shoe repairmen in 1 country if all of them were to donate: $1 and 60 cents a month [or $19 a year] it will be: $96 Million dollars every year....Remember the SETI Institute Array and all the countries i mentioned...Well not all those countries are going to set SETI Arrays in their country [Remember is: $96 Million dollars a year PER country]...Well something 1 or 2 or 3 or even a couple of those countries can do iswith the $96 Million dollars PER YEAR PER COUNTRY they can buy: ELECTRON MICROSCOPES and donate them to countries that dont have Electron Microscopes....Someone once told me that an Electron Microscope cost: $1 Million dollars...Let´s say it costs: $7 Million dollars...Then you will be able to buy: 13 Electron Microscopes PER year and donate them and use them for your OWN COUNTRIES ALSO....If it costs: $1 Million you will be able to buy: 96 of them PER YEAR and donate them to various countries and institutions/schools/universities/colleges around the world...

Entry #1,780

The Global Weather: An Anaconda of Yes/No...1 or 0...

To better analyze the Global Weather, take: 200 countries and check each province that each country will have and whether is raining in that province or not...and if is raining is 1 if is not is 0....

So is: 200 countries x 15 provinces = 3000 so it will be a Pick X[Yes]/3000 * MB 24....The MB is the Mega Ball...And the Mega ball is the per hour whether is raining in that particular hour....There is 24 hours in 1 day....

So it will be a long anaconda of yes or no....1 for yes and 0 for no....

You can do the same with the Stock Markets of the world, whether they are up or down meaning yes or no....

where X is the number of provinces where is raining...

Entry #1,779

Is True but My Apologies: Remember Chemistry Well is Medicine Health Biology

Remember this guys???


Remember when i said that Chemistry is the most important subject in the world???More than Math...Is TRUE, HOWEVER I APOLOGIZE....Chemistry is when you live in a paradise, heaven like world...But because we dont live in that world, the Number 1 more important Class/Subject in the world is:

MEDICINE-HEALTH-BIOLOGY THE HEALTH/MEDICINE PART OF BIOLOGY THOUGH FOR BIOLOGY IS TOO BROAD...It includes virology, bacteriology, microbiology and pharmacology.......Medicine has Chemistry backbone on it, but is MEDICINE-HEALTH-BIOLOGY...Chemistry is general though...But here are the way they go...



3.  MATH....

Guys i make mistakes like everyone else....

Dont know how come i didnt see this...I think Math might come at number 4th or 5th for i am sure there might be more subject/classes more important than it....


And even so there is 1 that beats Medicine even though is not a class/subject and that is:


NUMBER 2ND WILL BE: FOOD/FEEDING Which will be: Agriculture-Farming-fishing-Hunting....Dont know if they share the same spot with Medicine-Health or they come third or Medicine-Health comes third...

After that is: Security...

then Laws- behavior-Morality....



but those are of all times, i was talking about Chemistry and Medicine-Health FROM NOW ON...

Also there is 2 classes/subjects that i dont know if they come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th but they are high too and those are:

The Study of the: SUN...

And the other is: GIVING THANKS for US BEEN CREATED AND HAVE A ROOF ONTOP OF OUR HEADS/SHELTER....This is where God, the innumerable dieties and UFO, galaxy, universe, ghosts, multiple universe/dimensions, sun, water, meteors, outerpace silicone, ect come in...Because the way we got here or came to be is: UNBELIEVABLE, NOT DESCRIBABLE, FUNNY, HILARIOUS, COMICAL, BY A WISKER, SARCASTIC, EMBARRASING, MUNCHY, MINUTELY BINOCULAR, and a whole library of adjectives...

Entry #1,778

Some ideas & Some Thoughts...

I call this a new way of buying houses...Remember car trade-ins...Well let´s say you will like to move to a different country B and you live in country A...You swap/trade homes look for someone who lives in country B who will like to move to your country A look for the same prices of both homes and you trade them in/swap them...The house will belong to you, unlike home trade ins where you swap homes for like 3 months on this one the home is yours and you can live there forever...In the home swaps that i seen people trade positions for a limited time but they dont trade the homes forever...

This is embarrasing for the human race...Nobody has made a big hollywood movie about the Jesus Shroud/Turin Shroud...If people believed is true they will had created like a Number cartesian plane of the entire shroud 3dimensionally like number theory kind of thing and all possible math formulas like fractals out of it but you know why lots of people dont believe in Christ, because of perception they look at Jesus and saw that he had yellow skin just like them and they think of my gosh he was/is one of me he even urinated like i do yet the BIBLE CLEARLY SAYS that no SEXUAL INTERVENTION WAS NEEDED for him to be born...People laugh at that, but i laugh more at asperber syndrome, because asperberg should never happen, asperber is like a creature from Saturn or a UFO ALIEN, remember the twins paraDOX, something else that doesnt make sense...
You can do it forwards or backwards...I am surprise no hollywood movie has been done about the Shroud of Turin...

Also something else someone should do, collect where every human is living in which houses take their features and race and assign to each race or feature or ethnicity a particular number then dividide the world into coordinates and each cordinate is a particular number and with it create a global permutation lotto/lottery to see if we see something or if maybe that´s how UFOs see the world or if another unearthly creature/civilization speaks to us that way...Just to do something...Maybe we could connected with the books cartesian plane number system/lotto....You know you could do the same with every rock and pebble and stone and tree and surface, every shape there is in the world with the entire world...you could do it microscopically like through a microscope...Do the same with people´s gene sequence...
You can do it forwards or backwards...

