topazz28's Blog

Use Your Heart

Use Your Heart

Heavenletter #302 Published on: August 26, 2001
God said:

The wheel of life spins, and every once in a while, it gets a spurt, or, rather, you see it starting its revolution. You feel an upsurge. You feel there is a new momentum and you are impelled along.

So goes your growth faster. It is true you are speeded up. What is a higher vibration? It is a faster speed but so fast it is timeless.

You have had a jump-start. You are already started, and now you are on your way. The force of My love has impelled you.

You take off. You soar higher and higher until there is no space nor time to confuse you. You don't sail in space and time. You just sail. You just be, and the being of you rises higher and higher. That is how it is described, but in reality We could just as well say the being of you goes wider and wider or deeper and deeper, but there is no higher, no wider, no deeper for it to go to. Your being becomes more aware of itself, and is happy.

What is real has to become known to you. That is recognition. To re-know. Self-realization is making real to yourself the Real that has always been. It is a dawning. The truth of life dawns on you. You have found it.

You trip over your own shoelaces. That is all that happens.

You wake up. You realize. You recognize yourself. "Oh, that's who I am!" you say as it dawns on you. And you laugh at your long overdue recognition of the majesty of the truth of life.

The mightiness of the truth of life is love unadorned. That is the high vibration you seek, and you find it with Me. One day you wake up. Yes, you know who you are, but you also know where you are, and where can you be but with Me, in My heart, in the Highest Heaven? Let Us rest a moment in My heart while you get your bearings.

Okay, that is enough time. You are anchored in My heart, and now you know it, and now there is no leaving it, even in fantasy. Any leaving it was always fantasy, but fantasy is no longer good enough for you. You just are not in that place of fantasy any longer, for you have found yourself in My heart. What fantasy could surpass the reality of that? What can equal the mutual joy of Our heartedness? Where can you go from here?

You cannot go deeper into My heart, but your recognition can. Your recognition has layers. There is always more. There is always another layer, and it is more of the same, and yet it is more. It is a pulse of joy. It emanates and emanates. It surges. You float on a rising tide. You are on a lilt of life. And you rise higher and higher, and My energy is propelled to you, and you feel yourself filling up with more love, which is really just more of the same. And your heart is expanded. Only love expands your heart, which is already total expanse.

Unused parts of your heart are only unused parts of your heart. They were always there, only unused. And now they fill up with My love. Your intake is great, and you love My love that fills you, and My love loves to fill you.

You will never be sated with My love, but you can be filled with it, and then you let it out so there is room for more, and so the cycle is repeated. You are impulses of My love, and you are impelled to flow My love, in and out, in and out. My love knows nothing but flow. Flow it must, and you are the agent of it.

Entry #355

The Sun Shines

The Sun Shines

Heavenletter #366 Published on: October 26, 2001
God said:

You still concern yourself with what other people think and what they think of you. You look for a handout of love and appreciation from another Human being who is looking for love and appreciation from you. The other cannot give it, and you cannot give it. Love and appreciation can be given, but if deliberate, if for the sake of one or another Human, it is not so much love and appreciation as it is a payment or deposit or exchange, your approbation for theirs.

When you stop needing the accolades of the world and its inhabitants, you will get down to business. You have work at hand. Put your attention on the work at hand and not so much on return and involvement from one Human being to another. When you depend on others to fulfill you or assuage an ache in your heart, you are disappointed. Even if today you are pleased, tomorrow may be lacking. In the long run, whatever plaudits another can give you will never be enough.

Of course, your life is involved with people, but remember that your life does not depend on what others say or feel or what you think they feel or mean.

What other individuals toss you, whether it be flower petals at your feet or sand in your face, it is not so significant as you have thought. Certainly you cannot live the life given to you as it was meant to be lived when you bounce up and down according to what morsels of affection are buffeted your way.

Seek not love so much from others. Be not so dependent on others. Attention from others is nice, but it is also irrelevant. It doesn't mean so much as you like to think. It is very changeable, and if you respond so much to it, then you become a chameleon who tries to suit others.

You think it is attention you want, but a chameleon gains invisibility. Be visible. Do not change your colors in an attempt to appease.

Allow others the freedom to see you as they see you. You do not need to covet their love. They have it or not, or they have it one moment and not another. When you have another's approbation, you really don't have much. It certainly isn't something to live your life for.

Be true to yourself, and be true to Me. You already have all My love, and My love is true. I will send you many people along the way to dispense My love to you, but you cannot curry their favor, and their favor means little anyway.

This does not mean you disregard other people. It just means you don't regard their thoughts so highly. Their thoughts are their thoughts, and thoughts are passing recognitions. If their disposition is glum, it is their disposition. It is not a measure of you. If someone is displeased, it is their displeasure. It belongs to them, not to you.

