Rick G's Blog

Mukasey Worse Than Gonzales?

I didn't think it could be possible for Bush to appoint and Congress to approve an Attorney General who is worse than our former one.

Our Attorney General should be someone who who has served on the bench in the higher echelons of our court system. They should know the law inside-out without equivocation.

Mr. Mukasey doesn't know if waterboarding is torture. He obviously is not aware of the Geneva Convention or our Constitution. He doesn't care that if we waterboard, our sons and daughters will be waterboarded when they are captured.

For Mr. Mukasey's benefit, here is a link to inform him of the illegality and consequences of torturing captives.


Entry #136

Rupert Murdoch Buys The Daily Planet

Perry White sits at his desk with furrowed brow reading cub reporter Jimmy Olsen's latest expose of government lies to the American Public.  Jimmy shifts nervously as his boss busily edits the story with a red marker.

He hands the draft back to Jimmy who stares at it, mouth agape.  "But Boss", Jimmy stammers, "there's only one sentence left."

"And that's all we're going to print", growls Perry around his cigar.

"But Boss...", Jimmy begins to protest when the phone rings.  White waves him out of the office impatiently. 

Jimmy walks back to his desk scratching his head.  How am I going to make a story out of this he wonders. 




XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  by the people and for the people.


Rick G


Entry #135

Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

Here is a good article from Democracy Now explaining The Homegrown Terrorism Act and its implications in our lives as Americans.

I think you'll find it eye-opening.

Note that only six House members voted against the bill. One is a previous '08 Presidential candidate and one is still running for President.  At least somebody in Congress is protecting your rights.


Entry #133

The Road Map to Martial Law

The Road Map to Martial Law

It has taken 60 years to carefully prepare contingency plans for martial law in the United States. It began with the Japanese internment camps during World War II and has grown like a tropical rain forest ever since. The final nail in the coffin has been hammered in during the Bush Administration with the systematic dismantling of the Constitution. Now each and every one of us can be considered a terrorist at the whim of the government or any policing authority.

The average Joe and Jane don't pay any attention to the laws passed by our government, but they should because their civil liberties are at stake. Martial law is nothing more than a totalitarian government that has total power and control over its citizens for as long as it wants...if anyone doesn't like it, they'll end up in a detention camp for years without charges, lawyers or trial by their peers. History has shown this to be true of all totalitarian governments. In many of those "concentration camps" the detainees did not come out alive.  Detention camps are being built in the U.S. right now (by none other than Haliburton for $385 million).  They say the purpose of the "camps" is for a possible major influx of illegal immigrants, or a housing spot for victims of major disasters, etc., but they will be used by the government to contain/detain any citizen they wish to put there.  That's  why barbed wire is on top of the fences.

We are one terrorist attack away from martial law. The more we prod the hornet's nest (Iran, etc.) the more likely we will get stung. And the harder you prod it, the more likely you will be stung big time. The attack is inevitable and this government's response is predictable.  Everything is in place for this scenario to go down.

If Dictator (his word, not mine) Bush takes it upon himself to attack Iran and people fill the streets in protest, each of those protesters can be deemed enemy combatants and can be detained indefinitely without habeas corpus.

Here is a great article about the subject. It is a little lengthy but is rife with imbedded links backing it up.



Rick G.


Entry #132

Thanks to all of you

Thanks to everyone for the kind words and prayers for my brother and our family.

We appreciate it very much and he would have too.

Entry #131

Economic Stimulus Package?

This could only be devised by our elected officials who can afford to take the "generous" $600 tax rebate and apply it to their new 46" HDTV plasma screen TV they've been itching to buy. This dirty band aid on a septic wound will do absolutely nothing to save the patient (the US economy).

95% of the American public will be using this money towards paying their monthly bills, including late payment fees from banks and creditors and sudden 30% interest rates from credit cards due to late payments.

Us older folk have lived through a few of these "rebates" and will agree with me, it doesn't do a stinkin' thing for what ails the economy because the people that are hurting can't afford an HDTV with a plasma screen or a new car. Maybe they can get that oil change they've been putting off for months but they won't be using it to boost consumer spending overall. Most of it will be going towards debt payments and necessities.

But here's the question....Who is going to pay for this? The answer is...we are! So that "hefty" 600 bucks per person is quietly being added to the Federal Debt and our children and their children will be paying for it in the years to come.

Here is a real economic stimulus package: Bring every single American troop home from overseas tomorrow and re-station them at our borders and ports. Stop handing out all foreign aid immediately. Eliminate false "wars" on terrorism and drugs. Eliminate the bloated and useless Homeland Security, and every other "alphabet" government department that is stealing OUR money for their causes. An immediate freeze on spending, Etc., etc. Just like an individual's debt re-consolidation program, we'd be back on our feet in five years...but anyone who has been through that knows that you can't spend what you don't have until you've paid your debt off. We have nine trillion dollars of debt to deal with right now and this phony rebate scheme isn't going to do squat to stop that locomotive from crashing into your life.

I won't get into who is responsible for destroying America in seven short years...it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. But I think my economic stimulus package is better than his.

Rick G.

