Rick G's Blog

The dishonesty of sharing


Why does Rick G have his LP thong caught up in his butt about sharing? I'll tell you why.

First of all, "sharing" is a communist concept. The communists who thought this up were smart folks. They knew they could exploit this idea by taking and not giving. Who's manning the cash register to tally the takes and gives?

Is sharing wrong? Not by any means and in fact sharing information has led to all of our civilization's successes. Anyone that knows me knows that I share anything and everything that I know. It becomes wrong when the scale is not balanced. The Soviet Union, Cuba, China and North Korea learned this lesson early and used it to the benefit of the powers-that-be for the last half century. The common man in these countries never benefited from this unbalanced distribution of "wealth".

But taking information (or anything for that matter) and not giving anything in return makes you a thief.

That is why I'm pissed that a certain person who uses the word "sharing" as a predominant word in their vocabulary has not shared anything with me and yet wins our state lottery more often than me on the prediction board but has yet to divulge how they are doing it. Oddly enough, they are still asking for "sharing".

So this boy here is not being a commie anymore. Long live capitalism, individual initiative and honesty forever. If I see that inane phrase "would you share..." again on the forums, I'll take my complaint out of the blog and into the forums and I'll be pointing fingers and naming names.

If you're going to share my pot you damned well better share the toilet paper as well.

Entry #46

How to Survive Without an AC

The answer is the proper use of fans.  Although we have a working air conditioner, we choose to see how long we can go without it.  Call it a macho challenge.  So far it's been one and a half years.  It is currently 100 degrees outside with a heat index near 110 but it's only 85 degrees in my living room.  The fans makes it feel even cooler than that.  That might still be uncomfortable for some but when you come in from the outside it feels like the house is air conditioned.

If you live in a two story home close all windows and window coverings downstairs.  Keep your doors closed as if you were using your AC.  Use your ceiling fans if you have any, and regular fan(s) blowing air at you in the most commonly used area of the house (e.g. living room).  This will be the coolest part of the house during the day and your cooling center.  Upstairs put as many fans in every window you can EXHAUSTING air to the outside.  Use windows that don't get direct sunlight.  Close windows and window coverings that get direct sunlight and any other windows your'e not using fans in.  The upstairs is the heat repository (15 degrees warmer than your downstairs) and you have to remove that hot air constantly during the day.

In the evening when the outdoor temperature is cooler than your downstairs temperature, open all doors and windows and turn all your fans to blow inwards. 

For a one story dwelling, do the same thing...keep everything closed, exhaust the hot air in all the available windows that are not in direct sunlight, close and cover the others, keep the doors closed and use floor fans to keep you comfortable.  An hour before bedtime open everything up and turn the fans to blow air inwards.

It works and cost a fraction of the energy and $ that using an AC does.  Plus you're not adding to a possible electrical blackout where nothing works and everyone is miserable. 

If you're faint of heart or health and can't stand the heat, stick with your AC.

Entry #45

Thanks to Todd

I just want to take this opportunity and venue to thank Todd publicly for all the help and effort he has given me this last week to solve my posting problems here at LP.  He went above and beyond the call of duty to help me resolve this.

He has helped me, along with Stefan, Richm, Truecritic, Four4me and others (sorry If I missed your name. .... there were others).

You all are really cool and I appreciate your help very much.



Entry #44

Stefan's Spectacular Pick 3 Tool Update

Stefan has asked me to beta test his updated version of pick3stats. First of all, anyone not familiar with the tool can go to pick3stats.com and check it out. It's free. He has an ongoing thread about it in the Systems Forum and a lot of applications suggested by users are included there. There's a solid group of users there sharing ideas in that thread. (Probably the most useful thread I've ever seen at LP).