Do not give so much power to others. They do not have to adore you or appreciate you or anything at all. They are probably so wrapped in themselves that they do not see you. They see only fluctuations in their lives. You are a passing car to them according to their mood. Pro or con, their attention is nothing more than their attention.

Do not feel you have to buy approval from others. You pay too much for it. Be content within yourself. Think of Me. Think of My light. Remind yourself that you are here for Me and not for another's pleasure or displeasure.

The sun that shines is impartial. The sun shines. The sun does not go by the reactions of all those who receive its rays. Some say, "Oh, too much sun." Others say, "Where is the sun?" The sun does not try to please. The sun just shines, and it shines in accordance with My Will.

Be a simple sun that shines, and pay not so much mind to what others think. Their opinion is not what you are here for. You are here for bigger than that.

Entry #354

Only Your Heart

Only Your Heart

Heavenletter #254 Published on: July 10, 2001
God said:

Do not think that the relative is a waste of time. The relative is an environment you are learning to operate in. It is necessary to address its details, but not be consumed by them.

As a general thing, We can say that Human life is a configuration of details that you have to acclimate to but not be absorbed by.

You, a sentient being, move in the relative. It is your playground, and you are learning how to play there. Because this playground is a fantasy of rules and laws and engagements that often do not make sense, it is a puzzle for you and often you feel like a stranger there, one who does not belong there, as though you live in the city but you really belong in the country, or you are in one continent but native to another. Often you feel out of place and wonder what you are doing there at all, why you are there in that specific point of time and space, and how on earth you got there.

You feel rudderless in an ocean of concrete.

If your only awareness of existence is in the relative life, that singular awareness is intolerable, or you kid yourself that it's not.

Even while you are planted in this concreteness of relative life, remember your origin.

The abstract is not out of your grasp, even though it is abstract. It is abstract only because it is not concrete. It is not less important or less real because it is abstract.

Truth is abstract. Your existence in Heaven is abstract. You cannot point to it. You can only have clues that bring you to pure knowledge of it.

I am abstract. No matter how much I am before you, no matter how close to you I am, I am abstract. The Greatest of All is abstract. The Beginner of Love is abstract. The Source of Love is abstract.

Love itself is abstract. Love cannot be captured or cornered or taken a photograph of. You can catch an expression of it, but not it. Love is not photogenic.

Truth cannot be taken a picture of. But there is something of it you hold in your heart. It is not a picture exactly. It is a recollection of a sense of something that is beyond the five senses of the body.

Every once in a while, the abstract doesn't elude you. You say, "That's it." This experience of the abstract is very familiar to you, even though you cannot call it to you at this moment.

The fact is: you are remembering Me from your long-forgotten past.

I always tell you to forget the past, but I do not tell you to forget Me. I tell you to remember Me, but the thing is, you only remember an echo from the past, and I am much more than an echo, and you can find Me in the present.

Remembering Me is like a written introduction to Me given to you, and you carry it with you in your pocket. But an introduction is meant to be used.

I am Presence right now. Know Me now. Recognize Me now. Let your heart be stirred by My Ever-Presence in your life. You do not have to go back a long ways in order to find your origin. Remember Me in actuality right now.

You do not long for your heartbeat from last year or a minute ago. You have a heartbeat now. I am like a heartbeat. I am like a pulse. You are My impulse, and I am your Impulse. I am your Motive and your Motif. I am your Being, and you are Mine.

Long for Me, but do not long for Me as something you have lost. Make Me familiar now. I am abstract to you only because you are not so familiar with Me as you once were. But you can become very familiar with Me right now, and I will not seem so abstract.

Allow Me to be a presence in your life.

Do not be wise about Me. Do not be well-equipped with all you know, because I am not found encased in certain perimeters. I am big. I am much bigger than that. Be open to All That I Am and not only to your ideas of Me. I do not have to fit into your ideas. Only your heart. Only your heart.

Entry #353



Heavenletter #746 Published on: November 6, 2002
God said:

Much of the time, life does not go along with your ideas of how it should be. Life often goes along independent of your ideas. You think life has skipped over you or left something out. Consider, if you will, that life is correct, and you have been mistaken. That will be a turn-around in your thinking. Consider that whatever your life is right now, it is yours. Whatever appears in your life is yours to meet. It came to your door.

There is a knock on your door. Whoever knocks, it's your door they're knocking at. You may not have invited a visitor at this moment, or this visitor, but there is a knock on your door, and it is for you to answer. So much hinges, not on who or what is at the door, but how you greet what is there. Your whole life is about opening doors and seeing what is there and taking it from there.

