hypersoniq's Blog

Phase 2 of LRS... Data Analysis

LRS started as a simple way to get the most bang for a buck, one shot-done.

I finally figured out what to ask the computer and how to interpret the answer... but in this case, maybe the biggest number isn't the best.

LRS is fully optimized to deliver the highest occurrence of a repeating sequence OVER THE ENTIRE DRAW HISTORY... what If I start eliminating the top of the history list? The further back I go, draws must come off of the top because you would not have had that info when the game started.

I need to set a baseline and perhaps come within maybe 90% of the "Highest" number and get farther back. If 200 draws back matches 1000 times and eliminates 200 of 10000 draws, that leaves a 10.2% hit rate... wow, an RNG can match that with no problem... now, if 1500 draws back, 900 matches occur... we go up by .2% what about 4200 draws back catching 900 hits? (this is per position, not paying hits) that's 15.5% and better than the base RNG...

I MUST run this tomorrow night... going to try with all the games and shoot for the highest PERCENT of hits, but staying within 90% of that position's current hit count.

Also, only a few days to go before dropping the pick3/4 from june's scheduled test. Will run cash5 (so far the only producer in the may test), Match6 and Powerball.

Entry #145

LRS system picks for PA pick3/4 eve till may 31st!!!

Dumping the system for pick3/4 next month unless a hit is produced...

I'm sharing what I have for the rest of the month starting right now...

These are the "rules"

1. pick3 Straight Only (I play $1 st.)

2. pick4 straight or boxed (I play one 50 cent ticket each way)

3. EVENING draws only.


5. For Entertainment only...blah blah blah

6. Each number good for just one draw,the date listed...

have fun and good luck. No hits from this list means I am "retiring" fromthe daily games while I still have some of that $500 left from last month.


Entry #144

P3/P4 was fun, but...

May proving to be a tough month. Only hits so far are for $1 on Cash5 twice.

June is shaping up to just include Cash5/Match6/Powerball only... Drops total test cost to $66 (Down from $186 to include the P3/P4 Mid/Eve)...

But may is not over yet...

TONS of testing done tonight... Definitely ruling out LoopRS in favor of LRS for ALL games. Next tests up for P3 will be the classic 111 workout, but only one number results and it's added to LRS pix, not straight draw history.

Only reason I'm adding the Match6 is because of very promising backtesting, loads of 3/6 hits.

I need to study up on the "Offset" function in excel before implementing a "row shift" test on P3 to try and backtest for better hit frequency... AND I need to construct just the right "IF" statement for testing the 111 theory.

Can't believe I met my entire weekend's programming/testing goals inone night! That VB took what would have been months down to mere minutes.

I have been kicking around the idea of dusting off my old "Coincidizer" seed-hunting program and unleashing it on the mid-day data now that it's over 1500 draws in PA... Time will tell.

B.T.W. ZERO advantage to entering DRAW ORDER powerball data... each position tests higher using SORT ORDER data.

Off to run one more test tonight... to see how many times the powerball could have been called from the white balls... will take >34 times to make me take notice...

Good Luck all "weekend warriors" :-)

Entry #143

Next Steps with LRS

Time to Plan my weekend in advance.

1) Try applying LoopRS to Pick3/Pick4. An EASY program modification

2) Try Running LRS on PB DRAW ORDER data... hmm...

I figured out the particular ranges in sort order jackpot games make LRS data fit better than LoopRS data. My prediction was higher event counts in WB1/WB5 for Cash5 and WB1/WB6 in PB and it held true.

I am now seeking Higher Percentages of matches...

Example, Pick3 eve. each position's LRS skip produced individual position hits 10% to 11% of the time, yet the lining up of 3 for a win only happened less than .01%  I hope to improve that. Given the miss on that pick4 BOX, I am going to explore the coincidence and check OOP matches. Shouldn't take too long, maybe all done by fri. night...

