Exactly right Matt. It used to be that buying $5 tickets would give you a $20 win and in better times, $100's
weren't hard to come by. I haven't seen more than $10 Monopoly wins, the best at 20x the Money has
been $25, Winner Take All has been pitiful..missing the take all number by one but then finding a match in
the play field for $5 is a wet blanket. The $10's and $20's are no thrill either...instead of $100's, there now
is a bounty of $50's and $20's - if you win 2 or more times, it turns out to be $5 or $10 under multiple #'s.
If I had to offer advice to the general ticket player...the one who buys a few here and there...it would be
to play the $2 tickets....Electric 8's, 7 Ups (I do not have a high opinion of these but if a win is what any-
one is looking for..then maybe getting the original $2 back is good enough....if lucky to find a green 7, then
the $1 multiplied gives $7 and that's a lot more than most $5 tickets give right now..$0.00) and then the
Whole Lotta $100's....the FREE tickets are a PITA but if wins alone are what people are searching for and
not the BIG WIN, then maybe a few FREE's are enough to keep the spirit going. We are all looking for the
big win but when the average player keeps coming up empty on the high cost tickets, it's time to go way
down....to $2's and $1's here and there.
I am in a position to know - I am not the average player. I don't say that to boast, I say it because it's a
fact. I've seen pitiful things happening with these new tickets. The best prizes are the ticket cost, 2x the
ticket cost and at the very best 5 or 10 times the ticket cost...but that best is only a $5 or $10 prize multi-
The $3 tickets I do not like although have tried the new Cash Up's.....the highest win so far was $9.00
followed by 2 $3 wins.
PA sure did change a lot it seems. They will have to change a few things again when they notice a lag
in ticket sales because the players get fed up and quit. Look at the feelings here...some are saying
they are giving it a break.