You moan about this and you moan about that, and it is all so unfair and so needless you say. Yet somehow it was needed. If not for you, then for something beyond you. In any case, this is what it is right now. Asked for or unasked for. Welcome or unwelcome, invited or uninvited, someone or something is standing at your door. What difference does it make how they got there? They're there. There is a knock on your door, and it is yours to answer. You cannot ignore it forever.

A man is imprisoned unfairly, let Us say. At some point, he has to stop flailing and be all he wants to be now. Whatever the circumstances, it is his life, and his to move in. Injustice cannot be a deterrent to him. There is too much injustice in the world for a child of Mine to let it be a deterrent.

In a sense, all of My children are imprisoned. And all are trying to get out. Your experience in life is finding a way to not let life in the world cramp you from your destiny. Your life may not be what you ordered, but it is what is delivered. You wanted a different pizza, but you got the one with anchovies. What do you do now? You can return a pizza, I suppose, but you cannot return life. You cannot rewind it. You cannot fast forward it either. Here it is, just as it is. And now you are the next speaker. What do you say, and what do you do?

Everyone's story is a rags to riches story. That is the plot of your life. What do you do now? Where do you go from here? There is a knock at your door. Perhaps you say it is adversity that knocks. Adversity is a stranger to you. It is not your relative. Adversity is not your birthright. Goodness and mercy are. Be good to yourself and merciful, no matter what knocks at your door.

All your life you are opening doors and you are opening packages. There are wrappings, and there is the present itself. Be an eager opener. Perhaps at the bottom of the box is something wonderful, a jewel that you would pass over when you are annoyed or affronted at what you have seen so far.

Maybe you need to get past the door and go out into the world and be a deliverer to it. Perhaps you have doors to knock on yourself. Perhaps you are a bright light to arrive at someone else's door. Perhaps you need to knock and have doors opened to you. If you just stand there, you may wait a long time. Let it be known that you are there. If you have not found a way out, perhaps you can find a way in. I have confidence in you.

Entry #352

The Pace You Set

The Pace You Set

Heavenletter #269 Published on: July 25, 2001
God said:

You look for completion. You like to finish with things. You like to be done. You think you would like to have nothing to do, but, of course, you always find more, and you wouldn't like it at all if you had nothing to do.

Much of your activity is like skirmishes, making a circle with a cloth as you wash a window or going from room to room, circling each room, trying to find something. Whatever you are doing is a little thing that carries great importance to you at the time. Everything you do is in little pieces, and yet you make them big.

A circle is already complete. Circles can't really wander. In terms of the world, you can never make yourself complete. In terms of eternity, you cannot make complete what already is.

You're not quite sure what it would mean to have completion. Running past the finish line, totally cleaning your house, getting filing done. But there is another race tomorrow, and more dust collects, and more files wait to be filed. You give yourself an impossible task to have everything perfectly done on time or ahead of time. There will be an imperfection that remains somewhere. There will be something yet to do.

You rake the leaves, and then there are more. You shovel the snow, and then there is ice. You fill up the tank in your car, and then you use it.

You sit down, and then you get up.

You think you cannot really rest until everything is done. And so you do not really rest. A corner of your mind is already setting you up to have more to do before you can rest, really rest. By rest, I do not mean the concept of stopping work.

I mean for you to find a way to rest your mind and heart while you are in activity. It is essential to do this. If you are rushing, if you have to catch the light before it turns red, you are missing something. If you panic at deadlines, you have set yourself up. The point is not really what you get done or what it is you have to do. The point is that you allow your full being to accompany you as you do your errands in life. Wait for yourself.

There is not virtue in being late, yet the clock is not your ultimate king. You have set an inner timer within yourself that says, "Get things done. Hurry now! Get things done!" You have a metronome within you. You set it fast. You set it, so now it's you who can reset it.

What if I were to say to you that you can get more done in ease than you can in tension, that you will work faster when you slow down, that it is honorable and necessary for you to slow down?

When you rush to the airport, you think that getting there on time is your motivation. But you have set yourself up to rush. Somehow you are in a hurry because you are in a hurry. It is your modus operandi.

From now on, enjoy your ride to the airport.

Enjoy whatever it is that you are doing. The point is to enjoy the life you circle in. I say you can. I say you do not have to get frantic and tense in order to accomplish. I say to be at ease.

It is not necessary to carry everything in your mind. You not only carry your own personal endeavors but you carry the world's.

It is not an outcome that you are here for. Your life is not a race against time. You are here for the pleasure of My company. You are here to fulfill My will. You are here for much more than getting things done. Your purpose is far beyond your activities. Your purpose is the same as Mine.

Entry #351

How Far You Reach

How Far You Reach

Heavenletter #880 Published on: March 18, 2003
God said:

Measurements of the world are only measurements. The measure of the heart, your heart, cannot be taken. It is immeasurable, for it is vast. Vastness cannot be measured. Infinity cannot be measured nor given numbers to be jotted down in a notebook. Vastness of infinity goes off any scale man makes. All scales are man-made.

