pumpi76's Blog

To the Entire World: To Countries without an Army or not involved in Wars: A Different War

To the Entire World, you need this, specially in countries that don't have an army or normally are not involve in wars..This is a different war...

To this countries of the world, you need to create sort of an army but not of soldiers with guns, but of researchers, scientist, nerds, biochemist, chemist & biologist....

YOu can call the biology the army, the chemistry the navy and the biochemistry the airforce and pharmaceutical the marines...What are you going to do with them? you are going to put them to research the cure to diseases and all that which afflict us...You should do this to compensate for your lack of an army or for not been in war for a very long time...What i am saying is you have an army and is there collecting thus, so why not create an army or researchers/scientist to do research, but not dummy research...There is so much dummy/pathetic research that you don't know what to believe anymore...

That's what you need to do...You need to create a program that reclutes and encourages this research and experiments...Because lots of countries have army and they don't use them so why not compensate for it, like for example Chile, chile i think has an army but it doesn't go to war against no country in how long?

And actually you don't need to call biology the army, or biochemistry the airforce or chemistry the navy, or pharmaceutical the marines...You don't have to call them that because that's what they actually are, just that people in the world are dumb and don't see the enormous War that we are up against that more people die of diseases than any DAMN ACTUAL WAR...And whether they are in combat or not a life is a life, right or so they claim....

How? Like a program of scholarships towards these particular classes or incentives....

Lots of people don't see it that way but is an even standing against an actual army...What's the difference? that in an actual war the bad guys die [well the major wars that involve the world] and the good guys die in diseases [actually everybody dies in diseases]...


And want to know something, this scientist/researchers/nerds you need to give them a uniform and make them look like an actual army...LIke a school uniform....

Entry #231

To the Entire World, You need this: Minority Lottos...

To the Entire world if you can read this please listen to me, you need this...You need free lottos that give 500,000 & up to Minorities in your respective country...Please remember those minorities are citizens of your particular country....When they travel it looks bad...

After years of research i learn that the lottos do not favor minorities if favors the majority of the particular country/province/state that is played on...

Countries like France, Spain, Great Britain, Chile, Mexico, Italy, you need this, countries that have minorities you need this...This is more important than winning multiple times Powerball....Please listen to me....YOu need this free lottos...You need them as EQUALIZERS...You don't want this free lottos to compete with the State lottery, you are only using them as enchancers & equalizers...And this includes the sexes too...

I am talking about free lottos that only minorities can play or that to play them you must be a minority...

You need to create 2 kinds of Minority Lottos, they are the following: Minority lottos for minorities like the sexes, features, sking color, race, mix people....The other minority lotto is for any kind of minority like height [taller/shorter], beauty, disabled, blonds, any kind of thinkable minority, diseased, etc, etc, etc... 

Please believe me this is what you need....The U.S doesn't want to listen to me, you do, please....

But listen to me, you need to have a lot of them (these minorities lottos) for scientist, nerds, astronomers, phycisist, astronauts , mathematicians, researchers and people who want to push this world forward and save this planet, or stop that which oppress us as a human race or save the human race the day the sun dies/collapses...And i say this because human beigns party too much...Please WORLD listen to me....Please keep the tradition going...

Entry #230

To the Entire World YOu need this: Almacenes...

To the U.S, Japan, Canada, Britain, France, etc, etc, etc and the rest of the world, you need Almacenes...Almacenes in the city is what Panama has...I don't know how they do it, but it is something very beautiful to witness...

I don't know how they do it, but is a chain of clothe stores, a lot of them, more than a mall, and they sell really cheap clothes...Soxes, underwear, fingernail clippers, etc, all really cheap...and i mean cheap...They sell good clothes, all really cheap...And they are new clothes too they are not expensive clothes....They got beautiful tennis shoes really cheap...This is better than the dollar store...YOu have to come to Panama and see it...Anyways, WORLD YOU NEED THIS IN EVERY PROVINCE IN YOUR PARTICULAR COUNTRY...

Entry #229

To the Entire World you need this: Free Lottos...

To the Entire World, you need what i am about to say...If you can hear me please do this...

Entire World if you can hear me, you need free lottos, paying from 1 million dollars and up...Specially countries like Korea, Japan, China, Jamaica, Mexico, Antilles [Las Antillas], Peru, Phillipines, India, USA, Egypt, Indonesia, Phillipines, Bangladesh, Central America and the middle east, Canada & England, & South Africa...

Please remember, free lottos are not meant to compete with the State/Country's Lottery, free lottos are an enhancer/supplement...

You can do this free lottos by perhaps asking certain requirements from the participants, for example you can ask participants to do volunteering work and get points or tickets, or do certain hobby for a couple of years and gain vp credentials or points, etc, etc...

ENTIRE WORLD, YOU NEED THIS...For instance; Brands that want to compete in your country can gathered up and create several free lottos...The more free lottos you have the better...But always remember you are not trying to compete with the state/country, you are only an enhancer, supplemental lotto...

Entry #228

Singer's Mother Killed: Why don't they: Cameras everywhere...

Listen to this story...How sad is that....


This brings me to the next question...A society/country SUPPOSSEDLY advanced as the U.S, why don't they have Cameras in every corner of major cities and hooked it up to a supercomputer to capture crime doers....Right now they only have cameras on the major roads, so why not have it, what will it cost the U.S to put Cameras on each road in a major city, i am talking IN EACH ONE...No one is going to look at those cameras unless there is a crime committed....

And how about those wealthy neighboorhoods, why don't they have cameras looking at their roads, not houses...How sorry are this wealthy neighboorhoods....

I am talking a high post that looks into the roads/streets with nails coming out of it so that no one climbs it...I don't understand they got electricity post with high voltage, why not this...

Entry #227

The Only Way to Win Keno and Pick30/100: Theoretically

The ONLY chance to beat keno that you might get is through HOT & COLD NUMBERS....By using the cold numbers only...Or by geniusly using a mixture of hot and cold numbers in 1 specific ratio and applying filters and this idea is a little far fetch....

"The ONLY chance to beat keno that you might get is through HOT & COLD NUMBERS....By using the cold numbers only...Or by geniusly using a mixture of hot and cold numbers in 1 specific ratio and applying filters and this idea is a little far fetch...."

I feel we must find a way to beat keno because then we will be prepared for the Global Lottery...

Using Hot numbers alone will not work...Using cold numbers alone will work but you have to mix them with ending digits....But better results will be to use a mixture of hot & cold numbers in a specified ratio in a wheel, along with TNTea 2-2-1 type also a ratio in a wheel all mixed together intertwined....And also have them in a specified ratio....Not only that but if you want to win Keno consistently you will have to be a heck of a sum predictor, something a little quite hard yet not 100% hard because since is a Pick10/80 the sums range is going to be very, very wide and you can eliminate the previous history sums from a sample...And right now there is no software equip for such game, because the latest technology is rentacoder.com but the problem with rentacoder.com is that even though you can customize your software the way you want it the programmers do not know anything about wheels....This is why there isn't no software in the world equip for keno or for a Global Lottery....

