konane's Blog

Chicken Teeth

Live link to pic of normal and mutant beak. 
"Surprise: Chickens Can Grow Teeth
By Bjorn Carey  

Chicken will grow teeth when pigs can fly.

Well, better start searching the skies for flying pork—scientists have discovered a mutant chicken with a full set of crocodile-like chompers.

The mutant chick, called Talpid, also had severe limb defects and died before hatching. It was discovered 50 years ago, but no one had ever examined its mouth until now.

The researchers recently created more Talpids by tweaking the genes of normal chickens to grow teeth.

"What we discovered were teeth similar to those of crocodiles—not surprising as birds are the closest living relatives of the reptile," said Mark Ferguson of the University of Manchester."      ........ continued


Entry #197

"Because They Hate

"Because They Hate
By Brigitte Gabriel
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 20, 2006

[Editor's Note: Below are selected excerpts from Brigitte Gabriel's speech delivered at the Intelligence Summit in Washington DC, Saturday February 18, 2006].


We gather here today to share information and knowledge. Intelligence is not merely cold hard data about numerical strength or armament or disposition of military forces. The most important element of intelligence has to be understanding the mindset and intention of the enemy. The West has been wallowing in a state of ignorance and denial for thirty years as Muslim extremist perpetrated evil against innocent victims in the name of Allah.

I was ten years old when my home exploded around me, burying me under the rubble and leaving me to drink my blood to survive, as the perpetrators shouted “Allah Akbar!” My only crime was that I was a Christian living in a Christian town. At 10 years old, I learned the meaning of the word "infidel."

I had a crash course in survival. Not in the Girl Scouts, but in a bomb shelter where I lived for seven years in pitch darkness, freezing cold, drinking stale water and eating grass to live. At the age of 13 I dressed in my burial clothes going to bed at night, waiting to be slaughtered. By the age of 20, I had buried most of my friends--killed by Muslims. We were not Americans living in New York, or Britons in London. We were Arab Christians living in Lebanon.


As a victim of Islamic terror, I was amazed when I saw Americans waking up on September 12, 2001, and asking themselves "Why do they hate us?" The psychoanalyst experts were coming up with all sort of excuses as to what did we do to offend the Muslim World. But if America and the West were paying attention to the Middle East they would not have had to ask the question. Simply put, they hate us because we are defined in their eyes by one simple word: "infidels."

Under the banner of Islam "la, ilaha illa allah, muhammad rasoulu allah," (None is god except Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) they murdered Jewish children in Israel, massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India, and expelled almost 900,000 Jews from Muslim lands. We Middle Eastern infidels paid the price then. Now infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness.

Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murderers doesn't buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet apathy is the weapon by which the West is committing suicide. Political correctness forms the shackles around our ankles, by which Islamists are leading us to our demise.

America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam. You hear about Wahabbi and Salafi Islam as the only extreme form of Islam. All the other Muslims, supposedly, are wonderful moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of the irrational eruption of violence in reaction to the cartoons of Mohammed printed by a Danish newspaper. From burning embassies, to calls to butcher those who mock Islam, to warnings that the West be prepared for another holocaust, those pictures have given us a glimpse into the real face of the enemy. News pictures and video of these events represent a canvas of hate decorated by different nationalities who share one common ideology of hate, bigotry and intolerance derived from one source: authentic Islam. An Islam that is awakening from centuries of slumber to re-ignite its wrath against the infidel and dominate the world. An Islam which has declared "Intifada" on the West.

America and the West can no longer afford to lay in their lazy state of overweight ignorance. The consequences of this mental disease are starting to attack the body, and if they don't take the necessary steps now to control it, death will be knocking soon. If you want to understand the nature of the enemy we face, visualize a tapestry of snakes. They slither and they hiss, and they would eat each other alive, but they will unite in a hideous mass to achieve their common goal of imposing Islam on the world.

This is the ugly face of the enemy we are fighting. We are fighting a powerful ideology that is capable of altering basic human instincts. An ideology that can turn a mother into a launching pad of death. A perfect example is a recently elected Hamas official in the Palestinian Territories who raves in heavenly joy about sending her three sons to death and offering the ones who are still alive for the cause. It is an ideology that is capable of offering highly educated individuals such as doctors and lawyers far more joy in attaining death than any respect and stature, life in society is ever capable of giving them.

The United States has been a prime target for radical Islamic hatred and terror. Every Friday, mosques in the Middle East ring with shrill prayers and monotonous chants calling death, destruction and damnation down on America and its people. The radical Islamists’ deeds have been as vile as their words. Since the Iran hostage crisis, more than three thousand Americans have died in a terror campaign almost unprecedented in its calculated cruelty along with thousands of other citizens worldwide. Even the Nazis did not turn their own children into human bombs, and then rejoice at their deaths as well the deaths of their victims. This intentional, indiscriminate and wholesale murder of innocent American citizens is justified and glorified in the name of Islam.

America cannot effectively defend itself in this war unless and until the American people understand the nature of the enemy that we face. Even after 9/11 there are those who say that we must “engage” our terrorist enemies, that we must “address their grievances”. Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our freedom of speech. Their grievance is our democratic process where the rule of law comes from the voices of many not that of just one prophet. It is the respect we instill in our children towards all religions. It is the equality we grant each other as human beings sharing a planet and striving to make the world a better place for all humanity. Their grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice we practice as equals under the law, and the mercy we grant our enemy. Their grievance cannot be answered by an apology for who or what we are.

Our mediocre attitude of not confronting Islamic forces of bigotry and hatred wherever they raised their ugly head in the last 30 years, has empowered and strengthened our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the very freedoms we cherish in their effort to impose their values and way of life on our civilization.

