topazz28's Blog

A Lesson in Economics

A Lesson in Economics

Heavenletter #949 Published on: May 28, 2003
God said:

Money is a medium of exchange in the world. That means it is reciprocal. Something is exchanged for something else. Printed paper represents the energy of exchange.

Once upon a time the world traded in goods. A sheep was exchanged for lumber or labor. But when banks took a bigger role, instead of a sheep, paper and coins were exchanged.

Isn't it easier to see the energy in a sheep than it is in paper? But it is easier to move paper around. Exchanging paper for goods takes less energy than trading sheep.

How many sheep would one man collect, or how much lumber? Even a man with greed would say, "Enough." There comes an end to accumulating lumber when there is no further use for it or no means to transport it.

But paper money is compact. Even when it serves no practical purpose and must be stored, there is room for it. Banks even have vaults for it.

And so money became a metaphor for useful goods. It became energy because everyone agreed it would. Everyone agreed to love the paper as if it were a sheep.

Now, in the world, even a message of money is credited. The mention of money itself is credited and transferred. The hand is not even involved. Numbers on a pager are transferred. The actual cash is behind the scenes. The word "money" itself opens doors. For the sake of saying "Money is mine", money is chased, as if more of it would restore your heart or make you worth more. In the eyes of the world, it does.

Sometimes more energy is expended to have money than it is worth. Sometimes man gives up too much for it. Sometimes paper does not live up to its promise. It is, after all, only paper. It is, after all, only money.

Money has importance only in the world. In Heaven there is no money. What would Heaven trade and for what? The only thing exchanged in Heaven is love, and I cannot even say it is exchanged, for how can it be when love is all there is? No one in Heaven counts the love or measures it or piles it up or sets it aside for later or bargains with it. Love is free in Heaven. There is no labor of love even, for what labor is there to be what you are, and the only thing there is?

In Heaven love cannot be separated from existence. Existence is love. The birth of existence is love. Being is love. Your being is love.

In the world, remember love. When you exchange money for something else, give the energy of love with it. When you buy food at a store, not having grown it yourself, do not complain about the cost. Give recognition for all the people and all the hearts and all the work that went into the growing of the food and the transporting of it so that you might have it for your supper tonight. Do not take so much for granted. You are receiving great energy in exchange for paper.

Start taking out more love. If you do not love what you exchange paper for, then do not buy it. Be full-hearted with your love. Love is not to be stingy with. An exchange without love is a poor exchange.

Nothing is owed to you. At the same time, you deserve everything. The two are not incompatible.

It is not that money is not important. It just is not most important. Money is not the motivator. Love is.

Entry #310

What Would You Say?

What Would You Say?

Heavenletter #669 Published on: August 19, 2002
God said:

What is in your heart to tell the world? If you had five minutes on TV during which the whole world would be glued to you, what would you say? If you had one minute of the attention of every heart and soul on earth, what words would issue forth from your lips? If you were given air time to say ONE word only that the whole world would listen to, what would it be? What does what you have to say come down to?

What words come to your mind that you dismiss, for you would not waste the precious moment when the whole world looks to you. In that moment you would consider what was important for you to say. I do not think you would be thinking, "What would someone else say? What would be popular? What does the world want to hear? I'll tell them what they want." I think you would be thinking, "What is the truth of what I have to say?"

Yet much of your life has been spent wanting to say or do what you think the world wants, or what someone in it wants. But the question before you now is, What would you say?

With millions of words to choose from, which one would you pick?

If the one word you choose would affect the whole destiny of the world, when all is said and done, what word would you utter?

I don't think you would use this occasion to vent. I think you would consider more than yourself. I believe you would be thinking of what you could say that would have value. I think that whatever word you uttered, you would make it your gift to the world.

If you were given this moment before the whole world, and you could only appear and not say a word, what would you convey? What might you say with your posture? What simple gestures might you use to express something worthy to the world?

I have a feeling that in silence, you might convey something even deeper than what you would have conveyed in words.

In either case, I believe that you would express some kind of joy.

You would not express pettiness or frustration or revenge. You would not care about getting your two cents' worth in. You would be thinking more of what lasting thought you could leave with the whole world, this audience with their eyes on you, attentive to you.

I think your intent would be serious, but you would not admonish the world. You would not give it warning. You would not shake your finger at it. Am I correct?

I think that before you spoke to the body of the world, you would chip away at that ego of yours and come down to truth. You would find who you are and what you have to say. I think you would find your contribution to the world, for you do have contribution to make. You are going to leave an imprint of you on the world.

Now, let Us change the scenario a moment.

Let Us say you are given one moment to appear before Me and make a statement to Me. Would you say the same? Would your body language convey the same?

If I had asked you first what you would say to Me rather than to the world, might you have given a different response before than what you would say now? Would you really appear before Me and, as in the stories, ask to be let into Heaven and give explanations about your merit? Would it really be all about you?

I must leave My questions open-ended for you to answer. What would you say?

Entry #309

The Holiness That Enjoins All

The Holiness That Enjoins All

Heavenletter #432 Published on: December 27, 2001
God said:

Death is not a stranger who comes to you. Death is not an enemy. Death is not a farewell. It is an entry. It is a passage from one room to another. It is a movement through the rooms of an art gallery where you admire different paintings. And you are the one who passes through the rooms. The rooms are for you to pass through, gain from, and grow in.

