hypersoniq's Blog

Grasping the theory, next step is coding.

The use of machine learning is a deep rabbit hole to be sure. Estimation functions, activation functions, error functions, gradient descent, weights... then there are "hyper parameters" that can affect the performance, layering, hidden layers, noise, bias... stateful or stateless LSTMs. The learning will be continuing throughout the coding of the first iteration.

The desired output will be time series, one pick in each position for 7 days, since we know the dates. Why not just for the next day? Because we are working with sequence data, trying to find sequence patterns. This will run a great deal longer than any program I have written prior, hours rather than minutes (the 2nd layer).

Still one pick per draw. It can be modified to output a sequence of variable length, if the week length does not have a positive result, it could be extended to a month. It can be ran in several configurations at the same time.

Going to build the script to be modular, so it can handle any daily game, from pick 2 to pick 5. IF there are positive results, then it can be adapted to the red ball in PB or MM, but that is not an initial goal.

Generating a graph of the test phase IS a goal. 80% of the draw data will be used for training, the remaining 20% for testing and the final output being a series of 7 time increments into the future.

A graph of where the system picks right and where it misses will definitely help to set realistic expectations and possible error correction factors. Also going to keep a spreadsheet of the parameters to record changes made.

For all of the years I worked on lottery systems I do not believe I was asking the right questions... this could change all of that. Or not. The work will not be wasted, as machine learning has many applications, but wouldn't it be cool if there was some success!

Entry #235

Time for the next approach... Machine Learning!

The current deep dive has led to some hypotheses I would like to experiment with.

The lottery is definitely laid out like a time series problem, list of dates with data for each. The problem with time series is it uses moving averages, never gives a clean prediction... enter classifiers... look at the numbers as categories without math properties!

I am still weeks away from usable code, but here is the plan. Use time series analysis for classifiers with an LSTM (long short term memory) in 2 layers... splitting the data 80% training, 20% validation to construct the model, then forecast for 7 days (since the run time will be in hours, not seconds).

This time even more modularity. Last system (followers) had 18 modules, one for each position of the pick 3/4/5 mid and eve... this one will have but one!! Every change to the old system required doctoring 18 instances of the function code.

This begins the introduction of "features" to the data, namely odd even to split the numbers into 0,2,4,6,8 and 1,3,5,7,9 and added to that high and low, splitting the numbers into 0,1,2,3,4 and 5,6,7,8,9.

The example is one, 

Value = 1, E=0, L=1

E is a binary value, 1 = even, 0 = odd

L is a binary value, 1 = low group, 0= high group

These will be included in the evaluation by a method called "one hot encoding", which uses binary feature information to help find patterns.

A 2 layer LSTM has a better shot at finding difficult patterns, while a 3 layer LSTM is overkill and may induce bias and over fitting. For reference, a one layer LSTM does not do as well with complex patterns in a sequence.

This is my actual first step in machine learning, months before I get to take a college class in it, so the time will not be wasted regardless the results. Found a win win!

Along with this will be learning seaborn and matplotlib to graph out data.

All of this came from a starter chat with ChatGPT about pattern matching and the difference between prediction and forecasting.

Next big thing? Doubtful but always optimistic until the first live test results. A positive step in coding? Absolutely!

Entry #234

This system just does not work... so what next?

Gave it 150%, learned a great deal about Python along the way, but the wins are just not there.

Still my go to for a Power ball ticket until something more functional comes along, but I have tested enough to throw in the towel on this one.

I do have a viable framework for future attempts, and I will be doing a deep dive on time series analysis for strings, yes, that means encoding the numbers as letters.

In the mean time (deep dives can take months), I am going to develop a fun system for the sole purpose of back testing. Something I could do easily with excel, but the goal is learning.

More details later, it will be a workout type system where you won't need the draw history to play, but it's about processing this workout in python and checking for hits, both straight and boxed. Might take a bit to work out the code, but it should fit into the existing framework, only not applicable to the jackpot type non replacement games, strictly pick 3, 4 and 5.

Rather than pack it up again, this is prime opportunity to hone development skills in python and excel, as the output will be written to an excel sheet (not just a csv).

Entry #233

Tightening the follower skips

Perhaps the skips 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 should be changed to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Much like Excel, it is easy in Python to make a copy to experiment with changes.

The quick alteration is as simple as changing 144 lines of code using the find/replace 8 times.

Will it make a difference? Who knows...

