Stack47's Blog

Still has no class.

The former president must be bored and found a new target to attack. Donald Trump has launched an astonishing barrage of criticism at Meghan Markle. With hundreds of politicians to go after, he decides to go after woman that back another woman in the 2016 election.

And people actually voted for this whack job twice.

Entry #179

Thread star ratings and post ratings.

Read today where someone is really upset when LP members use their prerogative to give a thread one star. I guess they forgot that others use that option without checking with them first. I have emails where people asked me to give someone's thread a "1 star" rating probably just for spite.

Sounds like what the puppy dog calls a "whining leftist". LOL

Entry #178

Governor wants to exempt Oklahoma Guardsmen from getting vaccinated.

Army recruits get up to seven vaccines during basic training and at least four more when assigned overseas. The list includes flu and booster shots and the last time I looked it's not an option or debatable and neither getting a coronavirus vaccination. 

That's from the bone spur effect and now Republican Governors believe they can dictate Army regulations. Gov. Kevin Stitt is one of 42 Governors with no military service.

Can't imagine telling General Patton during WWII "can't fight today, I have flu like systems". 

Entry #176

Let's debate, the ratings will be great!

Yep, Trump challenged media and Democrats to debate his elections fraud lie. To state the obvious, if he has the proof, why hasn't he shown it?

I'll watch just to see how weird Trump will act and if he's wearing Depends. Maybe Lindell will be one of the sponsors.

Entry #175

Will Florida have the next self-defense test?

Pregnant Florida woman killed after hitting motorcyclist with her car.

She was shot and killed by the motorcyclist she hit with her car, drove off and he followed her to her home. She came out and pointed a gun at the guy apparently not knowing he had a gun too. When the smoke cleared, she was dead.

The country is starting to remind me of back in the day when the announcer said "return with us to the thrilling days of yesteryear. From out of the past come the thundering hoofs of the great horse Silver! The Lone Ranger rides again!”

Entry #174

Trump nominated "a democratic pansy" to the district court!

That's according to apparently one of the hard-core Kool-Aid drinking tin foil MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters that spoke before reviewing the facts. U.S. District Court Judge Mary S. McElroy, a Trump nominee, sentenced lottery scammers to federal prison. 

I suppose it could be blamed on poor reading comprehension. Wink, wink

Entry #173

Speaking of paying restitution.

Two lawyers that screamed "election fraud/the big steal" were ordered to pay $187,000 to defray the legal fees of groups they sued. Setting a bad precedent for Rudy*, Sid, and Lin's pitifully stupid law suits against Dominion. 

*"Not My Job": Rudy Giuliani Admits He Didn’t Bother to Vet Ludicrous Election Fraud Claims". Wonder what the MAGA people that are in jail for storming the Capital Building think about Rudy "not doing his job"?

Entry #172

And then there is Michael Flynn!

Regardless what the First Amendment says, former national security adviser Michael Flynn decided “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion” and sparked outrage from several Jewish groups. 

Do these people ever think before speaking?

Entry #168

Bannon's lawyer is claiming "executive privilege"

Of course he is. And let's hope he doesn't believe Bannon got a blanket pardon because it only applies to the Federal charges. Joe Arpaio learned the hard way he was admitting wrongdoing by accepting a pardon.

Entry #166