Powerball Record-Holder Arrested for Drunk Driving

Jan 26, 2004, 12:18 am (39 comments)


The man who won the largest single lottery jackpot in U.S. history is in trouble again.

Jack Whittaker, who hit the $314.9 million Powerball jackpot on Christmas 2002, was charged Sunday with drunk driving - just weeks after being charged with trying to assault a bar manager.

Whittaker said he was on his way Sunday afternoon to Tri-State Racetrack and Gaming when he pulled off of Interstate 64 because of the treacherous weather.

"I'm nowhere near intoxicated," Whittaker told a local television station as police escorted him into court.

But West Virginia State Police Trooper B.R Morris said in a criminal complaint that Whittaker registered a .190 blood alcohol level and failed three field sobriety tests.

Whittaker was released on $150 bond. He faces up to six months in jail and a $500 fine if convicted.

Whittaker was charged Jan. 6 with trying to hit and threatening to kill Todd Parsons, the manager of a St. Albans' bar, after reportedly being banned from the establishment.

"It's been a rough few weeks," Whittaker told the television station, WSAZ-TV.


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dvdiva's avatardvdiva

wow he's really on a roll. sure sounds like who wins is purely random to me.

i bet someone robs his house next - or he gets arrested for being a "john"

Loops's avatarLoops

"It's been a rough few weeks," Whittaker told the television station, WSAZ-TV.

What an understatement.


Seems like the "Winner" is a real "LOSER"

Mana's avatarMana

Well.... let me just say he really shouldn't be walking around right around now ... x.x;

fja's avatarfja

That's it Jack,,,you tell the cops when your drunk.. Well maybe the judge will see that you need time away from your money...and will give you a little pokey time to re-invent yourself,,,,,cause after this will come what,,,shooting your gun within the city limits maybe?

but my guess is that with the excption of the the strip club incident and the break-in to your truck,,,the rest probably would have still happened.

mayan27's avatarmayan27


    Thers a saying,"Money is not good for everyone".The more money we talk about,the more problem we see.Be care Jack,you are running a 165 mile hour on a 20 speed zone.

Lotto Czar's avatarLotto Czar

Wow!  Another Jack Whitaker story.  Must be Monday!


It seems that he doesn't know how to deal with his wealth. If I had that kind of dough I would have a driver for my partying nights. For that matter I would hire a driver for every day. If this clown gets into an accident someone's gonna sue his pants off. This guy needs a body guard and a chafferer. And I'll bet his pride won't let him. I'll bet he even makes his wife still cook and clean house. Maybe he'll wake up soon if he keep this pace they be writing his obit. If he's trying to get into the public eye he's doing a good job of it. Or maybe he's trying to get some producer to make a movie out of his exploits.

hypersoniq's avatarhypersoniq

great amounts of money will not solve problems, it only tends to magnify them...

He probably won because he was already rich... he bought 100 QPs at THAT store, who knows how many he had prior form others.

it takes money to make money, I guess...

I still cannot figure out why this joker is newsworthy? The press needs better material...

Todd's avatarTodd
Quote: Originally posted by hypersoniq on January 26, 2004

...I still cannot figure out why this joker is newsworthy? The press needs better material...

Click to the News main forum page and see the number of views.  It has the most views of any news story today, that's why it's newsworthy.  I post stories from around the industry, regardless of popularity, but the JW stories are ones that people consistently view the most.


Let's hope that we reach a


If winning that PowerBall Jackpot was some kind of "GIFT" Mr.Whittaker is definitely not appreciative of it.But since he bought $100 worth of Quick-Picks I guess it was a GIFT to himself so he can ACT anyway he wants the money has made him GO CRAZY!!! If it was a "GIFT" it must have come from "DOWN BELOW" instead of "UP ABOVE".

weshar75's avatarweshar75

I think that as long as Jack continues to live life on the edge he will always be news worthy.  Even after he gets drunk enough to kill one of his fellow West Virginians in his luxury vehicles.  Maybe he'll try and buy his way out just like all the other rich do-gooders in life!!!!!!!

hypersoniq's avatarhypersoniq
Quote: Originally posted by Todd on January 26, 2004

Click to the News main forum page and see the number of views.  It has the most views of any news story today, that's why it's newsworthy.  I post stories from around the industry, regardless of popularity, but the JW stories are ones that people consistently view the most.

Not here, you do a great job of keeping us loaded with lottery related news from all over... it is a lottery forum tho... I am talking about seeing it in the newspaper and as a blip on CNN's ticker tape...

How is it possible that a man with that kind if money and instant fame can't figure out how to buffer himself from this kind of thing, even Michael Jackson has consultants and P.R. people??? He gives West Virigina a bad name!!!!!!!


 guess his millions is soon going to lawyers.  IDIOT!

6of6's avatar6of6

what a good waste of a lottery jackpot, giving it away to strippers and having run ins with the law,lawyers will be gettin a good slice of that pie.

Quote: O
Mana's avatarMana
Quote: O
Bug's avatarBug
Quote: Originally posted by Mana on January 26, 2004

Hey! I resent that comment!

