Yet another single day record thanks to lucky numbers and game change
By Kate Northrop
Lottery results for two New Jersey Pick 3 drawings in a row jointly produced a new prize payout record thanks to two combinations that were just one number off from each other.
Ones and zeroes stole the show for New Jersey lottery players this past week after two consecutive drawings set yet another new single day prize payout record.
On Wed., Oct. 11, New Jersey players saw the popular combination 1-1-1 come up in the Pick 3 midday drawing, starting the day off with an already significant prize payout.
Later that night, the evening drawing did not disappoint. The drawing produced a combination just one number away from the results from earlier in the day: 1-0-1.
According to the New Jersey Lottery, 2.076 tickets won $250 each playing 1-1-1 straight in the midday drawing and 1-0-1 straight in the evening drawing based on a $0.50 wager. Another 2,088 players won $50 each with bets eligible for the "Straight Back Bonus" promotion, a press release says.
Overall, players betting on these winning numbers won over $1.2 million in prizes, making it the largest single day payout for Pick 3 in the history of the game.
New single day prize payout records in New Jersey have been the norm for nearly a year since the Lottery updated its rules on fixed prize amounts in Pick 3 and Pick 4 in November 2022. Thanks to the game change, players who win on the same number combination no longer have to split a big Pick 3 or Pick 4 prize. Instead, all prize amounts are fixed, leading to larger paydays for lottery players.
The "Straight Back Bonus" promotion that contributed to the new record awarded extra winnings to players who bought a Pick 3 ticket that included a straight bet for an evening drawing. Those who bought a ticket of this type and matched their numbers to the drawn numbers in reverse order won an additional $50 prize, meaning those who played the symmetrical combination 1-0-1 straight in the evening draw on Oct. 11 automatically won an extra $50.
The promotion is free for eligible Pick 3 evening wagers through October 29.
Pick 3 drawings take place twice a day at 12:59 pm EST and 10:47 pm EST. All winning numbers, prizes, and odds are published on Lottery Post's New Jersey Lottery Results page right after each drawing.
FYI: TRENTON (Sept. 29, 2023) – Evening Pick-3 drawings from October 2 through October 29 will now offer players two ways to win on straight bet wagers. The Straight Back Bonus promotion will automatically award a $50 bonus prize to all straight bet wagers that match the winning numbers in reverse order. For example, if a Pick-3 player chooses 1-2-3 and the numbers drawn are 3-2-1, the player wins $50. If the number is the same forwards and backwards (e.g. 1-2-1), players can win both the straight payout prize and the bonus $50 prize!
That's a record payout? I've seen 111 payout as much as 5 million and 101 as much as 2 million in Florida. I know FL is bigger but that's a big difference. What's the cutoff?
Good Luck, Chris
NJ has only had fixed payouts for less than a year. Higher payout records will be on the way, I'm sure.
O' wow, New Jersey's "largest payout" insofar as the P3 that is, i like seeing that.
Very popular in NC."
I'm loving how down here in NC, we always get the 110 beginning of month OR toward the conclusion of it.
or my 100(Waiting on it to fall soon i hope both or one of em) . . . pretty popular here in NC,
til' I move toward PA.,DE.NJ, tri-state metropolitan area, i will just keep playin'it here in NC,
because that hit each month or every "other month."
Congrats ALL winner's. . .
All states Chris, clearly, are different. . . I am glad though NJ still had a very high pay out for it.
Thanks Todd, I know it used to be pari-mutuel but do they have a cutoff on a number once sales reach a certain amount? Like here in FL the triples and quads get cutoff so you have to buy early.
Thanks, Chris
I'm sure there is a cutoff on popular combinations, but I'm not sure what it is. If I get some time I might poke around the rules section on their website.
Most states that have a fixed payout on numbers have a liability. I'm not sure if any state tells how much the payout has to reach before the number is cutoff
Yeah I found it at the same time as you (but in a different spot). From their FAQ page:
Yes, some number combinations may be sold out if there are too many wagers on that number combination.
So they are acknowledging that there is a cap, but nowhere can I find them state what the actual cap is.
Thanks Todd! I found the liability for FL and found it interesting. Pick 3 is 10 mil, Pick 4 is 9 mil and Pick 5 is 7 mil.
Good Luck, Chris
Oh wow, a Pick 3 straight for $1 wins $250 and for 50 cents it wins $50, that is just too low. In my state Pick 3 straight for $1 wins $500 and for 50 cents it wins $250. My question continues to be how long does one have to play a number before it hits? One will have spent more money than the win is worth when it is all said and done. I wish I knew someone with a guaranteed formula to let me know what days to play a number that comes out straight, so I would not have to spend constant money on tickets. Two guys were in a store where I buy tickets. One guy says to the other "did you play 2331. The other guy said yes but it did not hit, the other guy said you have to keep playing it, the other guy said, I don't have money like that. The Pick 2, Pick 3, Pick 4, Pick 5 games are 7 days a week, twice a day, 30 days a month, that money adds up.