My source of entropy is the draw history itself, hits collectively don't match hits positionally (They don't line up). After the OOP maybe a "shift" up or down is in order, I need to search consecutive matches and align there... that portion I'll dub "Chain Reaction".

This whole series of events leading me back into the pick3 has been good for my excel/vb skills. Already,things went right to the powerball system and I'm hoping to see some better results tomorrow night with that.

Entry #142

LoopRS out, LRS in

After saving MONTHS of handwork in excel with a new LRS VB6 engine, I can say without doubt that out-of-position repeats are definitely NOT a factor.

Testing over 4000 draws on cash5 and almost 1000 in powerball, LoopRS produces much lower counts than the strictly positional LRS.

I am finishing up May with the new numbers for P3/P4/C5/PB straight off the LRS sheets, and will be working towards the next phase for June... Error Correction!

This one is lifted directly off an old powerball sheet I had, basically it will grab the difference between the drawn numbers and the LRS numbers and fiind the most common one (for each position). June's test will be strictly on paper (except for the powerball) unless the may test makes me some more playing money...

LRS with the enhanced VB6 test for Sunday May 13th 2007

Pick3 for tonight in PA... 1-0-3

pick4 for tonight in PA...  0-4-0-8

Side note, based on backtest results I am still playing the pick 3 straight only, but I'm upping the ante by 50 cents and boxing the pick4 as well as straight... already missed $100 this test by not boxing the pick4 :-(

new Synch-O de May-O test will cost $105.00 (pro-rating the fact that I did NOT box p4 for the first 12 draws)

I am growing weary of P3 "one hit wonder" systems, and wish I could stumble on a PB "one hit"... onward and upward!

Entry #141

Happy Mothers Day!

To All those Brave souls who took on the hardest job in the world (Without pay, no less!)

I Salute You!

Entry #140

LRS pix for PA eve 3/4 5/6/07

well, testing a theory about posted picks being WAY off

tonight pick3 in PA (st. only) 6-2-2

tonight pick4 in PA (st. only) 2-0-8-4

I am in the middle of a test for the month of may. so far not even 2/5 in cash5 yet...

I am off to the store soon to play these. I also added them to the prediction board. (double whammy for me, maybe the double bad karma will cancel ;-)  )

my prediction stats are really bad, hoping the new VB6 helper app will speed things up with LRS, but it's gonna take some time to figure it all out. I have the VB6 pick3 project started, just gotta figure out the code to make the buttons do what I want...

Entry #139

VB6 Prog. assistance needed...

Anyone have a good link or can describe the process of loading an array from an excel file? Do I need to use the Jet ODBC engine for this?

I'd rather not go through the cumbersome line-by-line, element-by-element process of using a .csv file to load the array... There must be some way of just grabbing the data straight from excel.

I'm going with

Dim intPick3(1 to 10376, 1 to 3) As Integer  '10,376 is # of draws in Pick3

for the array of PA evening pick3 data. If I recall correctly, this should give me 3 columns * 10,376 rows (31,128 elements). "10376" will likely be replaced by a variable so I can have it read the actual number of draws for re-runs and updates.

I did work with VB6 and Access, but I can't unearth any decent info on working with excel. All I want to do is use a loop to load the array from an excel file that has the 3 digits in the first 3 columns, not reading dates and the first subscript in the array will represent the draw number.

thanks in advance for any help :-) 

Entry #138

LRS/LoopRS rambling...

Interesting how different this new suite of systems picks numbers. Using the game's own randomness against itself, the most noticeable thing about each pick is how far off it is when it's wrong... I am only back 100 draws in pick3, 10,000 to go. I finally devised a method to automate the whole thing, but I have to re-install VB6 to put it into action... and the CD drive is broke. (may tinker with a network-based install with the functioning "newer" PC that the rest of the family uses.)

Entry #137

can't say enough good things about thumb drives!

was working on Pick4 LRS excel file when we had a quick power loss... tried to re-open the file and it was corrupt :-(

thumb drive saves the day! only lost about 30 min. of work which was easy to re-do. My files are all massive for LRS/LoopRS, and they don't even put a dent in the storage space.