By what tool can the measureless be measured? Where can the immeasurable be written? Where is the measureless kept? In what room can it fit? What can contain it? What can be without it?

There is no top to the thermometer of vastness. There is no peak to reach. There are no peaks to the vastness of infinity. There is no place where it drops off. It cannot be marked. Whatever name infinity goes by — love, truth, joy, God — this is the case.

Cream settles at the top of milk and can be skimmed off.

Not so with the infinity of vastness. Not so with the burgeoning of love. Not so with life. How do you measure that which permeates everything and cannot be separated?

Only the physical can be measured. You can note the beginning and the ending of the physical body but not the birth of the spirit nor the leaving of the spirit, for it never leaves. It is the body that arrives or leaves. And so you continue to believe in death. Death is only a material notation whereas life of the spirit is not notational. The spirit has only life. There is no nonexistence of spirit.

We can say that the heart measures the immeasurable. Your heart is the best indicator of truth, yet truth is also immeasurable. You can only measure truth from where you are. Only at points in space and time can anything be measured. Trying to measure the immeasurable is asking what are the limits to that which is limitless. It poses an inaccurate question which cannot be answered.

What are standards but measurements?

Miles per hour can be metered, but the speed of soul is beyond metership.

How simple is life and all its appurtenances when you look at measurement this way!

When you access and take measurements, you can only choose from the lines on a scale or a yardstick. It takes the physical to measure, and all it can measure is itself. There is no measuring tape for the measureless.

You try to ascertain the beginning and end of things, and yet you can never say with authority where something has come from or where it goes.

All that you can ever measure is illusion. Yet you consider the immeasurable illusory!

The heart is good at sensing illusion. We can say the heart is the balancing scale of illusion. The heart's rating is not always accepted nor authorized by the world at large, but I authorize it.

The heart is a sensor rather than a scale. We can say I attuned your heart. I set it to Mine. Your heart keeps pace with Mine. It runs beside it. Remember the heart I speak of is not emotion. Emotion is finite. The heart is not.

There are many dimensions, and yet where you reside is dimensionless, and you are dimensionless.

Statements cannot be wholly true, for they are made in the measurement of words, and Truth is beyond measurement, beyond description, beyond mapping, beyond fragmenting, beyond identification, beyond words.

That which is worth grasping, your hands cannot hold.

Judgments are measurements and always false. False because they are only part of the picture. They skim the surface. They leave out too much.

And you are beyond surface. You run deep, and you eclipse the earth and the skies and you reach the immeasurable Heavens. You are reaching now.

Entry #350

The Wellspring of Gratitude

The Wellspring of Gratitude

Heavenletter #404 Published on: December 1, 2001
God said:

Gratitude is a well that springs up within you. It is recognition of all that I bestow upon you. No matter from which hand good reaches you, it comes from Me.

I do not need the credit. I do not need your thanks. But you need to be true and give your thanks in the rightful place.

What matters is that you do not put other gods before Me. All men on earth act for Me, and any gift they give is from Me. They pass it on. But your allegiance must go to Me before any man because you are now a dealer in Truth. You need no intermediary. Although everyone in the world is an intermediary, your reliance belongs with Me, the Author of all intermediaries.

There is a tiny thread of falsity in gratitude to man, for there is a knowing in your heart Whose hand to kiss, and now you can only be true to the knowing of your heart, and also true to the heart of the ones you give gratitude to. They sense that your gratitude belongs not with them. They too know that it is from Me that all blessings come. They know they are incidental. They are instruments. They are acting at My behest. They are not instrumental.

I am the reservoir of gratitude.

You do not thank rain for falling on a dry field. You appreciate the rain, but you know that the rain did not send itself. You are grateful that rain came, and you know that the rain came from above. You know from where showers of blessings come.

Gratitude is different from love. Gratitude to other Humans is a bowing down, and you bow down to no man. I am talking about in your heart.

There is no disparity in love. Love shines, and you shine it back. Gratitude to man has a certain subservience, and you are not subservient to any man.

When trouble comes, you walk on. You do not spend your energy shaking your fist at it. Just so, when great good comes, you tip your hat and walk on.

Gratefulness to man can become stagnant. You have experienced that. It is not wonderful to be the giver of gratitude nor the receiver of it. I can accommodate your gratitude. No one else can. And you are a dealer in Truth now. Let the bubbling of your love fall everywhere, and your thanks to Me.

The best you can say to another is: Thank God for you. The best another can say to you is: Thank God for you.

Love and truth swell you. Gratitude does not.

Step right up to Me and give Me your thanks, for that is where they belong. That is the truth of it.