And if you integrate this systems in a semi-supercomputer along with powerful algorithms used as a constraints speciall in the specified sum, you might be able to win Keno over and over and a global lottery...

And that depends if you are playing keno for the challenge like the way i would do or if you are playing Keno for money, because if you are playing keno for money the best way is to try and crack pick4, if you can crack pick4 you can crack most lottery games and become a billionaire in 2 years...If you are going for the Global Lottery you will have to wait for years to pass by since it is played once a year and that will pose a problem...So depends what you are playing Keno for...For the Challenge or for the money....

a good algorithm for Keno will be the difference between 1 number and the order that same number has on the drawing whether it moves left or right...For example if 2 is the first number and on the following drawing 4 plays and is the first number, then that 2 moves to the right 2 spots...You do this with all 10 or 20 numbers and you notice that all 10/20 numbers may not move to the right but perhaps half of them will move to the left, or 3 out of 10 will move to the right the rest to the left or viceversa....But again a computer will have to do it....

you can use this as an algorithm and it will work for Keno...Is the ONLY system that will work for keno along with what i say previously....

https://www.lotterypost.com/blogcomments.asp?i=23038             (system 3A)

https://www.lotterypost.com/blogcomments.asp?i=23082              (system 4A)

except that keno will have more than 3 high ending digits, i may have like 10 or 8...but you still follow the same procedure...

Those two systems are the most powerful procedures ever for keno but system 4A will not work for keno because keno has too many numbers unless it had too many drawings and computer space to work on it...These two systems along with TNTea's 2-1-2 modified for Keno along with TNTea's OEOEEO [alone] in a supercomputer or semisupercomputer along with what i said previously about using cold numbers alone or geniusly using a mixture of hot & cold but not using hot numbers alone, using it in a specified ratio with all this this systems are so powerful that if combined they can tackle and perhaps win a lottery that selects 25 numbers out of 100 beating keno...

The problem will be integrating them or letting the supercomputer have it in one corner of its mind as a constraint, back up.....But you will need an organization working on it or a team of scientist nerds working on it....

and remember we are talking live drawings we are not talking RNG because only in this case [keno] RNG will be very easy more easy than life drawings....

if i was to find LDF (Lotto Digits Footrpints) it will be like finding a worm hole in the universe connecting fast distances in a short time...

what we need now is a system that will work good in the sums...If we use the sums we can circumvent a lot of work...Despite that the sum only plays a small portion of the problem...Again all of this with the help of a semi-supercomputer or powerful algorithms in a computer....

Of course all this problem will be solved if LDF work, the elixir of immortality of the lotto...

another algorithm for Keno is divide the range (80) into 16's...And search each number of the 16 for whatever numbers played of those 16 on the previous drawing, it is very unlikely to play next leaving other numbers of the 16 to play with...Always alternating and taging which group of the 16 it is....

Entry #225

Don King offers Klitschko brothers 100 million dollars to fight each other

Again i don't like boxing but i couldn't stop hearing that the Klitschko brothers refuse Don King offer...I think they should fight if the winner gets 100 million dollars and the loser gets 50 million dollars....


I don't know what's wrong with this people...After all what's the networth of this two brothers? I heard they fight for ridiculous 3 and 4 million dollars...I feel they need to take the bait but they must give the loser 50 million dollars....

These people are acting as if they don't enjoy fighting....If you lose the fight, other fights will come and you will always do what you love to do the most and that is fight boxing and training....They act as if they are afraid of training...It just prove that boxers don't fight for the love of the game but instead to be on the top....

Also once you are a world champion how much do they pay you yearly....?

Any opinions?

Entry #224

The 25's System Patterns for Pick4 and Powerball: Part 2...

