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How to Leave a Room

How to Leave a Room

Heavenletter #992 Published on: July 10, 2003
God said:

In regard to ego, when it is evicted, a greater vision takes its place. Only greater understanding can replace ego. You really do start to perceive and respond from a greater perspective.

Instead of hurt and resentment, bigger truths dawn.

You have striven not to take things personally. How you have beseeched not to be offended and hurt and resentful any longer! You have had enough. More than enough. You have begged for the ability to shrug off someone's uncalled for words or actions. You have had enough pain from what others should not have said or done and their affront to your ego. You have beseeched that all such strings and stings be removed from you. You have begged to be done with your drawn-out sensitivity and its compatriot agony.

Now, you find that your desire to be rid of taking things personally no longer comes from your desire to be done with your personal hurt. You have another motive. No longer do you want your hurt to resound anywhere, not to the offender, not to the environment, not to those who come later. You don't want it, and you have finally recognized that it is not necessary to have it, for you have gained a greater sense of self.

You did not deliberately rise about the situation. You discovered you had already risen.

You naturally let My response be yours.

It is like you stayed overnight in a disordered room. You did not create the disorder. You found it that way. You were an innocent bystander. And yet you kindly made the bed and left the room better than you found it. Because you left it tidy, you are able to leave with a good feeling, or you stay with a good feeling. Whether you stay or leave is minor. The harmonics are major. You are now one who leaves an interchange with goodwill. And so you leave intact.

When you rise above personal affront, the question no longer exists as to "who is right and who is wrong". That does not even enter the equation. You have stepped out of blame into responsibility.

A room you stayed in was messy. You did not investigate who had left it messy and who should have come to straighten it up. You simply left it in a kindly fashion. You had good manners.

Departed from ego, you naturally leave the room in good order.

Departed from ego, what the other party does bears no burden on you. You walk off whistling, for you left the room neater than you found it.

And so you have stepped into My shoes. And so it feels good to you.

You live in a new consciousness now.

You desired it. You willed it. And so it is.

You desired what was and is My Will.

You sacrificed nothing.

You gained freedom from smallness. That is quite a gain.

Freedom from smallness is the precursor to greatness. Now room is made for greatness, for ever-present greatness to express and evidence itself.

This is cause for celebration.

The vaster comprehension you have now is the celebration of yourself. Ego-ness precluded celebration. Now that you are out of smallness, you are celebrating. Life is the celebration.

While ego celebrates nothing, it claims victory, but what is victory without accord? What is anything without accord?

The only thing to win is Oneness, and you already have that.

So the only thing left for you to win is awareness of Oneness.

And so Oneness celebrates itself.

Entry #265

The Lightness of Being

The Lightness of Being

Heavenletter #326 Published on: September 20, 2001

Be not a warmonger. Be a peace-craver. That which you want you bring closer.

Know your significance in the scheme of things. You are an important pulse of love. You may be the pivotal point. Upon your heart may rest peace or the non-peace of war.

It is not your vote We are talking about. It is your being.

You reverberate your being. Your being reaches the nethermost parts of the universe. Your being even reaches the stars. You are a reminder to the stars, and stars are a remembrance of you. Star light, star bright is your being. It is yourself you wish upon.

Make your wishes big enough, for whatever you desire will come to pass.

Even if you are 1 in 99, what you desire will come to pass. And if you are the majority, what you desire will also come to pass. All is, and all has been, but you are funneling the future of existence of the Human world.

Yes, you are like a funnel. Love funnels through you. But now you become a bigger funnel, more like a golden flute where the breath blows greatness through itself and greater greatness flows out. The breath of God that enters is not funneled but expanded. The breath in and the breath out become the same, and you will know you are smack in the middle of God's universe.

You are the center of existence.

You are the yoke upon which the world balances.

This is not heavy responsibility.

This is light. Your being is lightness and light itself. Let your being out into the world with your thought. Let your thought be a blessing to the world. Let your thought be My blessing. Let yourself be a blessing to yourself.

You have no decisions to make except to keep your own heart intact. Give it to Me for safekeeping. My heart rests in yours, and yours rests in Mine. Our hearts overlap. They blend. That is Our Oneness.

Come close to love, for love is the heart of you.

Nothing else is.

Sometimes your mind has wandered off. Bring your wayward mind closer to your heart. Your heart knows better than your mind. Only your mind totals figures and tries to even out. Your heart knows there is no score to even. Your heart knows the truth of existence, and this truth you must lend to your mind.

Be innocent. Be an innocent portrayer of My love. Innocence is not clever. It is not retaliative. Innocence is a clean slate. Innocence is this minute in your heart.

Cleverness is a plan of some kind. The mind tries to outsmart. But what does it try to outsmart but ignorance? Don't play a game with ignorance. Ignorance is not innocent. Innocent is being. Ignorance is looking away from truth. Innocence doesn't look away. All it sees is truth.

You may call a fact truth, but facts are not truth. The truth is you are One, not two. You can add, subtract, divide and multiply all over the place, but you do not change truth. You do not outsmart the Oneness of existence.

Thriving is Oneness blooming. Oneness.

You are part of a Whole. You are not separate from it. No one is. That is how you are all brothers. That whom you see as enemy is a portion of yourself. You are not superior to yourself. Do not mock yourself or sneer at unloving portions of yourself. Rise above them, and they will leave.