        Careful now, or when I win, I'll have you kicked out of "goth".

emilyg's avataremilyg
Quote: Originally posted by 6of6 on January 26, 2004

what a good waste of a lottery jackpot, giving it away to strippers and having run ins with the law,lawyers will be gettin a good slice of that pie.

giving it to strippers is the only good thing he's done. at least he helped support someone.
visiondude's avatarvisiondude

Quote: Originally posted by Pick-4_Master on January 26, 2004

If winning that PowerBall Jackpot was some kind of "GIFT" Mr.Whittaker is definitely not appreciative of it.But since he bought $100 worth of Quick-Picks I guess it was a GIFT to himself so he can ACT anyway he wants the money has made him GO CRAZY!!! If it was a "GIFT" it must have come from "DOWN BELOW" instead of "UP ABOVE".

not necessarily.

God uses these things in life to turn a person inside out as well.  sort of the rinse/spin cycle of life.

it's obvious that "jack" had alot of character/integrity problems long before his "jack" came along.  and it is obvious even to us, although we don't even know the man personally, that he needs a little character "rebuild" job......and God is just the person that could do it (and would).

maybe "jack" is unable to "look up" fully,  until he is brought "down" completely. 

was it a waste of money?  only if you place more value on money in this life than you should.  it's only money,  NOT the answer to all of life.  all too often we equate money with success.  it makes for a poor barometer in life.  

if God gave it to him, it was because he had more in mind with jack than making him "rich".  God would intend to make jack "spiritually rich".  and for that,  he must first make him humanly bankrupt.

with that in mind.....it still could have come from "above". 

"if you want to be the greatest,  you must first LEARN to be the servant of all"




kbcherokee's avatarkbcherokee

I think it's time to introduce Mr. Whittaker to the "Seven Philosophies for the Native American Man"

Maybe he can learn a few things from this...

The wisdom of Native Elders is contained int he Seven Philosophies and is offered to Native American men so that they may be better fathers, sons, husbands, uncles, relatives, friends, Tribal members and citizens of the countries in which the live. The Seven Philosophies point the way towards a return to the values of Native American culture for the healing of individuals, families and Native Communities.

First Philosophy


The cycle of life for the woman is the baby, girl, woman, and grandmother. These are the four directions of life. She has been given by natural laws, the ability to reproduce life. Therefore, all men should treat her with dignity and respect. Never was it our way to harm her mentally or physically. Indian men were never abusers. We always treated our women with respect and understanding. So from now on: 

I will treat women is a scared manner. The Creator gave women the responsibility for bringing new life into the world. Life is a sacred manner.

In our traditional ways, the woman is the foundation of the family. I will work with her to create a home atmosphere of respect, security and harmony.

I will refrain from any form of emotional or physical abuse. If I have these feelings, I will talk to the Creator for guidance.

I will treat all women as if they were my own female relatives.

This is my vow.

As an eagle prepares its young to leave the nest will all the skills and knowledge it needs to participate in life, in the same manner so will I guide my children. I will use the culture to prepare them for life.

The most important thing I can give to my children is my time. I will spend time with them in order to learn from them and to listen to them.

I will teach my children to pray, as well as the importance of respect.

We are the caretakers of the children for the Creator. The are His children, not ours.

I am proud of our Native language. I will learn it if I can and help my children to learn it.In today's world it is easy for the children to go astray, so I will work to provide positive alternatives for them. I will teach them the culture. I will encourage sports. I will encourage them to talk to the Elders for guidance; but mostly, I will seek to be a role model myself.

I make the commitment to my children so they will have courage and find guidance through traditional ways.

Third Philosophy


The Creator gave to us the family, which is the place where all teachings are handed down from the grandparent, to the parent, and to the child.

The children's behavior is a mirror of the parents behavior. Knowing this, I realize the importance for each Indian man to build a strong and balanced family. By doing this, I will break the cycle of hurt and ensure the positive and mental health of the children, even the children yet to be born. So from now on:

I will dedicate my priorities to rebuilding my family.

I must never give up and leave my family only to the mother.

I am accountable to restore the strength of my family. To do this, I will nurture our family's spiritual, cultural, and social health. I will demonstrate trust, respect, honor and discipline; but mostly I will be consistent in whatever I do with them.

I will see that the grandparents and community Elders play a significant role in the education of my children.

I realize that the male and female together are fundamental to our family life. I will listen to my mates council for our family's benefit, as well as for the benefit of my Indian Nation.

Fourth Philosophy


The Indian community provides many things for the family. The most important is the sense of belonging; that is, to belong to "the people", and to have a place to go.

Our Indian communities need to be restored to health so the future generation will be guaranteed a place to go for culture, language and Indian socializing. In the community, the honor of one is the honor of all and the pain of one is the pain of all. I will work to strengthen recovery in all parts of my community. As an Indian man:

I will give back to my community by donating my time and talents when I am able.

I will cultivate friendships with other Indian men for mutual support and strength.

