topazz28's Blog

You are an Enchanted being

You Are an Enchanted Being

Heavenletter #564 Published on: May 6, 2002
God said:

When you desire something that is good for you and good for Me (they are the same) and you have to wait for it a long time, longer than you want, longer than you thought, consider then that you are being given a simple opportunity to learn trust. Single-hearted trust. You have a destination in mind. You don't veer from your destination. Only you don't know how or when you will reach it. But you can know the train you ride on will take you there.

This is tricky. This doesn't mean to hold tight to an individual or your exact picture of what you want to transpire; it means to hold firm to a high desire and not necessarily your version of it. And, if your desire starts to fade, then let it. Maybe it was a temporary desire and it has had its fill. You have nothing to prove.

When your desire stays strong, and the desire takes forever to manifest, then consider that you are being asked to wait for reasons beyond your present understanding. What you do then is keep moving toward what you want while you wait. This is learning trust.

There are no false steps. Each step is a step. You may know the destination you want, but the destined path you do not know. Everything will fall into place, although it may not be exactly the place you had in mind or thought you wanted.

Accrued wealth is not usually a destination. It is a means. Do not mix up destiny with means. You do not mix up a train with where you're going. Wealth is something you do something with. It is hardly enough on its own. The Human heart longs for more than wealth. There is something deeper and broader that comes along with your desired destiny and feeds it.

How do you know when a desire is for ego-satisfaction or for greater than that? Well, you find out. Even egoed-goals can take you to your next juncture. Even ego-lessons can take you higher.

You live in a world of ego. Against its own will, ego takes you to less ego and deeper fulfillment. Every time you disappoint yourself, you do not go lower. You go higher. Lessening of ego is its own enlightenment.

Consider, as an experiment, that your whole life is a process of learning trust. Learn trust more than you learn doubt. Do not doubt Me, and do not doubt yourself who is an emissary of Me. I have a plan, and you are a beautiful part of it.

How do you reconcile My plan with your free will? You may choose to depart from My plan. That is your free will. You can fight it, stomp on it, twiddle with it, ignore it. You can do all kinds of things with your life, but soon or late, you will return to your destiny. You are part of the whole universe, and you cannot and will not depart long from your place in it.

In your life, you are finding your place. Trust is knowing that you have a place and you will find it. Your place will come to you. It will present itself to you, and you will breathe a great sigh of relief, for you will have found yourself exactly as I made you.

I sent you on a journey. I shipped you to earth. The stamp that says exactly where you are going and the route whereby you will get there is marked in your heart, and that is where you search for your route.

Soon or late, you will see that there has been a plan in your life, a wonderful configuration of people and events and you, all intermixed, creating something wonderful as you went along.

Your life is an improvisation, but there is always a point to improve. The point to this one is that you are an enchanted being discovering your own enchantment.

Entry #370

Willingness for God's Will

Willingness for God's Will

Heavenletter #27 Published on: December 10, 2000
God said:

The opposite of flow is conflict. Something is blocked. You are of two minds or directions. There is confusion.

Now, sometimes confusion is good. Going on just as you have been may not be flow. It may just be momentum, energy of the past, and you are following old footsteps marked down for you that have been easy and mindless to follow. Sometimes your direction wants to change, and you are lazy or fearful and feel your unrecognized conflict as a headache.

Conflict basically is: stay the same or change. And you resist change. Or you resist staying the same, and don't quite know your first new step.

You want to follow My Will, and you don't quite know what it is.

Each of you has to hear Me yourself.

Even if someone else is right, you have to hear Me yourself. For that, you listen.

And there is something else to remember. Often it does not matter what you do. Your willingness matters.

What you do is not so important as you think.

Where you come from is important. What your thinking is based on is important. Base it on your heart's allegiance to Me.

When you really must make a choice of going left or right, and you are not sure, make it anyway. Choose one. Neither will be wrong. And one direction or another will settle in for you, and you will find yourself going strongly. Maybe there are more choices than you initially saw. Or you go in one direction now so that your true direction may be revealed to you later.

Nothing has to be done today. You don't have to be in such a hurry.

A sense of urgency is nothing but fear.

And one of your big fears is to make a mistake.

What is a mistake? And how can you tell? Even after the fact, how can you tell? How do you not know that the choices you call mistakes did not lead you right to Me? How do you know that certain steps you took were wrong? How do you know they were not right?

End your internal conflicts.

There is no struggle going on.

Let go of your past thinking. Let go of your thinking about the past.

Today you are offered apples and bananas. Which do you choose? Maybe you can have both. And behind the apples and bananas lie mangoes and pears and behind them grapes and cherries.

What is your choice? Following your will or Mine? And your beleaguered mind says, How do I know, dear Father, which is Which?

You have always followed something, My children. You have followed someone else. Or you have followed past thoughts.

Now you follow Me. Following Me does not mean that you necessarily know whether your direction is from My love or from your whim, but it does mean that you keep on. You do what you can do, and you include Me. You say: "Dear Heavenly Father, please lead me today. I am not sure in what direction to go. My heart is heavy. I do not want to fail you. I want to do Your will, but I am stymied."

And I say to you: "You will always come back to My will. The clearing in the forest will be there. And whichever step you take, I am right here with you. Even in so-called mistakes, I am here with you. I do not abandon you, nor do I chastise you."