But what is growing? It is greater recognition. It is a sigh of understanding. It is a sigh of recognition. "Yes, that's it. That is what it means." And you climb higher.

No one is born alone, and no one dies alone.

In an uninhabited desert, a man alone does not die alone.

There is no alone.

What touches you touches another.

No man is unaffected by another.

No spot on earth is exclusive of another.

No dream is yours alone.

No event happens to you without its reaching another.

As in death, no life is alone.

You form a whole.

There is nothing that is unconnected.

In your life, you try to connect the dots.

You try to make connections.

And you yearn to connect to Me.

When you connect to Me, you have connected everything. Everything falls into place. The world gives a sigh of relief.

There is nothing that is unconnected. Life is connected to what you call death. One supports the other.

You can say you are on a seesaw. Up or down, it is still you on the seesaw. Or you can say you move to the other end of the basketball court. The change is in where you are positioned, that's all.

Or you can say that life and death are merely changes in costume, or that in death you wear none, for you leave all the costumes behind.

In death or in life, you are all light.

See it. Pay attention to it.

It is said that there is light at the end of the tunnel. In truth, there is no tunnel. There is only your eyes closed. Darkness of life is a pretend thing. It is a misdemeanor that everyone has agreed to take seriously.

You think that when you are still in your body and someone dear to you has left theirs that they have left you. It feels like that to you. You feel that you have been left behind to carry on without them. Or that you somehow left them behind and went on without them.

Those who die have always had their own light, as you have yours. Your light is not dimmed by another's passage any more than theirs is. What is dear to you is dear to you whether extant in a body or not.

All of life is a moving on. It never is sitting still.

You would not hold another back. You would not keep them from their destiny. You would not keep them from the natural roll of evolution.

All of life is an initiation into one thing or another. Birth is an initiation into life, and death of the body is an initiation into life as well. There is no leaving. There is only entering.

The breath of the body is a little thing. It is movement of the body. The last breath has nothing to do with anything but the body. Life is of far more than the gasps a body makes.

When a friend leaves his body for a different kind of encounter, be joyous for his exploration into another realm.

It is for yourself that you mourn. There is no mourning for another.

All is well, and nothing is changed but the surface. Love does not leave. Love stays. There is no less love when a dear one departs for another engagement than before they left. They do not leave. This you must remember.

The physical is a fleeting thing and not to be attached to. The physical is merely a token of something far greater. It betokens spirit. Spirit is what you are made of; the physical is merely a coating. The physical is dear to you, but it is not essential. It is not the essence of you or any other. Remember and recount the essence of all beings, and you will know there is no loss of the holiness that enjoins all.

It takes courage to love, for always you fear its loss. But the love you feel for another is not packaged in another. Love is the power of a laser but its rays are not so precisely focused. The rays go out and they land where they will. Where they land is not their story, and where they land is not their source. The source of love you always have. It remains and cannot be removed, although you can try to withhold it and thus cramp it.

Isolated targets may change their course, but love is many-rayed and not dependent upon any receiver of it. Love from your heart is yours. It stays your love. For all love is Mine, merely housed in your heart to dispense for Me.

The love in your heart need not be aimed so specifically. It does not need to be aimed at all. It just needs to go out. Do not conserve your love. Let it go. Your love is needed in the world. You don't need what you already have and which there is evermore of.

Love is not to be mourned for. There is no such thing as a lost love. The object of your love may move or wither or not be what you thought, but love itself is great and therefore expands outwards into infinity where it is retrieved and recycled and returned to fill hearts with more pure love once again.

Entry #308

You Are an Immortal Being

You Are an Immortal Being

Heavenletter #431 Published on: December 26, 2001
God said:

Who said that life had to be smooth? Who said that the waters must never be rippled? Who said that a boat must not rock?

Know that whatever trouble comes to you, it is shaking you loose from something. Be not attached, and there will be nothing that needs to be shaken loose.

Life is not meant to be humdrum. It is meant to be an adventure. Be not afraid of it. Nor shake your fist at it.

You do not commandeer life. In terms of the relative, you rise above it. Rising above the effects of worldly life is rising to your true stature. Keep your feet in the world, but hold your head high. Look far and see greater than what is at your feet.

Looking just at your feet causes you to stumble. Besides, it is no fun.

Fun is an attitude towards life. It is not entertainment. Fun is your stance in the world. Are you Atlas carrying it, or are you a dancer? Be a dancer, and twirl. Move your feet lightly in the density of the world.

Be a winged Mercury in terms of the world. Be a benevolent deliverer of My messages. Deliver the truth of the world to itself. It knows not its truth. It knows only its bewilderment. Even a bewildered such as you can still deliver My messages. Cease sending your own.

Too often your messages are distraught and of fear. You do not need to send them. You think you are being honest to flail in troubles, but you keep yourself there. Jump out.

Bail yourself out from troubles. They are not your medium. Troubles are balloons you must pop. Sometimes you have had it backwards. You thought joy was effervescent.

Keep yourself close to Me. Not in fear, but in love. Think beyond yourself, for that is where the truth of you lies.

Be enamored with truth, not trouble.

