topazz28's Blog

What You Are to Do

What You Are to Do

Heavenletter #934 Published on: May 12, 2003
God said:

A lapse from greatness is only a lapse. It is not absence from greatness. That greatness has been out of your sight doesn't mean it's not there. That you are disbelieving of the power within you does not mean you don't have it. It means that you have not yet seen or seen well.

And yet you have had glimpses, for you do have a suspicion that what I say is true. There is a shred of doubt in your disbelief. Even 1% of God power is powerful indeed.

You already know that you have been powerful enough to cause pain to others. One curt word from you has been enough to make others quake. You can press down on another's heart or you can lift it. You have the power to make others happy at no cost to yourself. And now you will do more of it. Practice making others happy. If only for a moment, drop hints of happiness. Help others to suspect that there is something eminently worthwhile within them too.

You are powerful enough to be a messenger for Me. Why send small messages when you can just as well send great ones? You don't mind being My messenger, do you? It is a great enough thing to be a delivery person for God. You will not find greater. Be wing-footed Mercury today and wrap My messages around the world.

I dropped a message of love in your heart, and it has been sitting there. When you withhold My messages of love from another, you withhold it from yourself. Why would you do that? Why would you deny yourself one of the great pleasures of the universe?

Just think of it. You are in a position to give light to another's heart. You are a light-bearer. Light is easy to carry and easy to spread. The light in your heart will sparkle another's when you do not keep your light imprisoned. Light is unhappy when it is kept back.

If you feel averse to making another happy, are you averse to giving light its freedom?

The light in your heart is not yours to keep. It is not meant to be stored there. Your heart is a way station. Your heart is a drop-off point. Delivery companies do not wait for people to pick up packages. They deliver. Weighty and bulky are the packages they deliver.

The light that is within you to give weighs nothing and doesn't take up space. And yet, when you deliver it, you feel lightened. Your heart soars. Your head spins with joy. You become less full of thoughts and more full of heart. Has it not been that your head has been over-active and your heart restrained?

Enough of hiding My light within you. I planted light in your heart for a reason. It is not to be saved for a better time. There is no better time. You are a mover of My light. You have had enough time to think about it. Now start moving it.

You are like a diver on a high diving-board. He keeps leaning to jump, but stops himself each time.

You are like a sneeze that is forthcoming but doesn't quite make it.

Be full-blown with light from your heart today. This is not a personal thing I speak of. It is My light within you that is yours to share.

Today you will count hearts. How many hearts can you round up today? Start with your own. Embolden your own heart. Dare to shine My light wherever you go and whatever you see. Let My light fall equally upon the universe of man's heart.

Entry #205

The Glory of Truth

The Glory of Truth

Heavenletter #851 Published on: February 17, 2003
God said:

On the subject of language, let's take the word "understand". It describes your underlying being. When you understand something, you see beneath. You do not superimpose upon whatever it is you understand. You do, indeed, literally, see the light. A recognition deep within you rises. The inner and the outer connect.

This is as true of mathematics and physics as it is of poetry and occurrences in life and everything in between. Until there is understanding, you have only disparate parts. Bits and pieces of information. Only understanding connects the dots. Only understanding can.

There is much in life that is not understandable to you. You cannot fully comprehend why some things are nor why they befall nor how and where. One can understand the mechanics of a faulty aircraft, and never understand why it fell and why those on it perished, and why that certain number were on it and not another, why all perished or why one did not. You may easily identify all the parts but not come near the whole.

And yet you have glimpses every once in a while that go beyond the senses and sentiments of the world. You have glimpses of knowing. You have glimpses of understanding everything. For a moment, all the complexities are simple. For a moment, you taste the Oneness of all creation, and you see it is good. For a moment, bewilderment does not exist. Great unworded comprehension exists. For a moment, you are in My shoes, and, like Me, you look at it all and see that it is good.

And if you could conceive of the word "good" as not having a counterpart "bad", you would have understanding supreme. This is that which surpasses all understanding. It is said that goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. Goodness shall follow you all the days of your life because goodness alone exists. In that case, where is the need for mercy?

But you wonder how I can say that when you see pitfall after pitfall around you. You see deceit in the hearts of men. True, it is there. Truly, how deceived they are, for they have deceived themselves that they are less than I made them, and how you also are deceived by them and yourself. The world is like a magician who gets your eye off of what is actually going on. Things appear one way, but they are really another.

Many levels of understanding exist. Levels are incomplete and do not tell the whole story, the underlying story. We are talking about the Glory of Creation. It is all glory. It is not what you have heretofore been thinking.

Of course, it is understood that the understanding I speak of is not intellectual. Not at all. The intellect cannot comprehend. That which is incomprehensible to the intellect is incomprehensible to the intellect. And what the intellect cannot understand likely will sound like hogwash to it. The intellect may be too smart, do you see?

A day will come when you will not have to lean on trust. A day will come when you see for yourself the Reality that is beyond what you see. What you most often look at are stage props. Something has been covered up. Something lies beyond the visible props. An entirely different picture. Beneath a surface façade, and another and another, Truth exists like a woman on a stage who wears many veils; one by one, each veil is removed until there are no more veils.

Truth will be known, and you will know it. You do not need to wait for another lifetime nor for death, for in this lifetime Truth will be known to you. Your eyes will see the glory, and you will know there is nothing else.

