LiLSpeedy's Blog

Evening Turkey day delight

652 691 196 475 675 567 115 511 155 551 254 452 146 418 227 722 727 277 715 147 439 731 859 130 823 600 006 066 606 660 255 225 335 553 535 355 587 785 937 475 900 009 909 990 099


Entry #251

Say a prayer for those that are protecting us

Here's hoping that everyone have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. We as Americans have so much to be thankful for. We are able to enjoy the many things that we have because of the brave men and women that are protecting us as we go about our daily tasks. I know from experience what the soldiers are going through. The holidays are the worst, but you do it because of the love for ones country. So as we sit around our table with our family, say a prayer for all the men and women of all races that are protecting us.

Entry #250

Wednesday Midday -- All States

254 452 784 341 143 500 550 185 851 158 560 315 457 754 811 818 709 164 415 447 747 225 255 047 971 769 844 448 848 488 668 868 688 227 722 772 727 454 545 191 199 981 189 667 676 767 384 383 838 228 828 384 843 771

I Agree!

Using your workout, pick and choose from the numbers above. Good Luck 

Entry #249

Evening Cash 3 -- All States

652 254 452 146 164 210 012 021 120 130 456 465 967 448 844 488 848 863 029 902 281 284 731 428 010 011 110 064 439 789 945 786 846 462 859 785 225 255


Using your workout, pick and choose from the numbers above. Good Luck

Entry #248

Evening Pick 3 -- All States

967 789 785 587 180 573 611 616 401 254 448 844 488 848 437 953 593 785 587 064 067 310 780 087 745 651 970 856 223 233 100 110 216 711 717 845

 I Agree!

Entry #247

Monday Midday Pick 3 -- All States

046 604 064 970 859 958 310 967 697 600 606 844 448 848 131 113 313 133 009 090 900 099 909 990 216 156 191 199 152 217 889 899 998 587 785 173 593 953 231 254 452 670 714 573 745 283 382 689 281 141 144 394 934 437

I Agree!


Note: Using your workout, pick and play numbers that you find in your workout or numbers that hit frequently in your state. Good Luck!

Entry #246

Sunday Evening Plays--All States

029 718 389 465 612 216 459 892 928 073 948 039 745 435 736 190 281 128 182 790 079 118 188 818 437 734 606 600 446 646 664 785 587 724 427 188 288 882

Entry #245

Midday Plays for all states

526 562 784 748 096 906 609 197 791 971 453 354 435 315 879 451 541 415 154 392 329 844 448 488 884 848 373 737 114 144 833 338 838 281 717 817 187 178 718 146 164 040 004 564 465 369 396 963 639 335 353 553 355 229 992 839 938 389 600 606 697 226 262 622 266 626 662 560 449 499 125 439


1208 4976 1206 8793 9876 1207 1452 6892 1882 1865 6859 6518 8158 5818 5869 6815

Entry #244

Evening Numbers - All States

151 115 511 155 935 359 593 008 080 088 808 411 144 235 523 253 373 737 377 075 570 500 505 550 495 954 459 549 594 945 374 473 743 347 336 636 366 446 646 466 357 753 246 462 691 196 833 838 388 379 397 937 739 687 786 339 993 668 688 147 369 963 281 047 415 514 902 029 092 410 064 785 439 225 255 090 009 900 099 990 909

Entry #243

Midday Numbers-All States

538 385 835 238 283 823 114 144 563 575 557 577 047 446 646 466 573 357 181 118 188 818 231 064 359 935 359 593 953 281 120 850 459 945 594 654 546 349 560 065 650 448 844 884 600 606 080 800 088 809 667 676 767 677 892 612 154 541 073 200 022 230 910 397 937 335 535 950 059 689 986 047


1208 0768 8793 1201 8023 1452 0506 9573


Note: If you know your states hot numbers or most frequent numbers, it will increase your chances of winning. Also use your workout that works for you. The predictors for your state are helpful also.

Entry #242

History teaches the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY...not just the GOOD

George Washington, the first President of the United States, was a slave owner for practically all of his life. He is known as the father of our country. Now I know why.


President Andrew Jackson was said to have owned as many as 150 slaves. Jackson generally wanted his slaves to be treated well.  He told one overseer “that he was to treat them with great humanity, feed and cloath them well, and work them in moderation.”  But Jackson could occasionally be cruel, ordering slave whipped for running away or being impudent. He also led the slaughter of Seminole Indians.

U.S. grant owned one slave given to him by his father in law. In addition, his wife owned four slaves. But one of his quotes stated that,” Nations, like individuals, are punished for their transgressions.” Was this man a prophet or what?

Benjamin Franklin owned at least two slaves, George and King, before becoming an avid abolitionist in the years following the Revolutionary War. Ben was also an adulterer who admitted to having numerous sexual relations.


The picture speaks for itself...YUK –YUK- YUK- YUK- YUK- YUK –YUK- YUK- YUK- YUK- YUK –YUK- YUK- YUK- YUK   OUT F-ing STANDARD!
I am so glad I went to college. There the real history of people and our country is taught. Many that try to ellaborate about important events don't tell the real story simply because they have a lack of knowledge. A high school education only scratch the surface. When the whole story is told one gets an understanding of an individual and why they were the way they were.
Entry #241

It Don't Mean Nothing!