Whatever disturbances, sail through them. They are only disturbances, and do not have to keep you from speeding ahead. Sometimes the seas are rough, and sometimes the seas are calm, but it is the same sea that you sail on, and so you sail.

You are pointed in the right direction. There is a magnet that pulls you aright. Whatever excursions or detours from your course you go on, you always bounce back to it. Your heart sails forward.

Even when your heart sinks, the boat does not.

Have you anchored your heart somewhere? Have you kept it down? Now let it loose. Like a kite, it will pull your eyes to Heaven.

Don't miss it.

Christ's feet tread the same ground you do. His heart was raised high. He walked the earth, and he lived in Heaven. His feet touched the ground, but his hands reached up to Heaven. He was not in the clouds. He was solidly in Heaven. He recognized Heaven's place in the world and his place in Heaven.

Where are the doldrums? They are beneath you. They are deep beneath your feet. And so when you look up, you are no longer in the doldrums. What are you looking at?

If you do not feel happy, then you are looking in the wrong place. Look higher. You are not blind to the doldrums. You don't pretend them away. You just don't stay there.

It is just as easy to rise as to sink. Sinking is an illusion. Rising is truth. Truth is stronger than illusion. It is truth that has substance. Density is not substantiated. Truth is.

And the truth is that you are a divine being. You are an immortal being. I made you so.

Entry #307

Sun, Stars, Moon, Rivers

Sun, Stars, Moon, Rivers

Heavenletter #26 Published on: December 9, 2000

You are learning to be spontaneous. You are learning not to plan so much. In other words, you are learning to live in this moment and not another, not past, not future, but this one moment right now. Yet you do not think: "I am in this moment", for when you are in it, you are in it. You are neutral, not attached, observant, but you are smack in the flow of My Will.

Spontaneous is life without words, without thought, without prediction, comparison, or substantiation.

Spontaneous is: You see an apple on a tree and you pick it and start eating it. Or, spontaneous is: You see an apple on a tree and you pass it by. Or, spontaneous is: You see an apple on a tree and you pick it and give it to someone else… Spontaneous is many possibilities, but only one at the time.

You did not ask yourself: "Do I really want to eat this apple? Should I eat it? How many calories does it have? What will someone think if they see me eating this apple? Should I save it for later or give it to someone else? What is the right thing to do?…"

The desire and the fulfillment are one motion, not a sequence of thoughts. The motion is not labored. It is not unconscious either. The impulse was conscious, not subterranean.

Desire and fulfillment are one.

There is not hesitation.

You are not weighing things.

You are not rehearsing for your life and planning your moves.

You are living life from a deeper level which is the same as to say a higher one. Not from a hidden level such as the subconscious, but from a deep high level of truth.

Spontaneous is being ready for life and not waiting for it.

Spontaneous acknowledges: "This is my life right now. This is how I am living it. And I can live my life as it comes with alacrity."

You are aware that your life is given to you to perform greatness, not smallness. Just have that awareness, and when you pick an apple from a tree or don't pick the apple, you are connecting to all of nature and Heaven on earth.

Nature reminds you of Heaven. The senses remind you of Heaven. As you enjoy (not to be confused with distraction from suffering), you are enjoying Heaven.

We can even say that there is one act in life. Only one. And that is knowing your value. And that is knowing your value to Me. When you know your value to Me and therefore yourself and all others, all is easy. You come from a higher plane. You come from a vantage of Heaven.

So long as you do not recognize your worth to Me, you grasp at everything or nothing, and you are a fluttermill. I did not give you breath to become a fluttermill.

You are one who gives and lives My Will.

The Sun is your chariot.

The Stars are your eyes.

The Moon is your benefactor.

The rivers are the flow of your life.

The earth is yours to serve, and those other Human beings on earth are your companions in service to Me and the great mission you share.

You are born of greatness, not smallness. You are born of purpose, not purposelessness. You are born of wisdom, not ignorance. You are born from and of love, not abstention from it.

My love made you. I made you from My love. My love is what you are made of. Nothing less. Accept your heritage.

Remember My love today as you walk through rooms.

Remember My love today as you chatter with this one or that.

Remember My love today as you buy and sell.

Remember My love today as you laugh and as you cry.

Remember My love today, and it will spontaneously be given.

Remember Truth, and your desires and fulfillment will be One.

Remember Truth, and your desires and My fulfillment will be One.

Entry #306

Eternal Light Shines

Eternal Light Shines

Heavenletter #944 Published on: May 22, 2003

O, to be innocent again! O, to be wide-eyed! O, to awake fresh each morning and see a new world waiting, chomping at the bit for you, ready and willing for you, open-armed for you while you pull back the covers and leap out of bed! You cannot go fast enough to match the eagerness in your heart for the day that has come. What a glad welcome to give to your day who so regularly and promptly comes to you!

When did you become less eager for your day, and why? What cut into your proven heart and made it absentminded about joy? What happened to your eagerness for the morning and your subsequent emergence into the world?

The sun rises and shines. The stars and moon come out. Grass grows. Winds blow. Seasons come and go, and you may take nature as a given and forget to be exhilarated by it. Take a look at nature today, a closer look. Let your eyes peer at the miracles of nature, and know that you, the one looking, are a great miracle too.

How can a child of Mine be grumpy? In the midst of plenty, how can you not be full?