This system pattern is the most i could find...I'll try to make this simple...
0-25 = 1
26-50 = 2
51-75 = 3
76-99 = 4
you should treat 00 as 100 and give it a 4...0 is zero, 00 is 100....
It is based on using the first 2 numbers of any pick4 drawing and assigning them 1, 2, 3, or 4....The last two numbers of the same pick4 drawing you assign them 1, 2, 3, or 4....Here is a sample of Georgia's Pick4 from 2007...The point is not that the sample is old, but instead the tricks i use....
drawings=25's = MD COORDINATES
1.  6077 = 34  = 10-2
2.  8280 = 44  = 7-5
3.  2076 = 14 =  5-1
4.  6592 = 34 = 10-8
5.  1685 = 14 = 9-10
6.  4498 = 24 = 6-2
7.  9322 = 41 = 7-3
8.  0921 = 11 = 9-4
9.  6336 = 32 = 13-14
10.  4016 = 21 = 10-9
11.  7987 = 44 = 4-12
12.  8721 = 41 = 12-4
13.  8326 = 42 = 8-1
14.  9631 = 42 = 4-6
15.  1764 = 13 = 8-11
16.  2414 = 11 = 1-11
17.  0096 = 44 = 0-4
18.  6800 = 34 = 7-0
19.  2314 = 11 = 2-11
20.  6021 = 31 = 10-4
21.  5005 = 21 = 0-5
22.  9548 = 42 = 5-2
23.  4939 = 22 = 1-11
24.  3159 = 23 = 6-9
25.  2485 = 14 = 1-10
26.  0536 = 12 = 5-11
27.  5337 = 32 = 3-12
28.  8939 = 42 = 11-11
29.  3468 = 23 = 9-7
30.  5409 = 31 = 4-9
31.  9317 = 41 = 7-8
32.  9614 = 41 = 4-11
33.  6343 = 32 = 12-7
34.  8784 = 44 = 12-9
35.  8485 = 44 = 9-10
36.  5831 = 32 = 8-6
37.  1702 = 11 = 8-2
38.  2686 = 24 = 1-11
39.  4056 = 23 = 10-6
40.  1386 = 14 = 12-11
41.  4479 = 24 = 6-4
42.  0842 = 12 = 8-8
43.  7784 = 44 = 2-9
44.  6101 = 31 = 11-1
45.  3278 = 24 = 7-3
46.  3684 = 24 = 11-9
47.  8319 = 41 = 8-6
48.  4547 = 22 = 5-3
49.  9931 = 42 = 1-6
50.  2065 = 13= 5-10
51.  9175 = 44 = 9-0
52.  3368 = 23 = 8-7
53.  1997 = 14 = 6-3
54.  2511 = 11 = 0-11
55.  9174 = 43 = 9-1
56.  2484 = 14 = 1-9
57.  4253 = 23 = 8-3
58.  9342 = 42 = 7-8
59.  5921 = 31 = 9-4
60.  3369 = 23 = 8-6
61.  8372 = 43 = 8-3
62.  4312 = 21 = 7-12
63.  8884 = 44 = 12-9
You could take this a step further...You can add by using the first digit of the Pick4 drawing and match it with the 3rd digit and the 2nd digit with the 4th digit....You can also add by using the 1st digit with the 4th digit and the second digit with the 3rd digit...Add them all up and you got a pattern....What if you add the sum patterns with the rest of patterns i added in my blog and use them for better pick4 prediction....YOu really don't have to do it in 25's, you can do it in 20's or in 10's...Again, i am just giving you an idea where you can elaborate and take it a step further...
You can also call them MD Coordinates...The first Margin Difference Coordinates digit is the difference between the first 2 digits of the drawing and the border of the previous 25's same thing goes with the second Margin Difference Coordinates digit which will be the difference between the first 2 digits of the drawing and the border of the previous OR SUBSEQUENT 25's....Remember 0, 25, 50, 75 & 00 are the borders of the 25's.....Whatever number you take and subtract it from the previous 25's IF the number difference does not exceed 12, if it exceeds 12 you subtract it against the subsequent 25's....What i mean is for instance if you have 8392 you subtract 83 from the previous 25's which will be 75, which will be 8...But in the case of 92 if you subtract 92 from the previous 25's which will be 75 it will equal 17 which does exceed 12 so you subtract it from the subsequent 25's which will be 00 or in this case 100, so 92 minus 00 [100] it will equal 8 so you will have as your MD Coordinates you will have 8-8....
Remember to treat 00 as 100....
The most important thing is getting the Margin Difference Coordinates correct, to predict it correctly....But remember the MD Coordinates that are hightlighted in color green usually have a difference between the first number and the second number a difference of less than 4 lots of time a difference of less than 3.....And it doesn't matter if you get the 25's backwards [e.g you get 14 instead of 41 or 32 instead of 23], that's fine that guarantees a box payout that you only have to switch 2 times to get it straight/correct and not 24 ways like in Pick4....
The good thing about this system pattern is that it goes for the straight payout which can be good in Powerball also....
And it gets better, if you can predict whether the first MD Coordinates number is going to be odd then you know that more than likely the second MD Coordinate number is going to be even thus reducing the numbers you can pair up with the First MD Coordinate number...And remember that's only less than 12 numbers and those are differences BIGGER THAN 4...LOL....
Remember because of the way we have it set up, that if you have MD Coordinates of 2-9 that that's probably 2 with 9 from the previous 25's or 2 with 9 from the subsequent 25's or 2 from the previous 25's with 9 from the subsequent 25's or viceversa...
Right now i have narrow everything down all you have to do is predict the 25's that's going to fall and remember the 25's can be backwards 32 is the same as 23 and 14 is the same as 41 just that you will have to switch the first 2 numbers of the combination with the last 2 numbers, making thus a 2 way that it can be arranged to get it straight and not 24 ways like how pick4 is....
Also another pattern you will also see, in this system pattern in the MD Coordinates that one number is very high close to the border which is 12 and the other number is very low close to the other extreme which will be 0 (i color coded then in color red)...Please don't confuse this "0" with "00", they are two different things....
This pattern is good for Pick4 and for Powerball....
Not only that but you can look at previous "Margin Difference Coordinates" [also called MD Coordinates] that play on previous drawings going BACK 100 drawings or more and eliminate them from your future predictions and choose the "MD Coordinates" that haven't play regardless of the 25's....
Why is this important? Because if you had a semi-supercomputer or a regular computer with powerful algorithms to look for previous drawings and eliminate them and choose the ones that haven't play you CAN get close to winning the lottery if not win the lottery....This just proves that each game has its unique way of approaching and its unique system to beat it...
Also there are moments when the first MD Coordinate digit is close to the second digit or viceversa...I am going to highlight it in green for you to see it...All you have to do for Pick4 is wait for this closeness to appear in your particular pick4 game or on Powerball, what you do next is you play the combinations until it shows up...If it doesn't appear in 2 or 3 day or 4 day you can beging to double your bet [provided is not more than 7 dollars] and it should automatically appear soon....But remember you have to predict/pinpoint the first "MD Coordinate" digit for it all to happen...All you will be doing is playing until the scenario happens....
What's good about this system pattern is that it goes for the numbers "Straight" and not boxed.....
IF this closeness or patterns between the first and second digits of the MD Coordinates appears in Powerball, Florida MegaMoney, MegaMillion, WildCard2, etc looking at the ending digits alone and looking at Powerball as a "Pick4/0-9 + Pick1/0-9 + Bonus ball and the rest accordingly by looking at the ending digits, well say hellow to millions of dollars coming your way....The good thing about this system pattern is that it goes for the numbers "Straight" and not boxed...All you have to do is predict/pinpoint the 25's....You don't even have to predict the 25's, all you have to predict is the "MD Coordinates", you do that and the 25's will fall into place....
Again if we had search algorithms is will be stupendous, marvelous, grandiose and you can say "Almost Game over"....You do this for Powerball, or MegaMillions or California SuperLotto Plus, or whatever pick5 + bonus ball and all you have to do is played against all 10 numbers of the PIck1/0-9 and play it against half of the bonus balls and once you have that you deduce like how i said on my previous blogs....And you can always apply constraints once you DEDUCE....
This is what i meant by deduce...

If you forgot what i meant by deducing here it is a reminder...:

Suppose the winning numbers for Texas were (15-20-37-38-39-43)....Now suppose you do get someone that submitts the numbers 5-0-7 and someone that submitts the numbers 8-9-3 the ending digits... 
and you pair them up and you get 5-0-7-8-9-3 the ending digits of Texas winning numbers....All you have to do is deduce (it will be nice if you had a custom made software for this) but again all you have to do is deduce....
so let's take 5-0-7-8-9-3 deducing the numbers you can possibly get are (remember you treat 10 as "zero" (0):
5-10-17-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-10-27-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-53   4/6 = 57 dollars - 70 dollars
5-20-27-38-39-53    3/6 = 5 dollars
the following round:But before you continue you should know that combinations that beging with 14 + are very rare combinations they rarely play so you can eliminate them from your repertau....
15-20-37-38-49-53  4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-20-37-38-39-43  (BINGO = JACKPOT)
15-20-37-38-39-53  5/6 = 2,800 dollars to 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-53    4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-30-37-38-49-53     3/6 = 5 dollars
Not only that but the numbers you deduce you can put constraints on them...Constraints by SUMS (Sum totals), Even over odds (E/O), is up to you....This particular combination happens to start with 15...
For the deducing it will be better if you get yourself a custom-made software to do it for you....
This is better than going BLINDLY at the 26 million combinations a pick6/49 has or at the 175 million combinations MegaMillions and Powerball have...
This is a step closer in winning Powerball, MegaMIllions & PIck6...Is also a step closer in winning Pick5....
I just realize something...This is the closest thing you will have in hitting Pick5....Pick5 is one of the hardest games...NOTHING at the present moment comes close to hitting Pick5 like this system/pattern...So if you want to win pick5 you will have to do some tracking..YOu will have to view Pick5 as a Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9
And for the games that are Pick4 + bonus balls, you will have to view them as Pick3/0-9 + pick1/0-9 + bonus/mega number by their ending digits and then you will have to deduce...This is the closest thing to hitting pick5....It will be perfect for tracking prediction games...Because if you go with wheels you are going to collide youself with the wall...When you are tracking pick5 remember 1 combo plays 1 time and many a times it doesn't repeat on the following drawing, it may repeat 3, 4 or 5 days later...That makes it 6 combos you have to choose from and not 7...And remember on pick5 the deducing will come out to be like LESS THAN 15 combinations and not less than 25 like Pick6...Remember the hardest part is getting the ending digits straight and not boxed...And remember on the less than 15 combinations for Pick5 you can always add restraints/constraints, constraints like odd/even, sums...For example if you select the most common ratio of EVEN/ODDS of the previous drawings for those 15 or less deduced combinations it will come out to a total of 3 or 4 combinations maybe less giving you a chance to play more combinations from the Pick3, 6, 5, or 4 wheels ending digits....And that's just the even/odd ratio, imagine now the sums and other patterns you may want to add...Remember they are first ending digits, and then after you deduce them they become combinations....Remember is 15 deduced combinations or less for Pick5, it could be 10, who knows...
And i've realized that the latest way to win the lottery, specially pick5, pick6, Powerball, Megamillions, CaSuper Lotto Plus, Pick3 is not through wheels but instead through algorithms, search algorithms based on certain patterns/systems (the ones i've mentioned and innovative patterns/systems) and custom made softwares and specially more if you had it implemented on a supercomputer or semi-supercomputer....Unless of course you had an illegal wheel that we all don't know about...
So what am i saying, that better to win the lottery is through prediction websites using this technologies than through wheels...
Want to know something, these same 7 combos can and must be used with the Sum total patterns for Pick3 to hit pick3, but once you are sure a number is coming for the following day you must bet 10 or 20 dollars, this way you will come out ahead and perhaps is the only way to beat pick3...But that will be another blog...For pick4 you must tackled it differently....
Remember deducing for Powerball and Megamillions & CaSuper Lotto Plus it will come out to something like less than 18 combinations if you eliminate the combinations that start with 15+ by that i mean combinations whose first number start with 14, or 15 and above....
Entry #223

The 25's System Patterns for Pick4 and Powerball...

