DoctorEw220's Blog

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Back Home.

Ok. The wireless signal in my house is not that great right now, so I do not know if this will be sent. Anyway, I'm back in Pittsburgh.   I got home at about 6:30, and I could not be happier. I'm away from Ohio University until New Year's Eve, and just in time for the Powerball jackpot. I got home, unpacked, and now I am waiting for my laundry to be done.
Entry #72


FINALS ARE OVER!!! The quarter from hell is over for me. I go back home to Pittsburgh tomorrow afternoon where I can finally get some rest. All I have left to do is inspect some empty rooms on my and another's floor sections, get senior staff's permission to leave, and then head out. It's going to be so nice to be back home. Granted I'll have to look for a new job, but that will be cake.
Entry #71


I'm in the process of downloading Halo for PC. It has about 2 hours and 30 minutes to go (I really hope the bitrate increases.). I started my day off at 11:30, in which I had to unlock the front door to Bush (the other building in my complex) because I was on duty this past weekend (again). I then went with the rest of the Washington-Bush staff to thid fancy resturaunt called "Cutler's" where we had brunch (I'm more partial to keeping both meals separate.) and we said our good-byes to Kwame, an RA who is graduating after this quarter. Afterward it was studying for my Music 124 final, in which I have to memorize 40 songs and give the title, artist, songwriter, genre, and back up the genre with an explination. After that, I went over to my pal Mike's (an RA in another complex) room and we ordered pizza (I've been doing that often these past few weeks.). After that, he gave me innormation as to how to download Halo for PC. Once I get it installed, I'm gonna rout the LAN connection in my room and use the school's computer as the server, so I can host enormous LAN games (I'm talking 32-64 people AT LEAST.)on the network.
Entry #70

The Dr. Ew Fan Club.

The Dr. Ew Fan Club is up and running. I figured that since my website attracts people from accross the nation, a fan club would be a good idea for people who like to look at my website to unite. Who knows? Mabe two members of the fan club could meet and fall in love. You never know.
Entry #69

Another Duty Weekend.

I really really hate duty weekends. At least tonight the 2AM rounds were not needed, so i was spared of two trips up four flights of stairs, but I'm really tired toward the end of the duty night whenever it's a weekend night, but on weeknights, I do fine. Anyway, partially due to the fact that there are Saturday finals, nobody got written up. Unfortunately, I have a feeling tomorrow may not be the case. Obviously there are no finals on Sunday, so there's a good chance the residents are going to want to vent, and when they vent, it usually means at least one incident report (Not fun for me. They can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour to type up.). Anyway, at least I gt to sleep in (the other RA on duty said he'd unlock the doors in the morning. Well, I'm off to bed.
Entry #68

Single Again (Surprise Surprise)

I found out that the girl mentioned a few entries ago just wanted me for sex, which she did not get. So it's over between me and her.
Entry #67

Final Exams.

The quarter is almost over, and we all know what that means...FINALS!. Final exams begin tomorrow. I happen to have 3 finals tonorrow. My first one is bright and early at 8AM. All I have to do is show up, and fill something out, and I get all the points. Not too bad. My next one tomorrow is at 12:20. I actually have to take a test in that one. My last final on Thursday is at 2:30. That is the one I've been focusing most of my studies on because it is an essay exam. I have another one on friday, which I went to a study session for today. I think that one will be pretty easy. My last final of the quarter is on Monday. For that one, I have to listen to 30-40 songs, and identify the song, artist, songwriter (if it isn't the artist), genre, and back up the genre. After that, it's home on Tuesday for the winter break.
Entry #66

Mail Duty Today.

Since I don't have class until 3PM, I figured I'd update you on how my day is going so far. A good grade on a quiz on TCOM 308, which I usually don't do so well in, was a nice start to my day. Afterward, went back to my building to put out the mail. Let's just say I feel bad for whoever is on duty tonight in my building because they have to take care of the mail that goes to people not living in the building. Capital (the credit card people) sent mail to who they thought was everyone in the building. The problem is that they had the old list from last year, and none of the residents of the building can return since it is freshman only, with exception of RAs. So there is over 200 indvidual pieces of mail that need forawrding, and the RA on duty only has an hour and a half to do it. I'm happy I only had to put it out today.
Entry #65

Weekend Duty- The Aftermath.

My weekend duty is over, and I can now look forward to... my weekend duty next weekend. I was only supposed to do duty one night next weekend, but I switched with another RA so I wouldn't have to be on duty on Wednesday with three (3) finals on Thursday (understandable?). So now my next duty nights are Friday and Saturday next week. Anyway, this weekend wasn't too bad. Me and the other RA on duty only had to do one incident report, and all I had to do was check the fridge and cabinets, as well as escort the person to the bathroom to dump out his alcohol, and escort him to the recycling bin to dispose of the container. Other than that, it was just rounds (walking around all four floors of each building) at 8PM, 10PM, Midnight, and 2AM each day, and staff office duty (an hour and a half of darn near nothing.). Also, I unlocked the front doors to both buildings Saturday morning, so I get to sleep in. Good night.
Entry #64

Weekend Duty Tonight.

It's my first weekend duty this quarter (other than Halloween weekend). Let's hope I won't have to write anyone up for anything (FAT CHANCE) like I had to on Wednesday night.
Entry #63

Rounds Tonight.

Consdering that there are no classes tomorrow because of Veteran's Day, rounds tonight were pretty ok. Me and Matt (The other RA on duty) were talking about how we hoped we didn't have to write anyone up. Sure enough, the next room we walked past was blasting music. We asked the resident to turn his music down, and sure enough, we saw empties (Talk about irony!). I'm tired, and I still have to research and type a paper for friday. Well, I'd better get to work on it.
Entry #62

God Save the Queen.

I am currently taking advantage of the Ohio University Wireless Network by using my laptop in the Bush Hall staff office while on duty. Let's hope this works.

Read this article. It is hilarious to think that someone had the guts to do this, and to do it right beside the queen of England. I guess everyone there who saw the picture got a royal viewing.
Entry #61

Randy Newman.

I'm taking a shining to the music if Randy Newman. My Music 124 (The History of Rock Music) tracher played "Rednecks" for the class, and I thought it was the funniest song I had heard in a good long while.
Entry #60

New Girlfriend.

Well, I have a new girlfriend, and this one is a keeper. She made the first move. She a couple years older, really cute, and we have darn near everything in common (We even have the same IQ).
Entry #59

A Nice Floor Section Meeting Tonight.

Well, one of my little sh*ts thought that a stunt they pulled was funny, but I'M NOT LAUGHING AT IT. The housekeeper is not laughing at it either, not ir the maintenence crew, the R.D, and the head of Residence Life. Im not allowed to say what happened, but there could be a nice amount of billing involved.
Entry #58
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