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Went to Oshkosh, WI, last week.  There is a fly-in sponsored by the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association).

While I am not a pilot, I have always wished to become one and own my own plane.  Life had other plans for me.  Oddly enought Obama has the same plans.

I went to see the home builts, the War Birds, and the ultra-lites.  China brought their battery powered ultra-lite and that I had to see.  I wanted to see the size of the battery.  But life had other plans and I never saw the one craft I traveled to see.

The trip was so enjoyable I might take the wife next year.  I sure hope she and my girlfriend get along.

Entry #29

Tap Twice

While watching cable there was a promo for some ghost hunter show.  The dialogue of the female actor went something like this.  "Is there a spirit here?  Tap once for YES and twice for NO."

I would have died laughing had there come two taps.

Entry #28

I have been blocked again

Another member has blocked me from commenting on his blog.  I must be doing something right.  I wish I knew what that was so I can do more of it.

Entry #27

I have been blocked!

Today I discovered LiLSpeedy has blocked me from posting on his blog.  I welcome the compliment. 

What is very disconcerting is to discover people who block differing political opinions while declaring themselves "independent".  There is nothing independent about people who refuse to listen to opinions other than those who agree with them; they are lock-step with one side or the other. 

While I may not agree with LiLSpeedy, I certainly support his right to speak.  I do not see myself ever blocking a fellow LottoPoster because I disagree with what he/she said.  I will take what they say, issue my usual scoff, then quietly go about my normal day. 

If you disagree with anything you have read, feel free to respond.  Just avoid the liberal's tactic of name calling.  Such behavior really reflects more on you than on the recipient.

Entry #26

About time

Today bobbya posted something that I can agree with 100%.  Why did he lock his blog?  He would have enjoyed the support he would have gotten. 

Why do Republicans want to privatize social security?  So the democrats can't raid funds the workers and their employers sent to SS.  Why do the democrats want to keep SS in the hands of the government?  So they (democrats) will have money to buy more votes.

If all my SS payments were kept in a mutual fund, I would have retired a well-off man.  As things now stand, I get just enough to keep me alive provided I use electricity only three days a week, eat every other day, walk across town to buy food, and never cool the house.  Thanks, democrats.

Entry #25


I have been studying the lottery over 15 years now.  During that time I have tried about 50 different algorithyms.  Of course none of them have proven profitable for I am not living in the south of France.  I am  still living in my double-wide with my three cats.

I have my latest going now.  Will it prove to be profitable?  I doubt it.  If history is any guide, it, too, should fail. The question now becomes, "What will surface to destroy my algorithym?".

I am prepared to give this new algorithym a decent try.  Over the next four months I will faithfully collect the data from the Georgia Cash 5 game, record the numbers in my Excel program, and compare the results.  Should tradition hold and my latest algorithym proves faulty, I will not quit.  Thinking about the lottery, about patterns and how they might fit together, is my one and only hobby; well, I do like to eat but that is more of a necessity than a hobby.

So stay tuned.  You will know I have been successful when you no longer read about my exploits on Lottery Post.

Entry #24

Oh, the Odds, they are a-changing!

Not really.  Odds are odds and will never change.  But we might find another way to understand odds.

Take a 5/39 game.  Each number has a 1/39 or .0256 chance of being drawn.  So far, so good.  Now let us depart the world of certainty and pass over the border into the realm of random.  Let us make some assumptions which no one will ever prove true or false.  Let us think of the last drawn numbers.  Let us ignore the fact that one of those five numbers will repeat in the next draw around 50% of the time.  Let us reduce the chances of those numbers being drawn.

What might the ramifications of such a reduction entail?

For starters we must bear in mind that probability dictates that we use only two numbers, zero and one.  If zero means there is no way an event will occur and a one means the event is a certainty, we can not have thirty nine numbers whose probability will sum to one (1) or zero (0).  Therefore, if we reduce the .0256 per number by any amount, we must add that same difference to another number, keeping the total as close to one (1) as possible.

I think I will add that difference to those numbers "futherest out". 

Determing that amount will be the problem.  Mathematics will be of no help here for we are traveling in the world of Random, where everything is shrouded in a thick and heavy fog.  There are no roadmaps, no signs pointing toward the "truth".  There is not a Inn where a weary traveler might find rest, warmth, and respite.  No, there is nothing but fog and ourselves.  There is nothing for us to do but press onward, hoping for the best but prepared for the worst (whatever the heck that means).

Entry #23

If you like Don Williams... (video) Where Are You Don Williams? v1.m4v song in dedication to legendary country singer Don Williams, by Joyce Goodwin, Paula McCulloch & Chris Pelcer song can be found at.. Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · 23 hours ago.

