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Become a Rose

Become a Rose

Heavenletter #3840 Published on: May 31, 2011
God said:

If you will always remember to be a lady or gentleman, you will circumvent or eliminate friction. When you are courteous, you do not offend. Smile, look into someone’s eyes, and what controversy can thrive?

The next time you find yourself annoyed with someone, try smiling and looking into their eyes. When you do this, you are concerned with good manners and not offense. There is a tendency for My children on Earth to be consumed with what ticked them off, and they forget about good manners. They forget about being a good sport.

When you live by good manners, grudges cannot exist. Rabid feelings cannot exist. Good manners build good feelings.

A little goes a long way. A little anything goes a long way. A little resentment can burn long. A little courtesy leaves a long trail. Will you choose courteousness? Will you melt away hard feeling rather than subsidizing it?

This is something you can do right away. Even when you feel grouchy, you don’t have to let your grouchiness take over. Remember that you are the son or daughter of a King. You are a prince or princess. For you to take the high road is not dismissing yourself. It is not dishonest nor is it neglectful. It is honoring yourself, and it is honoring another. Good manners represent yourself. Good manners say a lot about you. They say whether you are a leader or a follower.

All this is another way of saying that you don’t have to let someone’s bad mood or poor manners rattle you. Someone else’s grouchiness does not have to be contagious. Return grouchiness with courtesy, and you elevate the world.

Of course, as you extend good manners, you don’t want to be grinding your teeth. You want your good manners to be true. You want to extend yourself as I would want you to. Am I asking too much of you?

I am asking you to be of good spirit. I am asking you to create good will. I am asking you to be the initiator of good behavior in the world. I am asking you to raise the flag of good will. I am asking you to make the world what you would like it be.

I am asking you to foster in yourself all that you would like to be.

When someone is crabby, don’t you be crabby.

When someone is thoughtless, you be thoughtful.

When someone is rude, you be courteous.

I would like you to try this out. I would like you to be good-natured.

If someone snaps at you, the last thing I want you to do is to snap back at them. Anyone can do that. Everyone has done that. It has been automatic. It has been a lazy habit, a spineless response, an infraction of good manners.

Now you will teach yourself good manners. You will walk through the world like a prince or princess. You will give a wave to all. You will bless all. And the whole world will cheer you for the courage of your good manners. 

I touch you with a magic wand right now. And now you are lit up, and now you sparkle! You have been touched by God, and now you can never be the same. Now you walk tall. Now you see differently. Whereas once you might have aligned yourself with anger, now you align yourself with good nature. You become a rose who acknowledges your rosiness to all. Now you become an emblem of peace. Now you glow. Now you are a shining light on the world. Now you surmount even the little things that you used to make big.

Entry #10

Stubbing Your Toe

Stubbing Your Toe

Heavenletter #3837 Published on: May 28, 2011
God said:

As you twist and turn under the covers at night, you may twist and turn during the day about life. It would seem that for every joy, you have three annoyances or aggravations or downright woe. Let the annoyances fly away. Keep the joy. Eradicate the sense of annoyance that you have been allowing yourself to have. You have been wronging yourself.

The way it’s been for many or most, over and over again, is that, when you stub your toe, you keep stubbing it. Stub is an interesting word because it is linked to the word stubborn in English. You just don’t want to budge. Someone wasn’t nice to you, and you continue the dialogue and interaction in your thoughts. You are good at doing that. You are a pro.

The offending person is not beside you around the clock, yet you are beside yourself with emotion, and you keep the offender in your outraged thoughts. You keep the offender close, as if you had nothing else to do, as if you had nothing else to live for but to recount, reemphasize, relive, remake, renew all the affronts that troubled you and trouble you still. You count your accumulation of wrongs as if they were a wad of money.

Let go of the offenses and the offenders, and you will no longer have them. You have been nursing the viperishness in your own bosom. You say to yourself a thousand times over: “Look what they did to me. Look at how they wronged me.” And so you wrong yourself over and over again. Must you prove time and time again what you see as the heartlessness and wayward thinking of others?