I say to you: "Oh, come this way now." That is all that happens. Do you understand? My love follows you just the same when you do not follow it. You will come to it. You will. Relax your shoulders, and your headache will leave, and you will see Me before you where I always am. You cannot lose Me. You cannot lose your way to Me.

Entry #369

The Whole Treasure of the Universe

The Whole Treasure of the Universe

Heavenletter #967 Published on: June 15, 2003
God said:

When your heart feels contracted, you have been looking in the wrong places. Remember the Source of love. The world is not its source. Yet you keep looking to the world for the love your heart yearns to be full of. To be sure, the world has love, but the world is so preoccupied with itself and so changeable that you will be kept waiting for its love, and when it arrives its time is so short that it will be gone before you know it. The world's love flits.

And you crave constancy of love. You seek love immutable. You seek love that shines so brightly, no shadow is possible. And I will tell you that you deserve such love, and that such love is in your own heart.

The love in your heart is inviolable. Even when it feels like a neglected orphan, your heart is inviolable. No matter how repressed, love is not altered. Perception is distorted, not love. Love is not missing from your heart. Your perception is missing. Your mind perceives, and it tends to condemn and rant and rave because it perceives amiss. The mind tends to look for dust in the corners. The mind is concerned with being right.

All the rightness in the world is incorrect without love shining on it. All the victoriousness, all the righteousness is mere talk without love.

When you are aware of less than love in your heart, know that you are mistaken. When you feel distraught that you are not loved, you are bemoaning the apparent lack of love in your own heart. When your own heart is full of itself, it has no concern with other hearts' failings. When you are happy, you are happy. The little things that may distress you now don't make a dent.

Too often you equate lack of happiness with absence of love. But I have just told you that love can not be absent. That is a conclusion you have drawn. Come to another one.

Your heart is splendid with love. Your own heart is. Let your heart be content to itself. Seek not the stranger to bestow love upon you. Your beloved dwells within. It is your own love that you seek to behold. Behold it then.

Your love is not something that needs to be bounced back here and there. The love in your heart does not gain its attributes from the passing accolades of the world. Your heart is complete. The whole treasure of the universe lies within your heart. Your heart is replete. Only you are the last one to know.

You have been digging for treasure everywhere but where it lies. Cupid shoots its arrows from your heart. Cupid does not wait for arrows to be directed to him. He is the expander of love, and so he expands it. Your heart is the bow that Cupid shoots from.

Your heart does not run out of love. But love unused is love unused. It can regain its strength. No matter how tired the muscle of your heart, it is not out of love, and it can be restored.

You are the one to restore it and to restore it now.

You cannot wait for someone else.

There is no need to wait for Me because I have filled your heart, and I am stationed there, waiting for you to give your own heart its recognition.

Soothe your own heart. You are dependent upon no other. It is the world that depends upon you.

Consider this morning that your heart is a tree. Let one leaf drop from it.


Entry #368

Unending Stream of Consciousness

Unending Stream of Consciousness

Heavenletter #753 Published on: November 13, 2002

You believe in words. You believe that they are to be conjugated in different ways. Words assembled this way and that. Perhaps describing great splendor or great pain, justice or injustice. The same words rearranged can describe all manner of things. The words are finite, but the combinations and tonal inflections are infinite.

Look at active life the way you look at words. Life is a continuous rearrangement. It shifts. Words are words. And life is life. Yet there is a tendency to consider life irrevocable, as though the course it takes has only one configuration or one possibility. The same life can be taken many ways. So life is how it is taken more than what it is.

To you, one happenstance in life may seem like an affront. To another, it is unnoticed.

Value life more. And you don't have to take it so much on face value.

When you consider life as a stream, you are not so appalled when it turns this way and that. Maybe it is you who needs to move over to another spot by the stream and look out from a different vantage.

If your life is an interpretation that you make, then no matter what, you can change it. You have overlooked certain junctures. Just like any other terrain, life is not seamless. It has new paragraphs and new chapters. The same event can be written in different words infinitely. A paragraph can be stretched or shortened. It can be emphasized or mentioned in passing. It can be one sentence, or it can be a novel.

All of relative life is passing. But life, like words, is written on something. There is something beneath the words. There is something above and beyond all the words. And there is more to life than meets the eye. There is more to your life than you have credited it.

Let Us say that the paper your life is written on is Light. You write a script, but the background is Light. And you are Light. You who are Light write something on Light. You make marks on it. The marks are surface to the Light and do not change it. Whatever marks are made on it, the Light is unchanged.

And when the marks fade, the Light stays bright.

When you are immersed in a continuing chain of words, when you forget that which your life is written on, when you see the marks and forget about the Light, you are only focusing on part of the story. The whole story cannot be written because it is ongoing. It can only be in process of writing itself.

Words of themselves are symbols of sounds put onto paper. Life of itself is movement across Light. Words try to make permanent that which is not permanent. And the etchings of your life also try to make permanent that which is not. All the manifestations of life are not permanent. They are merely scratches across the Light.

And yet, much of Human life is spent on trying to keep the surface as it is, and that can be called holding on to the past.

All the physical is matter, and the physical matters a lot to you, but it is not the substance of you nor your life. Your life is much more than what happens in it. Your life is much more than any description of it. Descriptions are limited. Your life is not.

Your life cannot be captured. It defies description. Any surmise of your life, any judgment of it, is insufficient, inadequate, uninformed. Your life is not made of spectacle, and yet each life is spectacular, words lined up as never before, words spilling out in an unending stream of consciousness.

