CashWinner$'s Blog

+ Way Out There +

                                  Endless Galaxy                       

                       ~ Waiting For A Star To Fall ~

Entry #417



“I believe the destiny of your generation - and your nation - is a rendezvous with excellence”.

~ L. B. J. ~

Entry #415

Why Did The...


Old CIA Joke:

Q. Why did the case officer cross the road?

A. I’m sorry, but we cannot confirm or deny that he has in fact, crossed the road.


Entry #407



"The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides human beings with a sense of destination and the energy to get started."         ~ Norman Cousins ~


American writer and editor Norman Cousins is best known for his book, Anatomy of an Illness, an account of how he used nutrition and positive visualizations, including laughter, to heal from an illness diagnosed as fatal. He was born in New Jersey in 1915. He served many years as editor-in-chief of the Saturday Review, a job he loved. Under his guidance, circulation increased from 20,000 to 650,000. He received the UN Peace Medal for his world activism. He died in 1990.

Entry #406

- Bumper Stickers -

:Bumper Stickers:

“I had a life, but my job ate it”

“If you’re close enough to read this, you just violated your restraining order”

“I don’t discriminate, I hate everybody!”

“Laugh at your problems, everyone else does”

“Like what you see? Dial 1-800-YOU-WISH”

“My attitude...YOUR PROBLEM!”

“My road to success is under construction”

“It’s called tourist season – so why can’t we shoot ‘em?”

“BACK OFF! I’m a Postal Worker”

“Attention Employees! The beatings will continue until morale improves”.

Entry #403