Do not declare war. Declare peace. Proclaim it. Peace comes from within your heart, and not from the outside. Peace is reasonable. War is not, no matter how many reasons you may have for it.

Whatever peace is in your heart is yours. Whatever war is inside your heart, you put it there. You incorporated it from the outside. You can dismiss it as well. Dismiss war from your consciousness. Dismiss it along with fear. Evacuate fear. It does not belong to you. It is not a part of you. It is a wisp of smoke you imprinted on your heart. Scrape it off. Be done with it.

Come back to your solar heart. Come back to your stellar heart. Come back to innocence. Star light, star bright is the truth of you.

Entry #264

All Borders Are Imaginary

All Borders Are Imaginary

Heavenletter #379 Published on: November 8, 2001

You are learning to step out of your bounded self. You are stepping into bigger shoes. This is your coming out. You believed all your thoughts about yourself, and now you are moving in a wider swath. You can take bigger steps. You are stepping out of your small conception of yourself.

Now you are becoming magnanimous. That is what bigger means. No longer are there self-imposed borders around you. You are rubbing off the lines you thought were there.

All borders are imaginary. Limits are not true. There is no limit that applies to you. Limitless is true.

It is not of physical that I speak, and yet even of that, if you knew the possibility of change, you would have that too. But the physical is the least of you. You are far taller than your height.

If you think your arm can reach only so far, it can reach only so far.

If you think you can reach farther, you are exercising a faculty that is already yours.

My children were never meant to be stingy in any area of their lives.

Stinginess says there is only so much to go around so it's wise to withhold. Stinginess comes from untruth. Magnanimity says there is more than enough of everything. There is more of everything than is in sight. What is in sight has already become yours. In that way, it is in the past. Once you have touched it, you have made it yours, and now you move on to greener pastures.

This has nothing to do with sacrifice. It is not sacrifice to equal your stature. You are not giving up anything to be magnanimous. You are rising to your own truth.

You have been living in lies. Any thought of "have not" is a lie. It is a lie perpetuated upon you. From greatness you came, and greatness you are. You are not a speck of love. You are love. You are not a mite of love. You are love. Love has no borders, no limitations, nothing reserved because there is no reason to reserve.

You are a bounteous being of light. Light does not measure itself. Light only shines. If you lead a restricted life, you have been restricting the brightness of your light.

Break all those boundaries of thought you have tied yourself to.

You are not here on earth to hoard yourself. You are not here to hide yourself. You are here to reveal yourself. You are here to reveal Me. Made of My worth, you reveal Me. Made in My image, you go forth and share Me. You share My being.

You have lived in a world where most everyone has been bent over, and you grew to believe that being bent over was the way to stand.

Practice standing straight. Practice being who you are and not what everyone else thinks you are or you have thought you were.

You are a huge being of light. Your light encompasses the universe. You are acting on My behalf. I sent you as My messenger of light.

You are what heroes are made of. Be a hero to yourself. Release yourself from captivity. Break those chains. They were never there but in your thought.

You are a free being. You are free to choose to honor your greatness and perform from greatness on earth. You are Heaven's chosen. Do not secret yourself. Expand upon the great horizons of life. Be like no other. Be as I have given you to be. Reveal.

Entry #263

The Most You Can Do in Life

The Most You Can Do in Life

Heavenletter #794 Published on: December 22, 2002
God said:

When you make a list of the people you wish to give a gift to this Christmas, put as the title Giving Love This Year. Before you find a present to buy, in your mind and heart, send love to that person. Then buy it, wrap it and give it. Love is the gift. It is good to remember what you are giving more than what you buy.

What you give is from Me. When you have in mind that I chose you to give a gift, your preparations will take on a different dimension. You will not feel so much that you have a task to perform. You will begin to feel that you have gifts to give. Your heart will be lighter and engage more, as hearts are meant to do.

Even when you are giving a gift out of a sense of obligation rather than love, you will discover that when you acknowledge that all the gifts in the universe are from Me, you discover joy. It is easier to shop on My behalf. I am the Source of all gifts. You are an intermediary. You serve on My behalf. That is the simple truth. The original Santa Claus knew . And now you know.

The most you can do in life is pass love along. That is all you can do. Anything else is wrappings. All love originated from Me, and I have never stopped. Therefore, love is ongoing.

The love to know is in your own heart.

If you observe the birth of Christ at this season, you are observing the plentifulness of love. The love that was already in the hearts of men, Christ stirred. He reminded you of love, simply love. Any love you further along reminds you of the meaning of life.

Love is not theory, pretense, or polite. It is not something reserved for special occasions. The meaning of life is love. Without it, there is no meaning. Fortunately, life has great meaning, for there is great love, and you have it. It is yours to give. Anything less than love is simply not so.

Christ gave meaning to life. He renewed the meaning. He did not invent it. He was a visitor on earth, as you are. He used the love in his heart. He declared it. He was not frivolous with love. He didn't pass it out like coupons. He emanated it. He revealed it. He revealed it to all who could see. You can see. You have seen.

Love is not once in a while. It is not often. It is always. And you are an instrument of My love. Christ was no more an instrument of My love than you. But, oh, how he played it.

For what reason would I possibly put you on earth but for the same?