If we don't wake up and challenge our Muslim community to take action against the terrorists within it, if we don't believe in ourselves as Americans and in the standards we should hold every patriotic American to, we are going to pay a price for our delusion. For the sake of our children and our country, we must wake up and take action. In the face of a torrent of hateful invective and terrorist murder, America’s learning curve since the Iran hostage crisis is so shallow that it is almost flat. The longer we lay supine, the more difficult it will be to stand erect."


Entry #196

Chinese government at it again

Seems that although China is rising as an economic super power it is doing so with human rights abuses such as torture and murder which is typical of any communist government.  Currently land is being seized from landowners who are not properly compensated and when they object they are systematically tortured, killed and those deaths are covered up beyond any measure we in the US could imagine. 

I'm about halfway through this commentary about the communist takeover in China ["Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party] and how it was done, how many human beings were systematically exterminated over the years and methods used to bring about a complete takeover of a nation geographically about as big as the US.  A rather long read, very worthwhile and gives an excellent background as to why currently there are usually numerous civil protests across China that the government is having a hard time keeping the lid on with technology available today. 

"Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

"More Mass Suppression in Shanwei

By Gao Ling
Epoch Times China Staff

"Two and a half months have passed since the bloody massacre in Dongzhou village, Shanwei, Guangdong province. Many people are watching closely the current situation of the villagers. Since the bloody massacre, the government has set a tight blockade in the village, they are continuously searching, arresting and tapping telephone calls.

For more than seventy days, Dongzhou villagers were afraid to visit other villagers or answer telephone interviews. On January 24, all patients from the hospitals were forced to go home to their villages. After the Chinese New Year, the suppression by the CCP escalated, villagers were once again arrested, tortured and interrogated. Now they can no longer tolerate the maltreatment.

Orphans Beg on the Streets

On the morning of Feb 18, at 8 am, victims of the Shanwei incident and family members of those missing and arrested, escorted a dozen orphaned children who have no income to survive on, to Dongzhou Second Village and started begging on the street. Some relatives of the missing villagers cried openly asking for justice, sparking off a mass gathering of other villagers. Villagers expressed concern that the CCP's unscrupulous humiliation would spark off a rebellion.

Children of injured villagers, and orphans, begging on the streets. (The Epoch Times)

The ages of the children who were out begging, ranged from 3 to 12 years old. Some of them had lost their fathers who were beaten to death, leaving behind a widowed mother and child, with no means of supporting themselves. Some belonged to parents who were wanted for being "instigators" of the shooting incident and were forced to flee from home, and others had parents who were badly injured and unable to work.

Witnessing the tragic scene of children begging on their knees and cries from the victims finally ignited a resentment in the hearts of the Dongzhou villagers who for nearly eighty days had tolerated this incident. More and more villagers gathered together and many donated money to the orphans. An elderly man angrily reprimanded the government officials who had rushed to the scene, he said "I am 77 years old this year, arrest me and beat me if you wish. The Communist Party are used to lying! This is ridiculous!"

A crowd gathers to protest. (The Epoch Times)

People from other villagers were saying, it looks like our village representative has returned. According to the villagers, the three village representatives who were arrested were highly regarded.. When they were still around, the local village official and police were afraid of them and would not dare to interfere with the villagers. However since their arrest during the December 6 incident, under the insistence of the government, these local bullies wantonly arrested and beat the villagers, forcefully entering their houses and make house searches as they pleased. The villagers were too afraid to voice their anger. But today it seemed as if the village representative was around, everyone shouted and cried to their hearts content all the grievances that had been suppressed .

The crowds slowly dispersed around 3 pm in the afternoon after villagers urged the children to return home. However the residents surmised that these children who have lost the means to a livelihood, will soon be back to beg for a living as the government will not resolve this problem.

The child of severely injured Liu Muzong, has nobody in her family to care for her and she has no means to survive. (The Epoch Times)

Around Jan 24, eight injured hospitalised villagers including Chen Tianjin, Tang Dahan, and Liu Muzong were evacuated from the hospital by the authorities with the excuse of going home to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Some of them saw the real intention of the government and refused to leave the hospital. They were persuaded everyday to change their minds and finally they gave in and returned to their village. At present, there is no one who cares about their situation - there is no doctor, and a lack of medication to treat their injuries.

A few days ago, several injured villagers who had difficulty supporting themselves went to the government office to ask for subsistence. But as usual the officials ignored them and even reprimanded them severely. Several family members of those detained by the authorities requested to visit them to give them something for New Year, but were also rejected.

The whereabouts of the missing remains unknown. Many villagers speculate that these villagers were probably massacred and their bodies could have been cremated during the December 6 incident. The authorities tried to cover up the actual death toll and used "detention" as an excuse to deceive family members and avoid public scrutiny.

The Dongzhou villagers had a quiet Chinese New Year. The villagers on the run were afraid to return. And once the New Year festivities were over, the authorities started to arrest villagers and repeatedly tried to force them to reveal where explosives were hidden. The police beat and kicked them when the villagers told them they did not know.. All of them suffered varying degrees of torture.

Yet in the official media it was reported that everything was peaceful. According to the villagers' description, since the December 6 incident, the government has continuously broadcast propaganda on the Shanwei TV station news, that they had sent out many task forces into Dongzhou village to help resolve the situation of the poor and had taken out social insurance for the villagers, and that the situation in Dongzhou village has returned to normal.

But in reality, everything is in contrary to what is reported in the news. The villagers said, the government tells lies openly, villagers have no recourse to justice, their livelihood is destroyed and they live in fear and under pressure everyday. Sooner or later, the villagers will rebel. Related articles:

Massacre in China Draws Global Attention
Shanwei: Father Pleads Guilty For Son, Arrested Villagers Tortured
After Massacre Terror Continues in Chinese Village
Shanwei Shootings: Photos from Shanwei
Shanwei Shooting: Photo Gallery
Bloody Suppression of Farmers in Shanwei; 70 People Shot to Death by Police


Entry #195

United Arab Emirates Co. manage US ports

After 9-11 I personally don't care how many pledges are given, how many safeguards are put into place, I am absolutely opposed to this group buying a company which manages even one US port.  Please contact your senators and representatives if you have any strong feelings about this issue.  Let It All Out

"Chertoff says Dubai port deal includes safeguards
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The homeland security chief said on Sunday a deal for a Dubai-based company to manage major U.S. ports would include security safeguards, but a Republican senator urged a probe and called the Bush administration "tone deaf politically" for approving it.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the Bush administration had approved the sale of British firm P&O, which manages six U.S. ports including New York, to Dubai Ports World after a classified review and the deal would include safeguards to protect U.S. national security.

