DoctorEw220's Blog

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Survivor DVD.

I saw a commercial for Survivor on DVD.  Not only do average idiots get to spend time in the wild, filmed by smarter idiots, but now we get to see Richard Hatch naked over and over.  THAT IS NOT SOMETHING I WANT TO SEE.  Personally, I do not plan on purchasing Survivor on DVD for obvious reasons.  What's next to go on DVD? Could it be the nightly news?
Entry #27


I started my day with supervision.  Nothing bad to say.  My Technical Basis of Telecommunications class was next.  Afterward, I sacraficed my lunch to do mail duty (I have it every monday), and the mail didn't come for at least 2 hours (I had class at 3, so i was unable to do it until after 5, but anyway, the mail was supposed to be here between noon and 1:30).  At 3 was my history class.  I like that class.  It talks about US foreign policy from WWI to WWII.  Once I got back, I put out the mail (2 big bags).  It took me an hour.  At 7 was my history of rock music class.  The teacher seems funny, but the lectures aren't too great.  The teacher waited until the first class to let everyone know that books would cost around $100 for that class.  I was not happy about both the cost, and the wait to tell me.  Once that was done, I went to Wendy's and got dinner.  I'm gonna go to bed soon.  Nighty night.

Entry #26

First Day of Duty.

Well, I had my first duty day today.  It went very well.  Rounds finished early all 3 times, and I didn't screw anything up.  Yay for me!
Entry #25

Orange Hair.

Well, my hair is orange now.  The green faded out really quickly, and I had a ton of the orange dye left from the last time it was orange, so I figured why not?  Anyway, I did my laundry today, and met a cute goth girl, so Im hoping that birds of a feather DO flock together.  Anyway, I have my first duty night tonight, so wish me luck!
Entry #24

Video Game Night.

Well last night was video game night in the complex.  It went better than expected, but everyone just wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution.  They all wanted to beat me at it, and none of them did.  THEY GOT SERVED! 
Entry #23

Took care of a lot of business today.

Well, I started my day off by going to class.  Afterward, I went to the pawn shop to see if they had any good PS2 games I could use for my video game night program tonight.  I wound up buying a used NHL game.  I think the residents will like playing that.  I gave it a test run, and it looks really cool.  I kicked the computer's butt.  Anyway, after I bought the game, I went to the piercing place and got my ears stretched norm a 10g to a 6g.  I had 8g plugs in there for 2 days, but they weren't even tight, so I decided to go another step up.  Anyway, after I stretched the holes in my ears, I went to the grocery store, and bought food for the week.
Entry #22


Today was the welcome cookout for the complex, and I got to be one of the volunteers to cook the food.  Everyone loved the hot dogs I made, but I guess some of the credit goes to Oscar Mayer.  Anyway, me and this other RA decided that because the grill wasn't hot enough, we should add more coals and lighter fluid to it.  BAD IDEA!  The flames kept shooting up every 5 seconds.  They kept encircling my hand whenever I went to turn the hot dogs over.  Somehow I made it out without 3rd-degree burns, and I got to eat some darn god hot dogs.
Entry #21

Broke Up.

Well, I broke up with my girlfriend.  I'm kinda sad, but kinda happy as well.  She just did so much stuff, and it just got to me.
Entry #20


Well, it's flooded here at OU, and I still went to classes.  I'm rewally hoping my 3-5 today gets cancelled.  There's at least 4-6 inches of rain on the road leading to my dorm.  I'm debating on whether or not to go to my 3-5 class.  It's the first session of the year, so I think I'm gonna trudge through the rain all the way across campus.  WTG Nat'l Weather Service for not issuing a warning for my area.  Friggin' genuses!  Anyway, I think i'll be doing a lot of indoor activities for the next few days.
Entry #19

First Day of Classes.

Well, the first day of classes was today, and it seems as if the residents have started to shape up a little.  Anyway, I started my day with TCOM 453- Laws and Regs.  The teacher seemed nice and easy, as well as a bit of a pushover.  The second class was TCOM 308, which is a technical basis of TCOM class.  It deals with math and physics stuff such as circuitry and electric currents.  My third class today was FILM 201, which is a history of film class.  So far, it looks like I'm taking easy classes, and I only have 2 classes tomorrow and thursday, but one of my classes meets twice on thursday, and one on friday.  I also bought the rest of my books today.  I'm still awaiting an e-mail from one of my teachers saying whether or not my Music 124 class (the history of rock music) class has a required book.  If it does, I don't need it until monday night.  If it doesn't then I can spend the check norm my dad that was supposed to cover the rest of my books, on whatever I want,m which will probably be towards stretching the holes in my ears.  They are at 10g, but I'm gonna stretch them to 6g or 4g.
Entry #18

Gonna buy my books today (I hope).

Well, classes start tomorrow, and with all my RA work being done, I can finaly buy my books.  There's an event that I have to take my residents to, but I don't have to stay for, so I'm not gonna stay for it.
Entry #17

I had the weirdest dream last night.

I had this dream in which I died and found out my afterlife.  It turned out I became a nanny in my next life.  I tried waking myself up, but to no luck.  I think I might have died last night and came back to life.  Anyway, if I'm a nanny in my next life, then I plan on ending my next life ASAP.
Entry #16

Friday Night.

Well, it's friday night.  I still haven't determined which of my residents have earned my respect just yet.  I'm waiting until 2 am on sunday morning to determine that.  Quite a few have opted to go out and party tonight.  I could honestly care less what they do off-campus.  It's when they come home drunk that I have to really care (I don't plan on picking them up if they get arrested, or caring for them unless they have alcohol poisoning.)  I plan on asking them what they got out of it at the floor section meeting, as well as what they have to prove and who they have to prove it to.
Entry #15

The residents have come.

Well, `today was the first day for move-in for freshmen.  My building was swamped with people.  I was only supposed to work for 2 hours today.  That wound up turning into about 12 hours.  We got at least half of the building checked in today.  I'm really hoping we can get the other half checked in tomorrow and not have it spread out over tomorrow, saturday, sunday, and monday because i really don't want to have to do too much work.
Entry #14

RA Training is over.

Well, my RA traning is over.  So now I'm on to bigger and better things...checking in the residents. Fortunately, I shouldn't have any coming today,  but I may have the occasional one or two.
Entry #13
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