Entry #367

You are Made of Stardust

You Are Made of Stardust

Heavenletter #115 Published on: February 21, 2001
God said:

How can I not be pleased with you? I see well.

It is you who is not pleased with yourself.

It is you who finds fault, not I.

If you did not find fault, you would not make fault.

Let go of fault, and you will be more of what you are.

Oh, the glance of fault — let it go! The superiority of fault. No less superior is the fault you find in yourself — let it go! Enough faultfinding! It leads you nowhere.

Be a joy-finder. Be pleased. Be pleased.

Laugh at yourself a lot.

But do not mock yourself.

Make yourself true.

Remember Whose child you are. You are not a child of mockery. You are a child of sweetness.

Do not look so much outside yourself for knowledge. Knowledge is within you, for I am within you, and I am the Father of Knowledge.

Do not look so much to your performance to evaluate yourself or others' performance to evaluate them. Performance is not always true.

Your performance is not always you. Your performance is not you. You are you. Performance is something glommed outside of you. Actions can please or displease, but action is not the story. There is much pretending.

Do not evaluate. Look to Me. That is where to look. That is all you need do. Look to Me, and you will not chase hither and yon so much. Do not chase rainbows, and you will find them right outside your window. They are already there.

There is a rainbow from Heaven that reaches you on Earth. Surely you will admit that there is light, and there is light within you. Light has not gone out of you. You just have ignored it. You thought light was somewhere else.

You are My light for all to see. Just shine My light. Blaze it. Do not interpret others so much or the words of others. Listen to My words, and listen to My light that wishes to shine forth from your imposed boundaries.

Do not call your innocence ignorance.

Do not learn God terminology.

Learn God.

Find Me.

Accept Me.

Enjoin Me.

I am not far.

I am close.

I am closer than you know.

I am closer to you than anything else in the world.

Make no mistake about it.

Look for Me to lead you.

Follow Me, not others.

Draw your breaths with Me.

I am your Father, and I bring you Home.

Heaven is your home.

I ask you to come live with Me in Heaven while you are on Earth.

Make earth Heaven.

Be aware of other dimensions of living.

There are many lives that go on around you.

There are worlds around you — the animal world, the plant world, and worlds unnamed that you are not yet aware of.

There are insects unseen, and yet you believe in them. Germs impervious to view you believe in. Illness you believe in. Even future illness you believe in.

But in your yet unseen greatness, you do not believe.

I am well-pleased with you because I know your greatness. I do not predict it. I see it. It is already there. It has yet to be accepted. You have yet to accept it. Your greatness is already in use.

Greatness may be great simpleness.

Perhaps you can already acknowledge your great simpleness.

You thought greatness was something complex, or one great Roman candle going off in the night sky. You thought greatness was something other than you. But you are My sparkler on Earth. Never mind the big blasts in the sky that everyone calls attention to. I call attention to you.

I made you simple, not complex. I made you of stardust. I made you of light. You are light from light. You are the light of light. You are My simplicity on Earth. You are the great occasion of My Being. You are for Me. So be for Me. Just be My beautifulness on Earth.

Entry #366

You are Made of Stardust

You Are Made of Stardust

Heavenletter #115 Published on: February 21, 2001
God said:

How can I not be pleased with you? I see well.

It is you who is not pleased with yourself.

It is you who finds fault, not I.

If you did not find fault, you would not make fault.

Let go of fault, and you will be more of what you are.

Oh, the glance of fault — let it go! The superiority of fault. No less superior is the fault you find in yourself — let it go! Enough faultfinding! It leads you nowhere.

Be a joy-finder. Be pleased. Be pleased.

Laugh at yourself a lot.

But do not mock yourself.

Make yourself true.

Remember Whose child you are. You are not a child of mockery. You are a child of sweetness.

Do not look so much outside yourself for knowledge. Knowledge is within you, for I am within you, and I am the Father of Knowledge.

Do not look so much to your performance to evaluate yourself or others' performance to evaluate them. Performance is not always true.

Your performance is not always you. Your performance is not you. You are you. Performance is something glommed outside of you. Actions can please or displease, but action is not the story. There is much pretending.

Do not evaluate. Look to Me. That is where to look. That is all you need do. Look to Me, and you will not chase hither and yon so much. Do not chase rainbows, and you will find them right outside your window. They are already there.

There is a rainbow from Heaven that reaches you on Earth. Surely you will admit that there is light, and there is light within you. Light has not gone out of you. You just have ignored it. You thought light was somewhere else.

You are My light for all to see. Just shine My light. Blaze it. Do not interpret others so much or the words of others. Listen to My words, and listen to My light that wishes to shine forth from your imposed boundaries.

Do not call your innocence ignorance.

Do not learn God terminology.

Learn God.

Find Me.

Accept Me.

Enjoin Me.

I am not far.

I am close.

I am closer than you know.

I am closer to you than anything else in the world.

Make no mistake about it.

Look for Me to lead you.

Follow Me, not others.

Draw your breaths with Me.

I am your Father, and I bring you Home.

Heaven is your home.

I ask you to come live with Me in Heaven while you are on Earth.

Make earth Heaven.

Be aware of other dimensions of living.

There are many lives that go on around you.

There are worlds around you — the animal world, the plant world, and worlds unnamed that you are not yet aware of.

There are insects unseen, and yet you believe in them. Germs impervious to view you believe in. Illness you believe in. Even future illness you believe in.

