
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 122 for jackpots. (0.15 seconds)

The Lotterologist On My Lottery Dream House
Of course...that's why you've won all those jackpots......ooops, wait, you haven't any jackpots.
Nov 22, 2023, 2:59 pm - rcbbuckeye - Lottery Discussion Forum

How many jackpots have you won in a year
how many jackpots have you all won?
Mar 31, 2023, 2:28 am - msmillionaire - Lottery Discussion Forum

How many jackpots have you won in a year
I buy my tickets in California won 29 jackpots last year!
Apr 1, 2023, 2:45 pm - jjtheprince14 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Florida Lottery Fantasy Five going to twice a day--will you still play?
Now that there has been two drawings held, I think we can see the pattern for what the future holds as far as jackpots go. The midday draw jackpots will be low, and the evening draw jackpots will be substantially higher. (Last nights jackpot was almost three times higher than the midday's) My guess is that FF5 players will catch on to that very quickly, and as a result will wait for the midday draw to happen, and then buy their tickets for the evening draw. I think too, that we're going to s
Mar 21, 2023, 8:28 am - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum

Suspicious? last 4 jackpots were hit after billion dollar mark
Is anyone else thinking the same thing?
Mar 28, 2024, 6:25 am - nelliemarie - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why Are Lottery Jackpots So Ginormous? By: Patric Kiger
The Powerball jackpot stood at $620 million and Mega Millions at $1.6 billion, for a combined possible total of over $2.2 billion, in October, 2018. How and when did lottery jackpots get so huge? The Mega Millions drawing at 11 p.m. Eastern Time on October 23rd, 2018 was, according to the lottery's website, for an estimated $1.6 billion. It could have been biggest potential payout in the history of lotteries , eclipsing the previous record $1.586 billion Powerball prize paid out to winn
May 10, 2023, 7:03 pm - eddessaknight - Lottery Discussion Forum

Megamillions 4 out of last 9 drawings won already
That's how random probability works. 8 jackpots have been won since 2/1/22 for a total of about $3.44 billion, and an average of about $430 million. 2 of the jackpots were over $1.3 billion and took much longer than usual to be hit, and 3 were hit much sooner than is typical, for $31 million or less. I'm not going to bother figuring out the actual total cash value, but at 52% it would be $1.789 billion, and based on the percentage of sales that goes towards the jackpot that required sales of
Feb 2, 2023, 11:58 pm - KY Floyd - Lottery Discussion Forum

Poll: Classic Mega Millions
We are experiencing a shortage of large winners like we had with the old game. The purpose of a large money jackpot building game is to get more people to play and by default will not produce more winners. Many people on here complain about $2 tickets and complain about nobody winning anything and they also complain that they want smaller jackpots and more winners. Won't comment on what people complain about when it's simple enough to find the odds against winning anything. It's s
Nov 23, 2023, 2:25 am - Stack47 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Quick Pic Tickets
Generally more jackpots are won by quick picks than self picks. More players buy quick picks than self picks.
Jan 8, 2025, 6:48 pm - rcbbuckeye - Lottery Discussion Forum

Michigan needs new games
Ahhh, I see you are one of the ones that was not around for the entire run of the Michigan 6/xx games. Throughout the 80s and 90s the jackpots often got up to $10 Million to $30 Million dollars. This info used to be freely available on the official Michigan website. Some time around 2013 Michigan took all the info off the official website so new players would not know how good the games used to be as several years had at least a couple $30 million dollar jackpots and others had many
Oct 27, 2024, 9:47 pm - Think - Lottery Discussion Forum

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