Entry #130

Pick 5 Wheel, 20#'s, 2 if 5 guar., 4 Lines

This is a wheel for the Pick 5 or the first five numbers in MM and PB.  If five of your numbers are picked you'll have at least two numbers on one line.

Pick your 20 numbers to play.  Arrange the numbers in ascending order and play the following lines:





You've covered 20 numbers for $4.

Good luck! 

Entry #129

You'll think I'm making this up...but...

...I'm not.

This one tops the flower petal stealin' neighbor.

I went to a large chain pet store the other day for cat food and litter.  I bought their house brand of clumping litter.  It was in one of those plastic jugs with a screw on lid and no tamper proofing on the lid. 

Today I cleaned my cat box and started pouring in the new cat litter when lo and behold I saw a few turds start coming out with the new litter.  Yes, someone had put dirty cat litter into the container and returned it to the store, who in turn put it back on their shelf without inspecting it.

I don't blame the store...I feel sorry for the idiot who took the time and effort to do it.  What a loser!!

Just some consumer advice...always buy that product in the boxes.

Entry #128

AOL Straw Poll - Presidential Candidates

AOL has been conducting biweekly straw polls for the Republican and Democratic candidates for the '08 election. These are current results of the leaders during this polling period (12/21 - 1/4).

Republican (143,900 votes)

Ron Paul.........32% (leading in all states except NY, NJ, AR, MS, GA)



Democratic (127,800 votes)

Clinton............45% (leading in all states except IL, IA, KS, WY, AK, HI, D.C.)


I found these results interesting when compared to the other "polls" out there.

Ooops, forgot the link:


You may have to refresh your browser to see the current results on the page. 

Entry #127

Ron Paul Is FOR Internet Gambling

Ron Paul is a Republican candidate for President for anyone asking "Who's Ron Paul?"  He is not an establishment politician and he gets very little coverage from the main stream media.  Even after a $6.4 million fund raising event on Sunday that broke all previous records, the "media" and the "polls" refuse to acknowledge the reality that there are millions of Americans who are sick and tired of the way this country has been run (down the crapper) for the last 60 years.

He is one of the few candidates from either party who is pro internet gambling.

Here's a quick blurb about his support among internet gamblers. 


For more information about Ron Paul's views for a better USA visit ronpaul2008.com.  

Entry #126

Lower Your Odds by 50% in Lotto Games

Eliminate repeat numbers from the last draw.

Here are some stats (figures are approx.)

5/39 game:

575,000 combos minus numbers from last game leaves 278,000 combinations.

40% of the time there will be no repeats from last draw.

6/52 game

20 million combos minus numbers from last draw leaves 9.4 million combinations.

46% of the time there will be no repeats from last draw.

Mega Millions (white balls only)

3.9 million combinations minus numbers drawn in last game leaves 2.3 million combos.

68.5% of the time there will be no repeats from last game.

Conclusion: You can lower your odds by about 50% and be correct about 50% of the time by eliminating repeats in jackpot games.

Good luck!

[ EDIT ]  Don't forget this lowers your odds of winning lower tier prizes as well. 



Entry #125

Poor Lazy Guy's Update

The Poor Lazy Guy's Pick 5 system (refer to previous blog) can be used the same way for Mega Game or Powerball.

Pick your ten numbers the same way as in the pick 5 game for your first five numbers on two lines (arranging them in the same letter sequence as before). The eleventh number becomes your mega ball or power ball (or whatever they call it) for both lines. Remember, no repeat numbers from last game.

Always make your selections on the day of the draw using random.org numbers. 5 - 6 hours ahead of the actual draw is optimum.

I never play the Mega but I will on Tuesday for the hell of it.   $119 million...

Good luck to all!

Entry #124

Tip for Shaving Bearded Ladies

Here's a tip for shaving whether you're a man or woman.

Take a hot shower.  Apply your shaving cream immediately when finished.

Here's the key:  As you're shaving, rinse your blade with the coldest water available.  Never use warm water to rinse your blade even after you're done. 

If your razor blade never sees anything but cold water in it's lifetime, it's life expectancy increases two or three-fold with a cool, non-irritating, close shave every time.

If you've been using hot water to rinse your blade, try the cold water approach and see what I mean. 

Have a good Holiday Season, everyone!  


Entry #123

Poor Lazy Guy's Pick 5 System

Poor Lazy Guy's Pick 5 System

This is for folks like me who only have a couple bucks to spend a day, don't want to spend more than five minutes a day picking numbers and don't like "their" Quick Picks.  It is only for pick 5 games.

1.  Jot down last night's numbers.

2.  Go to Random.org to get ten random numbers.  Click on the 'sequence generator' option and enter the lowest and highest number parameters in the game (e.g., 1 and 39).  You'll get a column sequence of randomized numbers.

3.  Starting at the top take the first 10 numbers that did not play last night.

4.  Arrange your numbers in ascending order like this example:

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J

3    9    18    20    23    26    29    33    37    38

5.  Play the following letter combinations:

A-C-F-G-I    ( 3-18-26-29-37 )

B-D-E-H-J    ( 9-20-23-33-38 )

That's all there is to it.  Simple, quick and cheap.

Good luck to all!

Entry #122