Entry #204

On Earth as in Heaven

On Earth as in Heaven

Heavenletter #459 Published on: January 23, 2002
God said:

It takes no courage to be God. It takes courage to be Human. In Human life, opposites exist. But in Heaven, there are no opposites. There is only love and joy. There is nothing to be in Heaven but love and all that goes with it. Untruth does not exist in Heaven.

Therefore, there is no need for courage in Heaven. There is no fear. There is no fear of singing the wrong note or missing a beat or the boat or falling. There is no up and there is no down, so there is no way to fall and no need for what you call courage.

There is an evenness to Heaven, but it is an evenness that is very high. There is no middle road. Heaven is not a compromise. It is beingness at the heights, and yet there is no ceiling. There is no floor. There are no walls. There is pure being. Heaven is a chorus of angels. No note could be sweeter.

If Heaven is a vibration, then earth is too. If one can vibrate lower, one can vibrate higher. Even on earth, you can vibrate higher. Earth vibrates to your tune. Earth is not to pull you down. You are to pull it up.

Life on earth moves with your eyes. When you look up, the world is up. When you look askance, the world is askance. When you look down, the world is down.

The word "down" has come to mean "depressed". The cure is to look up. The cure is to see further into the graciousness of life on earth. Graciousness from Heaven has misted onto earth. Look to the Source of life on earth more than the disparate pieces of life on earth.

Looking at life on earth is picking it apart. Looking at Heaven is putting it together. And you are here to put the earth together.

You are searching for wholeness. You really are not searching for the pieces of the puzzle. The pieces are scattered. The pieces without the wholeness they come from lack meaning. You do not need to put the pieces together. You need to keep the picture of the wholeness in mind. The trouble is, when you look at just the pieces, you wonder what they are doing there, and you cannot find their meaning. They make no sense. But when you know they are part of a vast picture, you can relax a little.

There is a place for you on earth. You are there. You belong there. You fit in. You have a purpose. You are not an extra piece. You are integral to the whole design.

Trust is not blind. Trust is far-seeing. Trust sees wholeness. Trust knows. Trust does not have to grope. It needs no bolstering. Trust knows there is a golden link to Heaven. It does not imagine. It does not conjure. It does not talk itself into it. It knows that link to Heaven is stronger than any metal on earth. It is stronger than earth itself.

The link between Heaven and earth does not have to be forged. It already exists. You shimmied down a pole from Heaven. The pole was never pulled away. You can think of it as a telephone pole from earth to Heaven or as a golden chain or as a ray of light that extends from Heaven to earth, and, therefore, also from earth to Heaven. Without Heaven, there would be no earth, and you are fully connected to Heaven.

You came from on high. Lift your wings. Take flight with Me. You will see a different earth. When you alight on earth again, your feet will touch a new earth, all because you flew with Me.

Entry #203



Heavenletter #247 Published on: July 3, 2001
God said:

What a treasure of Mine are you! If only you could believe that, the whole world would turn on end. The world is turning. It spins. And you are the spinner of it.

Even encased in a Human body, you are unlimited. Your body is not the limit of you. You extend far beyond. You extend to Heaven.

This time you spend on Earth is an episode. It is a kind of delirium. It is a spin-off from reality. But how real it seems to you! You find the physical so real, so vital, so essential while it is really a will-o'-the-wisp.

Your body is merely a physical extension of you. It is a picture drawn in sand. It is a picture drawn in invisible ink. It is a dummy of you. That body you are so attached to is only a semblance of you. It is not you. Your attention is so much on your body that you have come to believe in it. It has replaced Me in your awareness.

Body is not king.

You think your body is your purpose.

You lay down your life for it.

And it is only a toy, a tool to be used. It is not meant to rule you.

I know your physicalness is a dilemma for you. But you can live without it. The body does not give you life. You give the body life.

Sometimes you are like a foot soldier who lost his way. He did not go AWOL, but he innocently wandered off away from his purpose. Now his purpose is to find his way back. His general knew where he was, and had sent troops out to find him. He who was looking was being looked for.

And that is what you are doing. You are finding your way back to Me, I, Who never lost you. And when you find Me, or I find you — it's the same thing — you come back to your original purpose.

Yes, your purpose is to find Me. Once you have Me, you begin.

We can say that your purpose is to find Me in all My glory, and then your purpose is to sing My glory. You sing it in your life. You sing it in your eyes. You sing a song of Myself. That is your life.

You are happy when you sing My song. You recognize it. Perhaps you were singing it all along, and now you notice you are. And now you sing with your attention on the meaning of your song.

When you have found your way back to the camp, you are not different. You are the same you, only you are back in camp. The you who had wandered off was not different. It was the same you, only wandered off.

So nothing is really changed except your relief in finding yourself back in the camp. You no longer wander far afield. There is no occasion to. You are where you want to be, with your friends and your captain.

And then you find out you are a captain now, and you have many troops to lead. And where do you lead them? You lead them right to where they are.

That is the discovery. You march to return to the same place. Or you march in place. The march matters, but where you are marching really matters. And there is only one place you can be, and that is with Me, and that is where you are, and where you have always been. You were so locked into time and space that you forgot where you really were, with Whom you were, and what you were for. But now you remember. You begin to remember, and the you who you are has nothing to do with the body you find yourself in. Nothing at all.

Entry #202

How Serious Is Life?

How Serious Is Life?