We need all the help we can get to increase the number of views of this video.  Your clicking on this YouTube video will help greatly.  Thanks.
Entry #22

Do not buy

If anyone here is thinking about upgrading to Excel 2010, Don't!!

MS is having compatibility problems with Windows 7 and Excel.  They have know about this problem for over a year now and have failed to provide a fix.

Search the net to find all the horror stories.  I wish I had before purchasing 2010.

Entry #21

Constant Cells

For those of you who like tracking patterns (as I like to do), here is one that rather gave me a surprise.

This would apply whether you play a P3, P4, or P5 game.  Of course you should use Excel or some similiar spreadsheet and be able to program VBA.  Life would be so much easier.

Somewhere within your history of past draws, select a number of cells at random.  I play the P5 game exclusively so I selected seven (7) cells.  The one criteria I insisted upon was that the seven cells had to be at least fifty draws back.   Then I set about writing code to determine how often a drawn number appears within one of the Constant Cells. 

I fully expected this pattern to result positive in about 10% of the cases.  Much to my surprise the answer was closer to 63%. 

I rearranged my Constant Cells several times over the last few days expecting to find one "set" that would result in a 10% positive hit.  That was not to be.  No matter where I put these seven cells, the answer I always achieved was 63% give or take a point or two.

Entry #20

I got hacked

XP Internet Security 2011 popped up on my computer yesterday.  This program has taken over and will not allow me to surf the net.  This program insists I purchase their anti-virus program for $60.  Only then will I be able to resume surfing.

Does anyone know who this company is?  Where they are located?  I want to find an attorney and sue them for thief of services.

And if you know how to delete their program, I would like to know that also.

I have tried System Restore which has worked in the past but this company has b locked even that.  System Restore will not work anymore.  Mytwo options are to pay someone to wipe my disk clean and start over or buy a Vista and start over.

ny help would be appreciated.

Entry #19

percent rate of change

One mathematical concept which might be applied to any lottery analysis comes from Calculus.  At one time (back in the 1600's) egg-heads did not know how to calculate the slope of a curve on a graph.  They knew that any curve . .  well . . . curves.  What they did not know was how much their curves changed over time.

Along comes Newton and his calculus.  Problem solved.

So how can we mere mortals incorporate this into our search for the holy grail?  We can use "percent of rate of change".   Use this formula.


(vpresent - vpast) /  vpast * 100 =  %


Let me explain a bit.  VPRESENT might the the sum of the drawn numbers.  VPAST might the the sum of the previously drawn numbers.  Plug in the values and see what you get.  This formula can be used with 3,4,5, or 6 drawn numbers.  The key will be finding some use for the results.

Good luck and happy researching.

Entry #18

Going Back In Time

On several ocassions when I had nothing better to do and the weather was not conducive to outdoor activities, I would go back to the beginning of this site and read the various comments.  I have done this about five times now.  Each time I usually found something of interest.  My latest foray Back In Time has produced a "So What?".

I did not know about "adjacent numbers".  When I read the post, I looked over my data on the Georgia Pick 5 game and found that 60% of the time an adjacent number occured.  What this means is still beyond my grasp but most of life is beyond my grasp so no surprise there.

I am still working on my "So What?".  I have hit a brick wall and can't seem to get past it.  Again, no surprise.  I have hit many brick walls and will hit many more.  For anyone to think there is a profitable method to winning the lottery is an exercise in folly.  But I like folly.  I wish folly were my middle name.    Goathead seems so negative. 

Oh, well, until next time.

Entry #17

After "So What?"

There is a thread in the Discussion forum which I have found profound (pun intended).  The link is above. 

What this thread is about are the so-called "So What?" observations of the lottery.  What I am about to write has been noted by me on several ocassions.  Unfortunately my posts generated absolutely no response from anyone.  So I am putting my thoughts here.

These "so whats" are most intriguing and telling.  They tell me to move beyond the numbers and into "so what?"  The numbers will generate the "so what?"  Let us note the "so what?" and study them.  Forget the numbers.

Entry #16

Random Events

In my neck of the woods there is a helicopter which flies over my house several times during any 24 hour period (even at night, early morning).  At first I thought nothing of this because my house is on the flight pattern to Nashville International Airport. 

After a few weeks of observing this helicopter, I began to see a pattern.  This machine always flew in from the east and flew out toward the west.  Seeing a challange here, much like finding lottery patterns, I began noting the time when this helicopter flew overhead.  While the exact minute was varied, there was a hourly time reference when I could expect to see this helicopter. So far I have not been disappointed.  This helicopter flies every day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.  Where is Jesse Ventura when you need him.

Entry #15
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