You are not on earth for yourself. You are on earth for Me. Therefore, you are on earth to love.

Entry #262

A World of Unimagined Beauty

A World of Unimagined Beauty

Heavenletter #852 Published on: February 18, 2003
God said:

The opposite of flexibility is rigidity. Attachment is rigidity. Flexibility is flow. You like to put your ducks in a row, but, My children, there is no such thing. Ducks waddle off. You do not control life. You invite, you welcome, you go along with life as a willing partner. You follow its dance steps the best you can.

Dancers trip the light fantastic, and you and your life are like that. Is not life fantastic? Who could dream it up? Who composed the music, and who plays it, and what is the stage? And is there more to life than overture? And where do you fit in?

Life is not quite choreographed like a dance number. Life has a life of its own. You can engage it but not wield it. Sometimes you dance ahead in life. Sometimes life dances ahead of you. Life is sure to surprise you, so why are you surprised?

Time and time again, you want life to be predictable. You want to say how, when, and where. You want all the answers before you even know the questions. You want to answer your own questions when you do have them.

You are sure you know how your life is meant to be, but that is not always what is given to you.

Relax your hold on life a little bit. Let go of the reins. It is only a charade that you hold them anyway. And yet you are, nevertheless, connected to the reins and you are the holder of them.

You cannot conceive of how all the reins are connected. If you could, you would change life. It is so easy to be a critic. It is so easy you even criticize God. You would revamp the universe were it up to you. And yet your hand would tremble radically if it were up to you. You would abolish death of the body — or would you? Would you really like to cart yours around forever? You would like to know everything beforehand and have no discoveries to make — or would you?

When you finally made your decisions, you would have your critics. You might even criticize yourself. And that brings us full circle.

Life is circular, and it revolves, and you evolve. Sometimes you think you aren't evolving, and that the world isn't either, and that goes to show how much you know. For the world is turning, and it is turning over a new leaf, and you are part of the universe's turning. In fact, you are the turner of it.

You are so in the midst that often you don't notice. You keep thinking you are where you used to be, where you thought you used to be. But you are already done on one side, and now it's time to turn over and reveal the other side. And that's what We are doing together. This is Our project.

You do not know the steps. You do not need to know them. You don't know the how. You don't need to know how. Listen. All you need to know is the direction you're moving in. What is it that you desire for the world? Then desire it.

Projected on to earth, you are here to fulfill My dreams. I dreamed of you, and you appeared. And what you dream of will also appear. It is necessary to dream of it. Once you conceive of it, it is conceived. You have hesitated to dream of a world steeped in incredible love because you did not want to appear different or foolish or be disappointed. And, so, others have waited for you the same, and all have been disappointed in the lovely world I created. You have been disappointed precisely because you have not appointed yourself.

Now dream of a world of unimagined beauty and peace and goodwill that you have never dared dream of before. Your dreams are not idle.

Entry #261

Replace Control with Trust

Replace Control with Trust

Heavenletter #180 Published on: April 27, 2001
God said:

The saying that you have to lose yourself in order to find yourself means that you have to get out of the way. You must admit you have been trying to make the way, or your way, and in so doing, you get in the way. You interfere. That is your control. You will not let your life out of your sight or out of your hands, and so you restrict it or clamp it and deny it its own lifehood.

Once you throw a ball, you have thrown it, and you cannot help it get into the basket. You have been trying to carry the ball to its destination when you have to let go of it.

Your control does not help. Beyond the viability, or non-viability, of your help is your perceived need to make things happen. As if you do. As if you can!

When you believe you can control things and must or that you have, after a momentary sense of success, you feel uneasy because you do know, after all, the true state of affairs. You know that a thrown ball is thrown and is on its own and you can only watch it carry itself. You cannot make it score. Your so-called responsibility ended once the ball was no longer in your hands. You equate that with helplessness, but the issue is not power but trust.

You are not the leader of the orchestra, but you are a player.

Even if you were an orchestra leader, you are not the one who plays the instruments. You lift your baton, but the baton does not play the notes. The baton lets the notes be played. And the wielder of the baton must allow them to be played. Even the player of the flute must allow the notes to float themselves. Who makes the music?

Replace your need for control with trust. Trust is not in the knowing that the ball will go through the hoop. Trust is in knowing that it is okay if it does, and it's okay if it doesn't.

Games are such a metaphor for life. You think something is really at stake. You think something is right or wrong, good or bad, successful or unsuccessful when all the while you know nothing. And when the ball makes the basket, what have you got? A few cheers. And, for a little while, you believe you did it. What is an event anyway? And what is your true part in it? You catch the ball. You hold it. You dribble with it. You toss it. You catch it again…

Life is a collection of things in the air.

You may feel a responsibility all the while you watch, and in a sense it is all your responsibility, but in another sense you have none. Or We can say that your responsibility was completed before the particular game event began. Things are in motion. You set them in motion, but the motion is not yours.

You are a receiver. Even when you throw the ball, you are the receiver. You are the receiver of impulses. The ball is a symbol. It is thought concretized. It is magic. The whole game is magic. Enjoy it. The outcomes are not so important. Your letting go of them is.

Get out of the way of truth. Do not stand so close to the plate. Do not run so fast. Do not try to be the master of events in life.