Heavenletter #815 Published on: January 11, 2003
God said:

One of your greatest gifts is your sense of humor. You need sense of humor on earth because you have been away from Truth. Your sense of humor acknowledges this. It tells you that you have been off-course. Your sense of humor stands up straight and says: "You have been looking at this occurrence incorrectly. You have taken it much too seriously. It is to be made light of, not heavy." Your sense of humor takes you out of narrowness into a broader field.

If Truth alone were known, there would be no need for a sense of humor. The predicaments of life would be seen for what they are. There would be no need to bring them down to size.

Serious has been a way of life for you.

When I encourage you to laugh, I am not talking bravado. I am not suggesting that you laugh at heartache and pretend that you are happy. I am suggesting that you have the idea that it is all right to take life lightly. Life will not be offended. Your step will be lighter. You can let go of heartache.

How many times have you taken a little thing seriously and made a big thing of it? The run in your stocking, the mud that splashed, the milk that spilled. How many times has a little thing spoiled your day or moments of it? How little even are some of the things that you and the world consider big!

Life in perspective is easier than life blown out of proportion.

Whatever befalls in life, you are equal to it.

Do not think I make light of what is seen as tragedy on earth. I do not make light of suffering. I do not say you will never have it. In fact, I will say that on earth, none escape it. And yet you do not have to emblemize it. You need not make a shrine of it. Suffering has a time-limit. It is not meant to be a holy way of life. After a while, endure suffering no longer. Shake it off the way a dog shakes water off his back.

If you cannot cease suffering for yourself, then do it for another. When you ease your aching heart, you ease another's. No one wants to see you unhappy. You who communicate suffering can just as well communicate joy. Joy is as available as sorrow. There are many colors to life, and you can choose one over another. You are not solely at the mercy of what has been handed to you.

Have you perhaps been a prickly porcupine? Ready at a moment's notice to fend life off?

Have you been like velcro and picked up everything around and kept it with you?

Could the sorrow you carry be a mask? I say it is because sorrow is not the truth of you. No matter how genuine your sorrow, it is not the truth of you. No matter how mammoth your sorrow, no matter how grievous, it is not the truth of you. The mask of sorrow may have been put on you, but you can take it off.

For a while, sorrow gives you comfort. Then it no longer does. It may outlast its usefulness. You do not have to keep it. You are not better with sorrow than without.

Rejoice in what there is to rejoice in. There is such a little turn in the dial from sorrow to joy. One of your senses is sense of humor. Remember you have it. Keep your sense of humor more than a lot of the things you keep.

Entry #201

A Matter of Hearts

A Matter of Hearts

Heavenletter #4024 Published on: December 1, 2011

Your heart is sometimes like a frog. It hops up and down. Sometimes your heart is like a lamb that wants to be petted. Sometimes your heart is an ember, burning bright. Sometimes your heart, it seems, has been made captive in another's heart, a willing captive who wants to fill up another's heart with its own.

This matter of hearts fills you with joy, and then your heart gets hurt and hops down like a frog and sulks under a leaf and doesn't want to go out again. 

Life on Earth does seem to be a matter of hearts.

You have heard not to wear your heart on your sleeve. Of course, that's where you are to wear it. Otherwise, you dissemble. You hide. You lie. You weigh the cost of letting your heart be known. You would rather be smart than honest. In the world, it does take courage for your heart to reveal itself. This does not mean that you gush and expect retribution. It is just a fact of life that you love. Of course, in the world, you love sometimes here and sometimes there, and your own love is not always reliable. Like the frog, it bounces up and down and back and forth and sometimes gets lost in a maze.

Yet, think of a world where everyone is truthful. Everyone would thank everyone for a truthful heart that speaks of love when the heart loves and does not pretend love under any circumstances. The human heart is not to be embarrassed about love. Love is meant to issue from your heart. Let your love fly high like a flag. Love when you love. Love where you love.

Your heart is not meant to become a burden, not to you and not to another. Your love is your own responsibility, not anyone else's. Nor is love meant to be a barter. Love is just meant to be and not a chattel. Oh, to love for the love of it. Oh, to love without exacting a payment from anyone. Oh, to love freely, freely to give and freely to receive without prior conditions. Just love. Let love be a way of life.

Love the bus driver. Love the person on the bus who jostles you. Love all the people who sit or stand on the bus. Love the commuters. Love the people who walk. Love the traffic. Love the noise, and love the quiet. Love yourself without qualm. Love is what you are meant to do, not with a half a heart but with your whole heart, not with effort, no, not with effort but with the joy of it.

Loving does not mean tying up your heart. It means freeing your heart. It means freeing your heart from shackles you have put on it. You have too often forbidden your heart to love. Casting yourself at another is not love, but casting your love is love. Your love is not meant to be like a fishing pole that must retract a fish. Oh, no, your love lets all the little fishes free. Your love casts not nets. Your love casts love.

Love is like the sunlight that blesses all it touches. How powerful the sunlight that alights and leaves its blessings. The sun never learned to count. The sun is free. And you are free because you bind not another to return your love as though it were a favor. Of course, your love is a favor, and yet you are not owed. Nor do you own. You do not own your own love and you do not own another's. Love is free and love frees.

Entry #200

Sunlight and Shadow

Sunlight and Shadow

Heavenletter #492 Published on: February 26, 2002
God said:

Remember that you are not the only thing going on in the world. Sometimes the things you feel are reflections from the world. What you feel and think certainly are reflected in the world, but others' thoughts and feelings are also reflected in you. You catch a ball, as it were, and you think it is yours.

