johnph77's Blog

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New Sum Chart - Mods


Structure is all but complete. Internal link table included, everything works - on the first upload. It's not supposed to be that way, particularly with manual coding. Nothing need be added when data is added to normats - everthing is there. All I have to do when other game normats are filled with data is remove the comment tags around the links. And they'll work. File size is just over 4MB.

I'm going to get the internal link table working for the positional frequency page tomorrow - I didn't realize until now what a timesaver it can be. Won't take long - couple of hours. Then I take a few days off this project and go on to something else I have on the front burner. When I get back I'll change the file names and external links.



Entry #10

New Sum Chart - Posting

Amazingly, the new sum chart structure went far more quickly and smoothly than I dared hope. I posted it this morning, made a few changes and corrections and am now looking for comments, suggestions and whatever. I'm going to continue to work on it, adding the (minimal) content from the currently posted sum chart, and then change the active link to the new page. I still need to add the specific game link chart mentioned previously but that will have to wait.

Games currently included on the new chart for comparison viewing are Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5, 4/77 and 4/82.

What I'm not looking to hear are comments on how hard it is going to be to copy the innormation for individual games. After the recent bouts of plagiarism without credit involving the position frequency charts I'm not about to make it easy on those who would do so, hence this normat. For those who would have use of copies of individual game normats and innormation either for their own private use or to post on their sites with proper credit, I can be reached by Email, PM or here.

New sum chart link:

A note to Todd - this site is non-commercial - no ads, no banners and I'm not trying to sell anything.

Entry #9

New Sum Chart - Construction

I lied. Had some time late last night and developed a normat for the new sums chart with which I'm reasonably satisfied. It's based on the current normat of the positional frequency chart but modified for the different normat needed to present the required innormation. Construction of the skeletal structure is underway - everything but the calculations. As in the positional frequency chart it will have the innormation for all games from 2/11 to 7/100 with innormation from Pick 2 through 7 included as well. I'll post the page address here and in the forum for comment when I upload it but that will be a few days.

Downside is that it will be a truly massive page in size, probably somewhere on the order of 5MB. DSL users won't be too inconvenienced but the loading process will be slow for dial-up users (I'm one of them). Being the second page of this genre I've worked on it has become apparent that, without links to the specific chart needed, the pages are too large to be easily referenced for specific game innormation. What that means is that after the sum chart page is posted I need to go to work on creating a table at the top of each page with internal links to each and every game on the chart. And that's not only applicable to this page but to the positional frequency chart as well.

Back to the mines.....

Entry #8

Site Updates

7/99 posted, 6/99 run, awaiting posting to proof spreadsheet then to site. 5/99 and 4/99 will follow shortly after that.

May have found the normula for the inside column progressions in the positional frequency charts. If this is true I won't have to run the remaining time-consuming 6/xx and 7/xx programs but data can be computed in and by normulas on the proof spreadsheet and posted to site. if this proves out I'll still want to run the programs for further proof later but it will speed completion of the charts.

Installed link on math index page to sums chart. Still thinking of and working on a design for a normat for this page that is legible and easy to interpret but hard to copy. Further development is far down the road.

Entry #7

Home, At last

Home is the sailor, home from the sea - And home is the hunter from the hills.....

7/99 positional frequency program ran flawlessly - now to get it on site, along with 4/99, 5/99 and 6/99. Found a way and a normula to get more info on unrun games (all are programmed, but need to find the time to run) on the page, but, again, available time from work is the deciding factor. 99s should be done in a week or so, for what it's worth.

Entry #6

Washington PA

More contributions to the pinochle tournament prize fund. Good people, though; old and new friends. Saw sisters and nephews living nearby for the first time in years. Answered Lottery Post PM's and added to posts. Homeward bound tomorrow.
Entry #5

Travels Part III

Great trip, great people. Met a lottery fan on the bus from Coeur d'Alene ID to Frankfort KY - discussed odds, play, choices and strategies from Pick 3 and 4 to KY Cash Ball, Powerball and MegaMillions. Exchanged jokes with him and another lady for two days - what nice people and what a blast. Worth the entire trip.
Entry #4

Coeur d'Alene ID

Again a contributor toward the pinochle tournament tournament prize fund - oh, well.....

Forgot to mention desktop is working on 7/99 positional frequency program while I'm away. Anything over 7/60 (pick 7 only) takes a hellishly long time to compute so I use the time away on the road to do the grunt work on these. Barring any failure (power, printer, etc.) I'll have another line to enter on that page when I return. I'm determined to complete this no matter how long it takes.....

Not much interest beyond what's currently posted on sum charts. Haven't decided on how I want them posted, either - currently they're in the too-easily-copied normat of the old frequency charts. I may just decide to add an active link on the math index page to what's there now and bury any future development for the foreseeable future.

En route Frankfort KY tomorrow AM, in Washington PA next weekend.....gla


Entry #3

Travels, Part II

Arrived in Coeur d'Alene ID about an hour ago, not entirely without incident, but there nonetheless. Will be at the CdA Casino/Resort for the weekend. Anyone near can come to the casino, ask where the pinochle tournament is and ask for me by this name - I'll probably be playing or scoring on the laptop.
Entry #2

Lexington KY

Returned to Lexington KY from Cleveland OH today - participated in (and contributed toward) prizes in a pinochle tournament there - meaning I didn't win a dam thing - met MrSteel01 from this forum while I was there. Underway to Coeur d'Alene ID Tue AM for another tournament - postings and work on site will be necessarily limited until my return home 20 May.....
Entry #1
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