As for the future, apparently there exists libraries that can apply time series analysis to string data. That is interesting!

I had mentioned that the numbers drawn have no inherent mathematical properties, and a system that can use letters in place of the numbers might have a better shot. Here encoding things such as even/odd and high/low become features of each ball. You can't just plug raw draw data in and expect machine learning algorithms to spit out winners, or even "learn" anything.

If the numbers 0-9 are replaced with a-j and Odd/Even is encoded as w,x and high/low encoded as y,z... then you have data with features that can be analyzed. With the date as the row key, perhaps some of the classification algorithms or even deep learning can be applied.

I am far from this point yet, but it helps to visualize certain aspects along the way. 

The quick grouping of skips will be ran as a test, and IF it does better, then all of the variable names can be changed appropriately. Will generate a pick from both versions of the script and try them head to head for the evening draw of pick3/pick4/pick5 and match 6. Already made picks and bought tickets for MM and PB, a few more wouldn't hurt!

Entry #232

Might not be "THE" system, but it establishes a framework..

The only thing that won yesterday was $2 on the match 6, and that was with the help of the 2 QP lines.

I am 6 classes (one class every 2 months, 1 year and 7 weeks away) from an online Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. My last 2 classes will be Data Mining/Machine Learning, then Artificial Intelligence.

Right now this project is producing mostly dismal results where I thought it might do better, but the work is not wasted. Instead this project is more of a framework for what may come. 

1. It is modular, the current follower modules can be swapped for eventual machine learning algorithms using the same overall script.

2. Picks are atomic, meaning the first position of pick 3 is processed independently of the other positions. 

3. The framework can read and process the .csv history files as function call parameters, which will serve any future Machine Learning initiatives well, do not have to re invent the wheel.

All of the current initiatives will serve future development as well. This is the list of what I am slowly assembling...

1. A back test system to make recursive picks and feed forward the draw history.

2. The RSS feed parser for updating draw history files with one click.

3. Visualization with the matplotlib and seaborn libraries.

4. Rolling ALL of it into a desktop application, and eventually an Android app so I don't have to fire up a PC or Laptop to update and get picks.

If I can accomplish these goals by next October 27th, I will be ready to leverage AI into a system on my own terms... not really a fan of any AI lottery offerings.

There are no guarantees on lotteries but I can guarantee that I will get better at python coding along the path AND not get left behind with the obvious impact AI is having on computing in general. 

It's good to have goals, right?

Entry #231

Moving along with playing the system.

After a disappointing weekend of paper testing the pick 3, time for some actual play. Shooting for pick3, pick5, Match6 and Powerball today.

Tweaked the ratio of recent draws to full history. 28% for pick3/4/5 and 21% for jackpot games. (Up from 21% and 14% respectively) the old percentages did not provide enough data and the weighted picks just ended up mirroring the full pick. Too much and they will mirror the recents, I think I have found balance at these settings, even threw out a few unique numbers!

After the full run today, I will use the system the way it was intended, to produce single picks, and rotate between pick3/4/5. For the jackpot games, will stick with the match 6 and the big games only when the lump sum value is >= 100 million. I intentionally left PA cash 5 from the list in protest of the doubled ticket price, and treasure hunt does not seem worth the time to generate a history file. Not interested in the cash 4 life either.

I did the work, still need to do a pick 3 back test, all the coding, all of the research, and all of the implementation details, maintaining history files daily... now it's time to roll it out live and hope for the best.

Also testing a theory and skipping the next few MADDOG jackpot game challenges to see if the picks do better.

We do not code systems assuming that the lottery draws are truly 100% random, we look for their flaws in the history...

My belief is that you do not need to be better at math than the lottery organizations, just better at statistics!

Entry #230

Reflecting on old Excel systems

For many years the pattern was...

1. Dream up a new system

2. Create the spreadsheet

3. Play until bored

4. Give up for a few years

Some of these systems got 1 hit, like the chain idea where it is like followers, but with the following difference. If a 6 was drawn what followed (easy), BUT, if a 5 was drawn before the 6, then what followed 5 6? That chain system hit once on the pick 4 straight.

The next was an exercise in error correction, where a number was picked and combined with the last draw via absolute subtraction to give a pick. Such as drawn 123 - "mask" 625 [abs(123-625)] =502. That system peaked with a box hit on the pick 5 with 2 pairs ($1,700)

I had sheets for v-tracks, mirrors, +111, even/odd etc. Most were lost when the old laptop crashed 8 years ago. They never produced a notable hit and cost too much to play. It was at that point the goal always became a single "best guess".