You ask where it came from, but you attribute its arrival to something deep within you, or you blame it on outside forces, and, it is true that sometimes you are an innocent bystander. But wherever anxiety comes from, from within you or extended to you and taken within, you don't want to pay it so much heed. Do not take it so seriously. It is but a passing shadow fallen on your brow. The sun comes by and by and moves the shadow away.

What is not seen as light must be shadow. Shadow is light shaded. It is light covered up by something. But light is only covered. It is not dismantled. Without light, there could not be shadow. But light exists with or without shadow. Light is not dependent upon shadow for its existence. Light falls upon shadow, and the shadow is gone. The shadow never influenced the light. Light disregards shadow.

Or sometimes light plays on shadow, plays peek-a-boo, blinks shadow around, peeks under it, overlays it, but light is playing with itself. Light is light-footed. Dark is heavy-footed. Light is fundamental. Shadow is not.

Light is quiet. It has a steady influence. It is overt. It does not sneak. It is as plain as day.

You can be in a good mood, or a dark mood. Consider mood as light itself. In that case, you are always light, so you are always in a good mood, only sometimes your mood is covered by shadow. Shadows come and go, so you think moods come and go, but the basis of mood is light. Light never left you, yet you believe the cover-up more than you believe the light. You go by shadow often.

Do not think that going by your moods is going by your heart. Your true heart does not fluctuate. It beats true. Listening to your heart is not the same as listening to your mood. Be out of mood mode.

Moods are transient. They are will-o'-the wisps. You can't go by them. You cannot depend on them. They change before your very eyes. They are illusive. But light is not.

You would not lean on a sapling. You would lean on an oak tree. Yet you lean on your moods. Often you let them rule you.

A mood is a mood. That is all it is. And you are far more than your moods. Rise above an ailing mood.

You can turn on the light in your heart whenever you wish. You can turn it on right now. It is easy.

Darkness does not have to possess you. You can look at dark feelings as you would anything that passes by you. You can go on to the next feeling. Or you can be a passer-by of a mood that grips you. You don't have to be gripped by it. You can laugh at it.

Dark is to be laughed at, for it is nothing but shadow. It is a clown, or it is a drama queen, but, in any case, you can laugh at it. You don't have to revere it or go by it. You can take it off like a reckless scarf. Unwind the mood, and toss it in a corner somewhere.

Do not give credence to your moods. Why should you? There is a steady ray of light that shines brightly through you that casts no shadow. There is no need to let your light be shadowed when you can stand brightly in Mine.

Entry #199

Let Your Heart Be the Ocean

Let Your Heart Be the Ocean

Heavenletter #2726 Published on: May 12, 2008
God said:

When you wake up in the morning, turn your heart to joy rather than duty. Better yet, make duty your joy. Let your responsibility for the world be your joy. It is not that you carry the world on your shoulders. Carry it in your heart where I AM. You can believe that I am not a burden. I am the Remover of Burden. I whisk it away. I turn every perceived heaviness into joy. I turn on the light, beloveds, and light is never heavy. I give you My joy. I give you My love. I give them to you to use and use well. I do not loan them to you. I give them to you.

Somehow you may have had the idea that you are duty-bound to lack joy, if not to suffer, to drag your feet around as though you were chained to a cement wall. Instead of dragging your feet, dance. Dance in your heart, and you will be light-footed.

Love is available. It is available at every turn. Would you not avail yourself of it? Would you not turn dross into gold? Would you not turn every situation around and make it joyful? If not for you, for someone?

Or let's put it this way: No longer remove joy from your heart. No longer twist joy into something else, anything else. Accept nothing less than joy into your heart. You have been careless. You have let woe in, as if it had a place in your heart. Your heart is meant to be tender, and not toughened up. Let your heart stay in its lovingness. No longer let anything intrude on the joy. Anything else that may enter your heart is an intruder. It does not belong in your heart. I belong in your heart. All that I AM belongs in your heart. Let there be room for nothing else. Fill your heart to overflowing.

Carry a sign in your heart that says: "I am full. Only love and joy may enter. I am the decider of my heart, and I accept gold. I accept no less. I, your heart, let everyone into the warmth of me, but anything less than love and joy have to stay outside. Of course, there is no place in me for anything but love and joy in the warmth of me."

And so reads the sign in your heart.

Another way to say it is that your heart is full of Me. Fill your heart with God. Fill your heart with the love of God, and all that enters your heart will be transformed. You will have eyes to see. You will have a heart that knows. Your heart will not do the bidding of every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Your heart will do My bidding, and My bidding is that you feature love and joy. What else would you want in your heart anyway?

Have an open-door policy in your heart. At the same time, shoes have to be left outside. All baggage has to be left outside, not checked but thrown away. All baggage thrown away, and then only joy and love exist to enter.

Let your heart be a streaming river. Let your heart be the Ocean that embraces all, washes all, and lifts all high in the timbre of its love. From the Ocean you came and to the Ocean you return. What else should you be doing but creating love and joy?

On your way to whatever you are up to, follow love and joy. Let them accompany you. Let them be your loyal companions. Let My love and joy follow you and greet you in your swim to the shores of Heaven.

