LiLSpeedy's Blog

Hate Groups - Christians?


The number of hate groups in the U.S. has grown each year for the past 11 years, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. In 2000 the center reported that there were 602 hate groups; in 2011 that number had climbed to 1,018.

“We’ve never had a count that high before,” Mark Potok, the author of the report, told ABC News. “It’s just steady significant growth, 3, 4, 5 percent every year going back to the turn of the millennium.”

Potok said the increase from 2000 to 2008 was primarily fueled by the immigration debate.

“Around 2000, we saw very dramatically neo-Nazi groups, Klan groups and similar kinds of groups simply drop their propaganda about the alleged evils of black people, of gay people, of Jewish people in order to concentrate pretty much 100 percent on illegal immigrants,” he said. ”In 2008, we have two more factors come into play. We have Obama and the economy.”

The most recent report reveals that there where two types of hate groups that saw a significant increase from 2010 to 2011: anti-Muslim and anti-gay groups.

Anti-Muslim hate groups tripled from 10 to 30 last year, and anti-gay hate groups increased from 17 to 27.

Potok attributes the rise in anti-Muslim groups to the debate over the ground zero mosque in 2010 and to “opportunistic politicians and activists.”

“It was a completely artificial thing,” Potok said. “That anti-Muslim wave is the work of propogandists and nothing more.”

In regards to the rise in anti-gay groups, Potok believes it is likely the result of desperation that public opinion is not on their side.

“Basically, we’re seeing real anger, real fury, on the part of some religious right groups, and I think that’s related to the fact that they are losing,” he said. “Every year the majority of Americans who support same sex marriage grows. … What we’re seeing is a kind of rage on their part.”

Potok expects the rage to grow and the number of hate groups to continue to rise as President Obama begins his second term in office.“I think it has the potential to get worse before it gets better,” Potok said. These groups are getting angrier and angrier because now they’re looking at four years under a black guy who they hate.

Entry #158

7 main tactics used by the NRA to achieve their goals

1. Money to Dominate Legislators at the State and Federal Level.

  • NRA’s annual budget = $250 million
  • Brady’s annual budget = $7 million
    • NRA has 600 employees
    • Brady has 23 employees

2. Money Spent to Influence Federal Elections
(Total 2004,2006, 2008 )*

  • NRA + Pro Gun Groups = $53 million
  • Brady + Gun Control Groups = $3 million

*(Source of data: Open

3. Create Fear, Maximize Sales to Criminals
Fact: The Criminal market = 25% of the gun industry’s annual sales.*

  • The NRA fights to protect this market share,
  • They must defeat any law that would make it harder for criminals to get guns e.g. laws to stop gun trafficking, close the gun show loophole, etc THEN SAY
  • “You need a gun with you at all times to protect you from armed criminals.”

4. Powerful State by State strategy.
Intense focus on State legislators to get insane gun laws passed e.g.,

  • Guns in bars,
  • Concealed and open carry of guns

5. Disinformation

  • “More guns equal less crime”
  • “Guns save lives, more guns save more lives.”

6. Suppress Data that shows the catastrophic assault to public health and safety caused by the unregulated gun industry.

  • Just like the tobacco industry suppressed data for decades that showed smoking caused cancer.

7. Simplistic Sound Bite Logic
Law abiding citizens are always going to be law abiding.

  • Fact: Every criminal was once law abiding citizen.

The government secretly wants to take your guns away:

  • Any sane gun law will lead to the government being able to take your guns away.
Entry #157

What was the major dilemma faced by our founding fathers?

Richard B. Morris in 1973 identified the following seven figures as the key Founding Fathers: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.

In order to understand history, one must study all of it… the good, the bad, and the ugly part of it. Although many of the Founding Fathers acknowledged that slavery violated the core American Revolutionary ideal of liberty, their simultaneous commitment to private property rights, principles of limited government, and intersectional harmony prevented them from making a bold move against slavery. The considerable investment of Southern Founders in slave-based staple agriculture, combined with their deep-seated racial prejudice, posed additional obstacles to emancipation.

Slaveholders among prominent Founding Fathers



Founding Father


Founding Father


Charles Carroll


John Adams


Samuel Chase


Samuel Adams


Benjamin Franklin


Oliver Ellsworth


Button Gwinnett


Alexander Hamilton

New York

John Han<snip>


Robert Treat Paine


Patrick Henry


Thomas Paine


John Jay

New York

Roger Sherman


Thomas Jefferson


Richard Henry Lee


James Madison


Charles Cotesworth Pinckney

South Carolina

Benjamin Rush


Edward Rutledge

South Carolina

George Washington


As with some of our founding fathers, some of us are the problem rather than the solution. While slavery is no longer a problem in the United States, we are still dealing with some of the remnants of slavery. Racial discrimination, prejudice, racial strife, and social injustices are but a few of the remnants of slavery that we as a nation must eradicate if we are to prosper and be blessed as a nation.

Entry #154

It almost worked!

I almost became president. Dam those 47%. I hoodwinked the republican party, tea-party, and all those who call themselves conservative...Where did I go wrong Dad?  BS

Entry #152

America has spoken...



Never underestimate the will of the American people. Many have tried…and many have failed…many are still trying to undo what has been done…but again, it’s been to no avail. President Obama will be POTUS until 2016. Even Romney the Mormon said, “You the man, Obama”.

Entry #151

What a Liar!

BS                                                                                                                                BS


Mitt Romney ‘had no desire to run,’ son says

Mitt Romney didn't want to be president, anyway. That's what Tagg Romney, Mitt's oldest son, told the Boston Globe for its big post-mortem on his father's failed presidential bid published on Sunday. “He wanted to be president less than anyone I’ve met in my life," Tagg Romney told the paper.

BS                                                                                                                                  BS

Entry #150

Midday Plays

720 027 066 956 315 667 711 177 771 638 557                                                               

799 732 591 714 627 585 719 478 748 245 112                                                                 

754 581 558 513 551 000 452 118 911 991


0245 3211 8320 2114 2119 2111 1119 2112 2312


Entry #148

Evening C4 Plays



                       Thinking of...

Entry #147

Evening cash 3 Predictions




Mail For You

Entry #146

Midday Predictions

313 131 323 223 138 292 299 230 291 977 793 978 283 689 395                                     

687 711 771 354 589 219 513 315 777 222 999 444 779 275 628

Entry #145