If you find a penny on the street, it is I Who left it there for you. No other. This is not a mystery. This is the basis of life. It is the same when you find a diamond or rubies on the street.

Any treasure on earth is from Me. I sent it to you.

And your gratitude for the treasure goes to Me. That keeps your back straight. That keeps you on track.

The giver and the receiver are One. The receiver gives a gift in receiving. One side of the gift is not greater than another. It is yourself you have brought back. It is I you serve, and it is I you thank.

The good that comes to you is your due. There is more good that has come to you than you know.

Be a great giver and a great receiver, for they are the same. You give only to yourself, and you receive only yourself, and for that power, you thank God Who made you in His image as a great receiver and great giver.

Entry #349

From Whence Greatness Comes

From Whence Greatness Comes

Heavenletter #428 Published on: December 23, 2001
God said:

What was Christ but an angel on earth? And what are you? You are the same. All you have to do is to proclaim your angelhood.

If you are made in My image, what would that mean if not that you are My messenger. My messengers are named angels. I do not disguise My angels. If you are in disguise, you have disguised yourself. You have disguised yourself from yourself. Once you see who you are, you will reveal who you are. It will be simple revealment. You will ply your trade with more light. You will be your own headlight. You will light your way, and others will also see because of your light. You will light My way, and so I will be seen.

The importance of light and the importance of seeing. The importance of you and the importance of Me. You are My import. I sent you to earth as My messenger. You must receive My message before you can deliver it.

Let your life be My message. Live your life in such a way that My existence will be known. Let it be known that one such as you can only exist through God. Let your life be so wonderful that there is no doubt of greatness, and that greatness comes from Me. From where else could it come? And who can reveal it if not you?

Hear Me, your God Who speaks.

Let Me speak through you.

Let Me shine through you.

Be My lighted Self on earth.

Be Truth.

Be My love on earth.

You do not have to magnify My love. You just have to be it. You just have to be you, you unadorned. You need no adornment. Adornment has nothing to do with you. You need no embellishment. You who are a jewel need no jewelry. Simply allow your light, which is Mine, to be reflected.

It is My light you wear. But you do not wear it. You are composed of it. To be great, you fake nothing. To be great, you take away what has dimmed your greatness. You don’t need to turn your light on. Just take away its covering.

Your light cannot be wasted, for it is Mine, and My light is made to forever shine. Let My light forever shine in you and from you out into the flickering world.

Entry #348

In Love

In Love

Heavenletter #820 Published on: January 16, 2003
God said:

Problems of the world come from this one thing: My children do not know how loved they are. They do not feel loved because they see themselves as inadequate. It is not that My children do not believe in the existence of love, for they search for it all their lives, but they just don't believe it is possible for them to have it, or much of it, or enough, or for long.

How many of My children spend their whole lives believing that they are unloved? Or spend their whole lives trying to prove that they are? Or seemingly ignoring the whole issue altogether.

What can I say that will break this barrier for you? In how many ways can I tell you how loved you are? The sun and moon have not been enough. The light of stars hasn't convinced you. Flowers and growing vines and the gifts of fruit have not. Babies have not. Beautiful animals have not. The canopy of the sky has not. Angels have not.

I repeat Myself in an attempt, not to win your love for Me, but to win your love for you. I will try anything. I do. I bombard you with love right and left, and still you are unconvinced. What will it take?

It comes down to your belief in yourself. You find yourself wanting.

What I would give for you to have the eyes to see. What I have given.

Help Me by your knowing how vast is My love for you. You mean everything to Me. I cannot crave Our Oneness for that is inviolable, but I crave your awareness of Our Oneness. If you are unworthy, what can I be? And if I am worthy, what can you not be?

Will you not take My Word for it, that We love, and We love one another, that the whole meaning of existence is love? That you are meant for love and love alone. You are not meant for less than love, and you are not meant to know anything less than love. Yet you have become experts in the withholding of it and the withstanding of it.

Your perception of yourself is reversible. You can reverse it. From this day forward, say to yourself:

"I am the beloved of God. I am the most loved being in the whole world. I cannot be anything else. I accept my fate once and for all, and my fate is love. God created me, and God loves what He created. I am glad that God loves everyone, and I accept that everyone means me too. God is not careless in his love. He does not grant it frivolously. He is sincere in the love He gives. True, He gives it away, but that does not make it less.

"Why must I pretend to myself and others that God's love skips over me and lands somewhere else? Or why must I conclude that God does not really love at all? Or that God does not really exist except in the imagination of man, or that God is only a last-ditch hope because what else is there to hope for?

"No, God is not a placebo. God is the Basis, and God is the Adventure. God ventured forth in the world. He gave Himself to the world. He gave Himself to me, and He gave the world to me.