If one thing dissatisfies you, replace it with one that satisfies.

In your mind, hike up beautiful mountains, climb trees, swing from the utmost branch, dabble your feet in a mountain tarn, blink your eyes and, in a new light, look at where your body stands now. You look in new light; you look. New light is always the case.

Light is ever new, and you stand in it. You are in the theater of life. You are the introducer. You are introducing life to the world. You stand in the morning sunshine, and you remember the light you stand in.

Every day you are a new speaker, and you are a new audience, and you introduce the world to newness. You do not repeat the same speech, for you know that everything is new and it is wonderful, and it is all for you, and for you to share My bounty generously. You pronounce the world to itself.

What more do you want to do than share the beauty you are brimful of? You are replete in beauty. You are overflowing in it, and like a mighty river, you overflow your banks and reach everywhere.

Your thoughts are the rivers, and your thoughts flood the world. You are far more important to the whole than you have ever imagined. Beloveds, you cannot be grumpy for yourself alone. Nor can you be joyous for yourself alone.

You are an illuminator of the world. You put a sign up each morning. What does your sign say? It is the kind of sign where you can insert a new one. If the sign you hang out each morning is rusted, well, then, get a new one and hang that up.

You choose the clothes you put on. Why not choose the mood you carry?

Sunlight moves. At one moment it alights on one tree, and then it moves on to another. One tree is in the foreground of light and then the light moves on, but not one tree is overlooked by the Sun. Am I not greater than the Sun which embodies My light?

I shine everywhere the same. There is no twig I overlook. Unlike the sun, I do not rise and set. I only rise. And I rise in you.

Look not so much for Me in the circumstances that surround you. Look for Me within you, for I am always shining in your heart. My Light fills you now. You are filled with My Light. Long is My Light. Eternal is it in you.

Entry #305

A Song of Love

A Song of Love

Heavenletter #490 Published on: February 24, 2002

Sing this song of love to Me today:

"Dearest God, My God, My one and only God, how blessed I am to have You in my life, surrounding me, uplifting me, praising me. How sweet are You in my life! My heart overflows with the goodness You bestow on me. As You are One, am I also one, and I do feel I am Your blessed favored child.

"Your love is insurmountable. It overtakes everything. It comes in all directions. Your love is the flow of the universe, and I am a part of it. I am a connecting thread, and all is connected to You. Yes, You are the Connector but that says too little. You are the Connected as well. You are the Connecting. You are It. Oh, You are All of It!

"I love it when I feel bursting love for You, dear God. Just now love for You propelled itself forward like a basketball moving smoothly through the net. I suppose I am the basket You fall through, and yet I can't find where I am in all this love for You. It seems to go on independent of me. Yet it sweeps me up. I am careened in Your love.

"I begin to feel that I am Your love on earth. I am the carrier of it. I am Your lofty ideal. Oh, but I get Us mixed up! I am not sure I exist at all. But I know You exist, and more than in my heart. My heart is only a small bit of You. I must not keep You there. You burgeon out.

"Oh, yes, You are volleyball more than basketball. You are a volley of love. The love that is You bounces around from hand to hand, court to court. You don't move, and You never stay still. You are the Entire.

"You are like a solvent. You are water poured upon the waters. You are my soul. You are the Big Dipper, and You ladle me. You ladled me to earth. You raise me to Heaven. And You ladle me again. You stir me, but You do not disturb.

"I roll over in my love for You, Godness. Billowy clouds of Your love encompass me. They wrap me up. But they are see-through, these enveloping billows. I am wrapped and unwrapped in the universe. I am rapt in Your attention. I am enraptured. I have been captured by my love for You — or is it Yours for me?

"I feel like We grow together. We hold hands and swing around. Our eyes meet, and then We merge. I merge into You. Who would not want to merge with You, dear God? Who would not want to drink in Your holy breath and be overcome, overtaken, to reach and be reached by You?

"I don't even know who is the Reacher? Is it You or is it I?

"I don't even know who is the Swinger. Do You swing me or do I swing You? I know I am swung. I am catapulted.

"Do Your arms lift me, or is it Your eyes? With eyes like Yours, full of love, there is no need for arms. It is all metaphorical anyway, parts of a body ascribed to You. You are the Greatest Metaphor, and You are no metaphor at all.

"You long to be met. You forge Yourself forward in front of everyone, eager to be met. 'See Me! See Me!' Your invisible eyes say, 'See Me! See Me before you. And take Me with you today.'

"The yearner and that which is yearned for are the same. It is the Self calling to the Self. There is One Self, and it is called God. You are called God. I do not know my own name yet, but I know You call me Love.

"There is One God Who trips over Himself, for He is everywhere. He abounds. He teems the universe. He is the universe. He is Everything rolled into One.

"You, God of the Universe, are the depth of the ocean, and You are the highest pinnacle of Heaven. You are the crumbs thrown upon the waters, and You are the waters. You are Energy Personified. You are the Whole of It. You are the Spender of You, and You are the Splendor.

"Spend Me today, Oh Lord! Spin the coin of me upon the waters of the universe. Let me come heads up. Let me be Your coin today. Or let me be Your crust of bread that soaks up the whole universe. Let me be Your bread cast upon the waters. Let me be with You today."