Heavenletter #2726 Published on: May 12, 2008
God said:

When you wake up in the morning, turn your heart to joy rather than duty. Better yet, make duty your joy. Let your responsibility for the world be your joy. It is not that you carry the world on your shoulders. Carry it in your heart where I AM. You can believe that I am not a burden. I am the Remover of Burden. I whisk it away. I turn every perceived heaviness into joy. I turn on the light, beloveds, and light is never heavy. I give you My joy. I give you My love. I give them to you to use and use well. I do not loan them to you. I give them to you.

Somehow you may have had the idea that you are duty-bound to lack joy, if not to suffer, to drag your feet around as though you were chained to a cement wall. Instead of dragging your feet, dance. Dance in your heart, and you will be light-footed.

Love is available. It is available at every turn. Would you not avail yourself of it? Would you not turn dross into gold? Would you not turn every situation around and make it joyful? If not for you, for someone?

Or let's put it this way: No longer remove joy from your heart. No longer twist joy into something else, anything else. Accept nothing less than joy into your heart. You have been careless. You have let woe in, as if it had a place in your heart. Your heart is meant to be tender, and not toughened up. Let your heart stay in its lovingness. No longer let anything intrude on the joy. Anything else that may enter your heart is an intruder. It does not belong in your heart. I belong in your heart. All that I AM belongs in your heart. Let there be room for nothing else. Fill your heart to overflowing.

Carry a sign in your heart that says: "I am full. Only love and joy may enter. I am the decider of my heart, and I accept gold. I accept no less. I, your heart, let everyone into the warmth of me, but anything less than love and joy have to stay outside. Of course, there is no place in me for anything but love and joy in the warmth of me."

And so reads the sign in your heart.

Another way to say it is that your heart is full of Me. Fill your heart with God. Fill your heart with the love of God, and all that enters your heart will be transformed. You will have eyes to see. You will have a heart that knows. Your heart will not do the bidding of every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Your heart will do My bidding, and My bidding is that you feature love and joy. What else would you want in your heart anyway?

Have an open-door policy in your heart. At the same time, shoes have to be left outside. All baggage has to be left outside, not checked but thrown away. All baggage thrown away, and then only joy and love exist to enter.

Let your heart be a streaming river. Let your heart be the Ocean that embraces all, washes all, and lifts all high in the timbre of its love. From the Ocean you came and to the Ocean you return. What else should you be doing but creating love and joy?

On your way to whatever you are up to, follow love and joy. Let them accompany you. Let them be your loyal companions. Let My love and joy follow you and greet you in your swim to the shores of Heaven.

Entry #198

Our Being

Our Being

Heavenletter #109 Published on: February 15, 2001
God said:

I speak to you of love. That is all I can speak of. That is all I know. All I know is truth. I know nothing else but truth. And I know you.

I know what you are made of, for I made you of Myself.

You are made of My love.

That is who you are — My love. Made of My love, you are My love, and you are also the one I love. My love for you cannot be striated. My love for you is your wholeness. It is your holiness, My love for you, and your holiness is Mine.

Such a thing is Our love! It is everything. It is the cradle. It is the rocking of the cradle and the child within. It is all of it, and that is all that there is.

Do not wander away from My love. Would you leave Me bereft? Of course, you cannot, because My love is intact no matter how much you may wander. How long, how far you meander, you take Me with you no matter what. I am not your shadow that follows you. I am the essence of you, and that is how We are together and never apart. We are One Love entwined. It was ever so. And so it continues. There is no end to Us. There is only the flow of Us.

We can say that you flow in the stream of My love. Or We can say that the stream of My love flows through you. Both are correct. There is no difference. We are bonded infinitely.

Bond is not boundedness. Our bond is unboundedness. That is the secret that is no secret.

The more you are aware of Our bond, the freer you are.

You are not free in a little room that you pace.

You are free when you roam the universe.

You are free when you roam beyond the universe, where there is no edge, no rim, only the reign of infinity.

Vast is My heart. Vast is yours. Your heart longs for a journey beyond the steps of your feet. It longs for flight. It longs to go beyond the horizon you see to yet another beyond that and another and more rolling hills of light.

Set your sights high. Set them wide. Set them far. Begin to see what calls you to it.

Your heart beats for a reason. It is an echo. But it needs no reason but itself. You are between the beats of your heart. You are the wave of your heart. I am the impulse.

Your heart thrums the song of My love.

Your heart answers My call to you.

It longs for Our hearts to beat as One.

I tell you that it does. It already does. But you have not been listening. You have been half listening.

Listen now. Listen to My love that surges through you. It is My love within you that you are made of. My impenetrable love penetrates you.

If a flower blooms from a seed, why cannot you bloom from Me?

If one leaf can equal the stillness of My heart, why not you?

If all is suspended and held within the moment of My heart, then aren't you also? Aren't you there, here, within Me?

Let Us acknowledge Our Oneship. Acknowledge that We touch at the very moment We are beyond touch. Acknowledge that We see what is beyond sight. Acknowledge that we move beyond movement, and so forth. Let's just acknowledge Our Being and Our being together in this one moment of Our love, for all that is needed is acknowledgement of Our Oneness that already is.

Entry #197

Climbing the Apple Tree

Climbing the Apple Tree

Heavenletter #4022 Published on: November 29, 2011

The less you have to know about what will transpire in life, the more secure you are.

Life in the world requires trust. And what does trust mean? It doesn't mean you can count on life's giving you everything you want. Trust doesn't mean your body will never die. Trust doesn't mean everything will be as you wish. Trust or not, life befalls.

Trust means that you let go of trying to control life. Trust means you let go of tension. Trust means that you have an inkling that, whatever transpires, you will be all right.