Laugh. Laugh at what transpires, for you are more than the game. You are much more than the game. Therefore, from strength, not control, enjoy the playing. The turn of events is not your life. Enjoying is.

Entry #260

Open the Universe

Open the Universe

Heavenletter #104 Published on: February 10, 2001
God said:

Others' thoughts are your doubts. Your doubts aren't your own. You absorb them from others. Others would put their definition of truth on you to uphold. They want you to uphold their boundaries, for their definitions are boundaries. All definitions are boundaries.

I have no boundaries. I reach everywhere. That eternal presence is My grace and My charm, and that is what I offer to you of yourself. Boundlessness. Life does not move by definitions. No matter how great your definition, it is limited. Words limit. Intellect limits. Intellect does not expand your horizons; it contracts them.

Be with Me more than you define Me.

Want Me more than you want My flame.

Want Me more than you want enlightenment.

Enlightenment is small potatoes next to the God of Enlightenment.

You think you want what is in My hand. I am telling you that whatever is in My hand is not enough.

Want more of Me. Want more of My hand. Want more of the Being behind the hand.

You have given your allegiance over to whatever grabs your attention. It doesn't matter what it was, you thought it was glory. But it was something slipped to you, a promise perhaps, or a piece of candy that you called love.

Give your allegiance over to finding Me. I am the Gift you seek. All the wrappers of what you have taken are left strewn by the wayside. You have taken what came your way, but now it is time to accept the Giver and not merely His wares.

You take water from the fountain. That is good. You can also have the fountain. You can have the source of the water that feeds into the fountain. You can have the stream from which the water flows into the fountain and back again. Yes, of course, be glad for the cup you fill, but a cup is not the extent of water within your grasp.

Increase your desire.

A hungry dog accepts a bone that is tossed him. He takes the moment's satisfaction. He takes it as his due, and yet he is grateful for whatever favors are bestowed upon him. But even a dog knows there is more to life than a mere bone. He knows there is more than what he has received. He knows there is a hand that feeds him, and he also knows there is more than just the hand that tosses him food. He knows his master's eyes, and he looks for the love there, and so he gives his own.

Look into My eyes.

Look for yourself there.

Look for more than you have looked for.

Do not be desireless.

Be desireful.

Desire Me.

Desire All, not particles.

Desire the Father of All Creation.

Desiring the Creation alone is not enough.

Love the Creation, and desire the Creator.

Once upon a time, your whole world was the extent of your hand and your eyes. Then your world grew and led you to more. There was you, and there was your family, and there was your neighborhood, and there was your school, and then there were other places and other people and bigger books and greater knowledge. Each time you finished a book, you knew there was another one.

Now it is time for you to open the universe, fly to the galaxies, re-enter Heaven, find Me.

Of course, I am right here.

Accept no substitute.

Everything is a stepping-stone to Me, but your goal is not stepping-stones.

Your goal is I. Seek Me, and not polished stones, no matter how beautiful, how wise. Signs that point to Me are signs that point to Me. There are signs of Me everywhere. Consider them posters. A poster of Me is wonderful, but do not accept the poster as the God you seek.

Keep going. Do not stop.

There are many waves to the ocean.

There are many skies.

There are many horizons.

All lead to God, but they are not God.

God is God.

Have no other gods before Me.

I reside in you, and I reside in all.

But worship Me, and not the human beings I reside in.

See further.

See Me.

Hear Me.

Love Me.

Come to Me.

Stay with Me.

Entry #259

A Sense of Adventure

A Sense of Adventure

Heavenletter #575 Published on: May 17, 2002
God said:

Life is like your thoughts. You don't know what is coming next. But you think you have to know. You insist on it, or you think you must brace yourself. The predominance of your life is not tragedy, although much of your thinking goes in the direction of preventing it.

A thousand lovely things happen to you. Tragedies are few. Why would you let tragedy consume your life? Of course, "tragedy" is often your word for natural events in life.

Life changes.

Nothing can stop it.

Get out of the way.

You were not meant to be a blocker of life. Yours is not to dam it up. Yours is to let it flow. There is no need to do otherwise. In any case, you cannot succeed in stemming it.

Attachment, fear, displeasure and so forth come from your perceived need to keep life the same and/or to change it according to your preference i.e. make it under your control.

Take neither the defensive nor offensive towards life. Free it. Observe it. But do not command it. Do not force-feed your life.

Your desires and intentions will lead your life. Your forcing it will not. Be kind to your life. Do not order it around. Invite it the way you want it to go. Encourage. Do not balk at it. Do not whip it. Maybe it is doing well, despite what you may fear.

Your life is a story, and stories unfold. You are the reader of your story who waits to see what happens next. At the same time, you are the author, and how you feel about your story influences what happens next.

Perhaps you wanted to read a romance, but you find yourself reading an adventure. But there is always another chapter and another book. Enjoy whatever chapter you are in.

Accept the fact that there is meaning in your life. You are for a purpose beyond any purpose the world designs. Perhaps your life is a hunt for your purpose. A hunt leads you onward. Yes, you are a discoverer in your life. You find clues along the way, and you put them in your pocket, or you toss them away. It is enough that you have found them, and now you go on to the next.