"You can be assured that before a deal is approved we put safeguards in place, assurances in place, that make everybody comfortable that we are where we need to be from a national security viewpoint," Chertoff said on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."

But Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said it was a mistake for the administration to approve the sale and called on Congress to investigate it.

"It's unbelievably tone deaf politically at this point in our history, four years after 9/11, to entertain the idea of turning port security over to a company based in the UAE who avows to destroy Israel," Graham said on "Fox News Sunday."

"I don't think now is the time to outsource major port security to a foreign-based company," he said."  ..... continued






Entry #194

Syrian journalist reports Iraq WMD located in 3 Syrian sit

Just picked this up from another site.  Satellite photos showing locations.

A senior Syrian journalist reports Iraq WMD located in three Syrian sites

Nizar Nayuf (Nayyouf-Nayyuf), a Syrian journalist who recently defected from Syria to Western Europe and is known for bravely challenging the Syrian regime, said in a letter Monday, January 5, to Dutch newspaper “De Telegraaf,” that he knows the three sites where Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) are kept. The storage places are:

Iraq's WMD locations in Syria
click for images of Iraq's WMD location in Syria

-1- Tunnels dug under the town of al-Baida near the city of Hama in northern Syria. These tunnels are an integral part of an underground factory, built by the North Koreans, for producing Syrian Scud missiles. Iraqi chemical weapons and long-range missiles are stored in these tunnels.

-2- The village of Tal Snan, north of the town of Salamija, where there is a big Syrian air force camp. Vital parts of Iraq's WMD are stored there.

-3-. The city of Sjinsjar on the Syrian border with the Lebanon, south of Homs city.


Nayouf writes that the transfer of Iraqi WMD to Syria was organized by the commanders of Saddam Hussein's Special Republican Guard, including General Shalish, with the help of Assif Shoakat , Bashar Assad's cousin. Shoakat is the CEO of Bhaha, an import/export company owned by the Assad family.

In February 2003, a month before America's invasion in Iraq, very few are aware about the efforts to bring the Weapons of Mass Destruction from Iraq to Syria, and the personal involvement of Bashar Assad and his family in the operation.
Nayouf, who has won prizes for journalistic integrity, says he wrote his letter because he has terminal cancer.

Click here for Satellite Images of the Syrian-Iraq's WMD Locations

Entry #193

WMDs in Syria

Second person stating weapons are in Syria.  Previous post was about Georges Sada https://blogs.lotterypost.com/konane/2006/01/iraqs-wmd-secreted-in-syria-sada-says.htm

Now someone new is saying the same thing. 

Looks like it has feathers, waddling, quacking but pretty sure the MSM is going to call it a Trojan Horse, but then again they would if they dug them up all by themselves and saw verifiable proof..... repeat a lie long enough and it becomes the truth to the gullible. 

"Saddam general: WMDs in Syria

Another former confidant of ex-dictator makes claim, also links Iraq to al-Qaida

Posted: February 15, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Source  WorldNetDaily.com

A former general and friend of Saddam Hussein who defected but maintains close contact with Iraq claims the regime supported al-Qaida with intelligence, finances and munitions and believes weapons of mass destruction are hidden in Syria.

Ali Ibrahim al-Tikriti, southern regional commander for Saddam Hussein's Fedayeen militia in the late 1980s, spoke with Ryan Mauro of WorldThreats.com.

Known as the "Butcher of Basra," al-Tikriti commanded units that dealt with chemical and biological weapons. He defected shortly before the Gulf War in 1991.

Last month, Saddam Hussein's No. 2 Air Force officer, Georges Sada, told the New York Sun Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were moved to Syria six weeks before the war started. Sada claimed two Iraqi Airways Boeing jets converted to cargo planes moved the weapons in a total of 56 flights. They attracted little attention, he said, because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in 2002.

Discussing Saddam's support of terrorism, al-Tikriti said the dictator's regime sponsored Palestinian groups with logistical and material support.

For a time, support for al-Qaida was limited, the former general said, mainly because al-Qaida's aim was to create an Islamic empire while Saddam wanted a secular Arab nationalist empire.

"They only really came to terms in the mid '90s due to the fact that both knew they shared the same short-term enemy," the general said. "Once they came to terms on this, Saddam provided al-Qaida with intelligence support and whatever money or munitions they could provide."

Al-Tikriti said Saddam "had very long-standing contacts in the black market as well as with Moscow and would provide whatever munitions he could through these contacts."

The secular Baathists and radical Islamists certainly are able to put aside their differences to cooperate against the U.S., he insisted.

"If you look in Iraq today, you are witnessing Arab nationalist terrorist organizations and Islamist terrorist organizations working together to fight the United States."

Al-Tikriti dismissed the commonly heard claim that the U.S. helped bring Saddam to power, calling it "absolutely ludicrous."

The Baathist revolution, he said, was backed by the Soviet Union because of the shared socialist ideology.

"I was there helping with the revolution and worked on two occasions with Soviet KGB officials to help train us, much like the United States did with the Taliban during the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan," he said. "The United States never directly gave us any WMDs but rather ingredients. They were not mixed and these 'ingredients' could have been easily used for commercial use but were rather used to build low life chemical weapons."

Al-Tikriti says he knows Saddam's weapons are in Syria because of contingency plans established as far back as the late 1980s, in the event either Damascus or Baghdad were taken over.

