May 31, 2020, 11:36 am (98 comments)

Lottery Post Site News

By Todd Northrop, Founder of Lottery Post

On May 31, 2000, a small website called Lottery Post came online, offering lottery players a way to discuss and share anything about their passion for the games. Little did I know at the time that that humble little forum would one day become one of the most popular lottery-related websites in the world.

Back in those days, before the advent of social media, there were very few places for lottery players to discuss and share information. So I created Lottery Post as a simple website, with a single forum, to establish a place for sharing ideas.

One of the primary guiding values of Lottery Post has always been the free sharing of ideas without the intrusion and disruption caused by commercial spammers or scammers. My belief was (and still is) that you can't build a trusting and sharing community if people need to be suspicious of whom they are having discussions with.

Lottery Post is indeed a community at its core — a kind of social media for lottery players before there was social media.

Over the next couple of years as the number of members and discussion threads grew, the website expanded to include multiple forums, making discussions easier to search and browse.

In 2002, Lottery Post started expanding beyond a forum for the first time, when we added a page showing all the daily lottery results throughout the United States. It was the start of a new direction for Lottery Post — to be a complete website for lottery players, with the goal of offering all of the things lottery players need.

Expansion of the website continued rapidly over the next several years, with the addition of many features not commonly found elsewhere, including:

  • Daily lottery news
  • Broadening of the lottery results to include more countries and detailed game and prize information
  • A Predictions Board to simulate actual game play, allowing players to test their systems and track their success against the actual winning numbers
  • A variety of systems, tools, analysis, and statistics
  • A large collection of lottery wheels for players to buy lottery tickets in a logical, mathematical way
  • Blogs so that members of Lottery Post can express themselves in ways apart from the lottery

An important aspect of Lottery Post's growth was its tremendously deep and accurate lottery results database that underlies many of the features available to lottery players.

You can find lottery results plastered all over the Internet these days, but the one thing that you can't find anywhere else is the accuracy and completeness of the lottery results at Lottery Post. Our view is that systems and statistics are nearly worthless if the data they are using in not accurate. So we built our own lottery results database sourced directly from the lotteries and meticulously eliminated errors and omissions.

The lottery results at Lottery Post remain today the most accurate and complete found anywhere on the Internet. More people get their lottery results from Lottery Post every day than any other website in the world.

After 20 years, Lottery Post has become one of the most popular lottery-related websites in the world — more daily visitors by far than any other US-based lottery website, including every official government lottery in the United States.

We are proud of what we've accomplished, but we are relentless in our goal to keep getting better and offering more of what lottery players want.

Before 2020 turned into the "year of the coronavirus" we had planned to celebrate our anniversary in the month of May with some fun giveaways and contests to thank our loyal members and visitors. We put those plans on hold once the world went into lockdown and nobody was sure how the virus was spreading.

The good news is that we only put those plans on hold, so once the world returns to normal we look forward to celebrating our big milestone together with all the millions of lottery players who visit Lottery Post each week.

We want to thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for making Lottery Post your daily home page for your passion of playing the lottery!

Lottery Post Staff



congrats todd..... i admire this.... and i got 1st comment.     lil darryl.     ya got some milk

MzDuffleBaglady's avatarMzDuffleBaglady



Jorli D's avatarJorli D

PartyHappy Birthday, Lottery Post!



JordanT1021's avatarJordanT1021

Happy Birthday lottery post

Dee88's avatarDee88

      CONGRATULATIONS!!!   Todd..  Job well done..!!!!


jackpotismine's avatarjackpotismine

PartyCongratulations! Now that's staying power! Most marriages don't even last as long as Lotterypost has! Great job Todd. This site gets better and better each year. Happy 20th !


God Bless Todd & God Bless Lotterypost May Love ,Luck & Life Be Bless To All That Work On & Visit Lotterpost.

Number19King's avatarNumber19King

Congrats Todd!!Cheers

Last 09son's avatarLast 09son



PartySad Cheers


Congrats! Well done 👍

msmusic's avatarmsmusic


I thankful that you had the vision to bring this to life. Everything I know about the game I learned here that has enable me to understand the game in a whole other level. Thanks for all you do . For the last 15.8 years I seen lottery post grow and improved where everything I need is in one palace Thank you Todd.




L J1's avatarL J1

Happy Birthday 

              Lottery Post!!

Lotterologist's avatarLotterologist

Happy Birthday Lottery Post!!!! Thanks for all you do! Thumbs Up

hearsetrax's avatarhearsetrax

Lottery Post and Congrats Todd

gregs241's avatargregs241

Happy Birthday LP. !!!!!!!!!

rcbbuckeye's avatarrcbbuckeye


Thank you Todd for a great lottery website!


konane's avatarkonane

Party Congratulations Todd! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOTTERY POST!  Party

grwurston's avatargrwurston

Happy Birthday Lottery Post!!!  Great Job, Todd!!!


geeweezy's avatargeeweezy

Congratulations Todd!! LP is the bestParty

UniverseNumbers's avatarUniverseNumbers

   Congrats LPParty

music*'s avatarmusic*

Happy 20th Birthday Lottery Post!! Congratulations to Todd, Kate and Staff. Disney

mrbg's avatarmrbg


sully16's avatarsully16

Happy Anniversary Lottery Post.

