DoctorEw220's Blog

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54 Containers Of Alcohol!!!

Tonight was my first night doing SA duty on West Green, and quite an eventful one.  In only our second building of the night, myself and my SA partner came across a room with quite a bit of alcohol.  After counting everything, full and empty, there were 54 individual containers of alcohol found in the room.  The resident of the room appearantely had no clueas to how the alcohol got there, but she also constantly left her door unlocked, so she really gets what she deserves for being so stupid.  The total time from conforntation: Approximately 2 hours.  That's 1/3 of my shift.  I could have done rounds in quite a few buildings during that time, and taken a few breaks too.  To make things worse, after the paperwork, which took the second hour of the story, me and my SA partner decided to do the substance-free building thinking we wouldn't have any incidents.  We were wrong.  We headed to the top floor to start and sure enough the first room we passed there was alcohol.  At least this time it wasn't as much.

 Somehow me and my SA partner managed to haul some serious a$$ and get our 8 buildings done.

 I need some sleep.

Entry #132

Saw A Shrink.

Read the Story Here!

While on SA duty Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, I had to walk through the mod (living area) in which this person lived, and on Friday night, I had to walk down the hallway where this person's room is.  Because of that, I could not sleep since, only seeing flashbacks of doing rounds through that mod.  I went and saw a therapist about that though, and she said that in a few days, it will pass.  That doesn't answer my question of why the hell they didn't tell us not to do rounds in that mod.  They said just about everyone in the mod went home.

Entry #131

Full Moon.

Remember how I said I really hated it when I have to do a confrontation right after SA duty? Well another one happened. This time, people stole university property, trapped me in the study lounge, and mooned me. Monday's supervision is going to be a fun one.  Let's just say that I could honestly care less about what they do to him just so long as I never have to see his a$$ again.

Entry #130


Tonight is Palmerfest, the celebration of drinking on Palmer St. in Athens.  I will be doing SA duty tonight, and hopefully will not run into any problems in any of the residence halls.  A lot of RAs are hoping none of their residents get arrested tonight.  I, on the other hand, am taking bets as to if any of my residents will get arrested.

Entry #129

SA Duty Tonight.

I had fun tonight on SA duty. It was me and this girl Jess. We had loads of fun telling funny stories, and I found ot that her weakness is that same as mine. We both laugh at the word "Poop". I don't think anything outside of business will ever happen though. I'm not too interested in anyone right now, but during duty (not during confrontations though), I'm randomly say "Poop" just to get her to laugh.

Entry #128

I Mat Have To Testify In Front Of University Judiciaries.

If you read my blog two entries ago, you will remember that someone did something to me. My attempt to make a deal with the resident was shot down by central staff (The higher-ups in the department of residence life.), so the resident will have to either admit to the charges, and face punishment, or fight the charges (He won't stand a chance.), and either win the case (Won't happen.) and be off the hook, or lose the case and face the punishment (Likely suspension or expulsion.).
Entry #127

It's Official.

Today, I signed my contract to be the RA on the first floor of Perkins Hall (One of three substance-free halls on campus.). It's going to be a nice ahcnge of pace coming to the stress-free hall from the extremely stressful hall.
Entry #126

Some People Just Don't Think.

For those of you who haven't been reading my blog too often (Most of you.), in addition to my RA job, I've also been working weekends as a Security Aide (SA) sub. Here are some of the stupidest things that have happened on my duty nights.

Last Saturday, there was a room with the door open. The residents weren't in the room, but 2 trash bags full of beer cans were. When myself and my SA partner were doing the report, we found out they were writtten up a few weeks ago.

Also last Saturday, we had a writeup in which we smelled marijuana. The other SA confronted the room. They said that they weren't smoking marijuana in the room, but the resident of the room was obviously stoned. There were also empties in the room, so that did not make the situation better. When we went to do the paperwork for this one, my SA partner noticed that he had written the resident up just two nights before.

Last night, there was a fight, and one of the people involved was moved to a different building. The only problem was when the RA of the complex that the person was moving to was nowhere in sight. We originally thought they might have been doing rounds, but we went through 2 of the 3 buildings in the complex, and looked in the windows of the third building, and we could not find the RA. We went to the RA's room, and called the RA's room, as well as the staff office, but no luck. The only problem was that we were asked to do this by the central staff. We almost never contact them on weekends. We had to call central staff back and tell them that we could not find the RA. I hope the RA had a good excuse as to their whereabouts.

Tonight, I was doing rounds when I saw beer cans in an underage room (It was in an all-freshmen building, so we know that none of the residents were old enough.). There was a person standing outside the room talking to another person. The other person just starts going "SA behind you. SA behind you." Well, if they were hoping to not get caught, then they were in for a big disappointment because the next thing I did was get my SA partner (a different person this time), and confront the room.

After I got back norm my SA sub duty tonight, I was hoping to get some R & R. No such luck. There was a fight outside my room, and one of the fighters wanted to pernorm a fireman's carry on me. He made an attempt, and wouldn't let me into my room. He was obviously drunk. My original intent was to hold out and wait until he had to pee, but it didn't work. I then went down to the 2nd floor and back up by way of a door closer to my room. No luck. The first time, the person beat me to my door. The second time, the person attempted to tackle me. I shrugged it off. Eventually he gave up, saying I won, and smacked me on the back. I wound up calling OUPD, and the person apologized to me. I still wrote him up because this was something that I could not just let slide.

I'm starting to wonder why a good portion of para-professional Res. Life employees (RAs and SAs) don't last a year in the department.

I really need some sleep. Good night.
Entry #125

Sweet Payoff.

I went to the convenience store today to buy my smokes, and decided to purchase a $5 instant ticket on a whim. That ticket happened to win me $100, and on top of that, I get paid Friday. Sweet!
Entry #124

Could this month get any worse?

As if the breakup and the death of my aunt wasn't enough, yesterday I got word my pal Tony was killed in an accident a while back. He was 20.

Also, I'm dying over the pink. My hair will be red.
Entry #122

Pink Hair Once Again.

I dyed my hair today. I swear the dye looked red in the jar. Well, as was the case fall quarter, my hair is pink.
Entry #121

Went To The Health Center.

I went to the health center yesterday, and found out that what I had thought was an infection was just allergies. I got prescribed about $10 worth of medications so far. Once one of them ends, I start another one, and watch that other one cost $50.

Someone has been telling my ex that I've been talking crap about her to get her to hate me. In fact, they came clean to me...well, not quite. They just didn't give their name. All they said was that them and my ex were heading over to their place in a few minutes. Any guesses as to who it is? Sounds to me like someone has a jealous boyfriend on their hands. I'm doing my best to try to clear things up with my ex, but it's looking like her boyfriend won't let that happen.
Entry #119

Going to the Health Center Friday.

While I slave at my computer, working on a 1-page paper, I figured I may as well update my blog. First, there is a girl near my hometown that wants me.   I'm not too sure that I'm ready to move on just yet. I still have feelings for Leslie, but I know I can't go back on what I said to her, and she can't go back on her decision. Second, my sinuses have been congested for the past few weeks, and my body has been aching. I don't think it's a cold. I think it might be a respritory infection. I've been through these before, and once the health center drugs me up, I'll be feeling fine. The only drawback is I may have to go a week or so without drinking . I've also thought about quitting smoking. Ohio is about to raise prices, and I will be interning in Schenectady over the summer. For those of you who do not know, cigarette prices in New York are not exactly cheap. Other than that, I'm doing just fine.
Entry #118
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