"Not to mention, I have discussed this in-depth with various contacts of mine who have confirmed what I already knew," he said.

Saddam, after lying for so many years, knew the U.S. eventually would come for the weapons, he said, and wanted to maintain legitimacy with pan-Arab nationalists.

Also, he had "wanted since he took power to embarrass the West, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so," al-Tikriti said.

"After Saddam denied he had such weapons, why would he use them or leave them readily available to be found?" he said. "That would only legitimize President Bush, who he has a personal grudge against."

What we are witnessing now, he said, "is many who opposed the war to begin with are rallying around Saddam saying we overthrew a sovereign leader based on a lie about WMD. This is exactly what Saddam wanted and predicted."

Al-Tikriti said he turned against the Baath Party after his wife stood up to him and questioned his brutal tactics.

"This really made me think, because no one has ever even considered to question the tactics of myself or any others and lived to tell about it," he said. "This courageous move made me think deep and hard."

Al-Tikriti said he still maintains good sources inside and outside of Iraq.

"Some of Saddam's key scientists are personal friends of mine, as well as other key leaders in the former Iraqi military," he said. "I have helped draw information since my defecting to the United States government voluntarily and with the permission of these contacts. The only difference between many of them and I, is that I had the opportunity to defect and they didn't."


Previous stories:

New evidence on Saddam's WMDs?

Duelfer: 'A lot of material left Iraq and went to Syria'

Is this one of Saddam's mobile bio-weapons labs?

Inspector: Saddam had WMD on 'short notice'

Saddam's WMD have been found

Secret intelligence memolinks Saddam, bin Laden

Entry #192

"Able Danger" hearings this week

Very important data grossly and conspicuously ignored by cover-Clintons'-ass(etts) 9-11 (c)Omission, headed by Jamie Groelick the very person responsible for erecting the infamous "wall" which prevented intelligence agenceis from communication with one another during Bill and Hillary's residency in the Oval Office. 

Result ....... 9-11.  Remember Clinton was offered bin Laden and turned him down flat.  Voice print verified recording of Clinton at a speech admitting EXACTLY that.


To listen to President Clinton explain why he turned the Sudanese offer down, Click here.

     http://www.newsmax.com/clinton2.mp3    (mp3 link working as of this posting)

Result .... declassifying top secret dual use technology sold to the Chinese Communist Party government.  Sweet, huh??????  ...... and we wonder why China is economically and technologically rising as a world super power, also selling weapons and technology to Iran and other terrorist sponsoring states so they can be used on us both on the battlefield and on our own soil if given a chance.

Website devoted to Able Danger Hearings which will be updated at least daily if not more.

"Able Danger: Best Sources of News and Information


NOTE: Because the Able Danger hearings are set for this week, this post will remain at the top of this page for the time being.

For the latest news and best analysis on Able Danger watch these blogs:
The Able Danger blog |AJ Strata's Able Danger/9-11 Archive | QT Monster's Able Danger page | QT Monster's Able Danger Blogroll (see the left column for all the Able Danger news/blog posts I could find over the last seven months)

QT Monster Blog Home

Entry #191

"The End Is Not Nigh?

Upon being reminded by this article I do remember 'Chicken Littles" running around in the 60's spreading gloom and doom about another ice age, also movies based on that theme just so they would scare the starch out of us like they're doing now with "Global Warming" and "Greenhouse Gasses." 

The only greenhouse gasses causing problems are those being emitted by the "greens." Thud  

Must be a tough gig creating a a job, drawing a paycheck, based upon the amount of fear created by such a job.  Scared 

  Sun Smiley  Fact ..... the sun is burning warmer in its present cycle and that's why it's warmer on earth.  Duuuuuh!!!  Sun Smiley

"The End Is Not Nigh?

By Hans H.J. Labohm 10 Feb 2006 
Source Tech Central Station Daily
"British Prime Minister Tony Blair told a parliamentary committee earlier this month that the "world has seven years to take vital decisions and implement measures to curb greenhouse gas emissions or it could be too late… If we don't get the right agreement internationally for the period after which the Kyoto protocol will expire – that's in 2012 -- I think we are in serious trouble." Asked if the world had seven years to implement measures on climate change before the problem reached a "tipping point," Blair answered: "Yes."


This is the most recent and perhaps most dramatic in a long series statements by prominent politicians about the putative threat of man-made global warming. On what did Tony Blair base his alarming view? New scientific insights? Or on an unshakable secular faith, which seems to fill the vacuum left by the demise of traditional religion? I surmise the latter. Because in the field of science there seems to be some shift towards a more sober look at the climate issue, witness the numerous studies which appear in peer-reviewed journals, which are either explicitly critical of, or implicitly inconsistent with the man-made global warming hypothesis.


The ongoing discussion on the "hockey stick" graph -- a reconstruction of temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere between the years 1000 and 2000 -- offers a case in point. This debate entered a new phase when Steve McIntyre, one of the foremost hockey-stick critics, who had long been ignored, if not ostracized, by the global warming community, was officially invited by the National Research Council of The National Academies of the United States to participate in a special committee. This committee was requested to summarize the current scientific information on the temperature record over the past two millennia, describe the proxy records that have been used to reconstruct pre-instrumental climatic conditions, assess the methods employed to combine multiple proxy data over large spatial scales, evaluate the overall accuracy and precision of such reconstructions, and explain how central the debate over the paleoclimate temperature record is to the state of scientific knowledge on global climate change. It was exactly the mandate which Steve McIntyre had been advocating all along.


Politicians regard the studies by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the ultimate climate bible. Unfortunately, they do not read the comprehensive reports which form the basis of the whole exercise. They only read -- if at all -- the alarmist passages in the "Summary for Policy-maker", which have been skewed through an elaborate and sophisticated process of spin-doctoring. Details of this practice have recently been revealed by the French climatologist Marcel Leroux in his book, Global Warming - Myth or Reality? The Erring Ways of Climatology.


