Man refuses $4 million lottery win

Sep 19, 2007, 2:31 pm (52 comments)

Germany Lottery (Deutschland)

According to the Ananova news service, a German pensioner who won £2 million (US$4 million) playing the lottery refused the cash because he didn't know what to do with it.

The 70-year-old man from Hameln, Lower Saxony, went to the HQ of the German lottery association in Hanover after finding out about his win and told them he did not want the money.

He reportedly said: "What would I do with so much money? My wife has already passed away, my parents are dead, I have no children and no other relatives. I don't want it."

He said he had only bought the lottery ticket out of a habit because his late wife had been a passionate player.

Lottery officials said they were trying to persuade him to keep the money.


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Sir- Would you be interested in adopting me ?

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Now that he has $4M to dispose of there will be family showing up that he didn't know he had.


I personally know what to do with the money.  I'll send him my address...

Guru101's avatarGuru101

I'll take it.Big Grin

justxploring's avatarjustxploring

Quote: Originally posted by DoubleDown on Sep 19, 2007

Sir- Would you be interested in adopting me ?

Exactly what I was going to write.  You beat me to it, DD!  Smiley

wpb's avatarwpb


someone need to check about this man!

Hit With Stick

sirbrad's avatarsirbrad

HAHA!! These idiots sicken me. Send it to me so I can turn it into $20 million or more in about 10 years. I will then send you a couple of hundred that you will know what to do with. So what will they do with the money? How on earth can you possibly beat those odds and not want, nor know what to do with it? I think many people do just play for something to do, and never expect to win.

jarasan's avatarjarasan

He won't be a widower for very long.

Litebets27's avatarLitebets27

Could somebody please tell please tell me, why would you play the lottery if you don't expect to win? I think most people are playing to win. Maybe I'm wrong.  Or, maybe they do it alittle different in Germany.


LuckyLilly's avatarLuckyLilly

Is he DAFT???

He could easily live another 20 years.  Has he decided to just sit around doing nothing waiting for death?  What if he has some large medical bills?  What if he needs a nursing home?  Germany must have a much better health care program than the US if he's not worried about that stuff. 

Litebets27's avatarLitebets27

I can see someone, especially in the small villages in Germany being satisfied with life as they live it and/or not wanting for anything. My question is, why play in the first place. I mean, I can understand how playing is a challenge and exciting and all of that. But..... the main purpose for most people...IS TO WIN SOME MONEY....and hopefully.....THE TOP PRIZE!!!!!



Come ON, don't they have a Pink Pony in Germany??? Maybe he could buy a brewery, or a chocolate factory, or something!

As the Deep Purple song goes, "It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase!"

This is also a theory why people get depressed after they win, because they are so used to buying and hoping that once they get their wish they don't need to keep playing and that was what they really enjoyed.


Give it to the Darfur project.....charities need money


I think he will wise up and take the money after all.

No one is that stupid.

dphillips's avatardphillips

Has he gone mad?  Is he on crack -- or what?  Gee, I wonder if he were, say, 40 or 50, and a widower -- would he take the money?  I guess one will never know.  Poor fella!

jarasan's avatarjarasan

Quote: Originally posted by LckyLary on Sep 19, 2007

Come ON, don't they have a Pink Pony in Germany??? Maybe he could buy a brewery, or a chocolate factory, or something!

As the Deep Purple song goes, "It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase!"

This is also a theory why people get depressed after they win, because they are so used to buying and hoping that once they get their wish they don't need to keep playing and that was what they really enjoyed.

 As the Deep Purple song goes, "It's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase!"

Ronald Reagan inspired hard rock circa. 1984 apocalyptic vision video.  The music on the other hand is much better, Ritchie Blackmore is one of the best  guitar players that will ever be. The lead solo on this song after the second verse is a work of art, if you like that sort of thing, the words very innuendo-ish. 

(Ian Gillan / Ritchie Blackmore / Roger Glover)
Deep Purple - 1984

Sweet Lucy was a dancer
But none of us would chance her
Because she was a samurai
She made electric shadows
Beyond our fingertips
And none of us could reach that high
She came on like a teaser
I had to touch and please her
Enjoy a little paradise
The log was in my pocket
When Lucy met the rockett
She never knew the reason why

I can't deny it
With that smile on her face
Oh it's not the kill,
It's the thrill of the chase

Feel it coming,
It's knocking at the door
You know it's no good running,
It's not against the law
The point of no return
An' now you know the score
An' now you're learning,
Aha, what's knockin' at your back door