The fact is, when you are in that state of mind, you are mastering the very skills you purport to have contempt for. You have contempt. These others were contemptuous, and now you are contemptuous. They had no respect. And now you have no respect for them nor for yourself, or you would not keep the contempt alive and well, churning in your heart, in your mind, turning your blood into vinegar.

Have regard for yourself and get out of that old mind-set. A minute was too long to have it. You have had it for years, perhaps a lifetime. Say adieu to those old ways of thinking. Sink them. Pretend they are golf balls. Picture hitting each old golf ball of thought with a strong stroke. The golf ball goes far away over the fairway and out of your hair.

Forgive Me for dwelling on the past when I tell you to get out of it. The thing is you have not seen what you have been doing to yourself. See and dismiss. See and desist. How can you hit the ball out of the park unless you see it?

Or play football rather than golf and kick the old habits of thought out of the field. You are inundated with them. You feel you have to be on top. You have to control. Or you may have to control by being put upon, as if that is worth your whole life. You put yourself into a slot where you make happen what you protest. It keeps coming up again, the same old situations. It is the past that motivates and controls you. You have been in the thrall of the past. You have not let yourself go. It is you who gives yourself a stiff neck.

If you have been dragging yourself in the mud, it makes sense to get out of it.

If you have been thinking that you have been persecuted, you persecute yourself. You have become a dancer in life then who knows only one step.

Life dances to the tune of your own thoughts. As you think, so goes your life. Turn your thoughts around, and so will your life turn.

Entry #9

Enter the Heaven of Lightheartedness

Enter the Heaven of Lightheartedness

Heavenletter #3828 Published on: May 19, 2011
God said:

Hither and flither, whither and yon. So is the nonsense of the day. Much of the time, nonsense makes as much sense as sense. Some days, nothing makes sense no matter how you turn it over and look at it.

Love that gives and doesn’t ask for anything in return beats its drums in the human heart. Let love, not sense, be the point of your day. Even in a desert, you can love. Even in a mountain cave, you can love. Even in a dungeon, you can love. Even lost in a woods, you can love. There is nowhere where you cannot love.

I will tell you further that there is no one that you cannot love. The truth of that may seem far away from you now. It may seem absurd to you now, and yet that is the truth of it. You can love one and all. If you can love one, you can love all. Perhaps you have not loved one. Perhaps you have not even loved yourself. Or not very much. Only a little, or only when you wear a mask. Odds are you haven’t really thought of yourself as worth loving. It’s a good thing you have Me in your corner, for too often you do not really have yourself on your side. Too often you have been self-defeating, alas.

Now come out of the doldrums. Come out of the dark woods of your thoughts and enter into the Heaven of light-heartedness. You do not manufacture joy, yet you can call it to you. You can call anything to you. You have.

Now wholeheartedly call to you love for yourself. Say, “Love in my heart, get over here. Love me. Love God. Love all others. God tells me that there are no others. Well, then, love me and let that love be enough for all. How about it, God?”

That is what I have been waiting to hear you say. How about it? It is just hunky-dory with Me. Catch the love I give to you. I give it to you by the barrel. By the ton. I deliver huge cranes of love, and the love is light. It is bright light, and it carries weight, and yet it doesn’t weigh a feather. The most valuable asset you have is love. There is none other equal to it. Nothing compares to the love in your heart. Love in your heart has always been there. I delivered all the love in Heaven to the world long ago. You may not have noticed. You noticed perhaps a little. Mountains of love have been stifled. Bring all that love out now. You can do it. You can intend it right now.

Say to the love in your heart:

“I speak to you, all that buried love in my heart. Make yourself known now. Come out of my heart like budding flowers, and let yourself be seen. Let me see the flowering of my heart. Let my heart blossom and never stop. Let my heart be a blossoming rose or even a common dandelion. Love can be sturdy. It can be yellow like a dandelion. It can be any color it wants. It can be any color of love it is. An ounce of love is as good as a mile. My heart is a garden of love, and it spreads everywhere. I tell you now, My heart of love, spread yourself everywhere now so I may see you and give you away at the same time I hold you close to me. Bury my heart in your beautiful blossoms of love, and that is how you reveal my heart. Right now, I blow kisses to my love, and send you off, not to seek your fortune, but to give yourself away like dandelion puffs that fly everywhere, hither and flither and yon.”