And when you have sung your song to Me today, I will sing it back to you.

Entry #304

The Good Waiter

The Good Waiter

Heavenletter #476 Published on: February 9, 2002

Neutrality and ego do not coexist. That is the meaning of being in the world but not of the world.

When your ego is involved, you sputter. When you stay intact, when you are immersed in your wholeness, you are neutral. When you are neutral, you participate, but you do not become overwrought or submerged in the events. Neutral is not indifferent, and it is not objective because objective implies a remoteness. Neutrality is being present but not swept up.

Many times you have yearned to be swept up. You want to be carried away. You want ego to sweep you off your feet. You want to be caught in a torrent of events. You want to play high drama.

Getting caught up in events is playing a part less than your own. Not more, less. Getting embroiled in affairs is not the forgetting yourself through which you find yourself.

Throwing yourself into things is not service. Service is another thing. Consider a good waiter. He is quick, but he doesn't run. He takes care that you get what you order and he serves you properly. He pays attention to you. He cares, but he is not the cook and he is not the diner. He cares, but he never forgets that he is the waiter. He is not self-centered nor self-serving. He serves you. Good service is neutral. That does not mean careless or without caring. Good service is careful.

How does this apply to your life?

Take time to learn your trade. And your trade is that of Human being. Above all, you are an agent of God called Human being. At the same time the good waiter works for the restaurant owner, he serves you. And, the same, as you work for Me, you take your place in the world and give service to it. You do not become lost in the world.

You are unquestionably a teacher in the world. Consider what you teach. You do not want to teach limitation. You do not want to teach ego. You do not want to teach sufferance. You want to teach vision. You want to teach the process of vision.

And you want to teach how to give, how to love, how to exercise My Will across the universe. How to create. How to immerse in life without drowning. How to expand horizons for yourself and for others. How to breach the nonexistent breach.

I teach you here with words, but you teach silently.

The good waiter does not explain what he is doing. He gives good service. Good service is what and how he teaches. Good waiting the waiter teaches.

Listen with your heart and not your mind, and you will be teaching good listening.

Explanation comes from the mind and not the heart. The heart embraces as one heart to another. It embraces the other's being. It embraces the other's right to be and to be here and to be here now.

What do you wish to teach yourself today?

Patience? Patience is not the opposite of impatience. Patience is broader vision. It is not an effort of will. When you see far enough, you are patient. When you see only close-up, you are impatient.

Neutrality is patient. It knows not rush. It knows not slowness. It is out of the time dimension. It is not caught up in time.

Ego is impatient. It is in a hurry because it races to beat time, and ego races a shadow it can never catch.

Entry #303

The Heart's Surrender

The Heart's Surrender

Heavenletter #342 Published on: October 6, 2001

Hearts are to be soft, not hard. When you judge something awry, your heart hardens. It reinforces itself, thus making itself a boundary.

Hearts can only accommodate love. A heart protects itself (needlessly) by tightening, and so a loving Human heart puts bars around itself and becomes hardened.

Love is a balm to your heart.

Anything less than love is a caustic and scars your heart.

You know what I am talking about.

Some of My children harbor hard feelings as if they were precious treasures.

Every grudge you hold, every insult, every sneer dries out your heart. Crying tears is good, but drying out your heart is a waste of My love.

You cannot waste your heart on love, because love is given. A heart flows in love for its own sake. It asks for no return. Its return is its own flow.

No one limits your heart but you. Anything less than flow limits your heart. When you dam up your heart, you don't keep anything out. You keep everything in.

A bee cannot sting your heart. A bee stings your skin, that's all. Anything you consider hurtful to your heart is only a bee sting on the surface of you. You are the only one who can spread it to your heart. And you are the one who can let it out from there.

Let out all the sludge from your heart. I implore you. It doesn't profit you to keep it. It clogs up the universe.

Let your heart send out clear messages to the universe. The only clear message is love. Love blocked is not love.

I gave your heart a special key. It is special because it can only open. It cannot close. The key to your heart is openness. I did not give you a key to close it.

When you think you must lock your heart, the odd thing is that you open it to more of what you don't want in the first place. The more you close your heart, the more it is onslaughted. A dam creates more pressure, not less. More presses against it, trying to open it.

Release your heart, and pressure leaves. High blood pressure leaves. Your mind started it, and your mind can release it from your heart.

Pressure comes because you are afraid to melt. You think melting will disintegrate you. On the contrary, it will integrate you.

Barriers do not integrate.

Barriers do not strengthen your heart. They make it weak.

A strong heart is strong-hearted. It is strong because it melts. It can only melt into Oneness.

A hardened heart has been keeping Oneness out, the very thing the heart wants. A hardened heart sends mixed messages to itself, until the heart is in a quandary.

Make up your mind.

If you want your heart to flow, open it.

If you want to clog it, close it.

A hardened heart is a weak heart.

A flowing heart is a strong one.

An opened heart is a relaxed one. It does not have to be on the alert.

A weak heart says, "Never". An open heart says, "Now".

What does your heart say?

Teach it to speak. Its silent openness will speak for itself. Your heart will be heard. It already is. Your heart attracts according to the messages it sends. The message it sends is returned.