Sweet Nancy was so fancy
To get into her pantry
We had to be the aristocracy
The members that she toyed with
At her city club
Were something in diplomacy
So we put her on the hit list
Of a common cunning linguist
A master of many tongues
And now she eases gently
From her Austin to her Bentley
Suddenly she feels so young

I can't deny it
With that smile on her face
Oh it's not the kill,
It's the thrill of the chase

Feel it coming,
It's knocking at the door
You know it's no good running,
No it's not against the law
The point of no return,
Now you know the score
An' now you're learning,
Aha, what's knockin' at your back door

Sweet Lucy was a dancer
But none of us would chance her
Because she was a samurai
She made electric shadows
Beyond our fingertips
And one of us could reach that high

I can't deny it
With that smile on my face
Oh it's not the kill,
It's the thrill of the chase

Feel it coming, knocking at the door
You know it's no good running
Now it's knockin' at your door
Aha, knockin' at your back door

fwlawrence's avatarfwlawrence

Quote: Originally posted by Litebets27 on Sep 19, 2007

I can see someone, especially in the small villages in Germany being satisfied with life as they live it and/or not wanting for anything. My question is, why play in the first place. I mean, I can understand how playing is a challenge and exciting and all of that. But..... the main purpose for most people...IS TO WIN SOME MONEY....and hopefully.....THE TOP PRIZE!!!!!


Maybe playing the lottery is just a way of " connecting " with his late wife.

BobP's avatarBobP

I feel so sorry for that poor man's dead wife.  She must have been thrilled looking down from heaven and seeing her good sense pay off in a lottery win that will take care of her husband's needs for the rest of his life only to see him go stupid and want to give the money away. There's no cure for stupid. BobP

NBey6's avatarNBey6

I have heard it all, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sirbrad's avatarsirbrad

Someone on crack would have definitely taken the money.

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

This man is probably happy, healthy, has enough money to live good, have embracing friends and family, and have lived a good and satisfying life of 70.  He knows the problems too much money brings.  If that is the case: He's already rich. 

Captain Lotto's avatarCaptain Lotto

Maybe he just doesn't want the hassle.  But if he wants to give it away, there are plenty of good places that could use the donation.  That could bring great joy... I'm thinking of the secret Santa from K.C. who used to go to local discount stores at Christmas and hand out $100 bills to people who looked like the needed the money.  What a great way to spend your retirement! 


Oh My God. That's my uncle 

dphillips's avatardphillips

Sirbrad, I left myself wide open for the crack comment -- your reply was on the money! Come to think of it, a crack addict would have definitely taken the money, spent it foolishly (hopefully, wisely), and died with a smile on his or her face.

Badger's avatarBadger

Quote: Originally posted by DoubleDown on Sep 19, 2007

Sir- Would you be interested in adopting me ?

Hey!  Watch how you talk to my adopted grandpa ! LOL


Quote: Originally posted by Litebets27 on Sep 19, 2007

Could somebody please tell please tell me, why would you play the lottery if you don't expect to win? I think most people are playing to win. Maybe I'm wrong.  Or, maybe they do it alittle different in Germany.


I don't remember exactly (again i said i don't remember) but i think in Germany they don't play the lottery like us in the States, in Germany they select the least number..In here you have to match all 6 numbers but i think in Germany they select the 6 numbers that do not match...Or something like that i read...

RJOh's avatarRJOh

There have been people in this country who has won a lottery jackpot and didn't want the hassle of dealing with a bunch of greedy people they didn't know hounding them about it.  They just never showed up to claim it and allowed the state to keep it or gave the winning ticket anonymously to a charity. 


Quote: Originally posted by pumpi76 on Sep 20, 2007

I don't remember exactly (again i said i don't remember) but i think in Germany they don't play the lottery like us in the States, in Germany they select the least number..In here you have to match all 6 numbers but i think in Germany they select the 6 numbers that do not match...Or something like that i read...

i believe the German lottery is a 6/49 game with a bonus ball


Quote: Originally posted by four4me on Sep 21, 2007

i believe the German lottery is a 6/49 game with a bonus ball

Yes i believe it is...

justxploring's avatarjustxploring

Quote: Originally posted by RJOh on Sep 21, 2007

There have been people in this country who has won a lottery jackpot and didn't want the hassle of dealing with a bunch of greedy people they didn't know hounding them about it.  They just never showed up to claim it and allowed the state to keep it or gave the winning ticket anonymously to a charity. 

You really think that's why there have been so many unclaimed jackpots?  I can't imagine anyone would simply decide "I don't want to be rich" and throw away a winning ticket.