When you read your story, you don't spend all your time rereading what happened before. You don't have to memorize any chapter or paragraph and keep yourself there. You don't have to turn down the corner of any page. Just turn pages. You don't have to skip any chapters either.

If you like, you can think of titles for your chapters. You can name them ahead of time. You can name them whatever you like. You do entitle your life. Your naming of your chapters may have a strong influence, but your story is not bound to the title you choose. Even so, whatever life does, you can live up to the title you choose.

When you free your life to go forth, you free yourself. You are not bound to your life. Your life as it appears in the world is not your whole story. There is much written between the lines and between the chapters, and there are whole books ahead of you waiting for you to enter them.

Do not hold so tight. And do not push away. You cannot know what you may be denying yourself.

I will tell you a secret. Whatever the genre of your book, whether it is romance or science-fiction or technical or spiritual… it is an adventure story. The one genre is adventure. So enter your story with a sense of adventure. Just as in the story books, you are setting out, and you are seeking your fortune.

Entry #258

What You Seek

What You Seek

Heavenletter #523 Published on: March 28, 2002
God said:

Sometimes you are not sure whether something occurred merely in a dream you had last night or if it really had occurred yesterday or the day before.

There is not much difference in the dream of something or in its happening in daylight. The dream at night was vivid thought, and waking events are also thoughts, some so vivid they stick in your memory and don't go away. Memories, dreams, thoughts about thoughts, what are they anyway? What really occurs? Does anything occur?

Just as there is not death, the happenings that make up your life aren't really there either. They are little drawings on a platform of your being.

That you are permanent, inviolable light given to the universe means the truth of you is not changeable. Changes occur to the container of love that you are, but what is this surface level of life anyway? Just bumps of imaginary drama, for the truth of you that lies beneath is untrammeled. You are eternal. If you are eternal, how can you be temporary?

Your tour on earth is temporary. It is only for a while. But you are not temporary. And you are not wasted on earth. You serve a great purpose. Only you haven't quite dreamed what it is yet. You still look for the thoughts that will signal your reality. You are a seeker of thought. You seek My thought.

How lasting is a thought of yours? Even a recurring thought does not last. My thoughts last, but your isolated ones do not.

You are a lasting thought of Mine. I drew a picture of you on the universe. I kept your true being in My heart. You are an esplanade of My love. I give you away at the same time as I held you and hold you now. I am your Key.

Most of your own thoughts are vagrant. They wander and come back again and wander some more. You really are seeking My thought. You are a seeker of truth. It is only truth that holds meaning. The rest is meaningless. And truth is light, and truth is love, and that is the whole truth backwards and forwards. Love and light and truth are simultaneous. There is no exception.

I am thinking of you all the time. I send you My thoughts. And you are My thought cast upon a green earth. However, you begin to believe your own thoughts, wayward though they are. You begin to depend upon them. You consider them your mainstay, when all the time I am. Are not your thoughts marching foot-soldiers on your brow? Do they not parade? Do they not block your view?

Or perhaps your thoughts are loud music of diverse kinds. Perhaps you keep your thoughts precious to you so you do not have to feel the depths of Our One Heart or My longing for you.

And I do long for you. I long for you to look into My eyes and see yourself mirrored there. Make your thoughts little fifes playing in the background, and let My greater thought of you be heard so that you may go forward to a greater plane.

This is only a slight departure I ask you to make. Let your thoughts drift away a little. Do not hold on to them. Do not emphasize so much what goes on around you. Do not let the surface of your life run the show. Do not make so much of life's events. You are not eventual, but you are eternal. You are now. Do not make so much of surface happenings.

Make more of Me.

Entry #257

Infinite Heart

Infinite Heart

Heavenletter #766 Published on: November 26, 2002
God said:

When you hold on, you contract. When you let go, you expand. When you measure another's giving, you contract their hearts and therefore their giving. When you are measureless, you expand. Since when did you think your role was to measure input and output, as if what you are and what you give are limited by the openness or closedness of another's heart?

When you measure, you set limits.

You who are unlimited are not meant to set limits.

You are meant to expand.

Life is not yard goods that you measure and cut off.

When your heart is tightened, you lop off another's giving as well as your own.

You are here on earth to open hearts, not to shut them down.

You are not here to take. You are here to give. You are not here to measure input or output, yours or others'.

You are not here to be tight-lipped.

Smallness measures. Greatness gives.

Exchanges are not meant to be lopped off.

Instead of giving one omer, give two. Better yet, just give without measure. Your heart is measureless.

Watch your own fields. Tend your own flock.

Do not erect walls.

Let your heart be a reception area, not a gate of iron or wire or glass. But if your heart must be a door that opens and closes, let it be a revolving door through which all can pass in and out.

Equal measure is not your domain. Fullness is.

"Restriction" is another word for "smallness". Contraction makes small. You who are My greatness can only be made smaller. You can't be made greater, yet if you have contracted your heart which is large, then you need to restore it to its rightful size and shape which is measureless. When you stop constricting your heart, it will expand. It is the very nature of your heart to expand.

Your heart is not a tender seedling that needs to be transplanted so it can grow.

Your heart is already in a big enough space, and you can allow it to grow right where it is. It is only your mind that impinges on your heart's greatness. Your mind tells you someone else is to give more, and so you allow only a fraction of your heart to behold itself. Your heart is not a retaining wall. Your heart is not meant to be a restraint. Your heart is not meant to go only so far. When someone else restricts their heart, instead of doing the same and closing yours, open yours more. Whatever someone else does, do not restrict your heart. That is poverty.