This system pattern is the most i could find...I'll try to make this simple...
0-25 = 1
26-50 = 2
51-75 = 3
76-99 = 4
you should treat 00 as 100 and give it a 4...0 is zero, 00 is 100....
It is based on using the first 2 numbers of any pick4 drawing and assigning them 1, 2, 3, or 4....The last two numbers of the same pick4 drawing you assign them 1, 2, 3, or 4....Here is a sample of Georgia's Pick4 from 2007...The point is not that the sample is old, but instead the tricks i use....
drawings=25's = MD COORDINATES
1.  6077 = 34  = 10-2
2.  8280 = 44  = 7-5
3.  2076 = 14 =  20-1
4.  6592 = 34 = 15-17
5.  1685 = 14 = 16-10
6.  4498 = 24 = 19-23
7.  9322 = 41 = 18-22
8.  0921 = 11 = 9-21
9.  6336 = 32 = 13-11
10.  4016 = 21 = 15-16
11.  7987 = 44 = 4-12
12.  8721 = 41 = 12-21
13.  8326 = 42 = 8-1
14.  9631 = 42 = 21-6
15.  1764 = 13 = 17-14
16.  2414 = 11 = 24-14
17.  0096 = 44 = 25-21
18.  6800 = 34 = 18-25
19.  2314 = 11 = 23-14
20.  6021 = 31 = 10-21
21.  5005 = 21 = 0-5
22.  9548 = 42 = 20-23
23.  4939 = 22 = 24-14
24.  3159 = 23 = 6-9
25.  2485 = 14 = 24-10
26.  0536 = 12 = 5-11
27.  5337 = 32 = 3-12
28.  8939 = 42 = 14-14
29.  3468 = 23 = 9-18
30.  5409 = 31 = 4-9
31.  9317 = 41 = 18-17
32.  9614 = 41 = 21-14
33.  6343 = 32 = 13-18
34.  8784 = 44 = 12-9
35.  8485 = 44 = 9-10
36.  5831 = 32 = 8-6
37.  1702 = 11 = 17-2
38.  2686 = 24 = 1-11
39.  4056 = 23 = 15-6
40.  1386 = 14 = 13-11
41.  4479 = 24 = 19-4
42.  0842 = 12 = 8-17
43.  7784 = 44 = 2-9
44.  6101 = 31 = 11-1
45.  3278 = 24 = 7-3
46.  3684 = 24 = 11-9
47.  8319 = 41 = 8-19
48.  4547 = 22 = 20-22
49.  9931 = 42 = 24-6
50.  2065 = 13= 20-15
51.  9175 = 44 = 16-00
52.  3368 = 23 = 8-18
53.  1997 = 14 = 19-22
54.  2511 = 11 = 25-11
55.  9174 = 43 = 16-24
56.  2484 = 14 = 24-9
57.  4253 = 23 = 17-3
58.  9342 = 42 = 18-17
59.  5921 = 31 = 9-21
60.  3369 = 23 = 8-19
61.  8372 = 43 = 8-22
62.  4312 = 21 = 18-12
63.  8884 = 44 = 13-9
You could take this a step further...You can add by using the first digit of the Pick4 drawing and match it with the 3rd digit and the 2nd digit with the 4th digit....You can also add by using the 1st digit with the 4th digit and the second digit with the 3rd digit...Add them all up and you got a pattern....What if you add the sum patterns with the rest of patterns i added in my blog and use them for better pick4 prediction....YOu really don't have to do it in 25's, you can do it in 20's or in 10's...Again, i am just giving you an idea where you can elaborate and take it a step further...
You can also call them MD Coordinates...The first Margin Difference Coordinates digit is the difference between the first 2 digits of the drawing and the border of the previous 25's same thing goes with the second Margin Difference Coordinates digit which will be the difference between the first 2 digits of the drawing and the border of the previous 25's....Remember 0, 25, 50, 75 & 00 are the borders of the 25's...
For example if you have 87 it will be 87 minus 75 if is 65 it will be 65 minus 50 if is 39 it will be 39 minus 25 if is 13 it will be 13 minus 0...this is the format: 76-99 will be minus 75 [actually it will be 76-00 because we are treating 00 as 100]; 51-75 will be minus 50; 26-50 will be minus 25; 0-25 will be minus "0"....Remember to treat 00 as 100....
The most important thing is getting the Margin Difference Coordinates correct.....And it doesn't matter if you get the 25's backwards [e.g you get 14 instead of 41 or 32 instead of 23], that's fine that guarantees a box payout that you only have to switch 2 times to get it straight/correct and not 24 ways like in Pick4....The good thing about this system pattern is that it goes for the straight payout which can be good in Powerball....
The "L" next to the numbers means less/lower it means that the second digit of the "Margin Difference Coordinates" is less/lower than the first digit...
The "H" next to the numbers means "higher", it means that the second digit of the "Margin Difference Coordinates" is higher than the first digit...
Why is "Higher" or "Less" important? Because if you know for sure that the next drawing to play that the  second digit is going to be lower than the first "Margin Difference Coordinates" digit then you are in good look and all you have to do is play the numbers that are less than the first digit and all you will have to do is guess the first "Margin Difference Coordinates"
For example if you have the "Margin Difference Coordinates" first digit of 7 and you know that the second digit is going to be less than the first digit, then all you have to do is combine 7 with 1, 7 with 2, 7 with 3, 7 with 4, etc...Until you get to 7 with 6....And all you will have to do is predict the first digit of the Margin Difference Coordinates"....
Not only that but you can look at previous "Margin Difference Coordinates" that play on previous drawings going BACK 100 drawings or more and eliminate them from your future predictions and choose the "MD Coordinates" that haven't play regardless of the 25's....
Why is this important? Because if you had a semi-supercomputer or a regular computer with powerful algorithms to look for previous drawings and eliminate them and choose the ones that haven't play you CAN win the lottery....This just proves that each game has its unique way of approaching and its unique system to beat it...
Also there are moments when the first MD Coordinate digit is close to the second digit or viceversa...I am going to highlight it in green for you to see it...All you have to do for Pick4 is wait for this closeness to appear in your particular pick4 game, what you do next is you play the combinations until it shows up...If it doesn't appear in 2 or 3 day or 4 day you can beging to double your bet [provided is not more than 7 dollars] and it should automatically appear soon....But remember you have to predict/pinpoint the first "MD Coordinate" digit for it all to happen...All you will be doing is playing until the scenario happens....
What's good about this system pattern is that it goes for the numbers "Straight" and not boxed.....
If this closeness between the first and second digits of the MD Coordinates appears in Powerball, Florida MegaMoney, MegaMillion, WildCard2, etc looking at the ending digits alone and looking at Powerball as a "Pick4/0-9 + Pick1/0-9 + Bonus ball and the rest accordingly by looking at the ending digits, well say hellow to millions of dollars coming your way....The good thing about this system pattern is that it goes for the numbers "Straight" and not boxed...All you have to do is predict/pinpoint....You don't even have to predict the 25's, all you have to predict is the "MD Coordinates", you do that and the 25's will fall into place....
Again if we had search algorithms is will be stupendous, marvelous, grandiose and you can say "Almost Game over"....You do this for Powerball, or MegaMillions or California SuperLotto Plus, or whatever pick5 + bonus ball and all you have to do is played against all 10 numbers of the PIck1/0-9 and play it against half of the bonus balls and once you have that you deduce like how i said on my previous blogs....And you can always apply constraints once you DEDUCE....
This is what i meant by deduce...

If you forgot what i meant by deducing here it is a reminder...:

Suppose the winning numbers for Texas were (15-20-37-38-39-43)....Now suppose you do get someone that submitts the numbers 5-0-7 and someone that submitts the numbers 8-9-3 the ending digits... 
and you pair them up and you get 5-0-7-8-9-3 the ending digits of Texas winning numbers....All you have to do is deduce (it will be nice if you had a custom made software for this) but again all you have to do is deduce....
so let's take 5-0-7-8-9-3 deducing the numbers you can possibly get are (remember you treat 10 as "zero" (0):
5-10-17-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-10-27-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-53   4/6 = 57 dollars - 70 dollars
5-20-27-38-39-53    3/6 = 5 dollars
the following round:But before you continue you should know that combinations that beging with 14 + are very rare combinations they rarely play so you can eliminate them from your repertau....
15-20-37-38-49-53  4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-20-37-38-39-43  (BINGO = JACKPOT)
15-20-37-38-39-53  5/6 = 2,800 dollars to 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-53    4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-30-37-38-49-53     3/6 = 5 dollars
Not only that but the numbers you deduce you can put constraints on them...Constraints by SUMS (Sum totals), Even over odds (E/O), is up to you....This particular combination happens to start with 15...
For the deducing it will be better if you get yourself a custom-made software to do it for you....
This is better than going BLINDLY at the 26 million combinations a pick6/49 has or at the 175 million combinations MegaMillions and Powerball have...
This is a step closer in winning Powerball, MegaMIllions & PIck6...Is also a step closer in winning Pick5....
I just realize something...This is the closest thing you will have in hitting Pick5....Pick5 is one of the hardest games...NOTHING at the present moment comes close to hitting Pick5 like this system/pattern...So if you want to win pick5 you will have to do some tracking..YOu will have to view Pick5 as a Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9
And for the games that are Pick4 + bonus balls, you will have to view them as Pick3/0-9 + pick1/0-9 + bonus/mega number by their ending digits and then you will have to deduce...This is the closest thing to hitting pick5....It will be perfect for tracking prediction games...Because if you go with wheels you are going to collide youself with the wall...When you are tracking pick5 remember 1 combo plays 1 time and many a times it doesn't repeat on the following drawing, it may repeat 3, 4 or 5 days later...That makes it 6 combos you have to choose from and not 7...And remember on pick5 the deducing will come out to be like LESS THAN 15 combinations and not less than 25 like Pick6...Remember the hardest part is getting the ending digits straight and not boxed...And remember on the less than 15 combinations for Pick5 you can always add restraints/constraints, constraints like odd/even, sums...For example if you select the most common ratio of EVEN/ODDS of the previous drawings for those 15 or less deduced combinations it will come out to a total of 3 or 4 combinations maybe less giving you a chance to play more combinations from the Pick3, 6, 5, or 4 wheels ending digits....And that's just the even/odd ratio, imagine now the sums and other patterns you may want to add...Remember they are first ending digits, and then after you deduce them they become combinations....Remember is 15 deduced combinations or less for Pick5, it could be 10, who knows...
And i've realized that the latest way to win the lottery, specially pick5, pick6, Powerball, Megamillions, CaSuper Lotto Plus, Pick3 is not through wheels but instead through algorithms, search algorithms based on certain patterns/systems (the ones i've mentioned and innovative patterns/systems) and custom made softwares and specially more if you had it implemented on a supercomputer or semi-supercomputer....Unless of course you had an illegal wheel that we all don't know about...
So what am i saying, that better to win the lottery is through prediction websites using this technologies than through wheels...
Want to know something, these same 7 combos can and must be used with the Sum total patterns for Pick3 to hit pick3, but once you are sure a number is coming for the following day you must bet 10 or 20 dollars, this way you will come out ahead and perhaps is the only way to beat pick3...But that will be another blog...For pick4 you must tackled it differently....
Remember deducing for Powerball and Megamillions & CaSuper Lotto Plus it will come out to something like less than 18 combinations if you eliminate the combinations that start with 15+ by that i mean combinations whose first number start with 14, or 15 and above....
Entry #222