I will consider the effects of our decisions on behalf of the next seven generations; in this way, our children and grandchildren will inherit healthy communities.

I will care about those in my community so that the mind changers, alcohol and drugs, will vanish, and our communities will forever be free of violence.

If each of us can do all these things, then others will follow; ours will be a proud community.

Fifth Philosophy


Our Mother Earth is the source of all life, whether it be plants, the two-legged, four-legged, winged ones or human beings. The Mother Earth is the greatest teacher, if we listen, observe and respect her. When we live in harmony with the Mother Earth, she will recycle the things we consume and make them available to our children and to their children. As an Indian Man, I must teach my children how to care for the Earth so it is there for the future generations. So from now on:

I realize the Earth is our mother. I will treat her with honor and respect.

I will honor the interconnectedness of all things and all forms of life. I will realize the Earth does not belong to us, but we belong to the Earth.

The natural law is the ultimate authority upon the lands and water. I will learn the knowledge and wisdom of the natural laws. I will pass this knowledge on to my children.

The Mother Earth is a living entity that maintains life. I will speak out in a good way whenever I see someone abusing the Earth. Just as I would protect my own mother, so will I protect the Earth. I will ensure that the land, water, and air will be intact for my children and my children's children - unborn.

Sixth Philosophy


As an Indian man, I realize we make no gains without the Great Spirit being in our lives. Neither I nor anything I attempt to do, will work without the Creator. Being Indian and being spiritual has the same meaning. Spirituality is our gift from the Great One. This day, I vow to walk the Red Road.

As an Indian man, I will return to the traditional and spiritual values which have guided my ancestors for the past generations.

I will look with new eyes on the powers of our ceremonies and religious ways, for they are important to the very survival of our people.

We have survived and are going to grow and flourish spiritually. We will fulfill our teachings and the purpose that the Creator has given us with dignity.

Each day, I will pray and ask for guidance. i will commit to walk the Red Road, or whatever the spiritual way is called in my own culture.

If I am a Christian, I will be a good one. If I am traditional, I will walk this road with dedication.

If each of us can do these things then others will follow. From this day forward, I will reserve time and energy for spirituality, seeking to know the Creators will.

Sdventh Philosophy


I will think about what kind of person I want to be when I an an Elder.

I will start developing myself now to be this person.

I will walk with the Great Spirit and the grandfathers at my side. I will develop myself to remain positive. I will develop a good mind.

I will examine myself daily to see what I did good and what I need to improve. I will examine my strength and weaknesses, then I will ask the Creator to guide me. I will develop a good mind.

Each day, I will listen to the Creators voice in the wind. I will watch nature and ask to be shown a lesson which will occur on my path.

I will seek out the guiding principles, which guided my ancestors. I will walk in dignity, honor and humility, conducting myself as a warrior.

I will seek the guidance of the Elders so that I may maintain the knowledge of culture, ceremonies, and songs, and so that I may pass these on to the future generations.

I choose to do all these things myself, because no one else can do them for me.

I know I cannot give away what I don't have, so I will need to walk the talk.

-May The Great Spirit's Blessings Always Be With You-






Way to GO JACK keep on blowing the MONEY you WON it FAIR and SQUARE you bought your 100 quick-picks and WON

you don't OWE any explanation for your actions GIFT or NOT do what you want with it it's a FREE country.

Thomas Covenant's avatarThomas Covenant

Well, I'll glad to know so many perfect people! I feel sorta bad now, knowing that I have made many mistakes, while the people here are perfect. Personally, I have been to a Strip bar before, I have gotten drunk before, I have gambled before(just playing the lottery is gambling), I have driven drunk before, I have had money stolen before. I have cussed someone out in public before(though not in a bar). What I haven't done is given $14 million dollars to charity.

"He who is without sin, cast the first stone"

A well known Jewish Carpenter.


We are ALL SINNERS it's our DESTINY to do BAD THINGS whether your RICH or POOR!!!!

Mana's avatarMana
Quote: O
Mana's avatarMana

whoops .. keep editing my typos from the previous post .. can't edit...

-- anyway... I'm just glad no one got into an accident with him *sigh* ... would remind me of someone I know. 

dvdiva's avatardvdiva
Quote: Originally posted by Thomas Covenant on January 26, 2004

Well, I'll glad to know so many perfect people! I feel sorta bad now, knowing that I have made many mistakes, while the people here are perfect. Personally, I have been to a Strip bar before, I have gotten drunk before, I have gambled before(just playing the lottery is gambling), I have driven drunk before, I have had money stolen before. I have cussed someone out in public before(though not in a bar). What I haven't done is given $14 million dollars to charity.

"He who is without sin, cast the first stone"
A well known Jewish Carpenter.

well i don't believe in the whole sin/evil/karma thing. irresponsible behavior is just that. what he is doing is not nearly as bad as what walmart or other companies have done to workers. what he is doing is low level white trash behavior

i have never had a beer or glass of wine and have yet to donate 14 mil. to charity (as a tax right off in his case i bet) and as for gambling - well this is LOTTERY post after all.

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