
ForumsResults 1 - 10 of 49 for jackpots. (0.08 seconds)

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
I normally don't like to be the bearer of bad news, but I've noticed something about FF5 that I think I ought to share. Total dollar jackpot amounts are at an all time low. Weekday jackpots are running at about $110,000 while Saturday jackpots are about $125,000. (Saturday is FF5's big day) For whatever reason, the most FF5 tickets are sold on Saturdays which causes higher jackpot amounts. Because of this I've been considering buying FF5 tickets in a different way. I usually buy tickets
Jun 26, 2024, 8:35 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
Now that there has been two drawings held, I think we can see the pattern for what the future holds as far as jackpots go. The midday draw jackpots will be low, and the evening draw jackpots will be substantially higher. (Last nights jackpot was almost three times higher than the midday's) My guess is that FF5 players will catch on to that very quickly, and as a result will wait for the midday draw to happen, and then buy their tickets for the evening draw. I think too, that we're going to s
Mar 21, 2023, 8:22 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Take5 NY
In March of 2023 The Florida Lottery implemented two Florida Fantasy5 drawings per day and absolutely ruined the game! Prior to March of 2023 jackpots got as high as $235,000, especially after The Snowbirds arrived in Florida for the winter. Now total jackpots for both drawings has shrunk to about $180,000. Florida Fantasy5 players walked away from the game in droves. You can easily see that by the size of the jackpots and also the number of rolldowns. Rolldowns have become a very commo
Jan 26, 2024, 8:46 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
I think they should rethink this twice a day. They would have been better off once a day and raised the ticket price to $ would make the jackpot much larger and that is what people are really playing for. It wouldn't be appealing to drop $2 a ticket but jackpots of $350,000 - $450,000 would get attention and make most over look the $2 ticket since a huge jackpot is possible. I'm not playing much anymore the jackpots aren't worth the chase and I can't keep up with 2 draws a day is another
Apr 15, 2023, 6:16 am - Dreamer1270 - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
I don't think this will turn out well. I really think interest will be lost and jackpots will be less than half what they are now. I am thinking more like $70,000 or less jackpots and that won't really make me want to play this.
Mar 8, 2023, 10:28 am - Dreamer1270 - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
FF5 is still a good game to play.... but players will no longer be able to win those whopping big jackpots. The odds aren't changing a bit. They're still 376,992 to 1. That's excellent odds in terms of lottery odds. But players can kiss those $200,000 FF5 jackpots goodbye. G5
Mar 8, 2023, 8:56 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
Last nights winning numbers ===== 5 6 23 31 32 Now there are 2 numbers yet to be drawn in July ===== 21 30 Well there's #5. Did you play it??? There aint anybody else here besides me so I dont know why I asked. Probably nobody who comes here played it, and besides that, there was not a jackpot winner anyway. There was another rolldown. That's the 12th rolldown of the 18 drawings held to date in July. This forum is indicative of what's happened all across Floria with FF5. There were 60 FF
Jul 10, 2024, 8:32 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
Your're lucky to have gone into a store where they even had the new playslips available. The Publix I went into yesterday didn't have any, but what they did have was a brochure that described the new change to FF5. Fortunately for players I may have gotten all worked up about the negative impact to FF5 jackpots over nothing. From reading the brochure, it's very possible that the new additional drawing will not hurt the jackpot amount for the evening drawing. What's important is that on the n
Mar 20, 2023, 1:55 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
Although there aren't many jackpot winners with JPT, you really are better off playing it than FF5. All JPT jackpot winners have won at least multi hundred thousand dollar jackpots. Some have won more than a million. FF5 winners don't win greater than $100,000 all that often. If you look at the FF5 top prize and retailer information report, you'll notice that more often than not, the jackpot payout is less than $100,000. In addition, there has never been a JPT jackpot split equally among
May 11, 2023, 7:48 pm - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

Florida Fantasy-5 Players
FF5 is an all or nothing game. The lower tier prizes are awful, and NOT why anybody plays FF5. Players play FF5 to win the jackpot. In New York, a bigger percentage of the prize pool is allocated to the lower tier prizes so the second place prize has gotten to as large as $1,000. (Normally it's about $600 to $700) But due to allocating a bigger percentage to the lower tier prizes, that also means allocating a smaller percentage of the prize pool to the jackpot. (Jackpots in Take5 rarely got
Mar 8, 2023, 8:53 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum

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