But in your yet unseen greatness, you do not believe.

I am well-pleased with you because I know your greatness. I do not predict it. I see it. It is already there. It has yet to be accepted. You have yet to accept it. Your greatness is already in use.

Greatness may be great simpleness.

Perhaps you can already acknowledge your great simpleness.

You thought greatness was something complex, or one great Roman candle going off in the night sky. You thought greatness was something other than you. But you are My sparkler on Earth. Never mind the big blasts in the sky that everyone calls attention to. I call attention to you.

I made you simple, not complex. I made you of stardust. I made you of light. You are light from light. You are the light of light. You are My simplicity on Earth. You are the great occasion of My Being. You are for Me. So be for Me. Just be My beautifulness on Earth.

Entry #365

Your Heart Accepts

Your Heart Accepts

Heavenletter #294 Published on: August 19, 2001

Who are you but I? And who was Christ but I actuated in a human heart? Who was Christ but the Human heart without ego? He made a natural transfer, from ego to Me and My light.

You think of Christ as a giver. Indeed, he was. But before he could be a giver, he had to be an accepter. He was a great accepter of truth. He knew he was the focus of My heart. He knew Whose love he carried within him. He accepted My totality within him. He heard Me speak — that is to say he heard My thoughts — and he answered, "Okay." He answered, "Yes." He did not answer, "Maybe," or "Someday sometime."

He didn't wait until he became good enough. He became good enough because he didn't wait. He heard Me louder than he heard the world, and he listened to what he heard and took it to heart.

He walked Me around the Earth. He carried My thought. There was nothing else for him to do but sing My love in his heart. How contagious a tune is! He sang Mine.

Jesus the man became Christ the light.

He reflected My light within him.

Anyone can do that. This very moment you can do that.

It is not that you have to become a believer. Beliefs are only thoughts.

Jesus became an accepter. That's all. I offered him, as I offer you, My total love and awareness, and he did not think about it or cogitate what to do. He accepted. He could not refuse My offering. He was so humble, he could not refuse. He did not dispute My choice of him. He did not think that perhaps I was mistaken about his worthiness. He did not think that perhaps he was smarter to look at his unworthiness, for he knew that sense of unworthiness is no more nor less than ego. What did you think it was?

Greatness is God. Christ did not debate his choice. He gave up ego and the sanctity of his own thoughts. He chose My choice, and so he chose himself, and so he gave Me to the world.

I have chosen everyone. Christ accepted My choice. You hesitate. You back off and say it is because you don't quite understand. That is your mind talking and not your heart. Your heart understands very well that there lies within you a giant of beingness ready to burst out from the confines of its self-imposed exile.

Christ stepped out of himself. He accepted My energy. He saw that I was beyond compare and he dared to accept what was offered him. He did nothing but accept what his eyes told him. He saw dross and he saw gold, and he chose gold and knew that when that choice was made, he had chosen for everyone. He could not choose just for himself any longer. Therefore he could not accept only a piece of what I offered. He had to accept enough for everyone.

We can say he had no choice. We can say that he did not see the dross. He saw only My light. There was nothing else at all out there but My light.

Would you refuse a dip into the ocean of Heaven?

Would you refuse to rise and be knighted by Me?

Would you refuse the only request I make of you which is to accept My offering to you?

I offer you your crown.

Do not say it does not fit. I fashioned it for you. It was made for you. You are the only one who can wear it.

Do not say it is too heavy for you to wear, for I made it of light, and the crown weighs nothing at all.

Would you refuse a kiss from Me?

Would you deny Me the giving of the gift I wish to give?

Would you ignore My hand held out?

Would you tell Me to be quiet?

Would you tell Me to be gone?

Would you tell Me I do not exist?

Would you tell Me that I am mistaken?

What would you tell me? I want to hear.

I have entrusted a message in your heart. Keep it safe there for Me. You do not yet know what the message says, but it is yours to keep in your heart. You carry My message, and one day you will open it and see that which I said long ago has come true.

Entry #364

Christopher Columbus and Christ

Christopher Columbus and Christ

Heavenletter #315 Published on: September 8, 2001

Your imagination is like filaments from the sun. You have seen photographs that show the sun's rays between trees in the forest. Your imagination is like that. Your imagination is not something to be discouraged but encouraged. Who is there qualified to say that the trees are more solid than the rays of the sun that blast through between and above them?

Your imagination feeds your desires. Perhaps We can say that desires are imagined thoughts. You have imaged them. And within the word "imagination" lies the word "magic". Let's call "magic" "majesty" instead because "magic" implies a trick, but imagination is no trick. It is seeing further. It is making a picture of what is to come.

Does the imagination create the picture, or is imagination merely foretelling? It matters not. Pictures are created in the mind, and then they are found. The pictures take you further. They call to you. They give you reason to move forward. They are love calling to you.

Culture imagination. Looking forward is not exactly the same as looking to the future. Whatever you see now, you once imagined. Imagining is not so much looking to the future but creating it.

How powerful are your thoughts!

When you think of disaster, you may be creating it. "That which you fear comes upon you." That which you imagine finds you. The power of positive thinking is not a false bolstering of yourself. It is creating a picture of what you want and perhaps of where you long and belong to be.

It is easy to point out the dismay around you. It is also easy to see a bigger horizon.

Perhaps there is no imagination at all. Perhaps there is simply foretelling the future.