Entry #8

Come to Life Now

Come to Life Now

Heavenletter #3836 Published on: May 27, 2011
God said:

Leave the floodgates open. I am speaking of the floodgates of love. I am speaking of your admitting Me into your life and your view of life. Let love and its organizer, I, God, into your world. Let Me be a force in your life. Let Me have some say in the design of what is referred to as you, as the human you, as the body and heart and mind and soul that walk around in a cumbersome body. Let Me have some of the attention you presently may give to your erstwhile body. Absolutely, take care of your body, only make room for Me as well. The body is mortal. In a sense, the body is a losing game. In the world, you cannot stem the tide of time. Come into Infinity with Me.

That which you see is what you get. See better and bigger than you have been seeing. You have been seeing a crumb of what you are.

I exist. Even if you think that I do not exist, let Me exist for you. Life in the world is too much for you without Me. The world holds terrors for you. You see shadows around every turn. Substitute Me for the terrors. Call Me in instead. Let Me in. Do yourself a favor and bring in a Presence that is often called God or words to that effect. If you do not like the name God, then call Me Friend. Then call Me Guy. Then call Me Love in its Wholeness. Call life sublime, and make it so.

It is yourself I would love you to believe in. I will help you. Together, We will wonders perform.

You are safe. The body is not safe. The body is in peril. No longer identify so much with the body and its wavering emotions. Instead of emoting, love. Start with Me. Leave emotions behind. Leave fraughtness of emotions behind. Emotions, no matter how serious and important to you, are frivolous. Emotions adhere to the past. Get the past and the emotions that surround the past out of your way. Past emotions are not your friends.

Hate and anger and such are your out and out enemies. They are ego, and they mimic you. Believe Me, if you wish someone ill, you will not feel safe. Your thoughts become real. Your thoughts manifest in one way or another. That which you perpetuate upon another comes back to roost.

You may think that people in your life are your enemies. All the while, it is your thoughts that are. With your thoughts, you bet on the validity of a dark past. Get the past out of the way. It does not serve you. If the past did not serve you in the past, what makes you think it will serve you now?

When you operate from the injustice of the past, you bring the past to life. When you harp on injustice, you bring injustice to you. If you want injustice in your life, keep thinking of how you are victimized, and so you victimize yourself. You punish yourself with the past. The true villains are your thoughts. It is for you now to change them. Old thinking brings you your old life back. It manifests before your eyes. The cruel stepmother does not come back, yet someone steps in to take her place. You bring her to you.

For your life to change, you have to change. No one is going to change your life for you. Life is of your making. And you make it with your thoughts and your hanging on emotions. Get out of the past where you have been living. This is how to change your life. Enough of reliving the past. Come to life now.

Entry #7

You are Here

You Are Here

Heavenletter #1072 Published on: September 28, 2003
God said:

Remember, you don't have to be in bondage to the circumstances of life. You do not have to go up and down. Whatever transpires is peripatetic. The outside circumstances are not going to last. Joyous or unjoyous, they are fleeting. You do not have to allow yourself to be so swayed by them. They will come and go. You do not have to be at the mercy of mere events.

I well know that you do become swayed by events. Your feelings get hurt or soothed, your ego trampled or heightened. Your heart sinks or swells or breaks. Yet your heart always heals. To what avail is the heartache when that too is a passing thing.

But less and less are you thrown by the incidents that surround you, do you agree? What makes the difference? It is not that you are hardened. You are softened. The time will come when you will know your mightiness, and you will know, not only that there is not anything you cannot come through undamaged, but there was nothing to go through. Clouds passed by, that's all, made shadows. Even in the nighttimes of life, you are undimmed.

You are not the sidewalk you walk on. You are not the trail in the woods. You are not the branches that brush against you. You are not the airwaves. You are not the sounds nor the sights. And yet you are all of these.

You who are formless appear in different Human forms. Alas, some of the forms say Boo to you.