You are the owner of great riches. You have so much wealth of heart that you don't have any need to worry about it. Do not become miserly with your heart, as if there is only so much and no more and so you must be careful with it. Oh, no, your beautiful heart is to give. It is to overflow with giving. Unburden your heart.

Do not measure your heart in teaspoons. Not even in ladles. Lift your heart up and pour its contents out freely. Let your heart fulfill its destiny. If you must measure your heart's output, measure it in infinity. Measure it in generosity. Give more because that is the nature of your heart. Unbind it. Take off the squeezes of tightness.

You are not here to give lessons to others.

You are not here to see that others give enough. Your heart, and therefore your life, is not dependent upon what others give. Your heart is dependent upon your giving. Unstop your heart. Let My love through.

Entry #256

You Are a Simple Peddler

You Are a Simple Peddler

Heavenletter #292 Published on: August 17, 2001
God said:

God is a sentinel.

I blow the horn of life. Once sounded, it reverberates through the universe. Indeed, it brought the universe into being, and the perpetual sounding keeps it going. You are part of the creation made from My call. I summoned you. I summon you still.

Once played, the note of you continues. You are eternal. You are the sound issued from My lips, and I continue to hum you.

You are the note I play on My flute. Flute, horn, it doesn't matter. All My instruments play the notes of My love. What issues from Me is what I want. And, oh, how I have wanted you! To Me, you are like a haunting song that keeps running through Me. You keep going through Me. I am in you, and you are also in Me. One strand of DNA tells the whole story. You are one of My strands.

Of what are you capable?

Whatever you want.

You have the whole code. Take your pick. You have taken your pick.

All the letters of the alphabet are contained within you. All the notes of the scale are yours. Within you is contained the whole. Your choices are unlimited, for you are My seed.

Did you think otherwise? Did you think you were a dandelion puff blown from somewhere at random? I placed you on the universe carefully. I knew what I was doing. Is that your greatest doubt, that I didn't? I knew exactly what I was making when I formed you. And I knew exactly where to let you alight. You were sent prepaid, as it were. I wrote down your destination, and I was very exact. You were a deliberate act of Mine. I took pause when I created you. I didn't hustle. I am God.

I stirred you properly. You turned out in the image I had of you. What image could I possibly have but love?

You are the sweetness that I created.

You were not an experiment.

I created you perfectly.

I am a great Maker of sweets. And I entrusted the earth to you. When I told you to multiply, I meant to multiply My love, multiply My sweetness, multiply My Will on Earth. Although I gave you a Human form, that was not My major concern. Your sweetness was. Your inordinate sweetness was My claim. I staked you out on a Paradise called Earth. I would not place you in a desert. Or if I would, I would give you water, and, therefore, it would not be a desert.

When you alit on Earth, you were handed everything you would need for your whole stay. I encoded Myself in you. Therefore, you are My child of love. And while you are here on Earth, you promulgate My love. As My agent, that is what you do. You make more room in other hearts for Me. You make more room by filling up hearts with Me. It is an easy thing to fill up hearts with Me.

You are where you are to make Me happy. You are My happiness on Earth. When I told you to multiply, I also meant My happiness.

Have you learned how to multiply? It is a form of adding, is it not? But it is not counting. It certainly is not sorting or taking away. It is not detraction nor distraction. It is multiplication.

My love will easily multiply so long as you don't think it's yours to ration.

I gave you pamphlets of My love to hand out. It is your role to put them in every hand, not just some. Give Me away. Do not total up. It costs you nothing to get Me recognized.

My value exceeds the physical.

Be generous with the heart of Me. Give Me away so I am multiplied. Unto you has much been added.

Not taking things personally means there is nothing for you to take. When you deliver My goods, what is there for you to take personally? You deliver for Me. You don't worry about the bills for what you deliver. You are simply the one who delivers. You do not need a receipt. It is not your package in the first place. You carry it to drop off somewhere. How it is received is not your concern. Your concern is the delivering of it.

This what I am saying is also a form of turning the other cheek. How can you take an affront when it is not yours to take? Turning the other cheek is going on about your business — rather your Father's business. You are a humble deliverer, not a bill collector. You are not going about My business for recognition of you. You do not need anyone's recognition. You are the deliverer. I have not asked you to pick up packages from anyone but Me. You don't need signatures. You don't need tips. You are a deliverer for Me.

Pay attention to what you are doing, not what someone else does. You are responsible for yourself, not someone else's actions or reactions. You are responsible for delivering My love on Earth. That is your assignment. I did not assign you to check up on others. I did not ask you to ask anything of anyone else to be sure they are paying you enough homage. You don't need your due. There is nothing due you, for you are a simple deliverer of My wares.

You are a simple peddler. You do not work for yourself. You work for someone else. You work for Me. Remember that which I have given you to do.

Entry #255

Who Made You

Who Made You

Heavenletter #997 Published on: July 15, 2003
God said:

You learn in life. And every day you learn anew. There may be nothing new under the sun, but you may not retain what you learn all that well. We are speaking now of learning how to live life, how to be in that place where you make life for yourself and others more amenable and more splendid.