Could Columbus imagine what already existed? He set out in search of India and found another continent in the place where he was looking. Was it his imagination that went past the fallacy of the flatness of the earth, or was it truth calling to him?

When you are without imagination, you are sticking to the flatness theory of the Earth. Being grounded is not being stuck to flatness. Columbus was not ungrounded. He was simply grounded in more than most of the folk of his time.

Folklore has a truth in it. Folklore is like a metaphor. The flatness of the Earth was a metaphor for the flatness or sameness of thought.

It is folklore that says that mention of Christ is religion. Mention of Columbus is not religion. It is not science either. Columbus and Christ were two men who walked the Earth with a vision far ahead of most. It is that simple. Columbus' concern was with the Earth, and Christ's was with Heaven. Each followed his own divine plan. They sought different fortunes, and each found his. That is divine, to seek your own truest heart and to find it.

Whether mentioned or not, We know that Columbus also had Me. Who was his Polestar if not I?

And Who pulls you with a force greater than that of a magnet, yet like a magnet? That is the pull of love.

Love pulled Columbus, and love pulled Christ, and love pulls you.

Where are you being pulled? Resistance to that pull is staying in the past. Staying in the past is making yourself stay in ignorance, or less than truth. It is keeping truth away. It is sacrificing truth in order to keep the past.

Must the past be so vital to you?

I tell you to break out of it. Break into the present. I quietly await you here. Come along.

Entry #363

Love beyond Measure

Love beyond Measure

Heavenletter #807 Published on: January 4, 2003
God said:

When you accept My love, you fulfill Our contract. With your acceptance of My love, the range of your love is greater. You step up to a different platform from which you see further, and from which you radiate more of My love. Not that you radiate it, but that it is radiated from you. Giving My love does not have to be from action. Ultimately, love mists itself from your being. All the actions in the world without your being are only actions. The gift of love comes from your being. The love you give is not an act of will. It is not a decision you make. When you do make a conscious decision to give love, most likely you have noticed the love already emanating from your heart. Love is a natural emanation that requires no more than your simple presence. It is Truth reverberating through you. It is My love echoing through you.

In action or in rest, you are emanating My love.

Your thoughts can stir love, but it is the beingness beneath your thoughts that heralds love.

Your words can bespeak love, but love has not much to do with words. It is the truth beneath words that issues love. Lies, even benevolent ones, carry only as much energy as the Truth underlying them.

Love is not a commandment. Love cannot be commanded. And why would you try to? Instructions do not go with love. Requirements do not go with it. Love extracts no payment. It does, however, accept return from Me. And that return is the love itself that you give. I reward you with your very service to Me. Your love multiplies. You feel it more within you. You begin to know that the love you give is Mine, and that there is none other. Therefore, it is only yours to give. Through your sharing of My love, it is replenished.

Love has no measurement, unless you consider My Totality the measure of it. But the Totality of Me is beyond measure also. Therefore, love is measureless and cannot be counted. Love is countless. No records can be kept of it. No ledger book is large enough. No computer has the capacity. No mind can envision it. No amount of conjecture can call it up.

If I were to tell you that love is and is all that there is, and that you are love supreme and entire, you would object. But that is only because you have not seen enough evidence of love. The world does not always reveal it.

Yet I maintain that the only energy in the world is love. It is the only sustainable there is. The only force on earth is love. Love cannot be disbanded, no matter how hard the world may try. The world can distort and twist love, but love survives and breaks the bounds of the world. Mine is the power and the glory, and the power and the glory are love.

Why is it easier for My children to accept the untruth of the world than it is to accept the Truth of God?

Well, let's come back to love then. Although love and truth are the same, it may be easier for you to accept My Love than My Truth. Can you accept that I love you? That it is the easiest thing in the world for Me to love you? That you are My love beyond measure?

Entry #362

Be an Enricher of Hearts

Be an Enricher of Hearts

Heavenletter #321 Published on: September 14, 2001
God said:

The core of life is My existence, and not what is portrayed on the screen of life. On the screen of life the conflagration of minds at war with themselves acts itself out. The names of their acts are drama and tragedy. They are crying for attention, and they will be noticed. "See me!" they are saying. "See how you have denied me!" they are saying. "See how I make you notice me!"

And they are schoolchildren who carve their name on a desk. They make their mark. They sear their name across the sky of life.

They think they have great cause, but they are causeless. Do not make a big thing out of a cause. A cause is another name for a cry of injustice. Just is judgment. Judgment is not honorable. A cause is a battle-cry, no more than that.

There is no enemy but thought. Thoughts are your enemy. An enemy is created by thought. You have called him to you. Be a friend. Let your platform be friendship. Justice is not enough. Friendship is better. Friendship of the heart. Friendship of intention.

Aim for a meeting of hearts rather than a stand-off.

Understanding goes a long way.

Do not be quick to take insult.

"How can someone do this to me!" you cry out.

How can someone do this to himself, I murmur. How can one of My children hurt another child of Mine who is none other than himself.

He knows not what he does is a statement of truth, for one would not do what he does if he but saw what it was. An act of terror is a last resort when nothing needs to be resorted to. Unhappy hearts do unhappy things. Something has become lopsided.

I seldom speak of prayer. Today I speak of prayer. I ask you to pray for one another. Pray for your own heart that you will bless another with My love. Bestow blessings upon those who need it more than you.

"Vengeance be Mine, sayeth the Lord," I am quoted as saying. I did not say it. I was misquoted. No God would say that. I would say, Righteousness is Mine. Love is Mine. I, Who have everything, ask for nothing but that My children have peace.