Trust means that you can allow yourself to be carefree within the allotted time and life you spend.

Trust means you spend your life freely and don't worry so much.

Trust means that you give your life to Me. You know it is not your singular life. You know that life on Earth is a gift you were given to use, and you like to use the gift well. You have a life to share, and you share it. Life becomes like rolling off a log, that is, when you don't hold on so tight.

You do not grip life. You do not tense. You let go. As you live life, you let go of it. You are not so attached to outcomes. You enjoy the ride. Bumpy or not, you are riding along in life. You enjoy the ride and the scenery, even as the scenery is ever-changing.

Life does not present you with a map. Life points you in a direction, or many directions.

Life is like climbing an apple tree. You climb. You do not pick all the apples. You drop some. Some are out of reach. Some are perfect. Some are not ripe. Some have worms. And, no matter, you have fun climbing the apple tree.

It is only as you feel insecure that you hold on to the tree of life and demand that the tree give you a certain kind of apple. When the tree does not provide you with that apple, you try to shake it into abeyance.

Sometimes the same tree produces McIntosh apples and Granny Smiths. You can't be sure which kind of apple the tree will bear today. You can be sure that you are climbing the tree, and you can be sure that you will climb until the day you fall off. You do not know the day. You do not know the apple.

You can be sure that you are alive on Earth right now in a human body. And you make the most of it. Making the most of it means that you give yourself to life wholeheartedly. You desire. When you do not reap the desire you desire, you don't pout. You don't demand. You live life.

This is the course of life. You cannot predict it. You can only live it.

The more controlling you are, the less secure you are. The more you require that life deliver to you what you order, the more afraid you have been.

I suggest that you accept what you receive, and move on to the next page of your life. Your love of life is not dependent upon the orders you give. Your love of life depends upon your signing for what arrives and getting on with it. Certainly, life can deliver what you do not want. By the same token, life can deliver to you what you do want.

And, so, whistle a merry tune.

You don't have to stride through life. You can take a walk through it. You can walk through a park of such exquisite beauty that you are humbled. You can walk through a dark forest, and you are scared or angry. Wherever you walk, you can enter a threshold of well-being within yourself. The thing is that you walk, and where you walk is not the whole story. You are your story. You are reading your story as you go along. The tone in which you read makes a difference to the story.

Entry #196

You Also Stand

You Also Stand

Heavenletter #739 Published on: October 31, 2002
God said:

Ego is ruthless. It keeps you in its thrall.

Yet how fine is the line between your sense of self-worth and your ego. Sense of self-worth is fundamental. Sense of self-worth is your sense of rightfulness to be here on earth, and that you must have. That is need. That is entitlement. You are here. And you are welcome here. You belong here. You are not to be dismissed nor discounted. Care for yourself as much as you would care for someone else.

Give yourself sanction to declare yourself. To be without ego does not mean that you are erased. It does not mean to be subservient to others. You also stand. You shine in earth's light as well as Mine.

You were a treasure given to earth and given to yourself. To deny your Selfhood is to deny Me. I will not be denied, but you have denied yourself.

Be not apologetic for being on earth and taking up the little imaginary space that you do. You owe not explanation. You owe not disrespect for yourself. Your life is not a question of what someone else thinks. What do YOU think?

If you and I are to think alike, then you must raise your opinion of your rightfulness. This does not mean you are always right. Right or wrong is not the issue. Your right to vote, so to speak, is the issue.

You are a voice on the face of the earth. You are not a weakling. You are not an afterthought. You are not a footnote. You are not inconsequential. You are of great consequence. You are not self-important, but you are important. You matter. You are here for a reason, and the reason cannot be to refrain from speaking.

Declare yourself to yourself. You are the one not listening. Don't blame someone else. There is no blame here. There is awareness. Self-realization does not mean self-effacement.

All the birds sing. Not one pretends he is not here. Birds sing their own song lustily. A robin is a robin and a whippoorwill is a whippoorwill. Their songs do not have to be the same. But sing they must. The expression of song must be allowed.

And you are not voiceless.

I did not send you to earth to be a cipher. I did not send you to be invisible. I did not send you to hide. I sent you to make your mark on earth. I sent you to be truthful. It is your journey in life you take, not another's. And they must not take yours.

I know this is not all easy for you. You want so much to be what I want, and you want to be ego-free at My behest, but letting go of ego is not the same as trying to pretend that it is all gone.

You are here to be in your truth, not someone else's. Who is going to represent your truth if you do not? You are not here on earth to slip out of sight.

You yearn for harmony. But dissembling is not harmony. Vacating your right to be on earth is not harmony. Pretending agreement is not harmony. Pretending anything is a form of control. It is one-upmanship. You are not better than another. And you are not less. You are equal. You have equal voting privilege. You have a say, and you might as well say it. Be where you are. Come forward.

Entry #195

Emanating Beings

Emanating Beings

Heavenletter #195 Published on: May 12, 2001
God said:

When you feel touched by Me, when you feel warmed, appreciated, noticed, accepted, you are feeling a sample of My love. You are feeling a tiny part of the love I feel for you. You think you are feeling the receipt of My love, but what you are really feeling is a portion of My joy in extending it. You are picking up on My inception of giving. You are not picking up your own sense of being loved. You are picking up on My sense of My love radiating. You are picking up My sense of love, My effulgent love itself within Me, stirred within Me.