Disapproving these practices, various renowned scientists have distanced themselves from the IPCC. In the US, Chris Landsea, a hurricane expert, is one example. In the Netherlands, Henk Tennekes, former director of the research department of the Royal Meteorological Institute, and Hans Oerlemans, glaciologist and laureate of the prestigious Spinoza Award, have done the same.


Political leaders assume that climate science is sufficiently advanced to legitimize all kinds of draconian measures which have a profound impact on our society and economy -- measures which, moreover, encroach upon the liberty of the individual citizen. But if we take a closer look, this appears not to be the case. Contrary what is often argued, there is no consensus among scientists on the man-made global warming hypothesis.


Ironically, just as global warming scare-mongering reaches new heights, the global cooling hypothesis is making a come back. It should be recalled that the frightening images of imminent global warming disaster are of fairly recent vintage. After all, in the 1960s and 1970s various prominent climatologists held the view that it was not global warming that formed a mortal threat to humanity but global cooling.


Recently the astronomer Khabibullo Abdusamatov of the Pulkovo Astronomic Observatory in St. Petersburg declared that the Earth will experience a "mini Ice Age" in the middle of this century, caused by low solar activity. Temperatures will begin falling six or seven years from now, when global warming caused by increased solar activity in the 20th century reaches its peak. The coldest period will occur 15 to 20 years after a major solar output decline between 2035 and 2045, Abdusamatov said. This view is shared by the Belgian astronomer, Dirk Callebaut, who expects a "grand minimum" in the middle of this century, just like the Maunder Minimum (1650-1700), a period during which the Thames, the Seine and the Dutch canals were frozen in winter.


If these astronomers are right, the hundreds of billions of dollars the world will spend every year on the fight against global warming will have gone down the drain. But, of course, we are not sure of imminent global cooling. On the other hand, we are not sure whether there will be catastrophic global warming either.


What to do in the face of this uncertainty? The earlier-mentioned climatologist, Henk Tennekes, recently argued in an interview in the most prominent Dutch weekly, Elsevier: "We only understand 10 percent of the climate issue. That is not enough to wreck the world economy with Kyoto-like measures."




Hans Labohm, co-author of Man-Made Global Warming: Unravelling a Dogma, recently became an expert reviewer for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


Entry #190

A few more tidbits about the UN

Missed this one a year ago.... picked up the reprint from link at bottom.  A bit more about the UN.


"When in Rome, do as the Visigoths do
from The Daily Telegraph, February 15th 2005

"It's a good basic axiom that if you take a quart of ice-cream and a quart of dog faeces and mix 'em together the result will taste more like the latter than the former. That's the problem with the UN. If you make the free nations and the thug states members of the same club, the danger isn't that they'll meet each other half-way but that the free world winds up going three-quarters, seven-eighths of the way. Thus the Oil-for-Fraud scandal: in the end, Saddam Hussein had a much shrewder understanding of the way the UN works than Bush and Blair did.

And, of course, corrupt organisations rarely stop at just one kind. If you don't want to bulk up your pension by skimming the Oil-for-Food programme, don't worry, whatever your bag, the UN can find somewhere that suits - in West Africa, it's Sex-for-Food, with aid workers demanding sexual services from locals as young as four; in Cambodia, it's drug dealing; in Kenya, it's the refugee extortion racket; in the Balkans, sex slaves.

But you get the general picture: on a UN peace mission, everyone gets his piece. Didier Bourguet, a UN staffer in Congo and the Central African Republic, enjoyed the pleasures of 12-year-old girls, and as a result is now on trial in France. His lawyer has said he was part of a UN paedophile network that transcends national boundaries.

Now how about this? The Third Infantry Division are raping nine-year olds in Ramadi. Ready, set, go! That thundering sound outside your window isn't the new IKEA sale, but the great herd of BBC/CNN/Independent/Guardian/New York Times/Le Monde/Sydney Morning Herald/Irish Times/Cork Examiner reporters stampeding to the Sunni Triangle. Whoa, hold up, lads, it's only hypothetical.

But think about it: the merest glimpse of a freaky West Virginia tramp leading an Abu Ghraib inmate around with girlie knickers on his head was enough to prompt calls for Rumsfeld's resignation, and for Ted Kennedy to charge that Saddam's torture chambers were now open "under new management", and for Robert Fisk to be driven into the kind of orgasmic frenzy unseen since his column on how much he enjoyed being beaten up by an Afghan mob: "Just look at the way US army reservist Lynndie England holds the leash of the naked, bearded Iraqi," wrote Fisk. "No sadistic movie could outdo the damage of this image. In September 2001, the planes smashed into the buildings; today, Lynndie smashes to pieces our entire morality with just one tug on the leash."

Who's straining at the leash here? Down, boy. But, if Lynndie's smashed to pieces our entire morality with just one tug, Bush's Zionist neocons getting it on with Congolese kindergarteners would have the Independent calling for US expulsion from the UN - no, wait, from Planet Earth: slice it off from Maine to Hawaii and use one of those new Euro-Airbuses to drag it out round the back of Uranus.

But systemic UN child sex in at least 50 per cent of their missions? The transnational morality set can barely stifle their yawns. If you're going to rape prepubescent girls, make sure you're wearing a blue helmet.

And at least the Pentagon put a stop to Abu Ghraib. As a UN official in Congo told the Telegraph yesterday: "The crux of the problem is that if the UN gets bolshie with these governments then they stop providing the UN with troops and staff."

And the problem with that is?

In Congo, the UN has now forbidden all contact between its forces and the natives. The rest of the world should be so lucky.

I take it from his use of "bolshie" that the quoted UN wallah is British. If so, that's the system in a nutshell: when a British bigwig is with British forces, he'll enforce British standards; when a British official is holed up with an impeccably "multilateral" force of Uruguayans, Tunisians, etc, he's more circumspect. When in Rome, do as the Visigoths do.