Vengeance is small. I am not a God of smallness. I am a God of Truth. Truth is much larger than vengeance. I am not a Flattener. I do not even things out. I do not keep things as they are. I expand, not contract. I expend, not ask for payment. Only love avenges.

I ask you for greatness.

I ask you to layer your love out to the universe. Let your love cross the world to hearts that crave and ask for your love. Give love from your heart to another's.

Do not make more drama. Make peace. Make peace in your heart.

Cry out if you must. Cry for the injured, and cry for the injurer, for he has wasted his heart on exacting something that only can be given.

Be a giver of love in the silent recesses of your heart. Expand your heart so it reaches the nethermost corner of hearts that ache. That is My prayer, that hearts will melt into one another's.

Be not a condemner. Condemnation is too small. Rise above your own thoughts.

Be an enricher of hearts. Some hearts are staggering in their pain. They thought you inflicted their pain. They thought they were being fair in exacting pain from you. Now you will rise above their pain. You will not equal it and say they caused you it. Balance those hearts with your love. Give love to the suffering. Retaliate with love. For My sake.


Entry #361

Follow God, He Is Faith

Follow God, He Is Faith

Heavenletter #4 Published on: November 20, 2000

You moan about the past.

Gloria, you see the months of wonderful Heavenletters based on questions and My answers to those specific questions — and now I interrupt. I say, Put them aside. I interrupt your planned course and give you another, and you hold on and think: "What about all of God's messages written down? Who is going to see them? Where will they go? All of God's beautiful words of love and wisdom…" You long for the world to see them, and you weep for their anonymity.

My love is not lost. My wisdom is not lost. Words written down are not yet seen. That is all. But they were written and their love directed, and the world lit up. But that was yesterday, and today is today.

Have My love now. My attention has moved on, and so must yours. It is a question of My attention, and My attention now is on your speeded-up growth, not on your holding on. Holding on to what you thought, even if from last night, is nevertheless holding on to the past. Holding on to what you expected yesterday is the same as holding on to a former love. Everything has moved on. What you wanted yesterday is no more relevant than what you wanted ten or twenty years ago.

You are digging up the present, not the past. Do not keep digging in the same place.

When you follow Me, you have to move fast, because I move fast. My vision encompasses entirety and does not get stuck anywhere.

Now you walk faster through life. Now you don't hold yourself back anymore.

You are skipping past the illusion of time and entering the present.

Stick with Me. Don't stick to the past of even yesterday, not even to the past of an hour ago. Your past vision is not your security. Your security is My vision, and you are opening up to it, to My vision, to My expansiveness. You are stepping out of your enclosures.

This is a red-letter day. Today is.

Do not ask yourself what your attention has been on. Ask yourself, "Where is God's attention?" Then say to yourself, "That's where I will put mine."

You know that My attention is not on what Susie said to you yesterday or what Donald did or on the keys you lost or the toe you stubbed. My attention is on you on a far larger scale.

I am opening your life right now. I am not closing it. I do not pause. I walk swiftly, and I say, "Come with Me."

Do not meander. Enough of where you have been. Now comes more. Now comes your beautiful heart beating next to Mine.

Think of My progress, and help Me help you progress.

Be my willing companion of this moment.

You do not know where I will take you. You do not need a designated route. You do not need to ask questions. You do not need dates of arrival and so forth. The date of your departure is right now. This is when you come with Me. Don't worry. I know where We are going. I know Our destination. I know Our stopping-off places. You will know when We get there. Must you know beforehand? And must you keep looking back to see where you have been?

Keep your eye on Me. Follow Me. Faith is your holding My hand and keeping up. You know I can see.

You tend to think that where you have been is safe. You don't even know what safe means. With Me is safety. The Unknown is your haven. But, in truth, there is no Unknown. There is just your fear of stepping forward.

You do not have to see ahead of time anymore than you have to see the past. Certainly do not look at the past over and over again. Have you not spent enough time on the past? Come forward now. I call you

Entry #360

How to make a pie

How to Make a Pie

Heavenletter #155 Published on: April 2, 2001

Sometimes you think you have really achieved something when you contact Me, but you have done nothing. I contacted You. You picked up the phone. I was your allowance. You let Me in, which was no achievement on your part. It was no achievement at all. Letting Me in is nothing to be amazed at.

The wonder is that you don't let Me in more often, or all the time. You can be amazed at your restriction of your allowance of God. That is truly an accomplishment.

A blocker in football works hard blocking.

You have to work hard to block Me. But you have been doing that regularly. It is a force of habit with you.

You easily let anything and everything else come to your attention. How alert you are with the police or the IRS! They make you sit up and pay attention. How alert you are with your pocketbook! How alert you are with trouble! You really pick up your ears at the thought of trouble.

There is an expression "the wrath of God" and "fear of God", but those are false concepts. The true expression is the love of God, and it is love you fear to let in. What would you do with so much love? Where would you put it? What would it do to your shackles? What would you be with so much love? What would become of you?

Your fear of God is that you would disintegrate with My love. Certainly, your ego would disintegrate. If you were your ego, then you would indeed disintegrate. But you are not your ego. That is just the point.

My love would be the making of you. My love was the making of you.

Wrath and fear — what would they make? What do your wrath and fear make, My beloved children?

