Stack47's Blog

Here's a novel idea.

Sort of, but probably not because I doubt very many gun dealers are physiologists. 

Can hear it now, "before I sell you this gun, any thoughts of doing a mass shooting?" customer: "nope", dealer: "OK here's your gun".

Entry #74

The devil made her do it!

Or "reasonable people wouldn't have believed as fact her assertions of fraud after the 2020 presidential election." Powell is right about one thing, I never believed her assertions of fraud either. But her problem is that defense could give her lots of other legal problems. Wonder if Sidney will hire Rudy to defend her?

I won't make any predictions on the outcome of the $1.5 billion lawsuit or her being disbarred in several states; especially after creating some of the worst brackets in the history of brackets.

Entry #73

The shooter bought an assault style rifle six days ago?

Not sure how they know it because the article says: "It was not immediately known where the gun was purchased.", but it said "Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa bought the weapon on March 16, just six days before the attack at a King Soopers store in Boulder, according to an arrest affidavit". Somebody probably knows exactly when and where it was bought, but don't know how buying it six days ago or six months ago had an effect on his actions.

One side will say we need gun control and the other will say "they" want to take our guns. A background check could prevent someone with a record of mental issues from legally buying an assault rifle from a dealer, but not all the shooters a record of mental issues and not all weapon are sold by legally registered dealer. As for taking our guns, don't know how that would be possible either and not without a drastic changed to the Second, Fourth and Fifth Amendments and maybe a couple more.

Probably is no satisfactory answer and politicians will continue saying "our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims".

Entry #72

It's that time of year again!

And while the NCAA Tourney is much better than last year's cancellation, it be at least another year until things finally get back to normal. What makes it worse for me is my team isn't in the dance this year. 

Good luck on your brackets!

Entry #71

Here we go again.

Just when I though it was safe to get back to Lottery related issues, I read "a lot of people accused President Trump of tampering in the Georgia Election" and unbelievably expect an apology. As usual it's "lots of people" or "they" did this or "they" did that with zero evidence of whom "they or lots of people are". 

Found the full transcript full.pdf ( of Trump's conversation with Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and the only evidence of tampering with the results I read was where Trump said "You know, I mean, I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes". And that's not including all of Trump's Georgia election claims he made with zero proof or evidence.

Your guess is as good as mine as to why anyone would accuse Trump of tampering in an election he lost, but we are talking about Dumb Donald and his Kool-Aid drinking supporters. Or believe a deranged and possibly a criminal ex-President deserves an apology especially when all the suggested tampering with the election results was done by him or on his behalf. And by "on Trump's behalf" I mean someone like the notorious Mr. Brainard".

Raffensperger: "I guess, there’s a person named Mr. Brainard that came to these meetings and presented data and he said that there was dead people, I believe it was upward of 5,000. The actual number were two. Two. Two people that were dead that voted. And
so, that’s wrong, that was two."

But as usual they got it all wrong and only because of their ignorance are demanding apologies. Sad!

Entry #70

What a difference a year makes.

On March 11, 2020, Trump addressed the nation, but apparently had no clue about what was really going on. For instance beginning at the 1:30 mark he began talking about restricting travel to the U.S., but by the 2:25 mark, it was all about giving exemptions including zero travel restrictions for the U.K. at the 4 minute mark. 

At the 4:30 mark Trump said to avoid crowded areas and made me wonder why he thought there are crowd gatherings during the pandemic. But considering it was followed by Trump actually suggesting that people should cover their nose and month while sneezing or coughing at 5:20, his message made perfect sense to his Kool-Aid drinkers. Not sure what they thought about his "tax relief" proposal that was useless for people unemployed. Wonder It was obvious he had no clue of the possible impact of Covid-19 when he started bragging about the "historically low unemployment rate" at the 6:16 mark.

On that day, there were slightly more than 1000 cases with 38 deaths and probably why Trump said under his watch "the virus won't have a chance". And with numbers at almost 30 million cases, I won't be playing any of Donald's lottery predictions.

The good news is things are finally starting to look up especially now that 100 million Americans are vaccinated. Sure hope none of his supporters ingested disinfectants as a cure.

Entry #69

51.3% of the voters said he was not fit to lead, but...

........he and a few of his supporters are still saying with zero proof and after losing over 60 court cases, the "election was stolen from him". It's obvious that the fact Trump's approval rating never reached 50% is not just difficult for them to understand, but they actually expect intelligent Americans to believe whatever garbage they say. 

Could someone that passed third grade math please explain to the Kool-Aid drinkers why 51.3% of anything is more than 49% regardless what "they" believe.

Entry #68

Is lifting C-19 mandates "Neanderthal Thinking"?