The child sex racket is only the most extreme example of what's wrong with the UN approach to the world. Developed peoples value resilience: when disaster strikes, you bounce back. A hurricane flattens Florida, you patch things up and reopen. As the New Colonial Class, the UN doesn't look at it like that: when disaster strikes, it just proves you and your countrymen are children who need to be taken under the transnational wing.

The folks that have been under the UN wing the longest - indeed, the only ones with their own permanent UN agency and semi-centenarian "refugee camps" - are the most comprehensively wrecked people on the face of the earth: the Palestinians. UN territories like Kosovo are the global equivalent of inner-city council estates with the blue helmets as local enforcers for the absentee slum landlord. By contrast, a couple of years after imperialist warmonger Bush showed up, Afghanistan and Iraq have elections, presidents and prime ministers.

When the tsunami hit, hundreds of thousands of people died within minutes. The Australians and Americans arrived within hours. The UN was unable to get to Banda Aceh within weeks.Instead, the humanitarian fat cats were back in New York and Geneva holding press conferences warning about post-tsunami health consequences - dysentery, cholera, BSE from water-logged cattle, etc - that, they assured us, would kill as many people as the original disaster. But it never happened, any more than did their predictions of disaster for Iraq ("The head of the World Food Programme has warned that Iraq could spiral into a massive humanitarian disaster") or Afghanistan ("The UN Children's Fund has estimated that as many as 100,000 Afghan children could die of cold, disease and hunger").It's one thing to invent humanitarian disasters to disparage Bush's unilateralist warmongering, but a month ago the UN was reduced to inventing a humanitarian disaster in order to distract attention from the existing humanitarian disaster it wasn't doing anything about.

All this derives from a UN culture in which the free nations have met the thug states so much more than half way that they now largely share the dictators' view of their peoples - as either helpless children who need every decision made for them, or a bunch of dupes whose national wealth you can reroute to your Swiss bank account, or a never-ending source of fresh meat. Those British officials trying to rationalise Oil-for-Fraud or child sex rings give the game away: it's not just the underage Congolese girls who get corrupted by contact with the UN. "


Entry #189

Chinese govt. Bans People Under 18 From Attending Mosques in Xinjiang

"Communist Regime Bans People Under 18 From Attending Mosques in Xinjiang, China

Source The Epoch Times

"When it comes to violation of religious freedom in China, the plight of Christians has generated the greatest international concern. Persecution of the Islamic Uighurs is rarely reported in the free press.

According to a Uighur who preferred not to be named, since the September 11 attack on the Twin Towers, the Chinese communist regime has wantonly violated the religious freedom of Uighurs under the pretext of countering terrorism and religious extremism.

One tactic of the communist regime is to prohibit people below the age of 18 from entering the mosque in Xinjiang. The measure fundamentally severs the Uighurs from Islam and is a serious violation of their religious freedom.

The regime also requires the Ahung (or Imam) of the Xinjiang mosque to make a daily report on the attendance of the people who come for prayers, including their numbers, ages, gender, and whether they are cadres. Such monitoring by the Ahung generates anxiety among Uighurs and creates a split between the Ahung and the believers.

The term Ahung comes from the Persian language. It is used to address the Islamic religious teachers in Persian-speaking regions. In China, this term refers to religious personnel who serve in the mosque and is equivalent to the clergymen in the Christian church.

The Communist regime also restricts Islamic books, including the Koran, from entering Xinjiang. The regime also prohibits its party members and cadres from believing in Islam and from entering mosques.

The Uighur interviewed feels that such regulations are completely irrational. Even though party members and cadres cannot openly practice Islam, they can still follow the religion in their hearts, and no one can stop them from praying at home.

The communist regime also has a discriminatory regulation against Uighur female students wearing head scarves in school. The Uighur individual feels that such a regulation is irrational and also insensitive to the climate in Xinjiang, which has sandstorms. Also offensive is the construction of large-scale grape wine breweries in Xinjiang, despite the fact that Islam prohibits alcohol.

Based on official statistics, Xinjiang has more than eight million Uighurs. However, the Uighur interviewee points out that the actual number of Uighurs is nearly ten million. The majority live in Nanjiang, where they lead hard lives. Most of the Uighurs believe in Islam. The Kazaks, who are the ethnic minority in Xinjiang, also believe in Islam.

Our interviewee points out that the communist regime has different policies in dealing with the Uighur and the Hui Muslims. The regime's suppression of Uighurs is especially severe and will only produce resistance.

Jia Qinglin, Chairman of the Standing Committee Member of the CCP's Central Political Bureau, conducted a seminar with heads of religious groups in Beijing on January 22, 2006, before the Chinese New Year. At the session, Jia Qinglin spoke of the importance of resisting foreign forces that use religion to infiltrate the country. Apparently this reflects the regime's intention to continue to violate the religious freedom of people in China. "


Entry #188

"Gore Event Funded by Bin Laden's Family

"Al Gore Event Funded by Bin Laden's Family

"The Saudi Arabia seminar that was addressed by former Vice President Al Gore over the weekend in a speech that criticized the U.S. for being too tough on Arabs was sponsored, in part, by Osama bin Laden's family.

On Saturday, the state-run Saudi news outlet Arab News reported that the Jeddah Economic Forum, where Gore spoke, was funded by "Saudi Arabian Airlines, the Saudi Binladin Group, Gulf One Investment Bank, Saudi Basic Industries Corp." and an array of other big companies with ties to the Middle East.

The Saudi BinLadin Group - which is Saudi Arabia's largest construction company - is run by Osama bin Laden's brothers and cousins. Jeddah, the site of the forum attended by Gore, is Osama bin Laden's hometown.

Although family members claim they've disowned bin Laden, his mother told reporters after the 9/11 attacks that she received advanced warning from him that something big was about to happen.

A wealthy bin Laden niece also reportedly abandoned her lower Manhattan apartment three weeks before the 9/11 attacks.