Even as you resist life, you relish it. What a story life is! And what stories it has to tell!

The characters in a fiction story reveal themselves in every word and action by the way they look, their tone of voice, a glance of their face, the way they walk, by what they wear, and by what they don't say as well as what they do. Yet characters are characters within characters, for they heap layers on themselves and engage in deception of one kind or another.

You can be sure that in a fiction story there is one or more character who dissembles. Rare the one who does not.

What are the characters trying to do? They are trying to present an image of what they want to be or believe they should be but don't think they are or can be.

Wherein would hang the tale if honesty were supreme? At the least, it would be quite a different story, and conflict would be less. Everything would be simpler. None of the complications of ordinary fiction.

A lot of Human effort ordinarily goes into pretense, unnecessary, self-defeating pretense. There are better things you could be doing.

It is a wonderful talent to be honest, and a talent that anyone can develop.

If there were no need to impress, would there be subterfuge?

Wouldn't you impress if you didn't try to fool anyone? Begin with yourself. Look yourself straight in the eye and begin to know truth.

Your heart sinks at the thought, because you think being honest with yourself means pointing out your defects, of which you think there are too many. Of course, you do think that, or else why would you want to impress anyone? All the while, the simple truth of you is wondrous enough to behold.

If you remove that one factor from your life — the need to impress — your life would change. It might take a different turn altogether.

You would breathe better. You would relax. Tension would flee. Indeed, what would there be to be tense about if you were just you? And instead of appraising yourself so constantly, you appreciated yourself instead?

Why not delight in yourself? You are this interesting character in a story who keeps learning many things and mostly forgetting them. Most characters are misinformed to one degree or another. Could that be you?

And you have also misinformed the world about you because you had misinformed yourself. You were playing a part and forgot that you are positively not any part you play. You cast yourself, buoyed by the world, as a certain character actor when you were already cast in a far greater part than any assumed on earth. Have you forgotten? I cast you in My image. This is good, and this is easy.

Roles can change, but what I made cannot. Gold may be painted over, scratched, but whatever it may look like, gold remains gold.

Be honest with yourself today. Take away all masks and disguises. Be that beautiful being that you are, just as you are, you, undisguised, you, revealed, you a beautiful being on earth, learning, once and for all, of what you are made and Who made you as a reflection and tribute to Himself.

Entry #254

Your Relationship to the World

Your Relationship to the World

Heavenletter #942 Published on: May 20, 2003
God said:

You are coming into your own.

You are owning up to who you are.

You are stepping up.

It is your call.

You are seizing life by the collar.

You are shaking it, and letting it know who you are. Until now, you had been leaving it up to the world to say who you were. You were waiting for the world to discover you when it is you who is to announce yourself to the world. The world is not going to find you. It will not even look for you. You have to step right up and make room for yourself.

Do not wait for the world to usher you in, or you may wait a long time. Take your own seat. Go up front. You need wait for no man.

Don't wait for someone else to get you started. It is your finger that must push the button that says On. You are self-motivating and self-operating.

Today you rise to the occasion. And if the occasion is a pitfall, you surmount it.

You are the mountain you climb. There is nothing you have to surmount but your wayward self.

You have been dallying. Have you not been putting off life? Have you not set it aside, and made days something to go through and get out of? Have you not withheld yourself from staring life in the eye?

Have you circled life and hesitated to step in?

A trailblazer walks. A trailblazer cannot blaze the same trail twice, or he is not a trailblazer. You are a trailblazer.

You beat the drums for the world. You are the beat it goes by. You are its lodestar.

You may have thought you could hide in the world, and, yes, you can hide from it. You can hide from it your whole lifelong, but yourself you cannot hide from, or not for very long. There is a lovely impulse within you that insists on coming forth. Do not paddle it back. Let it out.

When you pop your head up into the world, you reveal yourself. You are your own revelation. You are your own light that you are to see.

You have self-determination. You are not a will o' the wisp. Winds may blow, but they do not blow you away. You are still here, aren't you?

Breezes may soothe you. A storm may make you come out and, once and for all, stand strong in your own presence in the light issued from Heaven.

You are not a wayfarer, and you are not an innkeeper.

You do not hold, and you do not withhold.

You roll across the horizon. You turn yourself upside-down and inside out. You come out of yourself, and you turn the world around. You spin the world on your finger, and it lands where you say. You do not carry the world on your shoulders. The world is not the perpetrator of you. You are the perpetrator of it. Perpetrate it then.

The world does not make you. You make it.

You make your life what it is. A portion of clay is handed to you, and you mold it as you like. Your life is up to no one but you — well, and Me, of course. But I am always urging you on. I cheer you. No matter in what form your support comes, it comes from Me. Know this.

Behold yourself today. Denounce yourself no longer. Stand upright. Come into My light. Be the first to proclaim it. Revel in it. Stand tall in it. You are not the self you thought you were. You are beholden to no man, and you are beholden to no image of you but the one I have, the true image of you, for you were made in My image, a bright light for the world. You were cast on earth to emblazon My light once and for all.

Entry #253

The Truth of Your Heart

The Truth of Your Heart

Heavenletter #572 Published on: May 14, 2002
God said:

All impulses come from love. Beneath and beyond what you see as impulses of anger or lust lies the energetic impulse of love. Love is a meeting of itself, and impulses arise from love wanting to meet love. Sometimes your impulse towards love becomes thwarted, and you call that anger or something else.