I was impressed with the pick3stats tool to begin with so testing an updated version was fine by me. It is basically the same as the original version with one powerful exception. Now you can track number sequencing of the draws in your history. (123-132-213-231-312-321 = ABC-ACB-BAC-BCA-CAB-CBA). This should help a lot to snag those elusive straights. The numbers are automatically rearranged in the output box by simply clicking on the sequence you want. I don't think I've ever come across a tool that tracks sequences like that. I will be very interested to hear input from users about how they apply that feature.

Another added feature is the ability to block (mask) individual sums or root sums. This should be very helpful to the sums and roots players.

Other than the great add-ons, it's the same reliable tool. I haven't noticed any problems and it is the same user-friendly format. This reviewer gives it two thumbs up!

A special thanks to Stefan for sharing this free tool with us. If you like it, give him a shout-out. He's worked hard on it and has asked for nothing in return.

I'll see you all back on the thread as soon as I can....I'm testing a new midday/evening combined approach and if it works I'll be posting about it there.

Good luck everyone!

Entry #43

The culling process

The culling process has begun. Missing any friends lately for unexplained reasons? Take a good look around you at who was and who is. Have you noticed former friends taking a 180 degree turn and pulling a children of the damned in the village of the damned thing...people you trusted....people you thought you could count on for sanity and protection in this cruel world of rip-off artists and scammers?? People whose eyes were bright and clear and full of promise but now are neon green staring machines walking stiffly from their assigned pods headed toward you to take you away to the nearest containment center for deep interrogation and extensive 'repatriotizing' for the betterment of the 'common good'. They wait for you expectantly in the wings, their eyes glowing and expressionless...holding out their wooden arms of rot to receive you and lead you to the right path.

Has anyone seen...(fill in the blank with any name you want)?

Entry #42

Just came back from, If you have probs thread

I have the EXACT same problems that are being described in this thread started by Todd, "If you have problems..." in the LOTTERY DISCUSSION FORUM. I've cleared my cache and disabled the rich text editor. I still cannot post a message on the forum. The 'post reply' button is more dysfunctional than I am. That's why this message is appearing on my blog. It's the only available place on LP that I can post a message.

I am so glad to hear that others are experiencing the same exact problems that I am. One can get paranoid real easy around here lately.   I've been led to believe that this is my problem and no other members are having these problems, and the only solution is to use Firefox as a browser and a different internet service provider, a cable hook-up, a different anti-virus software, and several spyware programs running congruently.

These things aren't going to happen. It either works the way it has for the last 5 years or it's not going to work for me at all.

Thank God for Blogs! (If it's allowed to post)

Entry #41

RE: spectacular pick 3 tool users

Just wanted to give an update of using the tool and the methods I posted on the thread.

You can see the potential:

IL Sat. mid...posted 159...result 595

IL Sat. eve...posted 238-247-249...result 328 (box)

IL Sun. eve...posted 247-249...result 497

IL Mon. mid...posted 159-359...result 059

IL Mon. eve...posted 236-247-249...result 217

I don't know if you can "Take it to the bank" but I sure like holding those tickets when the numbers are drawn.

Entry #40

Test blog...do not read

Due to technical difficulties I can't communicate on the forums at this time.. (This blog entry is a test to see if I can post a blog).

Will be back to normal, obnoxious posting on the forums ASAP.



Entry #39

IL - Potential Hits for Pick-3

IL combos that haven't been drawn in the last year (date of blog: 7/5/06) but have the potential to be drawn in the near future:

Midday: 125-129-159-259

Evening: 124

These are combinations. Play the straight as you wish.

Good Luck!

Entry #38

There's sliders and there's SLIDERS

I ate 22 in an hour. Sounds easy but it's not.

I tried a 30 sack of jalapeno cheeseburgers this weekend.

Please don't try this at home.

Please...don't try this...at all.

Entry #37

Great filter for Pick 5 & 6

This might be old hat to the filtering buffs out there but I want to bring it to the attention of those not familiar with it.