I suppose that depends on who you ask because lots of ignorant people* can't distinguish between "thinking like one" and "are one". Heard an interview with someone in entertainment suggesting opening arenas 100% to "promote herd immunity". Didn't say if that person was from Texas or Mississippi.

The county south of where I live has the highest per capita number of C-19 deaths in Kentucky, but one would never guess that based on the number of people not wearing a mask in the grocery store. Social distancing isn't exactly a high priority either. No need to complain or even wonder why; just go somewhere else. Maybe their idea of "herd immunity" is simply thinning the herd. Let's hope nobody contacts the virus going to a funeral.

Why are Republicans placing such a high priority on Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head? Is it because they lost all sense of reality in last six months?

*people like those believing the Expos won the 1994 MLB World Series.

Entry #67

About getting the Covid-19 vaccination.

Getting the vaccine is a personal choice just like when Donald and Melania Trump chose to get the vaccine while he was still President. And that was after both of them contacted Covid-19. If I were going to give any advice it would be to speak with your personal doctor, read what the real experts say, and speak with your family members.

Other than mentioning it looked like something the QAnon believers would post, I decided not to post a response to any of the "don't take the vaccine" posts made on other blogs. Don't know for a fact someone might refuse the vaccination because they "read not to on Lottery Post", but why even take the chance? Can't imagine the look on a doctor's face if a patient refuses to get the shot because they read not to on a Lottery base website.

Saw where the Johnson and Johnson "Bourbon 1" plant in Shepherdsville, Kentucky rolled out their first shipment of their one dose vaccine today. Hopefully the end of the pandemic is in sight and anyone that wants the vaccine can get it.

Entry #66

Trump Orders Strikes on Syria Over Chemical Weapons

The April 2018 strike was executed under responsibility of U.S. President Donald Trump, as a direct response to the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack that occurred on 4 April. The strike was the first unilateral military action by the United States targeting Ba'athist Syrian government forces during the Syrian Civil War.

Wonder what our resident Kool-Aid drinkers said about this?

Entry #65

Twitter is banning tweeters again.

A real good friend of mine lost their posting privileges on Twitter today and they brought up the First Amendment again. I decided to use my "that's a shame" and "oh wow" looks, because I didn't want to explain exactly what the First Amendment says.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The last time I looked Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms including this one are not arms of the the U.S. Congress. And before joining almost every social media platform, we must agree to the site's terms and conditions. IMO it's really simple; if we want to post or tweet, we have to agree to their terms and conditions. 

I suppose there are a couple of "no holds barred" social media sites, but probably not very many.

Entry #64

Nelson County, KY GOP demands that Mitch resigns his Senate leadership position.

And it's not because of Mitch's trial vote but because of what he said later about Trump. Today, Nelson County, Kentucky GOP Chairman Don Thrasher not just demanded, but "formally demanded":

"Given that the county party that I represent supports President Trump overwhelmingly, and your complete and total disdain for the will of your constituents here in Nelson county I am formally demanding you immediately resign your leadership position within our party's caucus in the United States Senate,"

Other than preaching to the choir, can't see the significance considering Mitch won't be up for re-election until 2026. Don't see what he could say if Mitch asked "or what". Sort of looks like Thrasher waited until Trump responded before he issued his IMO meaningless statement. And probably to get his 2 minutes of fame trying to parrot the censuring of Senators a few state GOP parties did.

I'm not a fan of Mitch McConnell and never voted for him, but his Trump Tirade was logical and consistent considering his wife Elaine Chao, Trump's Transportation Secretary resigned on January 7, 2020 saying she was "deeply troubled by the entirely avoidable events at the Capital Building". Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resigned the same day and regardless of their statements, maybe both of them didn't want to deal with the 25th Amendment.

Staring too look like the GOP is acting sillier than usual or maybe falling apart.

Entry #63

Mitch voted to acquit and then...

........... went on a tirade and even suggested Trump should face criminal charges. From comments by state Republicans leaders, Mitch voted not guilty because he believed Trump is a former President and can't be tried in the Senate. It's an excuse for voting "not guilty", just not a very good one. 

Looks like Mitch gets it, but no point in me explaining to the Kool-Aid drinkers why an acquittal is not the same as exoneration. O.J. learned the difference the hard way.

Entry #62

"ordinary political rhetoric."

Could have been an interesting defense hadn't Trump made that phone call to Georgia.  "What I want to do is this. I just want you to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state."

Asking to find more votes after the election was certified three times IMO isn't my definition of "ordinary political rhetoric". Sort of changes the meaning of "we'll go there and fight" too. Didn't watch or listen to the defense arguments after David Schoen chose to attack the House Managers instead of defending his client. 

Have a prediction, a majority of the Senators will vote guilty, but the two thirds threshold won't be reached. 

Entry #60