Send out this message: "I give out my love now, not later. I do not take it back. I give it, and it is given. I do not re-call my heart like a faulty toy. My heart delivers God's messages. My heart is an intermediary. It mediates God to the world. God's love is dispersed to the world through my heart. That is what heart is meant to do. And with all my heart, I give God's love back to Him so that it may be given to the world. I surrender my heart."

Entry #302

To Fly on Earth

To Fly on Earth

Heavenletter #47 Published on: December 22, 2000

Time does not exist. Or if you insist it does, it exists as a faulty measure of eternity. It can only be faulty, for it tries to bind the bindless. It demarcates that which cannot be demarcated. The concept of time tries to hold back a flow. It wants to break it into segments. But that is an interruption to flow, and it is false. There is an issuance of love, and time tries to package it. But love will not be packaged.

Eternity means always is and so never was. Never was. No past tense. All the past that you hoard never really was. Love was. All the past you hoard is a memory of dots on a map. But the dots are not the map. And your memories are not truth. Your memories are an attempt to hold in place pictured events. You only imagined them. You made up a meaning. You interpreted the uninterpretable.

Physics tells you that an event is a happening in time and space. Physics will also tell you that time and space are not. So what is an event? And what is a memory? A blade of grass in a painted field. No more, no less.

A memory is a picture you paint and repaint.

Move on.

Leave the landscape you painted and repainted, and start a new one. Take wet brushes and paint today. Today holds an imagined canvas before you, but at least it is fresh. Start over. Recast your life into the present. Abandon the past. It really has no hold over you, although you maintain that it does.

You are light. Should light be held back by the cover-up of the past? The past is only an excuse. Step through the past. Throw away excuses. There are none.

Stand before Me right now.

Stop dallying.

Step right up. I am the Present.

All there is is the present. This moment contains all.

The present is eternity. Get on for the ride.

And what a ride. What sights you will see. What vistas before you. And what a vision are you of My love.

Envision My love, and drop the past accumulations of thoughts. They are old pictures. They are old dresses that you once put on. Put on a beautiful new dress today. Leap into the present. Leap out of the past.

The past does not hold you. You hold the past. The past does not contain you. Do not you contain it. Do not you regress to the past. The past was not more beautiful than the present. Even when the past was terrible, you still want to keep it. It was not your past, My darling children. You have no past, for you are eternal, and that means you are present. So be present.

Be present with Me.

Be My consciousness, farseeing, all-knowing, all love dispersed upon the earth.

To what do I attach? I attach to Truth. No, I do not attach. I am Truth. I am free.

Be you like Me. That is all I ask, that you be grounded in Heaven and fly on earth.

Entry #301

You Are a Bare Beginner

You Are a Bare Beginner

Heavenletter #711 Published on: October 1, 2002
God said:

What is at the bottom of your heart? What is the buried treasure located there? What is there deep within you that is calling to you?

It may not be at all what you might have thought. It may be another sort of song altogether. It may be contrary to what you might have expected.

What We do know for sure is that there is a locked box in your heart, and it is ready to spring open, and you with it. You are ready to burst forth into the world for the first time. Whatever you have revealed of yourself up to this time has only been preview. Now the movie is really going to begin.

Always know that you are a beginner. When you begin to think you are an expert at life or in knowledge, you are losing your touch. When you feel well-established, then you carbon-copy yourself and, therefore, are no longer an original. It is not plagiarism, for it is yourself you copy, but it is still, nevertheless, imitation.

Knowing it all or mostly all is not innocent. It is smarter to recognize you don't know anything. It is wiser, and it is also closer to the truth.

The trouble with adoring all the knowledge you have gained is that it leads you in too-small a direction. All you know is not really worth a whole lot. All you ARE is another story. What you are and what you are to Me are inextricably woven. What you know is small potatoes, hardly worth mentioning, next to what We are.

But you all know people who think they know everything about something. And are you not one of them?

In your spiritual pursuits, are you trying to grasp knowledge or are you trying to acquaint yourself with Me? Are you trying to make yourself mightier or paying attention to Me? What are you trying to prove, and to whom — yourself, the world, the elongated past? To Me, you have to prove nothing. I don't ask proof from you nor do I ask for great knowledge. I don't ask for your mind. I ask for your heart. Give it to Me.

This is often called surrender, but I don't quite see it that way. Your heart is already Mine, so I ask not for surrender from you, nor concession, nor giving in, but only your awareness of the true state of affairs. I ask for breakthrough.

You are a bare beginner. And that is a good thing to be. And when you know that, that is a breakthrough.

What is letting go of the past but allowing yourself entry into the present? What is accumulated knowledge but the past brought forward? Knowledge is worshipped in the world, but it is little next to innocence.

Each day is new. It is not old.

And each day you are new.

Christ said to be as the little child. Young children and animals are innocence, and their innocence takes them far. It takes them to Me. Actually, unlike you, they never thought they were apart.

For children, the knowledge of separation reaches them later, just as it reached you. It is something the world passes on. So much for knowledge.

When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they put acquired knowledge above innocence. They were not evicted from the Garden of Eden. With their emphasis on knowledge, they withdrew themselves.

Pure simple awareness beats knowledge.

Entry #300

Like Dolphins

Like Dolphins

Heavenletter #855 Published on: February 21, 2003
God said:

Petty thoughts glue you to earth. Vast thoughts free you to Heaven.