I gave my old one to my kid for school, so I had to use some of that $500 to trat myself to a new one (Sony microvault 4GB) normally $90 but staples had it on sale for $49. ALREADY saved the day...

If i can pull in another win on P3 I have my eye on this cool little handheld PalmTX that works with excel files using DataVIZ... hmm

Entry #136

pick3/4 LRS and PB/Cash5 LoopRS work continues...

Given the fluke win this week, I figure on dropping some of the cash on a live-fire LoopRS/LRS test for the month of may...

Powerball (one powerplay ticket per draw)

Cash5 (one per draw)

Pick3 ($1 st. pick per evening draw)

pick4 (one 50cent st. bet per evening draw)

total cost to run the test... $95.50

the fact that the process is continually being tweaked makes me think I should wait a bit, but I'm just too curious.

Criteria: $95.50 set aside to play, winnings for the month MUST exceed this amount (I have a tracking sheet in excel ready for this). Box hits are not being played so they don't count.

hits that make the test a success...

1 st. on pick3 or pick4

one hit on Cash5 for 4/5 MIGHT do it (hard to say with pari-mutuel prizes tho) or enough 3+0 hits (LoopRS picked two 3/5 hits in 2 weeks).

one 3+1 or 4+0 hit on PB definitely (because of the extra $9 figured in for power play), or some combination of 3+0/2+1/1+1/0+1 that exceeds $95.50

I will keep track of the wins on this particular thread as comments... hopefully I have something to post... either way, I never won the pick3 before so I guess 2-1-5 is my "lucky number" but I won'tbe playing that again unless LRS calls for it. IF the hit comes on P3/P4 I'll start posting those here (for entertainment purposes only) once the system is stable... I can generate the whole month of pick3 at once, but because the system is still being tweaked, they are subject to change frequently.

just for kicks, tonight's LRS numbers for PA eve...

Pick3#  0-6-3

pick4#  2-2-2-0

and for sunday PAeve

pick3#  8-7-3

pick4#  9-0-4-2

Given the fact that this is the first system I have worked on that uses the game's own randomness against itself, I am particularly excited about it... doesn't hurt that it won me $510.50 this week either:-)

Note the games that are NOT in the test

Pa pick3mid/pick4mid (don't want to reward state for computer drawings)

PaMatch6/Mix-n-Match (don't believe in $2 games unless I choose to "powerup" in PB)

Pa Treasure Hunt (no data/too "gimmicky")

IF the test is a success I will NOT have the time to do these workouts for other states but I could post the PA pick3/pick4 sheets to show how it was done. I WILL sometime this year work up sheets for South Carolina pick3/4/palmetto cash5 because win or lose we are planning to move there next summer...

Since this is my first multi-game live test and I like to name everything...

this is the "Synch-O de May-O" test :-) because I am using the SAME system to pick 4 different games. Live test not possible without the kindness of Lady Luck and the number 2-1-5, so I'm excited, even more excited that the whole thing is being funded by a win rather than my own money.

Entry #135

so much for self-imposed deadlines...

for the heck of it, I played a LoopRS Cash5 pick yesterday and it matched 3/5 for a pari-mutuel payout of $10.50

I decided to just grab the complete set of LoopRS/LRS pix for tonight and play them all (on PA's nickels)...

Cash5 1/5 (no joy$1 bet/$1 Loss)

Pick4eve , 2 numbers but only one in position (50 cent bet/50 cent loss)

pick3eve , 3 numbers IN POSITION!!! ($1 straight bet/$500 WIN)


profit for this week is $510.50 loss is so far $1.50 cost to play winners $2

net gain of $507 on a one-shot straight system, the first time I played it!

Looks like I won't be "retiring" from the spreadsheets after all!!!

BTW the LRS pick3eve for tomorrow calls for 0-8-8

and I'm still only playing ONE powerball ticket tomorrow...

Entry #134

LoopRS Update

Getting at once closer yet more frustrating with each PB draw...

analysis of the last draw...