You were given free will as a blessing. You see it as a mixed blessing. You want free will, but you always want to be right.

While you have the free will to fear and suffer, you also have the free will to let go of fear and suffering. You can dismiss them at any time. Then you will know what it is to be free.

When there is not fear, what need have you for bravery? Needing neither fear nor bravery, you can then just be. Through thick and thin, you can just be.

Fear nips at your heels, and you go to great lengths to distract yourself. Let go of fear and nothing will distract you.

Sure, you would let go of fear if you could, if only you knew how. Even though you know that your fears are unjustified, you still put yourself through them. You captured fear, and now you can let it go. You let it go by letting it go.

You can put on a coat, and you can take it off. You can warm yourself, and you can cool yourself. You can sit and you can stand. You can fear and you cannot fear. What is there you cannot do? What is there that you have not done?

The life around you is the life around you. That is all it is. You are not so dependent upon it as you have thought.

If you go left, you are still you. If you go right, you are still you. If you go straight ahead, you are still you. If you turn around, you are still you.

This whole universe is your home. Wherever you are in your life, you are at home. From this home on earth, to Heaven you come. Come to it now in your heart. You are safe. There is nothing that can happen to you. You are waves of My love, and you come lapping to shore. What does it matter from which direction you come when you are here?

Entry #6

Jewels of the Sun

Jewels of the Sun

Heavenletter #1071 Published on: September 27, 2003
God said:

Beloveds, when you sit in the sunshine, you well know the rays of the sun will find their way to you. There is no doubt about it. You do not have to tell the sun: "Sun, shine on me. Give me a tan." The receipt of the rays of the sun is automatic. It takes no effort on your part. All you have to do is sit in the sun. That is the extent. Sit in the sun, and automatically you bask.

Even on a cloudy day at the beach when the golden sun in the sky seems to be overshadowed by clouds, the rays still reach you, and you rise with your skin warmed and tanned.

Even if you cover yourself all up, or sit in an airless room with the shades pulled, the warmth of the ever shining sun will reach you. You cannot absent yourself from it.

Am I less constant than the physical sun? Where can I be but with you? I am ever with you. I shine in your heart, deep, deep in your heart.

With Me, unlike with the physical sun, there is no burning. You cannot sit too long with Me. The fact is I am with you every single moment. So the difference is simply in your awareness. And what a difference that is.

Right now My rays are shining on you. When you acknowledge this, you receive Me doubly, as it were. I, Who cannot be more powerful than I already am, am nevertheless amplified in your heart. Certainly, with awareness, you absorb Me more. Your awareness is simply a way of acknowledging: "God is with me." What a song that is to sing! What a refrain to hear!

As with the sun, there are no directions you need give Me. Prayer is for you. It puts you in a good vantage. It makes you more aware of what always is. Awareness of Me is not something you want to deny yourself. And, remember, you can never get too much of Me.

If there is any burning, it is the burning away of ignorance. Let ignorance escape your awareness. My light will whisk it away. It will be gone before you know it.

My light clears your eyes, and so you see better. You see what you may have never seen before. Unused channels are opened up. You see more alternatives before you. You see greater treasure. It was always there. You simply hadn't seen it. It was right before your eyes, but clouds of ignorance kept you looking in other places. As My light shines ever greater in your awareness, you begin to see jewels in the corners. You didn't notice them before, but now you see them, and now you wear them.

Imagine right now that I place a tiara on your head, a golden tiara filled with jewels of all colors. Jewels are rays of My light made seeable and holdable. Imagine My rays as concrete jewels made with you in mind. These rays of My light encircle your crown. You cannot take off this crown I gave to you. I placed it, and it stays.

Imagine a miraculous jewel on your forehead, embedded there.

Imagine jewels of My light on your fingers. How they glow! How your fingers move with alacrity!

Now I clasp a necklace of My light around your neck. Its pendant reaches your heart.

I embrace you with My light. I embrace you wholeheartedly with My light.

Now light My light with your awareness, for you are rays of the Sun.

Entry #5

I am just a sign pointing.

