Stack47's Blog

Suspending the Constitution!

Another idea that just doesn't fit reality.

"The Suspension Clause protects liberty by protecting the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. It provides that the federal government may not suspend this privilege except in extraordinary circumstances: when a rebellion or invasion occurs and the public safety requires it."

With no real proof of election fraud, extraordinary circumstances must be defined and proved. And I doubt "I can't believe I lost the election" will sway the Supreme Court especially when Justice Amy Barrett wrote the common interpretation. 

The idea of declaring martial law and the military holding another election might be not only be the dumbest idea of the year, but might make the top five all time dumb ideas.

All Trump had to do was tell the truth about covid-19, listen to the doctors, and give solid advice to the American people. But he decided to lie about the virus, not listen to doctors and scientists and made many confusing statements like using disinfectants to treat covid-19 to the American people.

And people really wonder why he lost?

Entry #29

"Should declare martial law!"

Yep, Amanda Chase (Virginia Republican Gubernatorial contender) actually said Trump should declare martial law, temporarily suspend the Constitution, and remain on as the president. And with zero proof of any voting fraud, Chase said, troops would “go and seize these [voting] machines and voting equipment to find the voter fraud. There needs to be a national audit.”

I didn't vote using a machine, but did place my ballot into a vote tabulation machine. Have no idea how anyone could find fraud in that process, but it's used because the punch card method used in 2000 proved to be a disaster with the opportunity of fraud waiting to happen. I won't even pretend to have any knowledge of how any President could legally declare martial law just because they lost re-election and really doubt she does either.

Some of the Trump supporters are getting into some pretty weird stuff and some with petitions demanding "an overthrow of the U.S. Government". Lincoln didn't declare marital law when 11 states seceded from the union 1861 and neither did FDR when Pearl Harbor was hit. Isn't about time to stop drinking the Kool-Aid?

Entry #28

When asked for proof of election fraud...

........... “I don’t have proof that men landed on the moon in 1969, because I wasn’t there,” Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) 

And he "wasn't there" watching vote counting in all 50 states either. There is no proof, just an assumption there had to fraud because Trump lost. He should be asked if there was widespread fraud in his state California; enough fraud to overturn over 4 million more votes for Biden.

Just when lots of people believed Trump's defeat would stop the division in OUR country, have over 100 Republican House Reps from other states telling voters "their vote doesn't count" based on mythical fraud proves the division is alive and well. 

Entry #27

A Quick Question.

Noticed that many of the non-lottery Blogs use links and some with comments. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong by just posting my opinion on stuff with a few links sprinkled in. Maybe it's because when someone gives their opinion, I'd like to at least have the chance to question them. And I'm pretty sure Rush, Alex, Tucker, Shawn, Rudy, and Sidney ain't LP members.

Entry #26

Hey MAGA people:

Is this making America great again?

But those people don't care, they are too busy trying overturn an election they lost by more than 7 million votes.

Entry #25

Wait until it gets to the Supreme Court!

The wait is over and hopefully so are all the baseless lawsuits. Can sort of understand people getting passionately involved in something. but this "something" is based on lies and relying on the ignorance. Found a timeline with a list of lies lots of MAGA people believed including some of the over 280.000 on the death list.

Entry #24

If elections can be rigged...

........... to the degree Trump and his supporters are saying, why even bother campaigning and holding rallies for the Georgia run-off election? 

If it's possible to rig elections in six states, it should be simple to rig the Georgia election and any or all future elections. But since we're talking about the same people that said Obama's parents and grandparents knew someday he would run for President so they decided on the day he was born to make sure his birth place was in the U.S. If I recall correctly nobody could prove Obama's birth certificate was a fake.

FYI, Trump has always maintained Obama because his father was not born in the U.S. was ineligible to become President. It's sort of difficult following Trump's logic when twp of his wives were not born in the U.S. so four of his children are ineligible too. 

Anybody finally see any proof of Trump's "large scale voter fraud"?

Entry #23

They cheated me out of the MM jackpot last night!

And MUSL will probably cheat me out of the PB jackpot tonight! Heard from my neighbor that his brother-in-law over heard a co-worker saying they "knew for a fact" several numbered balls were removed from the MM drawing container. Those number had to be the numbers I played because none my five numbers matched. I'm going to hire Sidney Powell to handle my case and with Melissa Carone as my key witness. 

I know what I heard and I signed something saying that if I’m wrong, I can go to prison. Besides everybody knows all lotteries cheat, right?


