DoctorEw220's Blog

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Attempted Vandalism.

Here's a good RA story for you.

About a half hour ago, I heard some noises coming from the study lounge. It turns out,one of my residents was about to throw a chair out the window, and another was cheering him on. I immediately began to yell at them and got them to put everything back, and then wrote up the report. This should be good. I know Res. Life doesn't like it when RAs yell at residents, but I think I was justified. I guess we'll find out tomorrow if I was justified in yelling at them for it.

Alsol, after that, I am so going to the bar Thursday night.
Entry #102

RA Placement For Next Year.

I filled out my placement norm for where I want to be an RA next year. I chose to be an RA, but not in the same complex. I had to puy my top 2 choices, and my first choice was the complex that my friend is the RD in, and that a lot of my buddies are RAs in. My second choice was a complex in which RAs get a room the size of a triple, and a bathroom all to themselves. Granted RAs in that complex do a lot more work, but I think it would be worth it.
Entry #101

Went To The Bar Last Night.

After the Res. Life departmental in-service, which let out an hour early last night, me and Ben (the 1st flor RA in Washington Hall) decided to go to the bar for dinner and drinks. It felt god finally taking advantage of the fact that I'm old enough to legally drink. I had Smirnof Ice and Smirnoff Ice Triple Black, as well as some food. Afterward, I felt a little tipsy. Later, me and Leslie hung out at her place, and then my place. I'm not going to say what we did because there may be people on this site that object to what we did, but she said the three words I've been wanting her to say. I think you know which three I'm talking about. I'll give you a hint. They weren't "Band over, b****!". Anyway, the staff retreat is today, so I will be gone until tomorrow afternoon some time.
Entry #100

Been Busy.

I've been really busy these past few weeks. I have not found any time to go to the bar. I've been typing papers left and right, and there is no end in sight.
Entry #99

Turning 21.

I got up Saturday to find that every flyer in the halls was upside-down. I'll level with you. I found it funny. What I did not find funny was the fact that someone also vandalized my door, so the residents will be getting chewed out for it, unless someone confesses.

Well, I turn 21 today. As usual, a few fmaily members forgot about it. Nothing I'm not used to. Last night, me and Leslie hung out in her room. Then we went over to my room to hit the hay. When we got to my floor section, it looked like a bomb went off. Flyers were everywhere. My bulletin board was torn down. I caught one person trying to tear down flyers, and decided that since no one person could have done it alone, let him off with a warning. Today is going pretty well otherwise though. I'm probably gonna hang out with my pal Mike,as well as get some more time to cuddle with Leslie.

Turning 21 really has not changed me in any way. I (somehow) do not feel the urge to go to the bar yet, but if my residents keep things up.
Entry #98

Last Night.

Last night was incredible. I got special permission from my boss to break curfew so me and Leslie can hang out. At about 6:30, I went to her dorm. She got all gothed up for me. I felt so special. We had the time of our lives. Now I'm not going to say what we did, but let's just say that virgin ears should stop reading this right now. It was so incredible. We didn't tire out. And then we went to Wendy's, so it got better from there. Eventually, we both got tired, so we went back to my room and went to bed. We woke up early this morning so she could go to class. All in all, we're definitely doing this again.
Entry #97

Todd: You'll Like Reading This.

Back on Friday, I wrote a letter to the editor of the Athens News, concerning Senate Bill 24, which pretty much will keep teachers from preaching politics in the classroom. Me being a Republican at a very liberal school, and pretty much getting lynched by teachers for my views, support this, and decided to write a letter to the editor about the story. On Monday, I found out from Nicci (My boss) that it was published.   For those who are interested, go to the website below.

Unfortunately, it releases my name, but I guess you guys were bound to find that out sooner or later.
Entry #95

And To Boot.

Well, Midnight Rounds were not much better than 10 PM Rounds. Yes, I had to write up a room, and these people were not taking it too well. One girl, who I'm guessing was drunk, wouldn't shut up. I was about to call OUPD because she wouldn't shut up (Yes. I can do that.). To make things worse for her and her roommate, 3 guests left before we could get their innormation, so they are in bigger trouble. My writeup total is now at 11. There was one RA who had 21 last qarter, but she left before the quarter began, so I guess now I'm the new bad luck RA.
Entry #94

A Lot Has Happened.