The BinLadin Group's longtime involvement in the Jeddah forum has been widely reported in the Mideast and European press.

In January 2002, ex-President Clinton addressed the JEF, which paid him $267,000 for his speech. According to London's Financial Times:

"The conference was dominated by the Saudis' desire to overcome the pressures of September 11 and strengthen U.S.-Saudi ties . . . The BinLadin Group, one of the forum's backers, has been battered by its association with Osama."

Other JEF speakers that year included President Bush's younger brother, Neil.

It's not known whether - or how much - Mr. Gore was paid for his speech."


Entry #187

To my dog(s): How do I love thee?

To my dog(s): How do I love thee? 


Let me count the ways...


1. I love thee agreeably - enough to let your stinky doghide on the bed after a run through damp eaves, mud and slug infested gardens.


2. I love thee steadfastly - enough to devote a year to raising you from a wobbly speck into a strong healthy adult (who promptly attempts to seize control).


3. I love thee passionately - despite your repeated efforts to probe my ears, eyes and mouth with the same tongue you use for various other atrocities.


4. I love thee well - despite the amazing odors you produce.


5. I love thee deeply - though you use me as a napkin at every opportunity.


6. I love thee madly - despite the various bodily functions you have performed at inappropriate moments - in inappropriate places.


7. I love thee constantly - despite the dog "bladder curfew" I have lived by for many years.


8. I love thee truly - despite the "doggie landmines" hidden in the grass.


9. I love thee absolutely - because you never (well, hardly ever) hog the remote control.


10. I love thee gratefully - because you stay by my side (or on my side).


11. I love thee devotedly - more than clean carpeting, clothing, furniture, floors or walls.


12. I love thee bravely - enough to battle the indomitable flea on your behalf.


13. I love thee monetarily - enough to put the vet's children through college.


14. I love thee openly - I will bear any embarrassment for your furry sake.


15. I love thee totally - more than free time, excess cash or a predictable life.

Entry #186

"Fallaci Beheaded

The left is the left is the left ad infinitum.  Puke

"Fallaci Beheaded
By Robert Spencer
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 13, 2006
"A disgraceful art exhibit in Milan has illustrated once again the deep affinity between the Left and the forces of the global jihad. In these days of Muslims the world over calling for the deaths of those who have “insulted Islam,” anyone who wants to see Oriana Fallaci beheaded need look no further than the Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin in Milan, which is exhibiting Giuseppe Veneziano’s  “American Beauty” from January 19 through March 18. This is a series of paintings designed to highlight the “weakness and perversity of the ‘American way of life.’” It accordingly features straightforward, if somewhat lurid, portraits of Michael Jackson and Ronald McDonald, along with the distinctly non-American Harry Potter. Then comes a bizarre depiction of a nude man having sexual intercourse with the Pink Panther, five artistic renditions of the Abu Ghraib prison photos (each with “American Beauty” scrawled across the top), and — Oriana Fallaci’s decapitated head. 


Although I find the picture of Fallaci decapitated deeply offensive, I have no plans to attack the Italian embassy, boycott Italian wine, phone in a bomb threat to the Galleria Luciano Inga-Pin, kill innocent people who had nothing to with the painting, or threaten to kill those who are actually responsible for it. Veneziano’s painting is the sort of obnoxiousness that has become commonplace on the Left, and is one of the prices of freedom of speech.

Veneziano’s painting is doubly offensive, however, in light of the fact that Fallaci herself has been driven out of Italy by frivolous charges that she has “defamed Islam.” Giuseppe Veneziano is not on trial for depicting Fallaci decapitated, but Fallaci faces trial for making a series of heated but largely true statements about Islam and Muslims. Veneziano’s painting is triply offensive in that it depicts exactly what the Muslim exponents of cartoon rage around the world would like to see done to Fallaci — and thus manifests the ever-closer empathy between the Western Left and Islamic jihad. “Behead those who insult Islam,” read a sign at a recent demonstration in London protesting the Danish cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. If Fallaci has insulted Islam with her monumental post-9/11 cries of freedom and resistance, The Rage and the Pride and The Force of Reason, Giuseppe Veneziano is happy to oblige the mujahedin, at least on canvas.


In 2006 in Milan the prospect of Fallaci decapitata evokes not so much the iconic Leftist images of the Bastille, Robespierre, and the Terror, but Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, and the Jihad — particularly in light of the subject matter that has earned the great lady so many enemies in Italy and around the world. This should come as no surprise. Both the Left and the mujahedin envision a totalitarian state that cleanses the world of evil by force, establishing a just society at the price of an unspecified number of dead. Both are advocates of a supremacist ideology that is immune to self-criticism and unable to tolerate criticism from others. And now as the European Union contemplates new laws that will, in the words of Franco Frattini, who bears the Orwellian designation of EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom, and Security, “give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression,” the marriage of the European Left and Islamic jihad can proceed all the more speedily. Frattini has since denied that the EU has any such plans, but there can be no denying that voices all over the West have called for the media to exercise “responsible self-regulation” so as to avoid trampling upon Muslim sensibilities. But Muslim sensibilities only: those who depict Fallaci beheaded, or Jesus Christ with the face of Osama bin Laden, will continue to be subject to the same protections enunciated by Josh Wainwright, the producer of the art show that featured the Christ/Osama painting: “I don’t think it’s anyone’s job or vocation to limit the expression of artists.” Right. Except cartoon artists, of course. Or at least those who have the temerity to suggest that there might be some connection between violent actions done by Islamic jihadists and the Prophet who said that “Paradise is under the shades of swords.”