Now is time for you to unwrath your angers and unfear your dreads. They are of your making, not Mine. I say you, and that is you in general and you specific.

I gave you the ingredients to make a fine pie. If less than a fine pie is made, it is not from the ingredients. It is from the use of them. But there are always other pie-makers you can fault for the state of your pie. You can fault the pie-makers who came ahead of you and the pie-makers beside you. But I say to fault no one. I say to let fault go away along with wrath and fear.

Don't waste your time bemoaning the undone or over-cooked pie. Make another pie. Others will see you and emulate you. It is irresistible when you roll out a pie.

Consider your life the pie you make.

Certainly the pies others make around you affect you. But here is precisely where you look to your ingredients and the suggested recipes from Me. I give you every hint as to what makes a delicious pie, one that will please you and those around you, one that you can be amazed at.

The pie-making begins with you. Your being affects others. Roll that pie crust with your love for Me. See how it flies to its shape and holds together. See how the apples leap to fill it. Pop it in the oven and watch it bubble. And watch the joy your pie-making makes and gives. Watch the joy that your pie-making is.

Look Me up. Let My love follow you. Have My love in your awareness. Let Me in. Let Me in now. I am here waiting for you to see Me, not for My sake, but for yours. But you are for My sake. You are My sake.

Whatever blessings come to you in your relative life, their satisfaction lasts for just a moment. And then you want more. You want more because nothing out there is enough. No matter how much you have, there is something unfulfilled. You want an extension. You want something else and something other which might be, could be, something more.

When you have Me, you have fullness of fulfillment. You are full. Nothing is missing. Nothing more to have added. You want for nothing, and you want more only of the same, a continuance of what is all that there is. You can ask for no more, because you have all of it. All of it.

No matter what you seek out there, there is an end to it. There is an empty space next to it. Or there is a leak, and before your eyes, the joy from it vanishes. In a way, you dismissed it. You pushed it aside to make room for more. You plowed it under. It loses its glow. What was marvelous a minute ago passed through your fingers, or you left it behind. In any case, the flavor is gone, and you are bereft.

There is nothing you can hold on to.

Be glad for that.

But you can have your awareness of My hold on you. My hold on you is like My hand on your shoulder, choosing you, wanting for you to notice what I hold in readiness for you.

My love alone sustains. My love alone fills. My love alone makes you complete. And how you want to be replete with Me. And, yes, I am for you. You are what I am for.

Let Me wrap you in My love. That is what you crave, and that is what you can have. That is what you do have. That is what you are. That is your being. My love is your being. Succor it. You are a waterfall of My love. Be it. Be true, My beloved's.

Entry #359

Return to Truth

Return to Truth

Heavenletter #545 Published on: April 18, 2002

In all things, follow your heart. Your life is not a question of what to believe in or what is correct to follow. It is a question of what is true. Truth resides in your heart. It stirs there.

Do not let what I say be misunderstood. This is not a matter of whim nor necessarily of preference. There is something solid in your heart that becomes unsettled when you divert from it. What is your heart telling you?

Your heart does not come from lack. When you feel lack, your heart wants its truth to be heard. Do not seek so much to feed your heart but to listen to it. Let your heart feed you. The sequence involved here may be different from the one you have been accustomed to.

You have thought your heart was a like a pet in the zoo. When it was hungry and roared, you paid attention. Otherwise, your attention was primarily on other things. Return to the realm of your heart.

Your heart is a fount of knowledge.

Your heart does not need to be appeased. It needs to be recognized.

Your heart beats for all. Your heart sets up a rhythm, and other hearts respond to it, whether they know it or not, whether you know it or not.

The importance of your heart's making peace with itself has been overlooked.

Remember, We are not talking about merely feeling good. Forgetfulness can make you feel good, but We are talking about remembering.

The still silent voice is big. It is not small. It booms. Welcome it. My voice in your heart is My love. Do not banish yourself from your heart.

The heart recognizes only truth. Anything but truth is foreign to the heart. It cannot compute it. Do not frustrate your heart. Let it give you knowledge.

The heart feels discontent when it is not heard. Hear My heart in yours. You will not think so much about what your heart feels. You will think more of what it tells you. You will feel beyond your feelings, just as you see beyond and hear beyond what is directly before you.

You are getting closer to the more you have been seeking.

The power of your heart is limitless.

It is the heart that transcends ordinary life.

The heart is your airplane. Let it take you somewhere. Let it fly you to Me. Let Us meet in midair. Let Us Meet on the way to each other. Let Us create new horizons of color and light together. Let Us not be earthbound.

What has kept you back from soaring to Me?

Do not blame it on earth. The responsibility for you is not earth's. It is yours. What have you allowed to hamper Our engagement with one another? What imaginary happening or thought has kept you from the sure knowledge of Me? What can keep you from your acquaintance with Me deep in your heart? What is this estrangement that you pay so much attention to?

Estrangement is all one-sided. Surely you know that. Surely you know that My desire is for Us to be together and to know Our Oneness. I am aware of everything. I am aware of you.

What I speak of is beyond physical. What I speak of is beyond thought. Even beyond heart because the heart is the entranceway to a greater Kingdom.

I am the Knower, and you will know Me and you will know all that the universe contains, and you will be the full-fledged Knower.

By then, you won't care who knows what. You will be so immersed in truth that you will only know immersion. As you leave a pool, you are wet. Immersed in Me, you never leave. You will know there is only pool. You will know there is only Heaven, and you cannot step out of it except by imaginings.