Job well done Todd and Thank you. LoviesParty

OneStarlett's avatarOneStarlett

Happy. Anniversary... Very glad to be a part of this milestone.


Quote: Originally posted by OneStarlett on May 31, 2020

Happy. Anniversary... Very glad to be a part of this milestone.

Happy Anniversary Todd thanks for all you do....

increase's avatarincrease

Congrats Todd.  Site is excellent.


Thank you for all you do.

Sum Buddy's avatarSum Buddy

 Happy 20th Anniversary! 

Finally out of those awkward teenage years!       Party


Happy Anniversary LotteryPost (Todd) 

Congratulations on having a GREAT idea and also bringing it to light!!!  Wishing you many many more years of success!  Lottery Post is truly a GREAT site!



Lottery post is certainly my number one lottery website out there.

NYSlugger 777's avatarNYSlugger 777

"Lottery Post is indeed a community at its core — a kind of social media for lottery players before there was social media"

That's definitely a true statement for me. Since I've discovered Lottery Post, I've always come here to gain knowledge about numbers from others, and to share information as well, and effectively communicate personally via PM. Being a member of Lottery Post has helped me stay up to date with the latest lottery results for my state, while also being able to track previous drawing results due to the accuracy of the data for state lotteries provided by Lottery Post.

I THANK TODD AND THE LOTTERY POST STAFF VERY MUCH for everything provided by this forum ( or website ), and thanks VERY MUCH for putting the potential giveaways and contests on hold &  making OUR health & safety a TOP PRIORITY! I wish EVERYONE good health and please continue to be safe, including your friends and family!




Happy B-day Lottery Post!



Thanks Todd and staff for your longevity!

mswiz777's avatarmswiz777

Todd ..... congrats on 20 years.

db101's avatardb101

Happy milestone birthday! Party

Rman313's avatarRman313

Happy Birthday Lottery Post and Congratulations Todd!🎊🎉BananaParty


Happy anniversary Todd Party

maximumfun's avatarmaximumfun

Congratulations!  :)


        A Great "BIG CONGRATS" to you Todd!

     How time does fly when we're having fun!

           Happy 20th Anniversary to you!



Happy Anniversary to Todd et al.   Sounds like fun, but I'm sure this entails a lot of HARD WORK and a truly caring/devoted staff.

Toney725's avatarToney725

 Happy 20th Anniversary Todd! 


Todd's avatarTodd

Hey everyone, just wanted to say thanks so much for the great comments, I've truly enjoyed reading them all!

It's a big milestone for Lottery Post, but really it's a big pat on the back to all of you, who visit Lottery Post every day and contribute so much incredible content to the forums and predictions board!  I am so thankful that you all have chosen to make Lottery Post your home (or one of your homes) on the web and you've made 20 years fly by for me.



                               Thank You!!

MADDOG10's avatarMADDOG10


     Just wanted to say Thank You for having the insight to start Lottery Post.

I've been here since 2004, and have enjoyed it from the get go. We have some 

very talented people here at LP, even though we've lost a few along the way, I'm 

Glad to say, " Happy Anniversary " LP. My how the time has flown.


Happy Anniversary many more wonderful years ! 

CaselaDiamonds's avatarCaselaDiamonds

Thank you !!!Party

Todd, I love this platform.  Lets go 20 more years!


CA feels the love we go 420 middaySmile



          Todd🎈🎊🎊 🎈          🎈🎈


Congrats to Todd and staff, and members! Here is to many more years!

spirituallockss's avatarspirituallockss

Happy 20th Anniversary to Lottery post Bananatoday !!!Party

Party                                 Party                       Party


Party                                                                       Party

ESR54's avatarESR54



Hope we see many more good things,Hear.

Think's avatarThink

Wow, 20 years!  I remember back in the day.

I don't know how long it was but early on you could post without an account and I posted under several different names. 

One I remember was "Screename" (or maybe it was "Screenname").

Today I play the online games section and read 2 or 3 of the forums as well as checking out the worldwide Jackpots.  I do the blogs occasionally too.

I have even used the "quick picks" section from time to time but sadly I still have yet to hit big.

I have also encountered a handful of people who have made the same playing mistake I made.

Here's to at least 20 more yearsCheersCheers

Coin Toss's avatarCoin Toss

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary Todd and LP.

Todd, did you ever think it would turn into what it did?

HaveABall's avatarHaveABall

Happy birthday Lottery Post! 🌠🦄🎂

GaGal40's avatarGaGal40

Congratulations!!Happy Anniversary!!

TheMeatman2005's avatarTheMeatman2005

Happy 20th  LP

Congrats Todd et al


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lottery Post! Im so thankful to have such a wonderful site to visit for all things lottery related.  And getting to chat with fellow players all around the world. 


Cheers and good luck everyone


Congrats Todd !!  Hard work paid off.  I think we all appreciate everything you have done here !!

MissMoneyBags's avatarMissMoneyBags

Congrats! 🥳🥳🥳

LadyA's avatarLadyA



Todd this has been an excellent trip and I thank you. I also want to thank Random-Logic and winsumloosesum for their  many contributions.

vjohnson8's avatarvjohnson8

Happy Birthday lottery PostParty!!

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