I am not the auhor of these letters and I want to make sure that this is understood on the blog. They are from a web site called heaven letters. They are well written and so in tune with how we are going through life and missing it because of how we see ourselves and not how God sees us. I was blessed from reading the very first one and I wanted others to experience the same thing or something even more liberating.Why? Bacause What God has for me is for me and what God has for you is for you! Some times we question ourselves and God to ourselves, but we never question God and let him answer. We just assume that things just are. May you be more blessed today than yesterday!                                           Karen

Entry #4

Heavenletter #1070

As You See

Heavenletter #1070 Published on: September 26, 2003
God said:

If you were free, you would be free to love.

The bounds the world has set and you have accepted keep you back from the fullness of love that beats in your heart. If only you could know the power of love that is yours, you would turn the world on end. You would listen less to world thoughts, and the world would listen more to you. It would have no choice but to rise to your level. Did you not know that you are the leveler of the world. With one thought, you lift it up or you pull it down. The revolving world can hardly stay the same.

The nature of life is to progress. Real progress comes from the opening of your heart. What in the world would not be wonderful when all hearts on earth were opened to the fullness of themselves?

It is difficult to not be squeamish about others on earth when you are squeamish about yourself. You test yourself much of the time, and you test others the same. You set standards, often meaningless, but set nevertheless. All the categories you make and all the demerits you give.

What if you could only give merit? Wouldn't that be a novelty?

Today let no word pass your lips that is not wholesome, accepting, and non-corrective about yourself or another. You set the timbre of the world. Whatever you think, you influence the world.

Now influence it to be the way you want it to be.

I love you. I see your beauty and wonder and grace. I love the world. I see its beauty and its wonder and its grace.

I am not unaware of how worldly life looks to you and what it seems to be, but I can see only Truth, and I see the Truth of you and the Truth of the world. I note your light, and I see Myself in it.

When I created Creation, I looked and saw it was good. I do not regret. Why do you? Why harp on all the so-called errors you have made and are yet to make? When you are in the ocean, you are naturally going to splash water. Why cry about that? The ocean lasts. The splashes do not.

Everything you rue has another side to it. Look at that side. Hold that before you.

Do not deny life or section it off. When you regret, you are lopsided in life.

But even your regrets can lead you to greater fields, especially when you let go of the regrets. You have other things to remember besides all that you regret. Me, for instance, and the Truth of you. Now is time for you to remember what is important to remember.

What nonsense is this to negate My Creation. Improve the world by loving it as I do love it. Improve yourself by loving yourself as I do love you. Improve your neighbor by loving him as I do love him.

The more you open your heart, the more you love. The more you love, the greater boon you are to the world and yourself and to the generations that follow.

You are a traveler on earth, but you are more than a traveler. You are a trusted inheritor, inhabitor, and bequeather. You who occupy the earth are a tenant on it. I do not rent out the earth to just anyone. Only the holy.

Uphold the earth you lease with all the love in your heart and you will begin to see anew, and you will begin to see what you have glanced over before. Begin to see now.

Entry #3

Please enjoy

Rest in God

Heavenletter #3830 Published on: May 21, 2011
God said:

You may consider too many things. You may weigh too many things. Would you just let yourself be?

When you are feeling lethargic, maybe you are supposed to rest more.

When you are feeling energetic, maybe you are supposed to do more.

Exactly what makes you tend to think that, wherever you seem to be in terms of life, that you are supposed to be somewhere else? What exactly is wrong when you are one way today and another way tomorrow?

Who said that you are to be chipper every day? Who said you have to be anything at all?

Whatever your seeming condition, you are My child. If My child needs more rest, well, then get it. And if My child needs more activity, then, well, go get it. It seems that you worry yourself every which way to Tuesday. You keep pulling the carpet out from under yourself.

Today, make the decision once and for all, that you are fine just as you are. Your hair does not have to be perfect. Your day doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be perfect.

Take a vacation from exacting demands on yourself. Certainly stop demanding that you consistently be other than you are right now.

Stop asking: “What is the matter with me?”

I will tell you what is the matter with you. You think too much.

I will answer that question another way as well. I will say: There is nothing the matter with you.