*edited to take tongue out of cheek

Entry #22

Faithless Electors

Interesting topic considering it now looks like that is Trump's only option. There are a couple of swing states no penalty for casting a deviate vote, but Pennsylvania and Georgia are not one them. I'm not going to say how the Supreme Court would rule if state legislators would change state election laws AFTER the election results were known, but it would certainly disenfranchise those voting in that state. 

Electors in most states are members of the candidate getting the most votes party. In Kentucky, all 8 electors are chosen by the Trump campaign and in California all 55 electors are chosen by the Biden campaign. And the electors in Arizona and Wisconsin are chosen by Biden's people. Both states have Republican controlled house and senates and if the Supreme Court rule to disenfranchise their voters, the 21 more electoral votes would not get Trump to 270.

FYI each states legislates how their state chooses electors. The Constitution defines what the electors and Congress do to decide the President and Vice President.

Entry #21

$170 million reasons.

And still counting! That's how much Trump got from his naive followers by simply making a bald faced lie about the election results. I know the Kool-Aid he gave you is strong, but not one member of his "legal team" has produced anything that remotely resembles "wide spread voter fraud". But hey, after millions believed the 20,000 other lies, one more lie won't matter. And it's none of my business how other people waste their money.

Read where Trump paid $3 million for a Wisconsin recount in two counties and the results showed Biden expanding his margin by 74 votes. But what else could be expected from someone that bankrupted six New Jersey business? 

Still waiting for any proof of voter fraud.

Entry #20

I had to fire General Flynn...

.......... because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies" 

From a December 2, 2017 Trump tweet.

But three years later Trump tweeted:

"It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to [Flynn] and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!"

LMAO @ a "Great Honor" yet some of the Kool-Aid drinkers really believe it is and still can't understand why 80 million Americans voted to fire Trump. And will believe and repeat every lie they read from Trump.

Entry #18

What did they put into Trump's Kool-Aid?

On election night it was explained by many state election officials that it might take days before the results in their state was known. And it should be obvious to anyone the pandemic changed how we vote. Just look at the long lines in many states during the primary elections if you need evidence of how difficult it would be in November. The early and mail in ballots could not be counted until election day in some states and it was known before polls closed in which precincts the early balloting came from. It's really simple, the vote counting in areas with very large populations will take much longer than in places with tiny populations. The political make-up of the voters in those area was know before those votes were counted.

Before the election instead of instructing his party to monitor mail in ballots, early voting, and telling people to illegally watch others vote, Trump went on rants against the USPS. And even went so far as to tell his supporters not to vote early.

I live a tiny predominate Republican county with less than 9000 voters with more early votes than on election day. Should I claim fraud and my county election was stolen because over 80% of the vote went to Trump or should I simply acknowledge the results reflect the ideology of the people in my county?

Trump's lawyers are claiming in courts without proof "illegal" votes are being counted and asking the courts to throw out the entire results. My question is "what is an illegal vote and how is it even possible?". I voted at my county court house, showed my drivers license, signed my name, my signature matched the signature on file, and was handed a paper ballot. Had something been wrong I would be given a provisional ballot and my vote would not be counted until the election broard decided it was legal. I guess Trump is claiming even the Republican run state and local election boards are cheating by simply following their state election laws.

Will someone, anyone tell Trump he lost the election so he can tell his supporters.

Entry #17

Rudy admitted that he was unfamiliar with the legal term strict scruntiny

As if after his running hair dye problem Rudy had any credibility left. Add Judge Matthew Brann to the long list of judges very critical of Trump's legal team. Brann's written opinion mention "inability to present a coherent argument — or to provide any legal support whatsoever for crucial elements on their claims".

But when the President decided to play some golf, skipping a special side conference that was focused on the corona virus crisis, you can't expect his legal team be top notch. But hey, his Kool-Aide drinkers are in for the long run regardless how many times they must be told they're following a snake oil saleman.

Entry #16

Trouble in Rudy's paridise?

Or is this just another one of the Trump team's very strange tactics?

"We will not be intimidated...We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom."—Sidney Powell

Her axing may have come from confusing which party the Venezuelan communists helped by interference. Been almost 3 weeks now; how long will to produce proof of the campaign fraud Trump's team keep saying they have?

And oddly enough Federal Judges are asking for the same questions.

Edited to add:

A Wisconsin attorney is seeking to throw out his own vote. But these legal professionals should have no problems convincing Federal Judges to overturn election results especially when one candidate "only won" by 6 million votes*. 

*tongue firmly planted in my cheek.

Entry #15