A lot has happened to me in the past few weeks.

First, I met this girl named Leslie, and we both really like each other. I guess we're dating right now, but all we've done is hang out with each other.

I don't think I'm going to get a week in which I do not have any duty. Each time I get the opportunity, someone else needs to switch, and I am the only one who can switch days with them.

In fact, I'm on duty tonight. We already had one writeup. It was alcohol. With alcohol writeups, RAs usually only find one bottle of liquor or somewhere around 6-12 cans of beer. Tonight's was different. Myself and Allison (The other RA on duty tonight) happened to find a total of 48 cans (38 Unopened, 10 Opened) of beer. To make things worse, there was a minor in the room, which made things worse because the procedure is different. I had to call the higher-up on duty tonight, as well as OUPD. They kinda took it from there, but left me and Allison to do the writeup. Th purpose of this is to say that I SERIOUSLY HATE DOING WRITEUPS. If the residents were smarter and didn't blast out their music, they would wasily get away with drinking in the room. That's how most of the rooms get written up. They blast out their music, then the RAs knock on their doors. The residents then hide everything, which RAs hear and then let them know they suspect alcohol. If the residents didn't make so much noise, they would get away with drinking. Anyway, it was also a milestone I had hoped I would not encounter. I'm in double digits with writeups. I had hoped I would not have to write even one. To make things worse, a lot of the residents do not learn from it. I have had to write up some rooms more than once. Well, I'm off to Midnight Rounds. Have a nice night.
Entry #93

I Will No Longer Get C's For My Views.

This article is about an Ohio Senate bill that would no longer allow teachers to incorperate politics in their classes. Now I know some of you may not be wild aboutthis because it may infringe on freedom of speech, and to those i say this: Go join the ACLU!. I'm getting sick and tired of my one history professor giving me Cs because I'm a republican and he hates Republicans. I'm sick and tired of Ohio University being more influenced by Michael Moore than actual facts. I'm getting sick and tired of teachers giving me dirty looks for being a republican, and finally someone is making my life easier.
Entry #92

I Killed Them Tonight.

I did standup tonight, and the people still haven't shut up about it. I pernormed to a packed house on open mic night, and they all left laughing, so it appearently went well. Hopefully I'll be able to do it again this quarter.
Entry #91

Kids These Days (Duty Tonight).

Since another RA needed the night off, I filled in for him. The first 2 sets of rounds led to 2 reports. Midnight rounds went beautifully (No reports).   With 2 AM rounds, I encountered an awkward moment. I was inspecting the Bush study lounge when I turned the light on to find a girl shrieking, her face turning beet red, and what I'm guessing was her boyfriend with his pants partially down. I asked them what they were doing, and they gave an answer. Judging by the girl's embarrassment, and the guy's pants being partially down, I have a feeling they were getting ready to do the horizontal monster mash. i felt really weird after that. I checked th study lounge later on in the rounds to see if they were doing what i think they were about to do, and nobody was there, so I'm guessing they went into one of their rooms to do it.
Entry #90

Got A Couple More Holes In My Head Today.

Here's my week. After a hectic weekend last weekend in which 3 reports were made, I had duty on Monday night, but there were no classes due to the holiday. I did my first assignment of the quarter on Tuesday. I also stretched my earlobes to 4-gauges on Tuesday. Wednesday was hell for me. 3 classes from 12-3, then meetings from 3-4, 7-8, and 8-10. After that, I had to study for a quiz on Thursday. The quiz on Thursday took me about 5 minutes to do. Friday I found out that the person on duty couldn't make it, so I'm filling in for him. I also met with the internship coordinator on Friday. Lastly, I got my lip pierced twice on Friday bringing the piercing total to 8.
Entry #89

Wishful Thinking.

Remember in my last entry how I said I hoped I wouldn't have to write any more reports? Well, that was wishful thinking. I had to write up another room last night, and it took an hour to do the report , so it was a doozy.
Entry #88
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