Perhaps that is all I have to say today.

I could elaborate and say that petty thoughts are like mites or dust particles, and vast thoughts are like dolphins that swim through the ocean waters.

What a troublemaker the mind is! It sews needless stitches around and around.

Let your random thoughts be like stars. Let them come out, but then blink and be gone the next day before the sun rises.

Or let your small thoughts be like moths that go too near the flame and burn themselves up.

When you stop having small thoughts, grand ones are left.

It may be that small pesky thoughts come to you unbidden, but you can shoo them away. You sure don't have to keep them. There are other thoughts you can think. Unlike money, small thoughts amassed do not become fortunes. They remain small thoughts amassed.

Let the love I hold for you well up inside you. Love will clear your thoughts. Non-productive thoughts and My love (all love is Mine) cannot exist in the same breath. Waves of thoughts about Me fill your mind with a translucency that outshines all other thoughts.

Isn't it amazing how My children can have little thoughts that dwarf their awareness of My presence?

You could consider your wayward thoughts like smog. But your say over your thoughts is great.

When it comes to Me, be aware of the love you absorb. There is not a cell in your body where I am not. You would not superimpose something else over Me, would you? And yet small thoughts overlap love and often disallow it.

Instead of thinking so much, substitute love. Put away your clever thoughts. Put away your sense of righteousness. All of your multitudinous thoughts are no substitute for one drop of love. Thoughts are just fillers. The way to fill your mind with love is to empty it of all that is not. Bail out your small thoughts like water from a boat.

Let love rise in your mind. Let love occupy your mind. If you took all worry and fears from your mind, love would be left. Instead of thoughts, you would have awareness. Let your mind get out of the way of love.

Rather than criticism, let your love pounce. Instead of feeling aggravation, irritation, annoyance, perplexity, insecurity, feel love. You can do anything. You can do My blessings on earth. What would prevent you, and why would you let it?

From this day forward, let your love fall like snow upon a barren ground. Let the whiteness of your love cover the earth and transform it to its rightful beauty. Unlike snow, love is not melted. Love is the melter, and it melts whatever is less than itself. It melts barriers to the discovery that only love is and love is all that matters. Nothing else does.

Entry #299

When You Behold Nature

When You Behold Nature

Heavenletter #192 Published on: May 9, 2001
God said:

When you behold nature, you are beholding the majesty of Heaven. When you notice nature, you are enthralled. Sunrises, sunsets, stars in the vast cup of the night sky, mountains, water, growing things. They set your heart on fire at the same time as they set it at peace. How enlivening is nature. How soothing is nature. Your appreciation enlivens and soothes. It is your appreciation.

Observation of nature makes you wiser. As you observe, you feel My love. Regardless of whether what you look at is stark or lush, you feel the love that permeates the universe.

All in nature has its movement, but you do not sense rushing. You, as you watch, are restful in your movement. You eyes do not dart as they follow the vastness of nature.

Yet when you look at other Human beings, you mostly do not note the vastness. You note the smallnesses. You note the peculiarities. You cast your eye on disheartenment. You look out through squinting lenses.

When you look at mountains on the horizon, you do not say that the mountains interrupt the horizon. When you look at an individual leaf in your hand, you are not dismayed at its edges. And yet when you look at other Human beings, you often see something to distress you. Your eyes move too fast, or they only look at inconvenience. Are other Human beings in your way of seeing Me?

How you glance at others is how you glance at yourself. You overlook, or you scan briefly. Pause a moment and look for the beauty. It is there. In each Human face, beyond the obvious configuration, lies the same beauty that you find in nature. And the same beauty that lies in nature lies in you. Look with My eyes that pause as they witness you.

At first glance may not be true glance. At first glance may be supposition. At second glance may be the beginning of seeing. So look once, twice, and thrice.

The seer sees the seer.

Without the concept of time, you would not rush. You would not race through life. You would take a walk through it. You would not dash by it. Taking a walk means seeing as you walk. You would not pass anything by. Do not pass by your life. Do not be in such a hurry to see something else ahead yet to come. See what is here right now. Be a little lazy today. Untense yourself and begin to see the beauty you carry within you and the beauty before you. Begin to see.

Close your eyes and begin to see.

Open your eyes to Me. Consider that I take you on a tour through life, and I point out the sights to you. What would I point out to you?

Let your life unfold like a beautiful carpet rolling out before you. Look at it with wonder. Isn't it a wonder that We are here in the midst of life? You and I together? Inasmuch as I am with you, you might as well see with My eyes. You will not rush, but you will save yourself time, that nonexistent time, because you will find Now and enter it. Now is My presence. Enter Now.

Roll down the hill of life. Or roll up it! Rolling means not to resist. Your resistance botches life. Know where you are going, and do not resist it. Free fall through the universe. That is what you are doing anyway. Oh, you may clutch on your way, but that stops your ascent. You are falling to Heaven.

Entry #298

Love Alone Is

Love Alone Is

Heavenletter #673 Published on: August 23, 2002
God said:

You are a receptor of God's love. That is the Truth of you. You are a receptor like a wand, and My love waves in and My love waves out, ever-present in its outward and inward motions. The state of receptor includes the state of giving. As a giver you are simply making more room for more receiving and more giving. Giving and receiving are really one motion. Analysis makes them two, but they are the one and the same sweep of love.