PB LoopRS pick 07-35-36-44-47 + 32

Drawn Numbers 22-26-28-33-45 + 17

not so hot... PB number proving to be the most elusive so far.

from "paper play"... last night's PA cash5

LoopRS pick 03-07-23-28-36

Drawn line  04-08-23-24-34

close but no cigar

pick4 test

LRS 7-4-7-5

Draw 6-5-4-1

pick3 test

LRS 8-1-5

draw 1-0-4

overall not too hot, Cash5 showing the most promise so far.

the pick3 should be performing better, but I have thousands of steps to go through to find the right setting for that one, same with pick4 and even cash 5

I am well near done the red balls and 1/3 done the white balls in PB. I hold the highest hopes based on backtests for the Cash5. I might even go live playing the C5 in a few months (maybe ready by mid summer).

the pick3 however has the highest incident counts, where the numbers generated match the picked numbers 10% to 11% of the time, they just don't line up together very well yet. (by contrast, the red ball in PB only matches 5%, and that's been my BEST system result to date...).

my goals are to get these systems thoroughly tested and running by september and maybe I'll go all out and even play the pick3 or pick4 until december (because on december 31, if I don't have at least 1 win from any system, I'm "retiring" the spreadsheets for good and accepting my lowly lot in life as that of a 1QP powerball player for the rest of my days)

I want 1 hit for pick3 (straight shooting for p3/p4 no boxes and no mid-day)

I want 1 4/5 from C5

and I want 1 4+0 or 3+1 fromPB

any one of those happen and I'll feel like my work was worth something...

Entry #133

anticipating LRS backtest on pa pick3/4 eve soon

because I hold each position in a pick 3 or 4 game as a separate entity,the OOP in LoopRS does not apply, hence the abbreviated LRS designation.

Since I must do each position separately, I am probably going to go back 10 draws at a time (side by side) to speed things up a bit. Just have to modify the formulas a bit so I can have everything on one sheet for each game.

LRS3 and LRS4 will be one ticket straightshooter systems, not backtesting box hits this time. no run-downs or workouts... I get what I get.

The LRS system will be backtested then put to "paperplay" on the LP predictions page for awhile. My biggest time killer is having to reconstruct the pick3 sheet from scratch. I have from 1977 to 2005 so far.

Based on the performance of the Cash5 backtest, I kind of have higher hopes for this pick3/4 system than normal. Heck I might even put this into actual play if it tests well...

BTW my LoopRS sheet is calling for #30 to fall as the red ball tonight in PB, let's see how that goes.

Also, sometimes in an OOP system,you get duplicate numbers in a pick... I resolve this by filling inthe bet slip with the unique numbers I have and also checking the QP box,it fills in the rest... 

Entry #132

Why try to beat randomness? USE it!

My LoopRS excel project gets it's numbers from previous draws. I chose this method because it incorporates the same randomness as the game itself... you're just using the most frequent positions.

Ever notice how great deals of data for a single game kind of show trends year to year? regardless of the machine changes or ballset changes? I believe it has to do with that particular game... Each game has it's own "random identity". For example,the #'s 20, 31 and 35 in PB... in 10 years they remain the hottest... and it is spread out over the 10 years, even though they change machines and ballsets every draw!

I have traditionally dismissed coincidence and looked upon randomness as a problem to be solved... this time I am embracing randomness AND coincidence. Instead of trying to beat the game with some formula or equation, I'm simply letting the past draw history pick my next draw. It is a VERY tedious process to keep going back draw after draw for each position, but I don't want to automate it, because I feel the need to SEE the system unfold one step at a time (like stepping thru a debugger).

Seeing this unfold for some reason makes me think that it really doesn't matter what machine the balls are drawn from, somehow each game has it's own identity and keeps it consistent... like how 2 states can have such widely varied pick3 draw histories.

I have tried for years to BEAT randomness, now I'm gonna relax and JOIN it for awhile ;-)

Entry #131