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Your Opinion is needed please!
If you can access a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, book or online, you can look up the words lot and lots . The beginning of the list refers to Abraham's nephew Lot. Afterward it refers to the die. The word lot is used approximately 75 times in the Bible. The word lots is used approximately 24 times in the Bible. The casting of the lot in the Bible was a means of dividing land and settling differences and making certain decisions. Don't take my word for it. Go read it for yours
Oct 17, 2009, 8:17 pm - PERDUE - Lottery Discussion Forum

What You Have To Look Forward To...
It amazes me how often people can have something shoved in thier faces and still not be able to see it.Below are some press releases from the Hoosier Lottery website. I'm sure that many of you will be able to convince yourselves that they're just kidding because, after all, they have too much to lose...For those of you who want the truth, read on. The remainder of you may now bury your heads in the sand, lest this information disturb the natural order in Xanadu...
Aug 26, 2004, 8:43 pm - jim695 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Because it's THEIR money! 😡Lottery related.
I believe this has happen many times on different levels of a lottery win. So in my opinion this 'story' could very well be true. Some people think that because you have money, that any money given to them in a form of a 'loan' is some how a 'gift'. The moral of the story is: If you want to remain friends don't lent money out. If you do, have a contract or a promissory note that can hold up in court.
Nov 28, 2021, 12:38 am - jackpotismine - Lottery Discussion Forum

The biggest mistake players make
noise-gate, True but we have to differentiate between thinking positive and flat out dreaming. People bet something like $3300 to win $200 on Mike Tyson because they were positive he was going to beat Buster Douglas. Someone with ability who is positive they'll get a contract with a major league team is thinking positive, ok. An 89 year old who is positive he'll get a contract to play is dreaming.
Jul 7, 2018, 8:19 pm - Coin Toss - Lottery Discussion Forum

What are false trips?
Can anyone [lease explain what FALSE TRIPS are and what they are all about in laymens language please...someone tried to explain to me once but it was all Legalize and long and involved like a major leauge contract....thanks!
Apr 16, 2018, 5:12 am - Wentworth - Lottery Discussion Forum

How the Lottery Numbers are picked
But there are bad auditors and sloppy ones as well. Look at the goofball auditor who messed up at the Academy Awards by mixing up envelopes and taking selfies. And he was a partner! And they did not fire the guy and kept the firm's contract for next year. I do think it is possible for occasional anomalies to occur but not necessarily always like the hot lotto level.
Apr 22, 2017, 7:37 am - Artist77 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Right time to join a lottery Pool or not?
Music- l recall when this piece broke, there were some members who felt that the mother was attempting to strong arm the son, but it would seem it was the other way round. I mean the mother was in her 70's . She got a lawyer because her offspring was up to no good. I tell you : if you going to get shady family involved in lottery money you won, draw up a contract or move abroad.Dont include a forwarding address either because evil intentions will follow you. do have choices.
Nov 23, 2016, 3:19 pm - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum

Right time to join a lottery Pool or not?
I agree. A contract needs to be drawn up prior to starting a lottery pool. The tickets also need to be photocopied (each participant should have a copy) and tickets placed in a safe place, hopefully a safe. Personally, I would never join a lottery pool, but then, that's just me.
Nov 22, 2016, 4:45 pm - LiveInGreenBay - Lottery Discussion Forum

Right time to join a lottery Pool or not?
I would go for drawing up a contract and then a handshake Weshar75. But then again, that's just me. Money changes people and their attitudes, but to each his own as they say. You can never be too careful.
Nov 22, 2016, 4:32 pm - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum

What is your detailed plan IF you won the jackpot PB or MG?
Depends on the degree of foolishness Max. For instance a foolish foolishness would be out drinking with folks you just met at a bar and you go off on how you won the lottery and how you would split it 50/50 with some total stranger who ends up taking you to court for his/ her cut. Especially if you were foolish enough to write the so called contract on a napkin.
Oct 13, 2016, 11:42 pm - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum