
ForumsResults 101 - 110 of 458 for zip code. (0.01 seconds)

To Michigan with luck 11/6-11/9
Hopeful the above is pattern emerging US postal zip code 48222 ...11/8-11/11
Nov 8, 2016, 7:11 pm - Blackapple - Pick 3 Forum

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
Voting shannigans in Arlington County, close in to dc. We got our voter cards today and 2000 or more of us were unilaterally moved to vote in the northern part of the county vs. Voting at a school in the neighborhood...a block from my home. This change would have required us to miss quite a bit of work and resulting in many of us not voting. Many of us are raising hell. It made no sense and was not even in a neighboring zip code. This was not an accident.
Oct 11, 2016, 8:19 pm - Artist77 - Lottery News

Florida Pick 5 Lottery
You are very close. I think P1 will be odd digit 3. I played 32817 my zip code. LOL
Sep 20, 2016, 10:56 am - CARBOB - Pick 5 Forum

Pennsylvania: 12/1 - 12/31/2015
yes I saw it got home late from meeting that number had a total of 7 hits night in box hits ,then 937 was a day hit on the 5th and comes right back at night on th 8th, something is up. didn't check on any other payouts for that quinto number then the double 66's on day had trip 6's both days I don't know if that is a zip code somewhere I thought the day one 19531 was one and didn't pay a lot out I thing they just sit back and laugh at us on there inside info and repeats good luck today try to
Dec 9, 2015, 6:06 am - jojosurf - Pick 3 Forum

Daughter saw her deceased fiancé in the bathroom mirror this morning
My daughters bday is 118 1991. Our 610, 18104! the last time she saw him the address was 348 in bk 718 DONT remeber the zip code.
Oct 4, 2015, 3:23 pm - Dd2160 - Mystical Forum

Quad City
Maryland, look for an upcoming 32 pair.. All .... 156 or 601 (again)-thats my trouble with exes number but this time its the zip code for the trip HOME so its all good !
Aug 15, 2014, 4:54 pm - luckyshoes - Mystical Forum

Quad City
Loved It ! Thank you ! Im looking for 50, 34 and 45 I am so sorry that I did not let every 1 in NC know to play the last 3 digits of the zip code where we were staying..Kill Devil Hills...948 which hit straight the night of the 31st. My apologies folks Its a trick that I use for hits and this time it worked.
Apr 2, 2014, 11:06 am - luckyshoes - Mystical Forum

Can lottery organizations control the location of jackpot winning tickets?
Sure, but they tend to avoid being 'specific' as this takes away from the randomness of the game. Depending on the size of the state, they usually have several distribution centers. To prevent all the tickets from ending up in one area they will spread them out among the distribution centers. They really can't control which zip code or stores get which prizes because retailers replenish inventory randomly. I have seen two jackpot tickets sold the same week at stores across the street from each o
Dec 23, 2013, 12:39 pm - LottoMetro - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
I know the pain James, Im two days sober from tickets today, my zip code is just like yours, we get nothing but lowest of the low tier books. This year (last 14 months) I have won 6 or 7 $500 tics and 1 1k, Im sure Ive spent 15k if ive spent a dollar, i really dont want to know how much ive spent. I kept telling myself its just a dry spell, a dry spell doesnt last a year, i done sending kids to I even sent the fla lottery an email and told them to watch the ticket sales drop in th
Dec 21, 2013, 10:08 pm - LONERANGER58 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Post your scratch ticket results
OK JAMES - LONERANGER - let me boggle your minds. Bought 10 GRT's and the only win was this $500. BIG JIM hit $1K yesterday on FF . Remember he only buys ONE ticket a day. Another guy I know won $2,500 on one of those Christmas games. Guys, it has to be the zip code or town - I can't figure it out. Don't worry, I have my share of bad days too. In the last 2 days I snagged 3 $500's and $1K. And I don't buy that many tickets.
Dec 19, 2013, 11:16 am - skeptic - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum