grwurston's Blog

Dictator in Chief

Entry #97

Freedom Of Speech


In this country we have something called free speech. It is our right. It's in the first amendment of our constitution. We are allowed to say whatever we want about anything. That free speech allows us to debate, argue, and discuss things here, like we've been doing for some time now. We don't always agree about things, but that's okay. That is what freedom of speech is all about. It's about having and discussing opposing views and being able to do it freely.

Here's the problem.
When that right is taken away from us it is called censorship. Which means someone else can decide what we can or can't say. And that is where we are at right now. There are a lot of people and social media sites being shut down right now for various reasons. 

Some people are happy or glad about that, because they don't like or disagree with what some people say or their viewpoints. But one thing for sure, the ones being shut down are not happy about it. Now if you were the one being shut down how would you feel? Would you be happy about it? Of course not. What would you want other people to do? Would you want them to stand up for you, support you, speak up for you, to help you, fight for you? Yes you would. And that is what we all need to do now. We all need to support, help, and fight for each other. Regardless of our views or opinions.

Our freedom of speech is one of the most valuable rights we have in our country. Many others do not have that right. It is why they come here. We need to protect that right at all costs for ALL of us. We can NEVER let anyone take it away from us. Remember, either we all have the right to speak freely or none of us do. There is NO in between.

Entry #93

The new stimulus package numbers.

If Congress took the $900 billion from the stimulus package, and gave it to every single person in the U.S. (331 Million of us.)  Each one of us would have gotten $2,719.

Instead we will get $600. Where is the other $2,119 per person going? 

The package was 5,593 pdf pages long. Did anyone actually read the entire thing?

Entry #89

CNN has a new motto.

If something happened and we say it didn't, then it didn't.

If something didn't happen and we say it did, then it did.

Entry #88