There are certain bigots and racists on the post that like to use their blog on Veterans Day to dishonor Veterans. I did not respond on Veterans Day because that day is very personal to me. First of all, Veterans Day is not about us and how we feel. It is about all Veterans that served this country HONORABLE. I served my country when cowards were running to Canada, and the rich were going into the reserves. I could care less if BIGOTS or RACISTS question my service to this country…that is just what they do. In fact, they are the last people that I would want to validate me. People from all walks of life served their country…this honor makes no distinctions and needs no confirmation from racists bigots.

Entry #239

Lies and Distortions

If Republicans Say It, the Opposite Must Be True

By Leslie K. Stein

Republicans, the gig is up. We are on to you. The truth: if Republicans say it, then the opposite is true. So stop repeating the lies, or just stop talking. Let us examine some well-known sound-bites that those on the right love to spout and repeat.

Republican Myth: We cannot raise the debt ceiling and incur more debt.
Answer: Sorry, this is money already spent. They seem to have this confused with budgeting. If we do not raise the debt ceiling, we will not be able to write the checks to pay for what was already spent -- thus, creating a default of the U.S. government. Most economists and most sane people agree this is a bad, bad idea, still, even since the last time you tried it.

Republican Myth: Rich people create jobs... therefore; we cannot raise taxes on rich people. We must cut taxes or risk stifling the economy.
Answer: This is the old "Trickle-down" economics, and it is just not true. The facts: the stock market has increased in value over 16 percent this year to date, and increased over 37 percent the last five years. So where are the jobs? How many new hires have the Gates, Buffetts, Kochs and Kochs made to help pull us out of the recession? (I know, easy targets, but Forbes top 10 list and you get the idea). The top 5 percent control over 60 percent of the wealth, which is up appropriately 20 percent over than the last generation. All taxed at the capital gains rate. Most manufacturing jobs have already been eliminated, outsourced or moved overseas. Rich people and companies doing most of the hiring currently do not pay a living wage and are not supporting the sluggish economic recovery by either hiring or spending.

Republican Myth: Paraphrasing that "the 47 percent are lazy bums," are the problem, and not interested in working....
Answer: This is part of the justification to cut $40 billion from the SNAP (food stamps) program. Sixty percent of the people receiving those benefits are children, the elderly, or disabled. Many of the rest, lucky enough to have employment, are the working poor -- those people working for companies like Walmart and fast food where their income is being subsidized by taxpayers because Walmart does not want to pay a living wage. Congress wants to cut off the poor from the luxurious benefit of $4.40 a day, while some congressmen complain that they cannot live on their miserly $174,000 salary.

Republican Myth:Eliminating women's rights benefits women!
Answer: Does that need an answer?

Republican Myth: Guns don't kill.
Answer: Really?

Rep Myth: They are coming for your guns.
Answer: Yes, that one is just as stupid as it sounds. It is hard to show evidence when there is no proof. What IS true is we have a gun problem in this country and it is much easier to buy a gun than it is to register to vote. While one of these continues to get easier and easier, the other is under attack and seriously being suppressed by the leadership of at least 28 states.

Republican Myth: We must suppress the vote because of fraud.
Answer: You must suppress the vote because you cannot win on your record.

Rep Myth: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Obamacare is eliminating jobs, and leads to Death Panels!!
Answer: Full-time jobs in the private sector were being eliminated and replaced with many part-time jobs since the financial crash in 2008/09. Most jobs being created are in the service industry. Many employers have been using Obamacare as an excuse to cut costs, but their hiring practices can be easily documented and pre-dates Obamacare. And the truth is, ObamaCare is actually creating jobs, while reducing healthcare costs.

Rep Myth: ObamaCare is increasing costs and premiums, while reducing quality of care.
Answer: The truth is that healthcare costs are actually experiencing a three-year downward trend, mainly due to the ObamaCare provisions that encourage and reward quality over quantity or the volume of care. Most of ObamaCare has yet to be implemented. (Enrollment starts Oct. 1, 2013). Can we please apply some of that logic to curb college costs?

Republican Myth: Obamacare will cause you to lose your doctor.
Answer: Obamacare is primarily for those that did not have insurance. So those uninsured people have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

We should not, but we need more MythBuster-type stories to disprove stupid, untrue things that people say to get attention or votes. I know what you are thinking -- who would really believe these silly lies? Why aren't they called on it? But there are a lot of people believing the stupid and untrue things that are said. The right is counting on people to repeat this stuff to their friends. You know, if you heard it on TV, it must be fact?! But lies are creating serious division, mistrust, and hatred. It would be funny if people did not actually believe this stuff! Ask someone why they say such silly things, or ask if they can give you an example, they just look at you perplexed and say the silly, untrue thing louder. I know you all know someone like this! That's why we have to let people know, if someone on the rights says it, then the opposite must be true!

Entry #237