Return to Truth, for it has been seeking you.

Entry #358

Divine Grace

Divine Grace

Heavenletter #514 Published on: March 19, 2002
God said:

You are surrounded by Divine grace. It does not just happen to other people. It does not just happen to you once in a while. You are inundated with Divine grace. Only you are oblivious.

If you could fathom that everything, everything that happens to you happens for good, would you feel differently?

I am not saying that everything that happens is what you want to have happen. I am not saying that you should fake yourself out and say that what you find painful is actually wonderful. I am saying to allow the possibility that something good is there even so. Even what you would consider dire circumstances can contain something that will give you an advantage. Even trouble can be a precursor to good.

You have a tendency to affirm that something untoward has happened. You have a tendency to put your woes up in bright lights and look at them, raise them on a flag.

Now I ask you to veer your thinking ever so slightly. Just consider the possibility that Divine grace is working for you. That there is something there, that something good is there. You don't know what it is, but in the midst of what feels dismal to you, there is a seed of something good. You don't know what type of seed exactly has been planted. But in your heart you can know that something has been planted, and something will grow, and you will see its fruition. By and by, you will see it.

And if you cannot see even the possibility of something good for you in a particular situation, consider then that the good is for someone else, and you are the deliverer of it.

You are not a sacrifice on the altar of the world, but you are a conveyer. Maybe you are a model to the world. Perhaps you are a model of what one can be even in what appears to be adversity.

What you can be sure of that there is an advantage somewhere even if you don't know what it is.

I coach you. I do not order you. But I lead you. And as you emulate Me, you lead others. You are demonstrating to others all the time. And now you are in a position to demonstrate a point of view that will uplift the world.

You are a vital link to Heaven.

Consider this: perhaps you are the instrument of Divine grace.

What is rain a sign of? What does rain lead to? What can you be sure will come after? The sun will shine. The sun was shining all the time, only it was hidden from view. The sun is a constant. Rain is not. Rain brushes away the clouds so that the sun may appear in its full brightness.

Consider hurdles in life like scouring pads. They scrub off surface marks so that the beautiful shine beneath can show.

Consider hurdles in life as ego-scrubbers. Be glad for them. Otherwise what pinnacle might you rise to only to fall?

Call good to you by focusing on it.

Today look for Divine grace. Catch it peeking out from corners. Catch it dashing out across your life so quickly that you must look for it or, you may miss seeing it like a comet that crosses the sky.

Perhaps you are one who plays hide and seek. Maybe you are one who either hides or dashes across life so furtively that Divine grace can't quite get a hold of you. Perhaps you try to elude it.

But My bet is on Divine grace, for it is a blessing I have sent to you, and it will find you wherever you are.

Entry #357

Bless Each Soul on Earth

Bless Each Soul on Earth

Heavenletter #788 Published on: December 18, 2002
God said:

Life is like a variety store. There are so many things offered. You cannot buy all of them, nor do all the wares appeal to you. Nor must they. But they are here for someone; there is someone who wants the wares you don't.

Sometimes, only sometimes, you think the store of life should be regulated. You would eliminate some of the varieties. You would authorize others' choices. Sometimes you would like to pick and choose for others. You forget that each soul on earth has his own domain.

You have enough to do to make your own decisions. You have enough to pick and choose for yourself. From your little or long distance from another's life, it seems easier to decide for someone else. Better to be a blessor to life than one who takes away even the tiniest scrap of it from another's purlieu. Do not be a rule-giver.

The fewer requirements you make for yourself or others, the gentler life is. The gentler you make life, the gentler you find it. Decisions you make for others are hard walls that they bump into, and you bump into them too.

Once you take away something from another, then you appoint yourself warden to make sure that your assumed jurisdiction is adhered to. A warden by definition must come from a certain vantage or his rules are for naught. He becomes a nay-sayer.

Rather be a freedom-giver. Give freedom to yourself first, freedom from gainsaying what others should or shouldn't do. I gave you freedom of choice. Have you more authority than I?

Sometimes you get so much into your own righteousness that you forsake others. You dismiss them from the world. You extract them, as it were. With tweezers, you set them aside.

Now toss out the tweezers of your mind.

Alight into a vaster perspective. See big. No more nearsightedness for you, My beloved. Now you are wide-visioned and too great to immerse yourself into barbed-wire thoughts. Now you are into new horizon-thinking. Promote yourself to a new vista from which smallness is not possible.

As your vision becomes wider, so does your heart. How connected to your vision your heart is! Your vision pumps your heart up or pushes it down. Have compassion for all the souls in the world, even though they have a different vision from yours. Be so busy looking up to Me that you have no time nor desire to look down on others. From a higher vision, you do not look down. You see into and you see higher, and, in your release, you bring others with you.

Release yourself and others from bondage. All the rules you evolve are bondage. De-regulate your rules. There is one rule, and that is the rule of love.

Make sure that you treat yourself well. Loosen your hold on yourself and your life. Living life is not meant to be tense. Has not yours been? You have constrained yourself. You have held yourself at bay. Relax. Relaxing means to let go. Let go of whatever it is that you have been holding on to. Relax your hold. Relax your hold on life. Let it go its way. The more you let go of life, the closer it comes to you, and the more of it you have.

Of course, I equate life with love. Have you not been blocking the love in your heart for the sake of rules? When you free yourself of the constraints you have put on yourself and others, love arises.

Entry #356