time*treat's Blog

CPS is after your kids

The more kids they steal, and families they break up, the more money they get.


They fought back ...


If you'd like to know what they do with some of the kids they steal, do a search for:
Dyncorp child protection services (no quotes)
or read about what they did in Bosnia.


And you shall not let any of your children pass through the fire to Molech... (Lev 18:21)

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Entry #743

Energy Secretary Chu on gas prices


"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe" -- Steven Chu

In France, Drivers Face Gas Prices Of $8 A Gallon


Dept of Energy is another agency that should be dissolved. Smash

Of course Libs/RINOs are quick to defend the system.

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Entry #741

HMRC creates 30 taskforces to tackle "tax evasion"

While much of the recent focus has been on clamping down on tax avoidance among the super-rich, the taxman has also been looking into the affairs of a range of less affluent professionals, from plumbers, doctors and dentists to music and language teachers, horse riding instructors and fitness coaches.


For all the cries of "soak the rich", what do you expect to happen once the beast runs out of "rich" to soak?

Appeasement is like feeding a crocodile hoping he will eat you last. -- Attributed to Winston Churchill

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Entry #740

Enough regulations for ya?

Anyone who seriously suggests shrinking gov't is deemed an "extremist", so it would seem the majority (of both parties) are on board with it.


These rules will have the force of law without being explicitly passed into law by the Congress.

Note the "90 day" numbers.

The system needs a few small repairs. Red Devil

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Entry #738

Foreign Affairs Hearing: Quite an intro

The main clip is Congressman Ron Paul questioning Sec. State Clinton, but what I want to know is what did you people do to the woman who introduces him, in the first 15 seconds? LOL  What'd y'all do to her?

Entry #737

Ethicists: Killing Newborn Babies Should Be Allowed

'Couldn't get all wound up about that case in Florida because the case wasn't really about the nature of the act, just the timing -- the end result is the same.

If a kid is inconvenient to the mother, or the (purported) father is deemed to not be a worthy wallet-target, the matter is a woman's body & choice. Worthy wallet-targets are hit with the "takes two to tango" line (even though , on average, nearly 30% are not even at the tango).

Now, on to the latest outrage-in-the-works against men (don't think you'll have any say against it).

Published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

Full article:

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Entry #735

Muslims Allowed to Attack People for Insulting Mohammad


The Atheists of Central Pennsylvania decided to walk in the Mechanicsburg Halloween parade. There was a zombie Pope and a zombie Muhammed. On YouTube, you can catch a scary moment. It's dark and distorted, but a Muslim man comes off the curb extremely offended at Muhammed being depicted in this way.

"He grabbed me, choked me from the back, and spun me around to try to get my sign off that was wrapped around my neck," said Ernie Perce, who donned the costume. The Muslim man and Perce both called police to report a crime. Both kept walking, and a few blocks down found Sgt.
Brian Curtis. He talked to both and came to this conclusion.

"Mr. Perce has the right to do what he did that evening, and the defendant in this case was wrong in confronting him," he said.

Talaag Elbayomy was charged with harassment, but District Judge Mark Martin threw it out after criticizing Perce, the victim, and even calling him a "doofus." The audio is also on YouTube.
Martin, who has done several tours of duty in the Middle East, said Perce would be put to death in those societies for his crime, but Perce wonders why that's relevant in this country.


I've had almost all of the "toleration" I can tolerate.  P***ed

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Entry #734

City of Stockton will suspend bond payments

STOCKTON, California -- Hoping to stave off the ignominy of becoming America's largest city to declare bankruptcy, Stockton officials are planning on suspending $2 million in bond payments and are seeking mediation with the city's creditors.



If given a choice between bonds and 2-ply toilet paper, take the toilet paper.
Their value and usefulness will eventually converge, and the 2-ply is much more comfortable.

Entry #733

Interview with Dr. Lee Warren

He's old school & pretty sharp, IMO; I've posted some of his vids before. Yes Nod

Today, your (pre-1965) silver coins will buy even more gas than they did in 1964. Why won't your paper dollars do the same? Wink

http://www.gaspricewatch.com/  http://www.coinflation.com/


Part Two: Resource wars, derivatives, liquidity, & what some of your options may be, even if you're on an EBT card or other very limited funds.

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Entry #730