A Richer Country: small Breakthrough as well as dissappointment

One of my goals was to find a way that will make everyone in a country with 30 million people or more a millionaire (at least have 1 million dollars), i did this because i wanted to see everyone in the U.S with 1 million dollars at least....

This may not look like much but at least is a step forward...Is a step that someone could take a step further and elaborate...

But don't think is a field full of roses, is not....Unfortunately this requires for your money to be placed in the bank for 50 years and it requires the bank to give you 7% earn interest and that the government doesn't tax your money and that the price of money continue to be the same for centuries and centuries...If the bank was to give you 9% earned interest then yes everyone will be rich...EVERYONE...

The experiment requires a sample of 50,000 people, which in 50 years, they all will get 1 million dollars, actually not all 50,000 people but instead 45,600 people will get 1 million dollars, the 4,400 rest will not get anything....It may be a majority but still it leaves 4,400 people without nothing....But looking on the bright side, you could say that this is the best raffle you will ever experience/get...But i was thinking, maybe we could use this system and the government picks ups for the 4,400 lagging...

This system is not perfect because it requires 50 years to pass before everyone gets 1 million dollars but if you look at it 50 years + 18 years, it will equal 68 years, meaning everyone will have to start at age 18 and will retire at age 68 with 1 million dollars...I was hoping it could be at age 62 the normal age to retire...And you can always do it for your kids...

The sample is only 50,000 people but the sample could cover the entire population of the U.S with 50,000 samples at a time...

let me give you a summary of what the system is...The system requires 50,000 people to each pay 2,000 every month for 5 years....Actually they will be paying 2,000 for 10 years but after in the 11th year they will get a REFUND of 3 years cover that will make them actually PAID for 7 years....So basically they will actually be paying 2,000 every month for 7 years...If you multiply 2,000 x 12 = 24,000 x 7 years = 168,000....So people will pay 168,000 in those 7 years...this system is more like for people that make 55,000 a year or more...If you look at the math 168,000 dollars at 7%, 6% or 5% in the bank for 50 years will give you at the most 672,000 DOLLARS if they give percentage the way i think they do....

NOW 2,000 x 50,000 = 100 million dollars....Now 100 million dollars x 12 months = 1 BILLION 200 million...

You then take those 1 billion out of those 1 billion 200 million and place it in the bank at 7% earned interest which should be 70 million dollars, you do this each year until the 11th year...

This is what you should get:

1st year = 70 million of the 7% x 9 years remaining = 630 million dollars

2nd year = 70 million of the 7% x 8 years remaining= 560 million dollars

3rd year = 70 million of the 7% x 7 years remaining = 490 million dollars

4th year = 70 million of the 7% x 6 years remaining = 420 million dollars

5th year = 70 million of the 7% x 5 years remaining = 350 million dollars

6th year = 70 million of the 7% x 4 years remaining = 280 million dollars

7th year = 70 million of the 7% x 3 years remaining = 210 million dollars

8th year = 70 million of the 7% x 2 years remaining = 140 million dollars

9th year = 70 million of the 7% x 1 year remaining  = 70 million dollars...

Now 70 million dollars divided by 24,000 which is what each person will pay in 1 year equals almost 3,000

140 million divided by 24,000 will equal = 6,000       

210 million divided by 24,000 will equaled 9,000       

280 million divided by 24K will equal 12,000

350 million divided by 24K will equal 15,000           

420 million divided by 24K will equal: 18,000           

490 million divided by 24K will equal: 24,000

560 million divided by 24K will equal: 27,000           

630 million divided by 24K will equal: 30,000           

18K + 6K = 24,000

15K + 9K = 24,000

30K - 6K = 24,000

27K - 3K = 24,000

3K + 6K +3K + 12K = 24,000

24K = 24,000

added up they equaled 3 years off of the 10 years that the 50,000 people that will pay each year (THE REFUND)...1 billion 200 million x 10 years will equaled 12 BILLION which is 12,000 1 million dollars to 12,000 people....Place 12 billion in the bank at 7% earned interest will equal: 840 million X 40 YEARS = 33 BILLION 600 million which will be 33,600 million dollars to 33,600 people, plus the 12,000 people, will equaled 45,600 people each with 1 million dollars, unfortunately 4400 people are left without any money...You can call this a big raffle...They have this same scenario in the stock market but in the stock market you have a chance to lose your money also and the number of casualties can be more than 4,400 out of 50,000 people....

Is a step forwards as well as backwards because nobody will want money when they are 68...On the bright side you may have that the entire country will have 1 million dollars or at least 91.2% of the population, which can be good for up coming kids...And you can always do this for your kids...

And by each generation they become richer and richer if they follow this...That is if the value of money doesn't remains the same and doesn't change...

Please post your opinions because i am eager to know what you think....

I am posting this because i'll like you all opinion...Do you think we should sacrifice those 4,400 people? Will people fall for it? This can't be insurance because insurance CAN NOT make 45,600 people out of 50,000 people each millionaires when they pass away...I did this because i didn't have anything to do today....

Then this 1 million is placed in the bank at 5% or 6% and 91.2% of the population of the U.S makes 50,000 to 60,000 a year, and then the next generation 91.2% of the Population of the USA make 100,000 to 120,000 dollars a year...Of course hypothetically speaking is everything remains the same....

Entry #221

The U.S presidency: Part II

The U.S Presidency: i feel bad writing this, i don't know how come i didn't notice it before....I feel that any U.S president should make 40 million dollars per each year that he/she is in office FREE OF TAX....The U.S president making i don't know how much but is one of those things that makes America look bad it gives America a bad image internationally...Please listen to me, please America listen to me....America this is what you need....