What is today is today. What was yesterday was yesterday. What will be tomorrow will be tomorrow.

It seems like you fight yourself day and night. You nag yourself. No wonder you are worn out. All that nagging would wear anyone out.

I accept you. Can you not accept yourself? Whether you are running the rapids or drifting in a canoe, what does it really matter? You are you, and who you are this minute is good enough for this minute.

No longer keep raising the bar on what you must be. Let Me take care of you. I do take care of you.

When your body says to rest, then rest. It is so simple.

I think you are making too much of a production of your life. Consider that you are a candy-maker. You have to let the candy set. You can’t always be stirring up the candy. There are different stages in candy-making, and you must allow them their turn.

Give yourself a break. Don’t beat yourself up any longer. Do not be a nagging wife or husband to yourself. Be one who loves instead, simply loves and smiles and appreciates you. Be in your own corner. Pat yourself on the back. You are truly wonderful, you know.

You live life on more than one level. You do not always have to come in first. First or last, you are you, made in My image.

Remember that after the sixth day, I rested. I made no apologies for it. I wanted time to mull over My creation and saw, again and again, that it is good.

I am going to put a badge on you now. The badge reads: “God’s Child.”

I pin this badge on you so you will remember who you are.

I pin this badge on you in the hopes that you will be good to My child, even satisfied with My child, pleased with My child, happy with My child and let yourself be. Letting yourself be is a little different from resting on your laurels.

Take the day off today, and just be. Rest in Me.

Entry #2

Heavenletter #3894

Cupid may shoot his arrow without aiming.

Sometimes you attribute world success to you, and sometimes you attribute world success to your lucky stars.

World success is not always fortunate, beloveds. It may increase your dependence upon ego.

I am going to tell you something that you don’t like to hear. You didn’t like hearing it before. Or maybe you will hear it for the first time. Here it is:

Regardless of what goes on in the world, when you are agog at yourself, your prowess, your success, when you are taken with it, no matter how justified, ego is doing its number on you. By the same token, when you are peeved, upset, envious or disgruntled in any of its forms, ego is doing its number on you. When you have overblown feelings about yourself, or negative feels about another, your ego is having its day with you. It is not fun, yet you keep listening to ego as it whispers in your ear.

Without ego, there is no occasion for you to dispute life. Fear too often comes from ego. There is an awful lot that comes from ego. Much of life has been confined to ego.

You think you are justified. As an example, when your true love decides she doesn’t love you any longer, suddenly you don’t love her so much either. You find grievous fault. From your emotions, she has no right to stop loving you. From your view, she is wrong to leave you. Maybe she is, yet how do you know? What you know is that you don’t like it. Yet, no matter how much she loved you once, she has every right to live her life as she lives it at any given time no matter what you think of it and whatever she thinks of it. Ego punctures your heart and tells you she has no right and that you are an injured party. Where did your love go? It flew the coop. Your long proclaimed love in your heart did not stay either. The love in your heart may have turned, and, so, duplicitous ego has a wonderful time tearing you apart from your true self.

Did your love become your possession? Love was never meant to be owned. Ownership is like imprisonment. What would imprison another but ego?

It’s possible that the love you thought you had in your heart was ego more than love in the first place. The thing with love, even misplaced love, gives you an inkling of what love can be.

No matter how ego-driven you have been when it comes to love, even those samples of love are leading you to greater love and to surer knowledge of what love is. You may be learning what love is not.

When you felt unloved, you took your love away. You copied the one who left you. You were unable to go down a different road and keep your love. The love in your heart fell by the wayside.

By and large, who on Earth knows what love is, and knows what to make of it. Cupid may shoot his arrow without aiming, and hearts are in disarray wherever they fall. 

No other person makes a fool of you. Ego makes a fool of you. The ego that you shelter and cooperate with brandishes its sword.

A word like jilted belongs to ego. Are you looking at your life with your own eyes or with the eyes of the world? Are you caring more about what the world will say more than you are caring about moving life forward harmoniously? I say you can be gracious. Life is not always about you. Look at life that way.

Entry #1
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