Watch the last digit in your jackpot game draws.  (Example:  Last night's IL Little Lotto was 15-17-30-31-38...the last digits are 5-7-0-1-8).

Very rarely does a last digit appear 3 times in a draw (1-1-1-2-3) or 2 last digits repeat in the same draw (1-1-2-2-3).  This refers to overall repeats, not consecutive repeats. The most common pattern is one repeat last digit in a 5/39 game and the second most common are no repeat last digits.  The rest can be safely filtered out.  In a 6/49 game this pattern will vary somewhat but not by much from what I've seen.

Study your game to see the pattern and apply your filters to save some bucks on unlikely combinations.

As my buddy Lottoways says, "May the Lotto Spirits be with you".  (BTW he is undergoing some work on his ticker and a shout-out or quiet encouragement for his speedy recovery would be cool. The IL players miss his input.)

Have a great day everyone!

Entry #36

Mrs. Blaileen

Mrs. Blaileen - she was his sixth grade teacher
And she controlled the children
By using humiliation
The target always seemed to be Donny
He was a bit slower than the others
When he was quite young
His mother died at the kitchen table
While choking on some food
The fashion of the day
Was bleach and tied levis
Donny decided to make some
But he didn't know how to rinse them
So he came to school a reekin
Bleach stench filled the classroom
Mrs. Blaileen began to chastise
She made him feel like an a*****e
Two feet small.

Oh what a lonely boy

Don and Ronald
They always stuck together
For they were a bit different than the others
And they were tight as brothers
Then Ronald moved away
Now Steven
He was a year or two younger
And he thought he was really something
He liked to harrass other children
Or anyone he found outnumbered

Alone Don walks from fishing
Steven and a friend they stop him
They took his hat and they taunt him
Pimp-slap him with a newspaper
Don lunged forward with his fish knife
Then ran all the way home weeping
He gave the knife to his father and
Said "I think I hurt Steve"

Oh what a lonely boy

Primus - Tales from the Punchbowl

Entry #35

Click it or ticket

It is 4 pm on Wed. afternoon. The cops in my suburb have decided to run a road block on the busiest road in town at this time of day. This is our rush hour. Why, you ask? To see if you are wearing your seatbelt.

6 vehicles and 8 cops, two lanes funneled into one in each direction, traffic backing up to the previous stop lights.

This is our taxpayer money at work.

Is there any sanity left in this world?

Entry #34

Big Brother's telephone

I made the huge mistake of using a certain foliage's name tonight in a phone conversation with my friend. Wouldn't you know it, there was a sudden increase of static on the phone line, noted by both of us. Paranoid, maybe...justified, YES!

The illegal immigrant issue is the least of our worries. Being pulled out of bed and marched off to the gulag in the middle of the night IS.

Remember, I didn't say that and you've never heard of me. If I don't post tomorrow you'll know what happened and give my sons my love.

Entry #33

Predictions and personal responsibility

Everyone who posts on these forums with predictions or bogus claims as to how much money they've made should take personal responsiblity for each and every one of those predictions/claims.

There are people coming here that have 40 bucks that they can spend on the electric bill or on the lottery with the hope of increasing their bank account. They read these unquantified predictions, methods and claims and guess what? The electric bill won't be paid this month.

To tout your picks or methods as "sure-fire" or brag about your wins after spending $5000 to win $100 is as much a disservice to them as the crackpots selling winning lottery scams on the internet. Nobody's methods or picks are sure-fire.

I feel for the people with the electric bill in one hand and the 40 + sure-fire picks in the other hand....when you're desparate you'll do desparate things, such as spending $40 on someone's "hot picks".

If you can deliver the goods then prove it on the prediction board. If you can't then consider the folks with that unpaid electric bill spending money on your whims. You may not be helping but rather, enabling a person with a gambling problem.

To the folks holding the electric bill, do the homework on who is "selling" their picks or methods. Caveat Emptor...Let the buyer beware....and pay the electric bill first.

Entry #32