This way when a president serves his 5 year terms he will have: 200 million dollars or wealth to continue or take care of his/her dinasty....and if he/she serves 10 years he/she will have 400 million dollars of wealth to continue or take care of his/her dinasty....

whether he is a good or bad president...How can an actor in 3 movies make more than the president in 10 years...

And after he does his/her 5 year term he or she automatically gets a wealth management team...

The presidents i feel should not make more than 50 million dollars per each year that he or she is in office...

They recently made 150 BILLION dollars on WASTEFUL PORK SPENDING to be ATTACHED to the bail out bill...You are going to tell me they couldn't take 50 BILLION out of those 150 BILLIONS place it in the bank and the 5% which should be 2 BILLION 500 MILLION, EACH DAMN YEAR, and pay 40 or 50 million to the presidents for each year that he/she is in office....You are going to tell me they couldn't do this...

Entry #220

To the United States...What you need...

Not only that but please America please listen to me, you need to create a System, kind of like the stock market but that it construct houses or build houses to people for free...The earlier you start the better...Please listen to me U.S...Something like a Sweepstake....If you build a system that create houses to people the more they have the better and it will cause Americans to work & save to amass millions and not have to worry about their houses and the more the generation pass the more wealth is accumulated making everyone rich...Please USA you need this...All i can think of is a lottery where people bet to win a house, not only houses but Condos....But i am talking masssive amount of houses won, that's what you need...England you need this also...Canada you need this also, but England you need buildings not houses, Italy & Japan you need this also but you also need Building not houses....And to the U.S you need houses made off of brick, not wood....America you need to Create a MASSIVE SYSTEM, something massive like the Stock Market that will create (giveaway) brand new houses for free to Americans, whether is betting or something else i don't care but you need to COME UP with that SYSTEM....If you are listening America this is what you need...

Because once americans have their houses they will strive and work to accumulate wealth and if they are smart, each generation that wealth will increase...

United States doing good good start but it needs improvement it can get better: Today i heard on tv that they had a 1.8 million house they were raffling it...It needed 31,500 people to join to be able to sell it...Well America you need something like that but to give free houses to Americans and something Massive that will give away houses for free to Americans...I think is an O.K idea what they are doing but you need something Massive, Something Massive like Wallstreet but of free houses...United States you need that...

And one practice that the Credit Card companies need to stop In the U.S and every country around the world, is offering everyone a 2,000 credit limit or the same credit limit, when everyone doesn't make the same...People of lesser income should be offered a 500 dollar income, they should be credit cards of 200, 400, 600, 800; 1,000; 1,200; 1,400 dollars credit limit, etc...In the U.S....I knew this for a very long time, i noticed that to everyone they offered a 2,000 credit limit, when clearly people's incomes are different....I've been saying this for over 5 or more years now...

For example people that have bad credit or worse credit they should get a 200 credit card limit, but what do they do? they give everyone 2,000 credit limit like everyone was the same...You know this will prevent delinquencies in credit cards and Americans getting further in debt...You can always ask them to pay the same minimum payment for a $200 credit card as for a $2,000 credit card...By the way i know it depends on your income but still there should be layers of credit card not just one credit limit for people of the same income...

To the United States: If you want to make progress you need several political parties, not just the republican or democrat party, you need several political parties...That idea that the republican party has of selecting the candidate with most experience that idea doesn't do good because you select some of the same old things, there is no chance for change with that philosophy...Is good but at the same time is not good......And please i am not here to talk about politics, just letting you know what you need...

Something totally unrelated but important to know: Your HOUSE SPONGE: Today i learn something, this is totally unrelated....Your regular house sponge, can house up to 1 million germs...Well i read that to clean it out, you rinse it with water wring it and then put in in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds...That will kill the microbes....

Entry #219

Pick6 very close pattern for tracking and for Powerball...

This is the closest thing i've gotten, if you have ideas on how to get closer then i'll be glad if you post them...

I got this idea from visiting a lottery website that promises to make you win in pick3...They weren't mentioning this, i was the one who thought about it, all i got from them is to use a Pick3 wheel 5 numbers...

The whole idea is based on using a Pick3 wheeling 5 numbers...Which i was told comes out to 10 dollars...

If you select a pick3 drawings sample like how i did you will notice that using 5 number wheel for Pick3, you will find that there are 7 combos if you divide them into even and odd, high and low...These are the following numbers high and low even and odd: using 0 as 10....





You will notice that there are 7 combos like how i mention on a pick3 game...There are actually i think 9 or 10 combos but most of the time 27 drawings out of 30 drawings have these 7 combos...

They are: 

1OH  2EL meaning 1 odd high number with 2 even low numbers example: 924, 744

1EH   2OL meaning 1 even high number with 2 odd low numbers example: 501, 633, 615

2OH   1EL meaning 2 odd high numbers with 1 even low number example: 972, 994, 727

2EH   1OL meaning 2 even high numbers with 1 odd low number example: 861, 306


1EH   1OL   1EL meaning 1 even high number with 1 odd low number with 1 even low number:

example: 184, 032 

1OH    1EH    1OL meaning 1 odd high number with 1 even high number with 1 odd low number:

 Example: 396

1OH     1EH   1EL meaning 1 odd high number with 1 even high number with 1 even low number:

example: 982, 784


But remember this is using a pick3 wheel wheeling 5 numbers which i've been told produces 10 possible combinations...This is the important part...Remember when i told you on my previous blogs that you could think of pick6 as 2 pick3 if you pay attention to the ending digits only...Well the pick6 combos most of the time are different, they are not the same, so you beging to TRACK THEM, every pick6 drawing and see when one combo plays with another and so on...Remember each combo has 10 possible combinations that it can be played with...All you have to do is see what played previously and weed out the ones that have played already and use the others that haven't...For example out of the 10 possible combination that come out of that wheel 5, if out of that 10 combinations you are able to see that 5 combinations have played previously in the two pick3 of the pick6, then that will leave you with 5 combinations to match up with the other combo and if in the other combo you are able to weed out 5 combinations that will leave you with 5 on one end of the pick3 and 5 combinations on the other end of the pick3...If you can narrow down the combinations to 2 on each pick3 combo then that will leave you with 2 combinations on each side to match with....Then once you get the right pick3 on each side your job is to get them straight...