I think with this follower system, it is at the point where play will start but boredom may set in. I enjoy the development part way more than the day to day play (excepting a win, of course) so I hope something promising comes along soon

Entry #229

Just figured out how to add weight to the follower data!

So, we have a list that captures ALL follower data for the last drawn number in each position from 7 different vantage points. Then I added the most recent followers that auto range based on their last number drawn. So here is how the weighting will work...

1. Keep the full combined list of follower data

2. ADD to it the combined recent data lists, this adding weight to the recent followers.

Step 2 acts like a theta weight in linear algebra, as it makes recent followers a "feature", and then the theta is what gets changed to fine tune the overall data.

Maybe it works, maybe it does not. It is adding 36 lines of code to a 2,200+ line script and editing another 36 lines of code, so not that bad of a project. The bottom line is getting back to just one pick per game for the games it supports.

I have no idea how many recent picks are the right amount to add weight, perhaps a percentage of the follower count or the draw history length? 

It must be narrowed down to just one before back testing can be coded, so hopefully there is a glimmer of hope in this new modification.

Entry #228

Coding is complete, now the big decision... which version?

The code that takes a pick from the entire 7 sets of follower history is complete.

Which leaves me with a choice...

1. Keep the short term lists with the most recent data or

2. Keep the long term lists with all of the data.

The biggest positive to using the full data set is that there is zero seasonality to lottery histories.

The biggest drawback is that the MOST of something actually rarely happens.

The biggest positive to the short term recent system is that it runs faster.

The biggest negative... it keeps failing tests.

Since this was originally coded for the dailies like pick 3, that may yield the best testing ground... play both for a week n pick 3 and see what gets closest.

Test starts tomorrow...

Entry #227

Why followers? And an idea for the next script change

When I look at the many ways in the forums to pick lottery numbers, I try to keep in mind what we have available to us. With the draw history, we have the follower data at hand (except for the next draw, of course). The basic premise... (using pick 3 as an example) if they drew a 6 in position 1 last night, I can look to see what followed a 6 in position 1 all through the history. There results a distribution that is about as uniform as raw draw data, but there is one number that has followed the MOST.

So what we are gathering is the MOST FREQUENT follower of the last number drawn.

Doing this manually takes too much time. Doing this with Excel is a clunky process as well, usually involving filtering and conditional formatting. Using a python script to read from a comma separated value file (csv) can perform the same task in about 1 second.

My other hypothesis is that using different follower scenarios together might add weight to the overall pick. So I use direct followers, aka skip1. Also skip2, skip3, skip7, skip14, skip21 and skip28. Why? Imagine a camera at a stop sign where there was an incident. One camera angle can tell a part of the story, but 7 cameras all at different angles paint a more accurate picture of what happened.

My initial code looks at only the most recent followers in each category, but that is where I probably went wrong... I am reading the last chapter of a long book... 

The next iteration of the script will gather ALL follower data from each skip scenario, roll them into a huge list, and make it's pick by using the statistical MODE (as it does now with partial lists) on ALL of the data, ALL at once!

I realize that all numbers have the possibility of following, and that the MOST of something only appears SOME of the time, but I am at a loss for other ideas at the moment.

Although I enjoy writing scripts in Python, I know I am still a novice coder, so a change of that magnitude will take some time to get right. Time I am willing to invest. This behemoth of a script is already 2,200 lines long, and that is with following software engineering best practices like modularity.

It may not be a breakthrough in cranking out straight hits, but it will be the cheapest "system" to play as it only draws one pick, and I feel that based on my limited knowledge of both lottery systems and coding, and my biases about lottery data (the pick 3 is 3 sequential games of 1 in 10, position A has no influence on positions B or C)  this does represent my Best guess.

After this update, I will start making improvements on the visuals, maybe a GUI interface, and I am already working on parsing the PA lottery RSS feed (since they don't provide an api) to make updating the draw history files easier and faster. I can update ALL draw files and generate picks in about 10 minutes. I might consider adding PACash5, Treasure Hunt, Pick2 and PACash4Life, but only if the RSS feed parser script works out.

Anyone else experimenting with Python or another programming language for the purpose of lottery picks?

Entry #226

Test # 2, The Jackpot Games (PB & MM)

The next round of testing will begin Monday (9/11) with the Power ball and end on Saturday(9/16), also with the power ball.