This is a subtle distinction, because My joy in giving is not separate from your joy in receiving. It is like one motion. You, the receiver, are a giver as you receive. You feel generous, magnanimous even, when you feel a touch of My love, and that is because you are the generation of My love. I generate My love to you always, and sometimes you feel My love brush your cheek. I engender My love to you, and when you are aware of it, you feel engendered. You feel generous because you feel Our Oneness, Our Wonderness.

My same love stirs within you.

What more is there for Me to say?

What more is there for you to know?

The love I give to you, you forward to the universe. You can't do anything else. As you recognize the love you are receiving, it is already forwarded, because forwarding is part of the one motion of receiving. When you feel the receipt of My love, pause a moment, and you will also feel how it emanates from you. Spoken or unspoken, acted or unacted, it emanates from you. Love emanates. Love has its own vapor rising. You are a dispatcher of My love.

This is automatic. It is inevitable. This is not display of love. This is not cuddling or baby talk or noble sacrifice. You don't have to do anything with this love. It effulges itself. Be conscious of it, but don't make it yours. It is Mine. At the moment you are conscious of it, it has already flown to the universe. You do not need to be conscious of giving love. Be the love you give. That's what it means to feel a touch of My love. When you feel My love, you are innocent. My love and innocence cannot be separated anymore than you and I can be.

If you were locked up in a steel-encased sound-proof inviolate room, My love would still reach you. It would get through the steel, for My love even cuts through steel. My power is far more immense than that. But I am not here to talk of My power. I am here to talk of yours.

You in that airless impenetrable fortress are capable of receiving My love, and the barriers are also not barriers to you in the sharing of it. My love will emanate from you and go past the walls as if they were not there. That is the power of My love within you. There are no walls to it. There are no barriers. There are no limits. You and I are indomitable. Our love knows no restrictions.

Our love is the vast Sun. Our love is also the flower that grows in a rock. And Our love is you. There is nothing that Our love is not. There is nothing that Our love cannot be. And all you have to do is receive it. When you receive My love, you are unmasked. When you receive My love, you are an innocent receiver and an innocent giver because you are an emanating being of My love.

Entry #194



Heavenletter #193 Published on: May 10, 2001
God said:

The simplicity of honesty. Nature is honest. There is no denial in nature. It is what it is. There is no dissembling. An elm doesn't try to be an oak. Cold doesn't pretend it isn't. Nature accepts its breezes and its gales, and it loves whatever it is and whatever it is doing. Nature gives full expression to itself. It expresses Me.

And you are part of nature. You may try to be something else, but you are nature and you are an expression of it. That means you are an expression of Me.

You, perhaps, have been hiding yourself or you have been trying to be noticed. Nature does not hide, nor does it call attention to itself. It is just itself. Nature is being. You are being.

Nature does not blow itself up. It doesn't deflate itself either. Nature isn't thinking about how it looks or what will be thought of it. Nature's attention is on Me and its expression of Me. Therefore, nature expresses itself.

Nature doesn't try to fit in with expectations. It doesn't try to please you. Nature doesn't inhibit himself. Nature knows not of inhibiting. Nature knows of expressing.

Winter doesn't try to pass itself off as summer. Summer doesn't try to be winter. A red flower doesn't try to be pink or white or yellow. A red flower flowers in its redness. We cannot call it pride but we can call it identity and truth. We can call it more than acceptance. It has no need to accept because it is simply being what it is. It knows no other way. There is no debate about it. No decision is made. A flower flowers, and that's it. It drops its bloom to collect itself for another season.

Nature knows freedom. It has the freedom to be itself.

Yet do not think that nature is selfish. It plays its part. It interacts. It doesn't go ahead of itself. It comes to the fore when it is its turn to come to the fore. It doesn't wait idly on the sidelines either. It is marshalling its strength. It gets ready by absorbing its truth. Nature incepting itself is no less than when it blooms. There is no dissatisfaction in nature. The tide rising and the tide ebbing have equal happiness. The tide coming in and the tide going out have equal joy. They reveal themselves. They reveal themselves. They show themselves to Me. The move for Me, and they stay still for Me.

But staying still is always readiness. Staying still is just the moment before an action. It is a coherence. And an action is after the readiness and just before it returns to rest in its readiness again.

Nature is not self-conscious. It has no embarrassment. Nature is too aware of Me to be paying attention to itself. Expressing is not paying attention. Expressing is being.

Nature does not say, "I am blooming now." It blooms. Nature doesn't say, "Look at me." And yet you cannot help looking at nature because it is so true to itself and to Me. And the natural in life attracts you because you are the same. You are so intimate with nature. It knows you well. And you know its companionship.

You are a fair flower on earth.

Grow there. Grow to Me. Look up. Reach the Sun. Roll with nature. Be pink-cheeked. Brighten your eyes. Close them at night. Act and rest. Sleep and wake. Which comes first? How can you know? They come together. One is not without the other.

But I never sleep. And yet I am with you while you sleep. And I am awake with you as you wake. I am happy to be with the fullness of you. I swim with joy in the pleasure I take in you, for Mine is the nature of you. You are My nature. I am yours.

Entry #193

Comfort, Change, and Commitment

Comfort, Change, and Commitment

Heavenletter #5 Published on: November 21, 2000
God said:

Dear Children, you do not need to be comfortable. Comfort is stasis.