The tide comes in, and the tide goes out, but it is all the same Ocean, and the Ocean is.

I tell you that you are love, and that is what you are, and that is all you are, and that is very hard for you to believe. But that is because you believe in anger and hurt and all those other things that consume your attention. Switch your attention.

Your attention is a like a swing. Swing your attention over to love instead of all the other attention-grabbers.

Snips and snails of life are always trying to get your attention. Your attention cannot be in two places at once. You are love in truth, but your attention is so much on this and that that you have come to believe you are a sum of all the emotions and all the regrets and all the past performance that occupy your thoughts.

You got the idea that somehow you have to protect a part of you that you identify as love, and so you forgot, for a moment or two, the wholeness of love that you are, and assign only one part of your heart as love. You stuff all the other emotions in there until love is sequestered, only to come out at certain assigned times, as if love were a cuckoo-bird in a clock.

What if you are love and that is all you are? What if what I say is true? If you bear the possibility in mind that you are love and nothing but love, will it make a difference to you? Will it make a difference in how you see yourself and your interplay with the world and all the occupants in it? Will you become less an objector and more of a receiver? Will you laugh more? Will your life wear a different robe?

Will the world become lighter, less burdensome? Will you relax more? Will what matters in your life change? Will the progression of importance change? What can possibly be more important than this moment right now?

I am looking to change your mind about a lot of things. Maybe everything. But you are the one who has to change it. Change your mind, and your heart will be freed. You mind has kept it captive. Distract your mind a little from its preoccupations, and your heart can break free. Perhaps you will be happy. Perhaps you have been satisfied, but satisfaction is not enough happiness for you. It is a small corner of it.

Love and happiness are interchangeable. If love has not been that for you, you have been mixing up love with attachment. Or you have mixed up thinking with love, premeditation with love. Or you have thought love is supposed to bring certain things along with it, accomplish something.

Love is, not possesses.

Love does not have its picture taken.

Love stops for nothing.

Love exists independent of everything else.

It even exists independent of your volition.

You can mask love, but you cannot undo it.

You can flog it, but you cannot beat it.

Give in. Concede. You are love. Be it.

Entry #297

Open to New Ways

Open to New Ways

Heavenletter #6 Published on: November 22, 2000
God said:

Dear Beloved's, what you feel matters, but it is insignificant.

Remember that what you feel and following your heart are not equivalent. It is My heart you follow. And My heart does not get caught on the little things that enter and surround your feelings. Consider your feelings no more and no less than ego. If they are only yours, they are ego.

That which does not belong to Me is ego. Call it what you will. Call it sensitivity. Call it honor. Call it respect. If it is not Mine, it is ego.

Abandon your ego. It is not your strength. It is your weakness.

I am your strength.

Embrace Me, not ego.

I am your Champion. Ego is not. Ego is for itself, not you.

I am for you.

Let Me be your God, no other.

There is no other.

So let truth be.

Do not embellish it.

Do not dress it up.

Be it.

Be One with Me in Love.

It is smallness you must get out of.

You think that is hard. But it is easier to choose big than small.

It is easier to choose the Ever-Present than the illusion you imagine.

Imagine something else. Imagine truth. Imagine Me. Imagine that you are the Greatness I say you are.

Stand taller.

Assume truth.

Today you will do something that you never did before.

To do this, you will open your way of looking at things. You will open to My way of looking at things.

The world talks about random acts of kindness.

They are not random.

Nothing is random.

What may be random is when you listen to Me.

Make That-Which-Is-Constant yours.

Abandon randomness.

What will you do for Me today? Anything?

Do not do for individuals. Do for Me.

In doing for Me, you may do for individuals.

But put not individuals ahead of Me.

You are loosening your individuality.

Others must loosen theirs.

The story of the seeming beggar who comes to the door and who is actually Christ is really the story of your being One with all. You do not ignore the Christ. It is Christ you do for. It is not the beggar you do for. By your recognition of Christ in another, you know yourself. Christ is the God in Human man. The story means that individuality keeps you stuck. Get used to seeing Me.

Let's reverse the story. Perhaps the beggar at your door does not know he is Christ. But you know he is. And it is the beggar who may have to discover the Christ within you (the host who came to the door) before he sees it in himself.

Look not to individuality, for that is what you will see. Look not to individuality, for that is what you will teach. Look for God, and your recognition of Me will become your visitor's as well.

You are magnets of thought.

How powerful you are!

Today you will cast a light upon the world.

You will cast it on the God within one individual.

You will look into someone's eyes, and you will change their life forever. This happens because I will be looking out through your eyes. Allow Me to see through your eyes. Allow Me.

That which you do for another you do for Me. That which you do for another you also do for yourself, for the other's eyes will reflect the sight you give them.

The stranger who comes to your door is most certainly Christ. And the one who greets him at the door is also most certainly Christ. And there is no door. There is no one on one side and another on the other. All of that is illusion. All of that is learned reasoning. What is true does not have to be learned. It has to be allowed. Unlearn reasoning, and truth will be evident.

Can you still look at the world as you have always looked at the world? Can you still be the consciousness you were an hour ago? Can you still be a stranger to Me or to one another? You are friend to man, so be it.

Entry #296