"The least I can do is to accept the bounty of God's love. I can accept His goodness. I can accept His love for me, and my love for Him. God and I are in love."

Entry #347

Shine God's Light Brightly

Shine God's Light Brightly

Heavenletter #786 Published on: December 16, 2002
God said:

When your life becomes less centered on yourself and your personal affairs, you become more involved in the Beingness of the Universe. Your life opens up. When your attention is more off yourself, off self-indulgence, off all the predicates you have set up, you find yourself integral to the Universe, and your life becomes greater. Instead of seeing life as something handed to you or inflicted on you, you begin to see life as a blessing and yourself as a kindness bestowed upon Humanity. You begin to see yourself as one who serves greater than himself, and so you find yourself greater. You become less of a weeper.

By the very change in your demeanor, you bring glad tidings to others. By going beyond yourself, you honor yourself more. Instead of grasping or clutching, you give. With no effort at all, you give. You discover you are a giver. When you step up to a higher plane, you are higher, and the whole vista before you changes. You see greater.

It is as if you come out of a hole in the ground and discover there is a greater universe than you had known. As you step into this new universe and walk upon it, you become a different being than the one who lived in the hole. The more light you see around you, the more lighted you become. This happens naturally. This is happening naturally to you.

Be of good cheer. Entering the rays of the Sun is the same as stepping out of the darkness. Darkness is behind you. Life is in front. And you are lighted by the Sun. And now you can see.

It is true that light can descend upon you. It is also true that you can step into the Light. Or you can discover that you are already in the Light. Or you can discover that there never was anything but light and you were always in it. When you are in light, you share your light with the Universe. It is no big thing. Light cannot do otherwise. You are a quiet shedder of light.

Anonymously, you shed light. As you enter the grander picture, your light can only radiate further.

I have given you all the light you need to do My Will upon earth. My Will is that you shed light upon a world darkened to its own light. The world has listened too much to itself. It may have forgotten it is a part of something greater than the affairs of men and disbursement of wealth. And so the world does not know what it is made of and what it can be. But you are beginning to know. And you are beginning to bless the world with your presence which, as you know by now, is a reflection of Mine. And so you bring My light to the world.

You do not have to call it God's Light. You can call it simply light. I have no proprietary laws concerning My light. I give it, and I wish it to be taken. I do not mind being anonymous. There is a Great Light in the Universe that cries to shine on all. More important than where it comes from is that it shine. As it turns out, you are appointed to shine this light. I gave it to you so that you will shine it brightly. This is how you are the Light of the World. I have sent you in My Name, but you do not have to speak My Name. It is enough that you know where the Light comes from. It is enough that I AM and that I am ahead of you, lighting your way.

Entry #345

This One Thought Alone

This One Thought Alone

Heavenletter #544 Published on: April 17, 2002

Instead of thinking that the world is out to get you, entrap you, foil you, relinquish you, mess you up, mix you up, wound you, trample on you, trick you and all the myriad troubles that you think are in store for you, think again. Remind yourself that the world is weighted in your favor. This one platform of thought will change your life. When you change how you gear for life, your life is changed.

When you put warm clothing on, you are ready for the cold. When you put snowshoes on, you are ready to walk in the snow. When you put on a bathing suit, you are ready to swim. When you get on your bike, you are ready to pedal. When you get into your car, you are ready to drive. You make a choice, and you prepare the way for your choice.

How many times have I suggested that you change your thinking? Now I am telling you how and what. The why is excruciatingly evident.

Changing your thinking is changing your alert system to a relax system. You have been on guard. You have been gearing up for something untoward to befall you.

Start thinking this one thought: "The world is weighted in my favor." Isn't this different from what you have been thinking?

Start thinking: "The world wants me. The world greets me. The whole world looks to endow me. The crowds of the world lift me high on their shoulders and cheer me so that my travel is hastened and lightened. The whole universe propels me forward. The universe swirls me in joy. I am lifted high. I see over the crowds. I see wonder rushing on its way to me. The scales tip in my favor. The world is weighted in my favor."

This one switch in your thinking allows miracles to reach your awareness. This switch in your thinking is a way to set a trap for miracles. You have been wary of trouble. Now you will start to engage in miracle-watching.

You will change your whole mode of interaction with life.

Your thinking this one thought will shift the balance of all your thinking.

My direction to you today is more than mere wishing. Wishing is wistful. Wishing is weak. You wish for pieces of what you think won't happen. Wishing almost predicts that it won't happen. Wishing tends to be a hopeless thought with not a whole lot behind it.

But knowing your place in the scale of the universe predicates the goodness that is to come. Your new thinking clears a path for you. It sweeps the old thinking away. One change in the configuration of your thoughts, and everything is changed. You rise to the forefront of your life.

You are a champion of the world. You are a heralder of wonder to come. You are a miracle-watcher.