You know something else you can do, you can map every tree, plant and tree/plant leafs and branches in the world and follow each direction their branches are taking, then create an, RNG that have as a code/seed the directions of the branches, every countour of the branches, let the RNGs run forever and also connect them together to see what you got...You could do it with bottles in the ocean, get their location make the sea a cartesian plane of coordinates and follow every direction of the bottles you could even take the directions the bottles made per coordinate and create an RNG [random number generator] out of it, connect them all and constantly analyze them...You can record which person of which color/ethnicity/feature buys which medicine at drugstores...You can record the entire world´s computer keystrokes, which words are been written not for espionage purposes but for math-science-the-arts-research....You can do it forwards or backwards...
I remember 1 time somewhere i heard it or read it dont know if it was science fiction but heard that there was someone who could based on the ticket of the meal he got at McDonald could derived which stocks will be up in the stock markets and when a recession was approaching...He was an accountant...Nobody knew only him...it might had been a short story i read or a sci-fi tv story...He was very good with algorithms too...I think also that he was a statistician cant remember the whole thing...

You know ice cream, why not mix it with fruits, lots of fruits or nutmeg and vanilla and nuts and why not have an ice cream that has all the flavors in 1....Nobody has tried it...

you know the refrigerators sometimes the food in the refrigerator gets fungi i think is called or you get sick because is the same air....Why not have an escape exhaust fan that when you turn the switch it makes the air inside the refrigerator escape to clean the air inside the refrigerator....

You know Mexico how thin it is is not very wide and the asteroid that hit that region and wipe out the dinossaurs and thanks humans are alive, well such a thing could not be a random event...Is like playing Powerball with 1 ticket: and you having: 3-13-26-38-46 MB 14 and the Powerball drawings been: 3-13-27-38-46 MB 14...Like Bullseye....

Instead of buying a more expensive lamp buy the cheapest one but good quality [you don’t want something to break apart easily] and the difference between the cheapest one and the one you was going to buy, buy it in light bulbs…Is better…

I owe this idea to a comercial…How about this…You know laptops come with a cable and a small bulky square thing that looks like a modem or a current regulator gadget it comes attached to the cable of the laptop…I was thinking, that square thing why no make it an extra disk, or memory disk, or RAM disk like an alternator to the laptop, so the laptop goes faster or has more disk space…It will be like an extra computer hard inner disk attached to that laptop…

I was thinking, i will give you an example...Lets say there is, lots of people sick and you are a, pharmaceutical drug company or scientific company and you want to test this new tea with a particular pharmaceutical drug on it on people with the flu...You create a company with the tea that sells it to people with the flu, except that for this people it will cost cheaper, way cheaper than a regular tea only for people trying the experiment...The reason it costs that cheap is because is a tryout, people buy it at this particular company/store and after trying it out they might get a $50 or $100 check...Is better than creating experiment studies because you get the real people and in those tryouts study experiments where people GO sort of volunteer they might fake it...And this is offering the public an option..You can do it with anything...Such tryouts they only have them in the USA, nowhere else...It could be with any experimental food, like a store of scientific experimental foods and they costs: half the price of the product or 1/3rd the price....

Why not mix, roullette with sport betting and possibly throw in the the lotto....
Remember NASA Biosphere to see if humans could live in enclosed space...I meant to say thisf like in 2005, use prisoners for the experiments....Prisoners serving long sentences....

You know something you can do???Lets say you commute to a city that is less than 3 or 4 hours away and you commute everyday to that city, you might work there or you are visiting your girlfriend or kids there or you like spending some good time in that city on the weekends that is 3 or 4 hours away...Something you can do on the side is make an annoucement either on the local newspaper or the internet saying you are willing to carry stuff people would like to send to their relatives/husbands/kids/childrens, it might be a cake that grandma just cook, a book for college that a father/mother just bought his/her 25 year old so, whatever the reason...So on your way there you transport the cake or whatever and you charge people: $10 per person...YOu will make in 1 month at least: $120 if you travel to that city 3 times a week, enough to pay your car insurance or medical insurance, or someone´s medical/car insurance or 1 of your kids in college his groceries for the month...And this way make people save on gas by saving the trip and less environmental pollution...You carry 2 people per trip and is: $240 a month...

Why dont they mix orange juice or strawberry juice with coconut water or pineapple juice with coconut water...Why dont they make watermelon juice and mix watermelon juice with coconut water...Or sell coconut water with green tea....

This doesnt have a lot of importance but i am going to write it anyway...Feel letters are to expensive?? Specially to big bussiness who have to send millions of letters...Sending a letter could cost you: 5 cents instead of: 42 or 55 cents...How??? If you send them through huge Carnival Cruises or oil tankers...If you took an oil tanker or bought a vacation cruise to use them just to transport letters it will cost you cheaper than plane traveled letters....If is from 1 state to the next or from 1 country to the next it will take: 1-2 days....If is from continent to continent it will take the letter 2 months...But it will cost you: 5 cents and not: 42 cents or 55 cents...

i was reading on the news that having a child too late in life like after 40 years of age and above, makes the kid be born with small medical complications, like high blood pressure, extra chromosomes,  possibly 2 sexual organs, and this made me think: What if among those small complications is: AUTISM....And what if the medical complication is passed down from child to grandchildrens or it turns on a gene that causes autism....Or what if a person´s lineage/ancestors everyone began having childrens later in life maybe not at age: 40 but 35, or 33 or 30 or 28 and the blood/genes little by little picked it up...This could be the cause of 10%-20% of all high blood pressure cases....

Tell all the CELEBRITIES of the world that if they want to be famous to pool together like: $1 Million dollars and create what i call: Picture dictiionary shuffling cards with every celebrity in the world pictures on it and sell it world wide for like: $2 the combo...Dont expect people to know all the celebrities of the USA by just reading magazines, let alone know the entire world celebrities...Tell them to take the initiative....

Entry #1,777