Stack47's Blog

Honest explanation?

Watched a Youtube video from someone saying they're a Republican giving their opinion on why Trump lost the election. He didn't go into the "whys" in key states, but his comments were about Trump's Covid-19 responses. According to them, it was because of when Trump told Bob Woodward how contagious and dangerous the virus was, but the next day down played it to the point it was no big deal.

Their opinion was the interview had more effect on independent and undecided voters and some of the 2016 Trump voters stayed home. Said the campaign people knew that was a huge problem so the big lie was created. Probably lots of honest opinions out there based on facts. And lots of opinions based on conspiracy theories too.

Entry #237

Russia Is Using Tucker Carlson as a Propaganda Pawn

"Russian state TV, struggling to convince citizens to support the invasion of Ukraine, continues to air clips of Fox News' Tucker Carlson, portraying the television host as having the authority to wield a major influence on America's opinion of the war."

It's one thing when Russia lies about the atrocities and genocide they are committing in Ukraine, but saying Carlson has any credibility is crossing the line! Every intelligent American knows Fox News is just a form of entertainment and mostly comic relief.

Entry #236

Truckers protesting Covid mandates encircle Washington, D.C.

"Their demands have been undercut by the reality that many U.S. states have already started rolling back restrictions"

Don't recall any corona virus mandates imposed on states by the Federal Government and the Federal mandates don't apply to most Americans. But I'm sure the People’s Convoy know which mandates they are protesting.

"organizers said they did not intend to drive into the capital on Sunday out of fears that “bad actors” may turn it into a chaotic event reminiscent of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. They also wanted to avoid confrontation with police."

Wow, even the mandate protesting truckers know the people at the January 6 insurrection were "bad actors".

"Ron Dimaline, 67, a pastor and retired coal industry worker from Pike County, Ky., started riding in his dump truck with the convoy two days ago. On Sunday morning, he said he had grown frustrated with the rising cost of gas and feared that the United States was drifting toward communism."

Most people know "supply and demand" the rise and fall of prices is a capitalist thing, but have fun anyways by wasting gas driving around protesting gas prices.

Entry #233

Is it Free Speech or aiding and abetting the enemy?

And I'm talking about the negative stuff being said about the current Commander-in-Chief.

IMO, It should be obvious Free Speech, but so is taking a knee at sporting events. As childish as it is, "let's go Brandon" is, it's still Free Speech, To be consistent, will the Colin Kaepernick haters say "let's go Brandon" or any of the other childish insults potentially aiding and abetting the enemy during the current invasion of Ukraine?

Entry #227

"Things would be different if I was in charge"

And then Trump immediately botches what’s really happening in Ukraine. In an interview with Laura Ingraham and after she mentioned unconfirmed reports of a "potential amphibious landing", our former glorious leader got it all wrong. 

“But you know what is also very dangerous is, you told me about the amphibious attack by Americans, because you and everyone else shouldn’t know about it. They should do that secretly, not being doing that through the great Laura Ingraham. They should be doing that secretly. Nobody should know that, Laura.”

Not really surprised with Trump confusing "potential amphibious landing" speculation with an actual "amphibious attack by Americans", but hey, he just got finished cheating on his golf score.

Entry #226

Is History repeating?

The current "Make Russia Great Again" movement is reminding lots of Historians of when the National Socialist German Worker’s Party started the "Make Germany Great Again" movement 100 years ago. The number of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points that were ignored and the terms in the Treaty of Versailles are debatable, but in 1935, two years after Adolph Hitler was named Chancellor, Germany began rebuilding its military. 

Was annexing Crimea similar retaking the Rhineland? Is deploying Russian troops in the Ukrainian breakaway republics similar to the Nazi division of Czechoslovakia in 1939? Will the ghost of Neville Chamberlain be photographed holding the "Peace for our Time" Munich Pact? Will the entire World be at war by next year?

Won't speak for everyone, but I'm too old to practice "duck and cover" again.

Entry #225