You do not need to be uncomfortable either. Uncomfortable comes from control. When you have to be in control, you feel uncomfortable because control is resistance. Give up your control, and comfort and discomfort will be things of the past. They are of the past.

You not only have been wanting a smooth ride, you have been wanting a free ride.

You want transformation, but you do not want change.

You want what you want when you think you are supposed to have it.

Think more about Me.

Today we are talking about comfort, change, and commitment. What are you committed to, to your word or Mine?

To be committed to My word, you have to move faster than you have been. And what is that but change?

When you are committed to Me, you do not have to catch up. You do not need everything in place. Indeed, with commitment to Me, the usual run of things will be disturbed. Ask yourself what you are holding on to.

My children are compulsives. You want everything arranged the same way. You think you are a settler, when in truth you are a nomad. You set the table of life a certain way, and that is how you think it must be. When the table is arranged differently, you feel out of sorts because you did not rearrange it. And you protest. You feel you have been thrown out of your warm home. You feel you have been catapulted out of where you are supposed to be to a place you are not yet ready for. Who is it that says you are not ready? Not I.

Consider yourself ready.

Consider yourself already changed.

Consider yourself committed to Me and not what you have always thought.

Consider yourself uncommitted to the ways of the world.

Move up to a bigger realm all ready for you.

As soon as you enter, you are ready.

You will not be ready until you do enter.

Hesitation has to do with what and Whom you are listening to.

You are flowers blooming in the Sun, and you say to the Sun: "Wait! I'm not quite ready to bloom. Wait. You're making me bloom too fast." But Who is it that sets the rate of your growth? Is it you? Who is it that pulls on the golden cord that unites Us? When you do, you are pulling back. When you allow Me to pull, you keep up with Me. Abandon resistance.

Loose your hold on your bonds.

Be not committed to your bonds.

Be not comfortable in bondage.

Be comfortable in freedom.

Bondage is small.

Freedom is large.

Why am I, Who sits in the Absolute Stillness of Being, asking you to change? Because it is next.

When I ask you to let go, what am I asking you to change to?

The letting go is the change. Let go, and then you move up. You have been hiding from My vision, and I tell you that it is yours. The smallnesses that preoccupy you are not My vision. They are your turning away from Me.

I invite you to come with Me, and you hesitate. You say you are not sure. You say you have to be certain. I say I am certain.

It is a slight turning of your heart that is asked for.

You think it is something huge.

Your fear makes it huge.

Fear and stubbornness are not of God. They are of the world.

You are meant to be a great artist. You are not meant to be a copier.

Your life is your artistry.

Be true to My sights. Come to My vision. Leave the horizon you have seen all your life. Accept the Horizon I bequeath to you. You were made for greatness. Let go of what you thought, and accept My thought and My vision and My love for you that ask you to come with Me on a wonderful journey in which you must leave your attachment to yourself behind.

Entry #192

What Your Heart Is to You

What Your Heart Is to You

Heavenletter #989 Published on: July 7, 2003
God said:

When you lift your eyes up to Mine, your heart comes along. Your eyes and your heart move inseparably, one with the other. Your heart feels what you see or, perhaps rather, what your mind tells you that you see.

Consider that you are to give gifts to your heart today. Keep an eye on what your heart might like and what would fill it. Give care to your heart today as you would to an infant child.

Your mind has perhaps treated your heart as separate from you, perhaps as a mechanical object or as a mere thermometer of what goes on around you.

You have allowed your heart to be injured. Your mind may even have emphasized things that would hurt it.

You may feel that your heart is a victim of what goes on around you, but are you not the mediator and therefore the weakener or the strengthener of hearts?

Consider your heart today as a ship that sets sail. Give it blessings more than warnings. Surely you will say more to it than to watch out for danger. Surely you did not raise it to be only suspicious. Surely you train it to sail well into the horizon. What is the name you paint on the ship of your heart? Name it now. Write "The Strength of God" on one side and "The Love of God" on the other, for strength and love are the same.

Treat your heart more like your stomach. When your stomach wants something, you feed it. Feed your heart. Be good to it. Give it special treats along the day.

Consider your heart a servant in your employ. Servants need to be taken care of. They take care of you, and you take care of them. Take care as to how you treat your heart.

Take it on outings. Let it know its importance to you. Honor your heart which is connected to Mine.

Your heart rises and falls according to what you tell it. It cannot do anything else.

Today tell your heart how wonderful it is, how loyal, and what a good worker it is. Your heart needs tenderness from you more than it does from the world. Your heart will begin to tell you stories of such greatness that you will quiet down and listen.

Strengthen your heart in silence.

Your heart is a favor I gave to you.

Your mind is its nursemaid.

The nursemaid forgot her role.

You are the overseer.

You are the mediator.

You are more than your heart and mind.

You are the keeper of them.

They are for more than your entertainment.

As you enter the world today, remember these companions. They are siblings, the heart perhaps the innocent younger child and the mind the elder sophisticated-seeming man of the world.

To love yourself means to love your heart. Honored, your heart will lead you. Dismayed, it falters.

We do not blame the heart for being young. It is ever young. That is its nature. As young as the heart is, it has been around longer than the intellect, yet the intellect is always ready to pounce on the heart. The intellect is really the tyro, yet the heart will harken to what the mind tells it. The mind considers itself cynical, yet it will listen to anything and believe almost anything it hears except the messages from the heart which it is quick to countermand.

Remember today that your heart is yours. Hearten it.

Entry #191