Stack47's Blog

Eight months later does?

This useless information really change anything?

Does not directly ordering the National Guard to tear gas the people in Lafayette Park change fact people were tear gassed and Trump had his photo op?

Does saying the former president might have been right about the origin of the coronavirus change the fact there are now over 600,000 Covid-19 related deaths?

Does Trump saying he "didn’t discuss the alleged intelligence because there was little evidence to support the claims" about bounties on the heads of American soldiers make his political adversary's statements saying "Trump did nothing about the allegations" less true?

Does saying Trump never told the Georgia election officials to "find the fraud" change the fact Trump told Brad Raffensperger "I just want you to find 11,780 votes"?

Does saying there were "fine people" on both sides at the deadly Charlottesville rally change the fact some of those "fine people" were in fact white supremacists?

Did the majority of American voters vote against Trump because reporters said "Trump referred to illegal immigrants as animals", "Trump flat-out lied when he said his campaign was wiretapped", or because someone said "Trump removed MLK Jr. bust"?

Entry #104

We hold these truths to be self-evident

........... that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The preamble, but there are many more truths in the 27 grievances in the Declaration of Independence. 

"He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands."

"He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries."

"For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:"

and finally,

"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us"

If I didn't know better, it looks like Thomas Jefferson was talking about the 45th President and not King George III. 

Entry #103

Does America got talent?

Don't know if we don't or it's because there are four non-American judges and most of the acts are not from here.

Entry #100

Getting their five minutes of fame.

Mentioned the "my pillow" guy trying to get his five minutes of fame on another Blog entry. His thing is not about his "investigation", but selling pillows to the people that agree with him. And it's not just him because the news is full of people trying to get theirs.

Been watching many of the U.S. Olympic trial events, but never saw any where the three team qualifiers were put on a podium, given metals, and the National Anthem was played. But the news is full of people appalled by the actions during the playing of the National Anthem by a woman that placed third in the hammer throw. It was news the first time someone took a knee during the playing, but entire teams have done it several times. Now the only reason to comment is to get "five minutes of fame" regardless of which side of the controversy they're on.

Another avenue for making remarks to get "five minutes of fame" is commenting on defunding police. It's usually heard on Fox News blaming the Democrats, but not one Republican in the House or Senate voted for the Covid-19 relief package that included extra police funding. But it's business as usual for the ignorant, gullible, and hypocritical MAGA people that believe everything they hear on Fox and everything they read on conspiracy web sites.

Entry #99

Even the QAnon Supporters are Expressing Boredom!

Just like washed-up rock stars, Trump believe he can make a comeback saying the same old stuff, but even some of his rock-solid supporters are turning.

"In one of the only original passages in Trump's Ohio speech" one supporter said was him saying "woke generals and claimed that our military will be incapable of fighting and incapable of taking orders. America's 'military brass have become weak and ineffective leaders." It looks like many of his supporters wanted Trump to say something about the jailed supporters from the Jan 6 insurrection or anything new in his first "revenge tour" speech.

Entry #98

Trump is still saying he won Georgia!

But this time Trump said it after hearing 101,789 people that didn't vote in recent elections names were purged from the Georgia rolls. Trump implied that removing voters before the election would have changed the results. Have no idea why he implied removing the names of people that didn't vote would add to his vote count, but we're talking about Trump.

Entry #97

With over 600,000 recorded Covid-19 related deaths ...

......... are the people that are still on the "should I or should I not get vaccinated" fence talking to their doctors or taking advice from conspiracy websites?

Many states are offering incentives to get vaccinated, but that doesn't answer questions about the vaccines. With three types of vaccines, which one is better is up to the individual. Two of the vaccines require a second booster shot and the one shot brand only guarantees if you catch the virus, the effects will be much milder. 

The only advice I'll give is talk to your doctor, research reputable medical websites, and decide what is best for you.

Entry #95

Should getting vaccinated be a condition of employment?

Apparently it is at Houston's Methodist Hospital. "The lawsuit was filed by 117 workers led by Jennifer Bridges, a nurse at Houston Methodist's Baytown hospital who declined the vaccine because she considers it experimental and dangerous. The judge disagreed, writing: "This claim is false, and it is also irrelevant."

According to the judge the nurse's opinion about the vaccine is irrelevant and without any proof, her claim is false. IMO, people should not be forced to get vaccinated, but when it becomes a condition of employment, they should not only get the best medical advice, but also legal advice.

Entry #93