There are actually 3 games involved, the Mega Millions, The Power ball, and PA's Power Ball Double Play (a separate game with a separate draw history, also a different prize payout... no multiplier and top prize always $10M)

Since you MUST enter a draw into the main PB game, there will be 2 picks for each powerball draw. Adding the multiplier and double draw entry fee, that means both picks are eligible for prizes in both games. For the purpose of this test, results will be separated, so the first line only counts for the main game, and the second only counts for the double draw. Any coincidental payouts won't count.

2 tickets loaded with options for the power ball is a cost of $8

The Mega Millions with the megaplier is a cost of $3

Total System Test Cost = $30 across 3 PB and 2 MM draws. Test duration = 6 days. Pick Method = My Super Seven Python follower script described in detail in earlier blog posts.

The Goal = A hit or combination of hits that exceed the test cost of $30. 

The expectation... it is all coincidental anyway, the realistic expectation is that I donate $30 to "Older Pennsylvanians"

Unlike the last test, this only has to work once!

Entry #225

Follower category weights

The script I wrote generates 2 distinct categories of data.

1.full count of follower data over the entire game history. Presented as a ranked count, most occurrences to least.

2. The most recent lists, which vary based on the last draw (if a 5 came up in that position last, then the next list length will be 5.)

I am wondering if maybe there is a way to weight the recent list numbers with the full list count results.

The data for the short lists is combined to get the pick. I could also print the individual scenario picks (skip 1, skip 2, skip 3, skip 7, skip 14, skip 21 and skip 28), but to what end?

I have also thought about adding 2 new perspectives... skip 182 and skip 364. Not sure if they will help.

It all comes down to the pick, I am sure I could do more, but what?

Entry #224

Half way through the 4 day test.

The first 2 days of testing on the PA pick 3/4/5 (mid and eve) and the Match 6 are done.

Cost to date: $20

Wins to date: $2 on Match 6 on the first day.

Net result: -$18


1. The picks have numbers in position and out of position (so the box has been close a few times, a worthwhile add)

2.  Even with manual updates to all 7 history files, the picks can be obtained in about 15 minutes, which makes this one of the fastest workflows of any system I have developed.

3. The pick 3 is the most wildly variant, sometimes the pick has no matches.

4. The pick 5 has consistently had 2 or 3 numbers match, though not all in position.


So, midway through it is still, like all other systems, coincidental. Post test, cycling the p3 p4 and p5 would be even cheaper to run.

Because it is coincidental, there is no need to go through the hassle of rushing the back test script, the value there is in just making it work. Still going to create it, I just feel the results will not be as important as I thought it might.

Onward to day 3...

Entry #223

Why does Mr. "One line" play 2 lines on PowerBall?

The main focus of every system that I have developed (and subsequently abandoned) was always one single bet.

For pick 3/4/5 just one play each

For Mega Millions and Match 6, just one line

Power ball in PA presents a unique case. My pick for the PB is based only on the dataset of results for the current matrix. PA also offers Double Play. I pick that line based solely on the double draw results dataset. BUT... you can't just enter the double draw, you need to enter the main draw and pay an extra $1 to get in the double draw.

Therefore power ball is my only exception to the "one line per game" goal I have set. Though technically it is one line per game, the requirement is to play for both games.

Entry #222

The next steps for my Python follower system script...

Since the core logic is tested and functioning,time to consider the next steps...

1. Create a desktop application around the script. This will be valuable practice for user interface/ user experience (UI/UX). Using the PA lottery ball images instead of text output would be both easier to read (totally a thing for us older folks) and visually appealing.

2. Add an update the draws option. While it would be nice for the PA lottery to have an API, they sadly do not... but they DO have an RSS feed! I will practice parsing this feed, converting the data to a usable form (text to integer for results and text date to date for draw date.) And then having it build an update sequence to append to all of the results history .csv files. Would have allow for updating multiple draws if I miss a day or two.

3. Work in a back test screen.

4. Work in a statistics screen to display the verbose info for each draw, though the main output would be just the picks.

5. Work in a historical function that can show the results of system pick vs actual draw and derive statistics from that info. Maybe an adjustable time frame, such as last week/month/year/custom date range... would basically just let you query the data from the back test.

6. Figure out how to wrap it into an android solution so the entire package can be 100% mobile.

So while waiting for a win, there is still so much to do... free software engineering lab!

Entry #221