I noticed this man's name isn't printed.  I wonder if it's so people don't harass him.  By the way, I agree with Tenaj that he might have a good life, but he didn't say he had family & friends, he said he had nobody to share it with. Also, 70 isn't so old that he might not change his mind in the next 20 years and discover he's made a huge mistake.  Germany has socialized medicine I think, but money can assure that he'll be well cared for should he become ill and bedridden.  Something is really wrong with this whole story.  I can understand not wanting such a large jackpot, but as others have written, he could do something charitable with the entire amount without ever taking the money, like assign it over to a church or an orphanage.

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Quote: Originally posted by justxploring on Sep 21, 2007

You really think that's why there have been so many unclaimed jackpots?  I can't imagine anyone would simply decide "I don't want to be rich" and throw away a winning ticket.

I noticed this man's name isn't printed.  I wonder if it's so people don't harass him.  By the way, I agree with Tenaj that he might have a good life, but he didn't say he had family & friends, he said he had nobody to share it with. Also, 70 isn't so old that he might not change his mind in the next 20 years and discover he's made a huge mistake.  Germany has socialized medicine I think, but money can assure that he'll be well cared for should he become ill and bedridden.  Something is really wrong with this whole story.  I can understand not wanting such a large jackpot, but as others have written, he could do something charitable with the entire amount without ever taking the money, like assign it over to a church or an orphanage.

Certainly large prizes have gone unclaimed and I can't imagine why anyone would show up to say they didn't want the prize when the option of never showing up at all is available.  That's what I would do if I won something I didn't want.

justxploring's avatarjustxploring

Quote: Originally posted by RJOh on Sep 21, 2007

Certainly large prizes have gone unclaimed and I can't imagine why anyone would show up to say they didn't want the prize when the option of never showing up at all is available.  That's what I would do if I won something I didn't want.

The question is:  Why would you pay for a ticket to win something you didn't want? 

dumars798's avatardumars798



THIS WAY,I thought

i heard it all,but i doubt

if any story can top this!!!!!!!! 

JackpotWanna's avatarJackpotWanna

Very simple.  Give the money to the poor and needy. 

ladygirl99's avatarladygirl99

I will take it, Shoot me an pm here and we can be the best of friends rofl.Cheers

Jack Pot's avatarJack Pot

Quote: Originally posted by JackpotWanna on Sep 21, 2007

Very simple.  Give the money to the poor and needy. 

Hyper ME!!! ME!!! That would be me.

MissNYC's avatarMissNYC

The man sounds very cute, and almost sad, but if he knew he won and would turn the money down, couldn't he try to find a nice young couple walking on the street to give it too?


I'll bet you $4 his deceased wife (God bless her soul) is rolling over in her grave right now.


Quote: Originally posted by BazookaJoe on Sep 20, 2007

Oh My God. That's my uncle 



And I am here wanting 500K....

Tenaj's avatarTenaj

SmileyHe could just want attention too just like somebody said.  I betcha he'll take the money.


I don't follow basketball, very seldom but in my blog you will read about a player named Kirilenko who left a 63 million dollar NBA deal...To go to his native country russia and play...Well we can say that to each his own, but that wouldn't have been my decision, i wouldn't have gone to my native country and play, i would have stayed right here in the States....I don't know why people are leaving this high rich wins for something less...They must know what they are doing...

justxploring's avatarjustxploring

Quote: Originally posted by pumpi76 on Sep 21, 2007

I don't follow basketball, very seldom but in my blog you will read about a player named Kirilenko who left a 63 million dollar NBA deal...To go to his native country russia and play...Well we can say that to each his own, but that wouldn't have been my decision, i wouldn't have gone to my native country and play, i would have stayed right here in the States....I don't know why people are leaving this high rich wins for something less...They must know what they are doing...

I think he might have been homesick, Pumpi.   I worked with a woman from Cuba who almost died getting here so she could taste our freedom and she missed her native country.  She kept saying "I hope Castro dies soon and the government changes."  When you are born and raised in a land where all your ancestors lived and you still have family & friends living there, I think there's some kind of connection that's hard to break.

computerhead723's avatarcomputerhead723

I'd wait about 5 or 6 years, just to make sure I had the best lawyers on my side.

some  states  only  give  you  a  year  to  collect  the  money ;

the  reason  some  people  don't  come  forward  is  they  know  millions  will  be  watching  them  and  asking  questions ....and  mabey  there  is  no  one  left  in  their  lives  that  they  care  about;

people  need  a  reason  to  No Pity! live .......

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