Fallaci decapitata may therefore end up being something far beyond what Giuseppe Veneziano intended, which doesn’t seem to have been more than an adolescent poke-in-the-eye to someone the Left hates and fears. His painting is a fitting emblem for the new Europe, the Europe in which the Swedish government closed down a political party’s website for displaying the cartoons of Muhammad, the Norwegian editor who ran the cartoons abjectly apologized, and European companies doing business in the Middle East can’t dissociate themselves quickly enough from Denmark and the cartoons of shame. This is the New Europe, the New Dhimmi Europe, the Europe that is eager to “give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression.”


Oh, Europe is already well aware of those consequences. The consequences are crystal clear in Giuseppe Veneziano’s painting of Oriana Fallaci’s severed head. Not enough of those in Europe who still have their heads seem willing to stand up to Islamic violence and intimidation long enough to allow the heroic lady to keep hers. All around the Continent the parliamentary heads of government are losing their heads trying to avoid offending Islam; all too soon they will realize that Fallaci’s head alone was not enough to appease their sworn enemies. Not nearly enough.

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Entry #184

"The New Iconoclasts

Somehow our own lefties could be inserted into this article with their hair-on-fire determination to remove the 10 Commandments from court houses, prohibition of Nativity scenes, etc..... while creating a postage stamp tribute to Islam after 9-11. Bang Head 

Were we not in America which has some freedoms remaining intact, we'd probably see full scale parallel destruction of our own icons held sacred since our nation's inception..... just like the left's ideological clones did when communinsm spread through China and Russia.  Those of us who are old enough know the drill.   


"The New Iconoclasts

By Lee Harris

Source  Tech Central Station Daily

"The word iconoclast, when it is used nowadays, most often refers to a person who "attacks established beliefs, ideals, customs, or institution," as Webster's Third puts it -- a definition that turns the iconoclast into a cultural rebel or a free thinker, an individual willing to buck the establishment.


By this standard, the Danish cartoonist who drew the controversial caricatures of Mohammed was an iconoclast in our modern sense, and was simply doing what many cartoonists have done before him, using his gifts to poke fun at sacred cows. True, the sacred cow, in this case, was the Prophet Mohammed, revered by millions of Muslims across the globe. Yet the artists who created the popular TV series South Park routinely represent the figure of Jesus in all manner of mocking ways -- in one episode, Jesus was portrayed in boxing shorts, fighting a grudge match against Satan. No doubt many Southern Baptists were offended by such a caricature. Yet none of them rioted about it.


Here in the contemporary West, for better or worse, there is no cow so sacred that it cannot be made sport of on national television, let alone in cartoons in small scale periodicals. We may regret this or we may rejoice over it, but in either case, we must recognize that the role of the court jester has been valuable in the West precisely because the court jester is permitted to remind the king that he is only human -- and what a useful function that can serve. Thus, parody is a prophylactic against pomposity -- though it is equally serviceable as a collective defense mechanism against fanaticism.


The fanatic is the man who will not allow you to poke fun at his particular sacred cow. He takes his creed so seriously that he refuses to permit anyone else to treat it as a subject for humor or levity.


The topic of fanaticism, however, takes us back to the original meaning of the word iconoclasm, a Greek word that literally means the shattering or destruction of an image, either a visual image, like the icons beloved by Greek Orthodoxy, or the kind of statues that were admired by Roman Catholics. Here the iconoclast is not creating an image designed to provoke irreverence, the way a cartoonist does, but he is intent on eliminating all offensive images completely and totally.


There were two great iconoclastic movements that shook the Byzantine Empire, first in the eighth century, and later in the ninth century, both of which exhibited the same fanatic zeal in destroying the thousands of icons that adorned Byzantine churches and monasteries. Why? Because the Byzantine iconoclasts argued that what were regarded by many as beautiful artistic treasures were in fact acts of sacrilege and blasphemy. They were not to be removed from the churches and monasteries, in order to be carefully preserved in a museum, as a government of zealous atheists might do -- no, they were to be destroyed root and branch.


Many modern historians have argued that the outbreak of Byzantine iconoclasm in the eighth century was the result of the expansion of the intensely iconoclastic Arab conquerors that had occurred in the previous century -- an expansion that gobbled up large chunks of the Byzantine Empire in what is now Syria. For the Arabs, however, it was not enough merely to destroy the sacred icons of Greek orthodoxy -- for them, all pictorial representation was forbidden. You could not draw a man or a pea or a cat, nor could you make statues of them -- and any drawings or statues of them you came across had to be immediately destroyed.


The Protestant Reformers, who were also iconoclasts, were less severe. They simply wanted to obliterate any image of the Virgin Mary or of the Catholic Saints that they did not themselves accept -- and here again, not even a thought was given to the idea of sparing the item due to historical or artistic value.


Wherever iconoclasts triumphed, they did not rest content until they had destroyed all the images that they found to be sacrilegious -- what we in the modern West automatically regard as harmless art, the iconoclasts see as hideous blasphemy; and while to us a "mere" cartoon can be amusing or disgusting, none of us would wish to see every image of it effaced from the earth. We would preserve it simply because of its documentary value, if for no other reason. That is why the iconoclast is, by definition, a fanatic. He feels he has a mission to destroy all the images that he holds to be against his fanatical creed. All must perish.


It has been almost half a millennium since the last outbreak of iconoclastic fanaticism in the West. Yet if you try to discover a republication of the Danish cartoons on the reputable Internet sites, you will discover that they are not being posted. CNN on line noted that they would not be showing the cartoons "out of respect for Islam." Nor does CNN's stance seem to be exceptional. Meanwhile, profuse apologies are being offered to the Muslim world by men who had nothing whatsoever to do with either the creation or the publication of the cartoons, and who are denouncing the cartoons for being…cartoons.


In short, the new iconoclasts are winning -- they are realizing that they have the power to make us suppress any image that they find disagreeable to their stern and mirthless fanaticism -- even if it is just a funny cartoon in a paper published in a cold corner of Europe, far far from Mecca.

Either Muslims need to begin to get a sense of humor, or we need to became a great deal more serious. "

Lee Harris is author of Civilization and It Enemies.

Entry #183