Your new uniform is a clear brow and a glow on your cheek. It is eyes wide-open. It is great energy. Not stamina. No need for stamina. There is no long haul any longer. No longer do you need spurts of energy either. Now you have energy ongoing.

You ride on energy as in a limousine. You sit back and you begin to know angels, for they are the energy that carries you. Angels flock to you. Your awareness of the good that is on its way calls them to you. And why would they ever leave when you make it easy for them to stay?

Angels light the way before you. Your new thinking urges them forward. Like a fleet of reindeer, angels leap you forward. They leap to your thoughts.

Entry #344

God's Message

God's Message

Heavenletter #149 Published on: March 27, 2001

You are receiving messages from Me day and night. I am ever sending you messages. And they reach you. That is My part. Now it is yours to open them. Often you do not even notice their arrival, so how can you open them? You left them piled up outside your door like newspapers.

Pick up My messages. They are for you. And they are good news for you. The headlines read: GOD WANTS YOU.

But you think, Oh-oh, what does He want me for?

But My messages are nothing for you to fear. You are guilty of nothing. You fear you are guilty of something, and that you have a tongue-lashing or worse coming. No, you have love coming.

With or without your awareness of My messages waiting for you, you fear that there is some doom trying to catch up to you. What is the contrary of doom? I think it is good fortune, love, your desires' answers coming to you.

You may even suspect that you do have hopeful messages from Me, and you are afraid to pick them up. You fear that perhaps they were sent to the wrong address. Or perhaps they are some kind of mistake, a typo, or, if true, a message so old its truth has expired.

But what if you are really the one I have in mind? What if it is My blessings I have been trying to deliver to you? What if My blessings have no expiration date? What if the message is My love in answer to your uttermost desires?

Perhaps you fear disappointment more than you want good.

God has love letters for you. What do you think this is that you are reading right now? Do you think it is false advertising? I am Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

Or do you suspect it may be true, but meant for someone else? If you are reading it, it is for you. And if you are not reading it, it is also for you. I love My children equally. I favor all.

All My favors are directed toward you.

Think of what this means.

I think you'd better pick up your messages.

I think you will be glad.

Glad tidings await you.

Doom you can find on your own. You don't need Me for that.

And if you have already carried doom, let Me help you carry it away. It is heavy for you, but light for Me. I know what it really is, a piece of dust magnified. But even if it were the heaviness you thought, it is still light for Me. I know how to carry things, and I know how to make them disappear, for they never were anything except as your mind carried them.

You have unopened messages from Me. Will you grant that?

Furthermore, everyone and everything is My message. There are many of My messages that have crossed your path, and you haven't opened them. You have feared to open My messages for all the reasons given above which is to say for no reason at all.

Today expect good messages from Me. Look for My message from everyone you meet or talk to. And listen for My message that you are delivering to them.

My message is One, but how you deliver it is your choice. You can garble My message, or you can make it clear. You can try to not deliver it. You can try to toss it away. You can try to camouflage it. You can try to cross it out. But in your deepest heart, know that you are My chosen messenger.

How you receive My messages is also up to you. Forthrightly, or furtively, or not at all. You can misinterpret them, refuse them, not read them, misread them, read them upside down, never open them.

But there is always a message that you are giving or receiving. It may be a half-message. It may be veiled, but messages you are delivering and receiving all the time.

So I suggest that, while you are at it, take a look at My messages. You might as well. Receive Mine, and give Mine, for it is to Me that you give. I am the Sender and the ultimate Receiver. Deal with Me in truth, and My children in truth. What do you wait for? I am already here, and I have been waiting for you, My loves.

Entry #343

Your Earthly Life

Your Earthly Life

Heavenletter #926 Published on: May 4, 2003

You may have spent more time and energy on the negative than on the positive. Change this, and see how your life will change. Your thoughts have been an impediment to your appraised life.

Something amazingly wonderful has been given to you, yet you spend a lot of this gift whining about it. You are displeased. Must you extend those moments of displeasure? What do you gain? What do your plaints contribute to the world and others in it?

You have been given a gift. Thank the Giver.

When someone gave you a bauble, your mother taught you to express pleasure. But for the most incredible gift — your lifetime — you gripe. Not once but twice or hundreds of times. Instead of singing the song of life, you may have been sing-songing complaint.

There is no complaint department in Heaven. Complaint does not exist. There are no returns nor exchanges. There is no panel to forward objections to. What choice do you have but to use what you hold in your hand?

You can develop life's muscles. You can bring out the best in it. You can give yourself the gift of appreciation. Why on earth would you deny yourself appreciation? How does that make anything what you want?

Thank God for the life given to you. You are the only one who has it, this particular life. You are a player. Play well. Play for all you've got. Play to beat the band. Raise a flag to yourself. May you wave it proudly.