After you get them straight, then you can begin to deduce...You must also match the right combos which with good tracking can be done...Remember they are only 7 combos and 2 of them are selected and 1 combo most of the time does not match with the same combo but instead with different ones...Not only that but with good tracking you will notice a pattern in the match ups of combos, how they pair up....If you want to go ahead and use the 9 combos or 10 combos instead of the 7 is O.K as long as you know what you are doing...The hardest part will be that once you have the 2 pick3 together combination the hard part will be to arrange it in the straight way and not the box way...And all this tracking can be done very good with custom-made algorithms or search algorithms in a computer or semi-supercomputer...Remember in all of this you use a Pick3, 5 number wheel...YOu can also use a Pick3, 6 number wheel (because sometimes it will come out to 6 numbers and not 5)....And you can also use a Pick3, 4 number wheel (because sometimes it will come out to be 4 numbers and not 5)...It all depends...

You could also view MegaMillions & Powerball as a "Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9 + Megaball....

If you forgot what i meant by deducing here it is a reminder...:

Suppose the winning numbers for Texas were (15-20-37-38-39-43)....Now suppose you do get someone that submitts the numbers 5-0-7 and someone that submitts the numbers 8-9-3 the ending digits... 
and you pair them up and you get 5-0-7-8-9-3 the ending digits of Texas winning numbers....All you have to do is deduce (it will be nice if you had a custom made software for this) but again all you have to do is deduce....
so let's take 5-0-7-8-9-3 deducing the numbers you can possibly get are (remember you treat 10 as "zero" (0):
5-10-17-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-10-27-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-53   4/6 = 57 dollars - 70 dollars
5-20-27-38-39-53    3/6 = 5 dollars
the following round:But before you continue you should know that combinations that beging with 14 + are very rare combinations they rarely play so you can eliminate them from your repertau....
15-20-37-38-49-53  4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-20-37-38-39-43  (BINGO = JACKPOT)
15-20-37-38-39-53  5/6 = 2,800 dollars to 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-53    4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-30-37-38-49-53     3/6 = 5 dollars
Not only that but the numbers you deduce you can put constraints on them...Constraints by SUMS (Sum totals), Even over odds (E/O), is up to you....This particular combination happens to start with 15...
For the deducing it will be better if you get yourself a custom-made software to do it for you....
This is better than going BLINDLY at the 26 million combinations a pick6/49 has or at the 175 million combinations MegaMillions and Powerball have...
This is a step closer in winning Powerball, MegaMIllions & PIck6...Is also a step closer in winning Pick5....
I just realize something...This is the closest thing you will have in hitting Pick5....Pick5 is one of the hardest games...NOTHING at the present moment comes close to hitting Pick5 like this system/pattern...So if you want to win pick5 you will have to do some tracking..YOu will have to view Pick5 as a Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9
And for the games that are Pick4 + bonus balls, you will have to view them as Pick3/0-9 + pick1/0-9 + bonus/mega number by their ending digits and then you will have to deduce...This is the closest thing to hitting pick5....It will be perfect for tracking prediction games...Because if you go with wheels you are going to collide youself with the wall...When you are tracking pick5 remember 1 combo plays 1 time and many a times it doesn't repeat on the following drawing, it may repeat 3, 4 or 5 days later...That makes it 6 combos you have to choose from and not 7...And remember on pick5 the deducing will come out to be like LESS THAN 15 combinations and not less than 25 like Pick6...Remember the hardest part is getting the ending digits straight and not boxed...And remember on the less than 15 combinations for Pick5 you can always add restraints/constraints, constraints like odd/even, sums...For example if you select the most common ratio of EVEN/ODDS of the previous drawings for those 15 or less deduced combinations it will come out to a total of 3 or 4 combinations maybe less giving you a chance to play more combinations from the Pick3, 6, 5, or 4 wheels ending digits....And that's just the even/odd ratio, imagine now the sums and other patterns you may want to add...Remember they are first ending digits, and then after you deduce them they become combinations....Remember is 15 deduced combinations or less for Pick5, it could be 10, who knows...
And i've realized that the latest way to win the lottery, specially pick5, pick6, Powerball, Megamillions, CaSuper Lotto Plus, Pick3 is not through wheels but instead through algorithms, search algorithms based on certain patterns/systems (the ones i've mentioned and innovative patterns/systems) and custom made softwares and specially more if you had it implemented on a supercomputer or semi-supercomputer....Unless of course you had an illegal wheel that we all don't know about...
So what am i saying, that better to win the lottery is through prediction websites using this technologies than through wheels...
Want to know something, these same 7 combos can and must be used with the Sum total patterns for Pick3 to hit pick3, but once you are sure a number is coming for the following day you must bet 10 or 20 dollars, this way you will come out ahead and perhaps is the only way to beat pick3...But that will be another blog...For pick4 you must tackled it differently....
Remember deducing for Powerball and Megamillions & CaSuper Lotto Plus it will come out to something like less than 18 combinations if you eliminate the combinations that start with 15+ by that i mean combinations whose first number start with 14, or 15 and above....
Entry #218

To Make this world equal: Scorpion Ring for women for battered wives

To Make this world equal: Scorpion Ring for women for battered wives and thieves: I got an idea, you see a ball point pen, how it works, you see the scorpion animal how it works and you see a hand ring....Why not mixed the 3 ideas and get a ring that women can wear for whenever they are fighting to paralyzed her/their oponent...You know to make things equal in a fight between man & a woman...They can always wear 2 ring in 1 hand and another in the other hand....You know this will surely make things equal...That idea that you have to hit the person in the balls, really we don't need it anymore...Then women will be like a scorpion...You know how easy it is to make ball pens, so why not create these rings....Specially for women who experience domestic violence....No you don't have to learn karate anymore....And you know through the decades and centuries this ring can always be perfected or can evolve.  It can be venom, something to put you to sleep or something that in a couple of minutes it will paralyze you for the moment...Just ONE ring is enough, imagine with 2 of them....And for women who experience harrasment...You know to make things equal between a man and a woman in a boxing ring....I got this idea from watching the national geographic channel...That pepper spread is old fashion....So why they haven't invented this ring yet for women...Up to this heights and that ring hasn't been invented yet...I am not talking about a ring that will cause you to die, but a ring that will make you collapse or put you to sleep for some hours....

Like how they say: "You may beat me up now but you are going down"....Uahhh, uahhhh, uuahhhh (mad scientist)....

maybe this will cause people to stop fighting...Or how about something like a ring that passes electricity, that when it contact or punch a person it passes a big volt to make a person collapase...Again at least they can make it into hollywood movies....If this ring is created and widely sold, they will be in movies...

you know to make it equal in a real fight between a man and a woman

specially when you know that during a fight the heart races faster and bloods it rushes fast throughout the body...Maybe they could use this in hollywood movies....

And i know you are thinking that this ring is going to look sharp, but it doesn't have to...It could look flat with the tiny end points of a ball point pen....I know they can build this ring....

Entry #217