johnph77's Blog

Harrisburg PA

7/89 processing in progress.

Underway tomorrow AM to Harrisburg PA for pinochle tournament - missed out on this one last year when conflicting personal commitments were encountered. Going to try to set up multiple program processing while I'm away but haven't spent any time recently to enable this so it probably won't happen. Posting will resume on my return.

gl all.

Entry #25

x/89 Positional Frequency Data

4/90, 7/90 data verified, posted. x/89 programs in place, awaiting execution. Going well, progress ahead of expectations.
Entry #24

x/90 Positional Frequency Data

x/91 programs executed, data verified and posted. There is now a noticible and significant decrease in time needed to execute the 7/xx and 6/xx programs due to reduced possibilities. 5/90 and 6/90 programs already executed and data posted for Italy's Enalotto games. 4/90 and 7/90 programs ready, awaiting execution.
Entry #23

5/39 Sum Frequency Data

Executed 5/39 sum frequency data program and posted to chart  - CA Fantasy 5 lottery discussion arose in a thread, decided to post just in case.

Entry #22

x/91 Position Frequency Data

x/92 data verified and posted. x/91 programs in place, awaiting execution. Probably will be delayed somewhat due to other projects needing attention.
Entry #21

x/92 position Frequency Data - Part II

Due to extensive work requirements on another project, new software installations, computer problems and power outages, 7/92 program execution still not complete. Trying it again. All other x/92 programs waiting in the wings.
Entry #20

x/92 Position Frequency Data

x/93 through x/95 position frequency data verified, posted to site. x/92 programs in place, ready to run. Have a couple projects needing updating, then will continue. Planning on being away for 10 days later this month, control file for multiple programs needs to be in place before departure.
Entry #19

Back Home

Got back home last night. Tried to run 7/95, 7/94 and 7/93 from a batch program while away, 7/95 and 7/93 ran without incident, 7/94 MIA. Will try another batch program type next trip, or with smaller programs - got to be some way to utilize CPU time while away. 7/94 running now, page to be updated next week.
Entry #18

x/95 Position Frequency Data

x/96 data verified, posted. 7/95 data generation program running. Leaving for Laughlin NV early Sun AM, nothing else will be accomplished until my return Thu. Going to try some multi-program processing while away, probably 7/94, 7/93 and 7/92.
Entry #17

x/96 Position Frequency Data

x/97 posted. 7/96 data generation program executing, about 35% complete. New software for editing page has some glitches, but worked well overall, speeding that process. Testing soon for data transfer to unposted individual games file but not expecting any difficulties. Took four days from start to finish to do x/97, which is great. Elapsed time will shorten as data generation files go through a reduced number of processes.
Entry #16

x/97 Frequency Data

Program to generate 7/97 data is executing. Other programs won't take that long when ready to go, but any program execution has to share computer time with other demands so this might take a few more days. Testing other page normats and the ease of transferring existing innormation to same.
Entry #15

x/98 Frequency Data

2/98 through 7/98 frequency data generated, awaiting validation and posting. Another client's computer crashed, so presently working on restoring those pages and files and will be a couple of days before this is done.

Cascading Style Sheets working well. Individual files need a little tinkering to improve appearance.

x/97 programs in place, awaiting execution.

Entry #14

New Programs

New programs for lottery sum and positional frequency data should cut down the runtime necessary to produce same - elapsed time cut on the order of 80-85% of that of the previous programs. Will know for sure in a couple of days.
Entry #12

Sum and Positional Frequency Charts

Structure updates and improvements on both pages complete and working. Added 6/59 (NY Lotto) to sums chart to find out how future data updates would be to enter - cream and silk. Only problem reported by users so far involves the sheer size of the pages  - 2.8MB for the positional frequency chart and 4MB for the sums chart - with some computers locking up during loading, and future data entry won't improve things. I may have to look at breaking these files down into multiple smaller files to make them more user-friendly. In any case, I'm taking a few days off from this project - I need a break.
Entry #11