Have you not been the Princess and the Pea? Have you not been sensitive to every discomfort and perhaps less sensitive to every joy? Haven't you pounced on anything that was disagreeable to you and said Aha? Have you not collected what you see as error and neglected benefit?

You have wrung out what you don't want for all its worth, but there is no worth to wringing out what you didn't want in the first place. You wring it out and hang it on the line to dry over and over again. At any opportunity, you commiserate with yourself about it again and again. How could you be treated so badly, you ask yourself and beat your chest. Don't tell Me you haven't. You have been an expert at turning over every angle of dissatisfaction. You may have even made dissatisfaction your claim to life. You have protested your life. What is the use of protest? Get on with it.

Become a hero to yourself again. You have a wealth of life. Give it its due. Its due is recognition for what you can make it. You have a splendid opportunity to make your life livable. You can even make it excellent. You can expand your life. Wrest the marrow from it. Give up complaint.

When you complain or protest, you hammer into the wall what you say you don't want. You put it up where it can be seen. Did you really want to look at it every day?

Can you not find other pictures to put up, ones more conducive to a better frame of mind?

Can you not change the subject?

Exact the beauty from your life. Discard other than beauty. Do not inflate its importance.

Your earthly life is at stake. Treat it well. It is a temporary guest. Welcome it.

Do not bemoan the past. Wave in the present. Think well of your life.

You are the host of your life. Be gracious to it. Honor it. Endow it.

Entry #342

Your Inheritance

Your Inheritance

Heavenletter #176 Published on: April 23, 2001

So often you say, "My God," or, "Oh, My God!" More often I say, "My children, oh, My children!" It brings great tenderness to Me to say your name. And it brings great tenderness to Me to hear you say Mine. Especially when you speak to Me and look into My eyes — then I am most charmed.

Whatever sweetness you feel between us, more is Mine. Each experience with you is sweetness for Me. I think you are My ambrosia, and I will to be yours.

Fill My heart with joy. I am enamored of you. And when love comes to love, We are enjoined, and We enjoy Our exchange of love. Not that we trade love. We just give it, and then more becomes Ours.

This passing of love, back and forth, is the rhythm of life. That is the flow of the ocean. That is the rising of the sun. Waves of love lap back and forth, and each wave is sweet. Neither back nor forth is greater than any other moment of love itself.

That rhythm was the rising and setting of My son Jesus.

He came into the world as love. He passed out of it as love. And in between his birth and death he was the simplicity of love for all to behold. Behold My son who chose love over fear, truth over ego, life over death. We can say with great accuracy that he lived My light on earth.

In thought today, the world rolls over for him. He touches hearts. He touches yours. What a wand of My light and love was he.

You feel a dismay rather than a gladness when I tell you that you are the same, for you feel far away from your greatness, even from the possibility of it. But greatness is not show. It is not production. Greatness is what already is. You need nothing but to dare to shine your light that I bestowed upon you. Before you were born, you were gifted with light. You were filled with it. Now let your light escape. Let it do what light likes to do.

And then you are lightened. Tremendously lightened. You unburden yourself of light! Light kept in is not happy. Light, like you, is happy when it does what light does. And you, you are happy when you rise to your truth, or My truth, whichever way you prefer to look at it. They are the same.

My truth and your truth are no different. Truth is its own.

And you are My Own. You are My own child of love that I gave to the world so that it might be gladdened.

Look upon the gladness that Christ gave. He gave from Me. Of himself, he could do nothing. Of himself, he could give nothing. It is not his individuality that touches you. It is his gift of loving Me and giving Me that touches you. That is what makes your defenses crumble. He who had no defenses brandished My strength and My truth before the world. He was My innocent son and he gave his inheritance to you.

He willed, as I will, that you have it. He touched his wand of light upon your shoulder. He dubbed you his brother equal to him.

When you feel your love for Christ, your layered image of him, you begin to love yourself. You peel away at what you are. What you are has seemed foreign to you and unlikely. But, listen, it is time for you to begin to know who you are. My son is My son. There is no getting around it. You have all the gifts that I give. I gave them to you. Take that personally. True, I gave them to everyone, and that includes you.

Be delighted, not dismayed, that you are greatness. You have to know it before you can rise to it. Begin to know. Begin to express. Begin.

How is it that the name of Christ evokes so much love? How is it that he is so dear to your heart?

Within his name is his vibration, the same vibration that is in your love for him. You reflect his love for you. He loves you the same way.

And he can love you so much because he knows your truth.

Can you let it be possible that you are worthy? Do not measure your worth, and then you, like Christ, will not measure others.

Christ does not question his worth. Therefore, he doesn't question yours. He looks into your eyes and sees himself standing there.

Entry #341