All the emotions that you don't want come from the one you do want. The contraction of your impulse towards love causes you to feel a discomfort you call hate or anger or envy and so on. That contraction of love, that contortion of love, comes because you have allowed someone or something to make you feel less than you are.

Accept that you are the only one who makes yourself feel less than you are. Whatever goes on around you, when you capitulate to it, you have capitulated to it. No one can make you do it. You are the one who contracts your heart.

You cannot be less. Just as, without glasses, you may not see a chair in the distance — that does not mean that the chair is not there. When you allow yourself to feel that you are less, when you draw conclusions from the compression of the natural love in your heart, when you conclude the negative emotions, you are not seeing the seat of love within you that is there all the time. That's all negative emotions are — conclusions you draw from a constriction of your love.

But you do not need to allow anything to constrict your love. Love itself is enough. The nature of love is to flow. You are the one who flows your love. Perhaps someone turns away from you. You think something terrible has happened to you because they moved one way and not another, and so you mistakenly allow your heart to close.

You do not need to protect your heart so much. Let your heart be the lover of all, independent of who or how they harken to your love. They do not have to harken to it. They are not obliged. But if they knew the truth of your heart, they would only respond in love. But they, like you, have short-circuited their heart. They pay more attention to the clamps in their heart than they do to the open spaces.

You equate an open heart with vulnerability. You see an open heart as a wounded heart. An open heart is an open heart. Your closing your heart doesn't prevent wounds or heal those you already have. Opening your heart is letting more love out and in. Unless you give out more love, more can't come in. No longer squeeze your heart. Do not set your heart so much by what other people do with theirs.

This is one of My charms. I love regardless. Regardless means I do not exact measure for measure. My love is immeasurable, so why would I measure it, or measure someone else's? I do not ask for love. I give love. I do not know what it feels like to be rejected because I do not reject.

I long for you to accept My love, not for My acceptance, but for you to know love, love so boundless that you can only swim in it, overflowing love that reaches every corner, burgeoning love that sweeps over everything, inescapable love that reduces everything next to it to size. There is a tidal wave of love in the universe, and you are a stream of it. Do not block your heart. Open the gates. Let Me in.

Entry #252

Why You Were Born

Why You Were Born

Heavenletter #426 Published on: December 23, 2001
God said:

It is time now to believe in yourself. The idea of believing in yourself makes you realize how much you have not believed in yourself. Somehow you thought you were a lost strand of Me, a dropped stitch, floating out somewhere in the limberlost without chance of being picked up and returned. Is that not so? Is that not what you have felt?

You have felt abandoned out there on Earth and that somehow you were to muster responsibility for being out there all by yourself, that it was your fault that God dropped you at the same time you had to accept blame for not loving a God Who would drop you down so far away. That is the tug of your feelings for Me. Yes and no. Back and forth. Subtle resentment, subtle wanderings. Your natural adoration flanges out in mixed feelings. Somehow you are to love Me Who held you at arm's length. Somehow you are to love Me Who let you fall. Somehow you are to believe in yourself even though you feel dropped, rudderless and unlovable and unbelieved in.

It makes no sense to you. On trust, you are supposed to accept that you and I are still close when all the evidence points to your exclusion. You are tired of hearing that you have excluded yourself. You know you wouldn't do that. And yet you see yourself as separate. And yet I tell you that you are not, that it is only a mistake of your perception. "What a story!" you think; what a fool you would be to trust in something or someone so unattainable to you, unattainable particularly in the moments when you seem to need Him most.

Here is where your thinking needs to switch. I am not a matinee idol. I am not a pretend character. Really I exist, and I exist in you. All the material realm that you so easily have accepted as reality funnels through you and obscures for a while All That from which you have come.

Surely you have a Source. You did not arise all by yourself. The holy magnificence of you was not born to a body on earth in order to be eliminated. You were born to stay with Me. It is your awareness that must return to the Truth of you and the Truth of Me. Allow in the possibility that what I say is true. Admit the possibility that We are Oneness. Let that thought seep in. Let the cream of that thought rise. Let all your other crowding thoughts recede. You who fear you have been abandoned are afraid to abandon all the harrowing thoughts that have lessened your image and kept you away from knowing the Truth of yourself.

You are not your thoughts. But you have thought you were. You are not your fears. But you have thought you were. All that which you do not desire is not you. What you desire above all is your Truth. You do desire Me, don't you? You do desire that I be Truth, and that I be yours? Your desires are more true than your thoughts.

You are not your thoughts. You are My thought. You are My love, not disbanded, but disseminated. I have given you birth in the world, not for you to float, but for you to rise. I have given you birth on earth for you to finally discover the miracle of existence, to find out, without doubt, your Great Worth, to find out that you are My harbinger, that you are My toast to a universe of being, a universe totally within you, totally yours to have, and totally yours to give, a universe of being that cannot exist without Me, a universe that exists with Me in full force, a universe full of Oneness with Me. I have given you Myself. I am not to be found but recognized. I yearn for you to recognize Me within you. I rally Myself within you. Dare to lift up your eyes and see.

Entry #251
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